Author Topic: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.  (Read 32072 times)

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Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« on: January 28, 2020, 04:24:04 PM »
While the idea of a gaming retrospective or group gaming discussion has its appeal, I find that the timing is not something that often works for me. Sometimes I might already be into a game or two and don't want to switch gears or I just don't think replaying something when I've still got so many untouched games to play is the right choice. Then there is also the time consideration as playing through a game can take a much longer time commitment than watching a movie or TV show even. As such, I find myself still trying to watch all manner of film and shows that interest me because it seems easier to get through those.

Yet, it would still be nice to talk more about these things. While we have the review threads for tv and movies to post our thoughts which can sometimes inspire others to post about it and create a bit of a discussion, there's a lot of times that not much is said after a person posts their review. Part of that is because it still takes some effort to post things on a forum but also the timing can be off. A person could watch a movie and six months later someone else watches that movie. By the time they post about it, it is too late to add to the first person's message which could be a bunch of posts back now. Or the first person may not remember as much from when they first watched it and forgotten some of the points they might have brought up had a discussion first occurred when they made their initial post. I do think it could be of benefit to pick a particular title and have a set time that many others would also watch it and then talk about it. The nice thing about a movie is that it can usually be watched in a night making the time commitment less and easier to work around.

Is this something other users would be interested in doing?
« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 06:27:04 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Anyone Interested in a Forum Movie Club/Retrospective?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2020, 04:36:59 PM »
Yes and here is why.  Not only for what you described but because it can be common for folks in society to just binge watch shows when they come out or to rewatch a show sometime down the line when one is able to and I have actually been doing that with one of my fave TV shows lately with Charmed(1998) since I have all the seasons on DVD.  In part because I like rewatching shows and as something to take my mind away from Kobe's death.

But yeah I am all for it!!
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Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
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Re: Anyone Interested in a Forum Movie Club/Retrospective?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2020, 04:45:12 PM »
The only other time I can think of something like this happening on the forum was with Black and Mild and his themed movie watch through which he has in his signature.
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Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Anyone Interested in a Forum Movie Club/Retrospective?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2020, 05:26:22 PM »
Even though I mention TV, I'm mostly thinking of limiting the club to movies because doing a TV club could be about the same as playing through a game or longer. That said, I'm not opposed to the idea of switching it up once in awhile for something like a mini-series / limited series that isn't too long like 8 - 12 episodes or something. Or a specific season of a show like Fargo Season 2 which is sort of self-contained with a bit of reference to what came before in Season 1. But I wouldn't suggest doing something like a Justified retrospective where everyone has to watch all episodes of its 6 season run. If you want to talk about a TV series as a whole then I suggest one create a thread for that show here to funnel all discussion into one place for whenever it might inspire someone to post in it.

I just know that for myself, I've been getting back into more movie watching (and a wide variety from silent 1920s to current Oscar hopefuls) and it would be nice to time when I watch some of these to get others input on it. When I create my yearly Oscar thread next week, I know I'll be looking for more discussion on Joker (because, spoiler, I just don't get Joker's viewpoint is supposed to be) but there are also plenty other movies I'd love to hear from others about. As well, watching a film again can cause a different impression.

Recently, I watched Sherlock Jr. again. It's a 1924 silent film about an hour long. I first saw it maybe 9 years ago and I really couldn't remember much about it aside from a famous stunt of a house wall falling and narrowly missing Buster Keaton. Of course, it is easy to remember that scene because it gets showed a lot when people talk about silent movies. I thought I'd just quickly skim through it and refresh myself on a bunch of the other scenes in it but I ended up just watching the whole thing again because I found it so much more entertaining then the first time I watched it. It left a much bigger impression and memory in my mind now than the first time and I wanted to talk about it with others at how impressive some of the stunts and effects/stagecraft was. And there have been others beyond that one I'd like to have that shared experience with but how often are you going to find people watching an older movie like that at just right the time without some kind of film club?
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Re: Anyone Interested in a Forum Movie Club/Retrospective?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2020, 06:12:58 PM »
The only other time I can think of something like this happening on the forum was with Black and Mild and his themed movie watch through which he has in his signature.

That was more of a 'mystery science theater 3000' style film mocking. It was fun while it lasted.
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Re: Anyone Interested in a Forum Movie Club/Retrospective?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2020, 09:17:24 AM »
I'm interested, but have limited access to content. (Canadian Netflix and D+, basically.)
My assumption is that participation will always be a bit spotty though, so don't let that hold you back.  Maybe make it a rolling thread and just change titles when a new show is on the agenda?
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Re: Anyone Interested in a Forum Movie Club/Retrospective?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2020, 11:33:43 AM »
I'm interesting, depending on the film selection/availability.  I do have Netlfix, D+, and whatever's on Hulu.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2020, 06:30:38 PM »
MASB had been bugging for me awhile about possibly doing some kind of forum chat about Connery movies. We had a discussion about them on Discord a few months back. With Connery's death, he's brought it up a couple times since. As it turns out, TCM is doing a bit of a tribute to Connery tonight and airing a few of his films. It got me thinking of this old thread. I'm going to see if I can make use of it and turn it into a discussion of Connery's stuff.

First, here's a bit of the conversation MASB and I had. I edited it a bit since it had begun on talking about Sydney Lumet films and turned into a Connery discussion.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2020, 06:33:04 PM »
MASB 07/16/2020

What did you think of The Anderson Tapes? I think Sean Connery did his best acting in the 4 or 5 movies he did with Lumet.

Khushrenada 07/16/2020

I'm mixed about it. I enjoy a heist film but The Anderson Tapes doesn't really satisfy that pleasure. It's more focused on making the point about the growth of surveillance and how a heist or crime like this almost can't be committed anymore because there's too many devices around to record what's going on in the world. So, watching the heist unfold sort of feels pointless. The first time through, you wonder if there is some twist coming that you aren't seeing but the twist comes more from the irony of what happens to all the evidence collected in regards to the crime.

And some of the technology used now looks so old-fashioned / obsolete. Yet, the point still stands. Nowadays, so many people have trained themselves to just click away at events and encounters with their phones in images and videos. The end result is that it has led to more people being arrested or charged because of this. I think back to the Vancouver Stanley Cup Riots. Police used camera footage from buildings and what was posted on social media to find some many of the people responsible for property damage and charge them. 10 years ago, it would have been way harder and way more people would have gotten away with what they did.


I liked Connery's interactions with the psychologist at the beginning of the film. Feels like something you'd go through in that situation.

I think Lumet was ahead of his time in many ways on some of his films. The Anderson Tapes, Network, Dog Day Afternoon...

I would recommend watching The Offence, a movie made by Lumet and Connery just after The Anderson Tapes. Very different movie. Kind of a downer, so don't watch when you want a happy movie.


My other knock on the film was that I saw it maybe 10 years ago and last year I saw it playing on TCM. I couldn't remember anything about it so I started watching it again. Watching it, I knew I'd seen it and refreshed my memory about it. But I can't recall the psychologist scene you mention since I came in late to the picture. To its credit, you get hooked into and it is compelling but I do think it is something one can easily forget about after. I don't think it has much staying power. Compared to something like Dog Day Afternoon for a failed heist, it just doesn't seem to have anything in the story or the direction to make it rise up into something special or impactful.

When looking up Lumet films, I found this article made in 2011 about his movies:

I've been going through it and now there a whole bunch of other movies I want to see.

On the subject of Connery and Lumet, The Hill is the movie that has got me most interested in checking out so far.

And Deathtrap with Christopher Reeve and Michael Caine. That seems like something I need to check out also.


The Hill may be Connery's best performance ever. Death Trap is a fun thriller of sorts.


You seem to be more up Lumet films than me. What all have you seen of his works. (Yeah, from the blurb about the film on that indiewire article, it seemed like it could be a great Connery role/performance which is why it rocketed to the top of other works I need to check out from Lumet.)


I've also seen Family Business, the last Connery-Lumet pairing. He plays Dustin Hoffman's ex-con father. It's basically a family drama with some fun bits, dealing with how much of the family history they should embrace and what they should do to be themselves as well. Not as good as the other Connery movies, but good.
Like I said, I've seen The Offence where Connery plays a cop that has been affected by all he has seen on the job and where he lets that lead him. And I've seen one of Lumet's last movies, Strip Search. The issues it deals with is very much of its time and yet always applicable.


Going through the films Connery has starred in, I'd say my favorite non-Bond role would be the one he has in The Man Who Would Be King.


That's a great one. Robin and Marian is another good movie. Plus there's Zardoz, the ultimate 70's Connery movie. :wink:

Robin and Marian also shows yet again, what a great actor Robert Shaw was. Even watching him shave is interesting. :p


I gotta see Zardoz at some point. I remember seeing clips of it around 2000/2001 and it just looked so ridiculous and bizarre but have yet to ever seriously think about doing so.


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Sorry but the James seal of approval doesn't carry much weight with me. Compared to his approval, the Official Nintendo Seal of Quality looks like the Michelin Star equivalent of gaming.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2020, 07:03:22 PM »
If you are in the US, TCM is playing the following Connery movies at 8:00 PM EST:

You Only Live Twice
The Hill
The Man Who Would Be King

If in Canada, the films shown will be:

A Fine Madness
The Wind and The Lion
The Hill
The Man Who Would Be King

I've got The Hill set to record as that is the film I most want to see as mentioned in that earlier Discord discussion. If you've never seen The Man Who Would Be King then maybe this is your chance to rectify that. Marnie is considered the last classic Hitchcock film in the style of his work from the 40s and 50s and it did leave a highly positive impression from the one time I saw it some years ago. Those are probably the best of the bunch listed here. Having not seen The Wind and The Lion or A Fine Madness, I cannot comment on whether they are worth seeing. As for the Bond films, You Only Live Twice is one of the worst Bond movies for many reasons I won't elaborate on now. However, it is still a Bond movie so some enjoyment can be had from it if you like the series. It's probably the movie that the Austin Powers series owes a large part of its inspiration and existance. Thunderball is closer to the great side of Bond films but falls a bit short. The producers were doing their best to outdo Goldfinger but the end result isn't quite there. The film is sort of loose and breezy like its Bahamas setting and that slower pace can leave viewers feeling it is a bit boring or overdone but I've never minded that.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2020, 07:42:31 PM »
I'll also mention that one doesn't even need to check out any of these films. If you just want to give your thoughts on any Connery film you've seen then jump on in and do so. Maybe you want to continue some of the discussion MASB and I started about The Anderson Tapes or maybe you want to give your thoughts on some of his later work in The Rock or Entrapment. The field is wide open but for the next month let's just make this the focal point for any Connery Film discussion and see how that goes.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2020, 07:13:58 PM »
I assume the filming of Thunderball is when Connery discovered his love of the Bahamas and decided to move there.

If A Fine Madness is the movie I'm thinking of, I've seen it once and it was amazing. Just a crazy film in good and bad ways. Not the best Connery performance by far, but interesting to see him in a comedy. I think Connery was more suited for dramas that could allow for funny moments rather than straight comedy. He was better in Wrong Is Right, a comedy where he plays an early 24 hours news network reporter, but that was more satire so was played a bit more seriously. He sort of played the serious guy with the world going crazy around him role.

I'm defintely going to use this topic as an excuse to watch some Connery movies I haven't before or those I haven't seen in a very long time.

If you're into sci-fi, an interesting movie to check out is 1981's Outland. Connery plays a space marshal whose job is to maintain law and order in a mining facility on Io, a moon of Jupiter. Not the most glamourous post. Normally not such a tough job, just handling a few fights among drunks. But recently, miners have been taking a drug that eventually makes them crazy and commit suicide. In his investigation, Connery finds out that the mining company that runs the mine is connected with the drug coming to Io and must fight the company and corrupt miners to stop the flow.  And when you're in an area where no one likes the law, that's a tall order.

It's a good movie, not great. A good concept, some good action, suspense, some interesting characters. While it's not remembered like Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, etc. it's definitely not B movie sci-fi.

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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2020, 05:13:06 PM »
For the Ian McShane/Deadwood fans out there, 1975's Ransom is a good choice. A plane is highjacked by an English terrorist group and lands in Sweden. Their goal is to hook up with compatriots who are holding the British ambassador to Sweden hostage. Sean Connery plays the Head of Security for Sweden and wants to do everything possible to get the criminals and save the hostages. Due to the British and Swedish governments wanting things done for their own secret reasons, he often doesn't know who to trust. Ian McShane plays the hijacking leader of the plane.

Made in a time where every left and right-wing lunatic highjacked planes, whether they needed to or not, it's interesting to see one way it could have played out at that time. Interesting script with some good performances by Connery, McShane and some others in the cast. Connery makes no attempt to do a Swedish accent, but that doesn't make him standout since only one person in the film who is meant to be Swedish actually does.

Ransom has some twists and turns and does some things in rather clever, suspenseful ways. It also gets into the psychology of the lawmen, hijackers and the people in the middle. If you're looking for a thriller/suspense movie, I'd recommend it. It's a cut above the usual in that genre.

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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2020, 10:50:58 PM »
Youtube has 21 James Bond films available for free including all of the Conorey ones, so lots more people will be able to participate.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2020, 03:46:02 PM »
The main filmography of Sean Connery seems to comprise this list:

1957   No Road Back
1957   Hell Drivers
1957   Time Lock
1957   Action of the Tiger
1958   Another Time, Another Place
1959   Darby O'Gill and the Little People
1959   Tarzan's Greatest Adventure
1961   The Frightened City
1961   On the Fiddle
1962   The Longest Day
1962   Dr. No
1963   From Russia with Love
1964   Woman of Straw
1964   Marnie
1964   Goldfinger
1965   The Hill
1965   Thunderball
1966   A Fine Madness
1967   You Only Live Twice
1968   Shalako
1969   Krasnaya palatka
1970   The Molly Maguires
1971   The Anderson Tapes
1971   Diamonds Are Forever
1972   The Offence
1974   Zardoz
1974   Murder on the Orient Express
1975   Ransom
1975   The Wind and the Lion
1975   The Man Who Would Be King
1976   Robin and Marian
1976   The Next Man
1977   A Bridge Too Far
1979   The First Great Train Robbery
1979   Meteor
1979   Cuba
1981   Outland
1981   Time Bandits
1982   Wrong is Right
1982   Five Days One Summer
1983   Never Say Never Again
1984   Sword of the Valiant
1986   Highlander
1986   Der Name der Rose
1987   The Untouchables
1988   The Presidio
1989   Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1989   Family Business
1990   The Hunt for Red October
1990   The Russia House
1991   Highlander II: The Quickening
1992   Medicine Man
1993   Rising Sun
1994   A Good Man in Africa
1995   Just Cause
1995   First Knight
1996   Dragonheart
1996   The Rock
1998   The Avengers
1998   Playing by Heart
1999   Entrapment
2000   Finding Forrester
2003   The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
2012   Sir Billi

Now some of those early films in the 50's aren't big parts but they get listed on his filmography. Mainly just there if you are film completionist and want to see every movie a person's been in.

For myself, I've seen the following films:

1962   The Longest Day
1962   Dr. No
1963   From Russia with Love
1964   Marnie
1964   Goldfinger
1965   The Hill
1965   Thunderball
1966   A Fine Madness
1967   You Only Live Twice
1971   The Anderson Tapes
1971   Diamonds Are Forever
1974   Murder on the Orient Express
1975   The Man Who Would Be King
1976   Robin and Marian
1981   Time Bandits
1983   Never Say Never Again
1987   The Untouchables
1989   Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
1990   The Hunt for Red October
1992   Medicine Man
1999   Entrapment

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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2020, 04:23:28 PM »
Now a couple caveats, Medicine Man is a movie I'm highly certain I saw in school. The plot is something that has stuck with me in my mind on the idea that the Amazon rainforest is being chopped down at a fast rate and with it all kinds of new and rare botanical species we don't know about yet that could be of benefit to us. In this case, a cure for cancer. However, I'm unable to remember any kind of scene or any specific imagery of the film. Moreover, the feeling I get when thinking of the movie is that I didn't think it was so hot. I don't know for sure if my young self was the best judge of dramas at the time but that memory emotion of disliking it makes it hard for me to ever want to go back and try it again. Even as a young child, the movie seemed a bit heavy-handed in its pro-environment agenda. :joy:

I saw The Murder On The Orient Express at some point around two decades ago. It is another movie that I can not really recall much of except a vague memory of the ending as Poirot reveals the answers to the mystery. All the suspects are sitting in one car as he walks among them and unfolds the case. I know Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar from the film and that's about it. Recently, there was another version of the movie done in 2017. That one was directed by Kenneth Branagh and he starred as Hercule Poirot. I've seen a few adaptations of various Agatha Christie works and I felt Branagh has done the best Poirot that I've seen yet. Poirot is an odd case. He features in a lot of Christie's novels and best works yet he's kind of bland. Compared to other famous detectives and private eyes, there's nothing about him that seems to garner attention or make you marvel about him. Even Christie herself later seem perplexed about why she created her most famous detective the way she did. To quote the always correct Wikipedia, "By 1930, Agatha Christie found Poirot "insufferable", and by 1960 she felt that he was a "detestable, bombastic, tiresome, ego-centric little creep"." Anyways, this is a long-winded way of saying that from Branagh's performance and direction, if you haven't seen a Murder on the Orient Express adaptation, I feel this latest one has a slight edge on what has come before. I'm actually kind of looking forward to seeing Branagh return to the role in the upcoming adaption of Murder on the Nile. When Murder on the Orient Express was over, I had thought to myself that it's too bad the film didn't seem to make much of a splash as I'd like to have seen Branagh adapt some other works and do the role a bit more. Looks like he's going for more after all. If you're unfamiliar with Branagh, he's probably the best Shakespearian actor of our time and has a wildly eclectic filmography as well with things like Wild Wild West, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, Dunkirk and Tenet in his non-Shakespearian repertiore. But we've come to talk Connery, not Branagh so I must move on.

On to the Hunt For Red October. I'm sure I've seen the whole film. I know at least I've tuned into it while it was playing on TV a couple times. It seems to be one of Connery's more famous roles and his scenes seem to stick out more in my mind but there is something about this film that is also instantly forgettable. So, again, like the other movies listed, I'm highly certain I've seen it but I'd have a hard time being able to give expert witness testimony about them in a court of law.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2020, 04:36:42 PM »
Moving on to what I saw in the past month which were: The Hill, A Fine Madness, Robin and Marion and Time Bandits.

Let's start with Time Bandits. This is a head-scratching movie. It seems to be a sort of children's film that's not for children. Is it supposed to be a comedic drama or a dramatic comedy or something else entirely? A fairy tale morality play without any real moral? Going in, I thought it was going to be a movie about possible cops and robbers chase through time (and while I guess that element is sort of there if you look at the film a certain way), I did not see it going in the direction of a confrontation with the Devil. Overall, Connery's role is rather minimal in the picture. You're happy enough to see him but the role does not give him much to do and his character of Agmemnon has no real arc or development. He just embraces the main character and offers him a home. There's hints of conflict and danger around him particularly from his wife but nothing comes of it in the film. The only truly standout performance that I enjoyed was by the man who got top billing, John Cleese. He has even less screen time that Connery basically consisting of one scene where he briefly meets the robbers but his Robin Hood is the funniest and best part of the movie and feels like it would be right at home in an episode of Monty Python. Pretty much the only redeeming part of the movie and worth checking out. Overall, I'd say this is a film one could skip watching.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2020, 08:57:08 PM »
When I was younger, my dad insisted I sit down and watch Time Bandits on VHS with him. As some sort of rite of passage. So I remember it fondly.

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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2020, 09:47:10 PM »
I hated Time Bandits as a kid. It was awful and made no sense, and the ending where the kids parents touch the evil and blow up leaving him alone with nothing to his name in the smoldering ruins of his house just made me depressed for weeks. Just an odd movie, but I'll give it a rewatch as an adult and see how different it is to me now.
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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2020, 12:29:46 AM »
I liked Medicine Man. Connery with long hair? Who could resist? Even if I hadn't seen it, I would never forget it existed due to seeing the ads on TBS so often. "I found the cure to the plague of the 20th century and now I've lost it!"

I saw The Molly Maguires from 1970. The movie is set in the 1870s in a Pennsylvania mining camp. Connery stars as the leader of The Molly Maguires, a terrorist organization which causes "accidents" and attacks the company police whenever they can. Richard Harris stars as an undercover detective whose job is to infiltrate the organization and get evidence to bring them to trial. The movie does a great job of showing the conditions of mining at that time. Hint: terrible. Harris's detective character becomes more and more sympathetic to the miners' condition. Connery does well as a character that wants to strike a blow for his people even though he knows he most likely will fail.

It's really a movie about how impossible it can be to influence the powers that be. Other characters that stand out are the daughter and father of the boarding house that the detective stays at and the wives of the Molly Maguires.

Pretty well-written and well-shot. There's no dialogue for the first 14 minutes of the movie. It's all showing what life at the camp is like. It was shot at a real, abandoned mining camp that was made a museum after the movie was made.

Definitely worth seeing, but a downer given the subject matter.

Offline MASB

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Re: Forum Movie Club / Retrospective? Connery. Sean Connery.
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2020, 12:45:08 AM »
About Connery's appearance in Tim Bandits: I think he was the perfect choice for the role. I can imagine him being what a kid at the time would want in a hero/father figure.

Saw Robin and Marian again. It's really a movie about trying to relive younger days when the best course would probably be the change up your life. It's about love, loyalty, pride, what's worth fighting for, what's worth dying for, etc. Maid Marian does something rather crazy at the end, but Robin seems to quickly accept it. :p Little John is probably the most tragic figure in the picture. And Robert Shaw, incredible actor that he is, really brings the Sheriff of Nottingham to life. You see what makes him the way he is.

Robin Hood to Little John upon being thrown in prison early in the film: "You reckon it's a good life to have reached forty. And we're both past it!"

Little John: "My poor old dad and all the dads before him lived in Barnesdale. All they ever knew was one small town. I've known a king, travelled half the world, seen Jerusalem. Oh, the sand was blowing and the walls were miles away, but I think I've had a good life."

A good action drama with some darkly funny parts.