Author Topic: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!  (Read 10210 times)

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Offline PIAC

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2003, 09:25:14 PM »

Originally posted by: PIAC

nemo your an idiot.

and your ignorance is showing.

Offline Darc Requiem

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2003, 10:06:01 PM »
Text <-------This article gives hard numbers on the increase in sales the GC has experienced. This move by Nintendo has been very timely. I seriously doubt Sony will match the GC price and MS has already said they won't. If MS is stupid enough not to come up with some sort of price cut the GC WILL take a huge chunk out of the X-box's US sales lead. At this point Sony is way too far ahead but MS can ill afford to let Nintendo catch them. This price cut really makes things interesting.

Darc Requiem  
"Fiery words fuel debate and debate yields understanding."

Offline Kaj'oin

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2003, 03:57:38 AM »
61,000 from 15,000 in a week not to bad .

Finally we hear good news but we just see the negatives
can't we just give nintendo are support.

Go, gO nintendo GO!!!

Offline Fish

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2003, 04:34:22 AM »
Hmmm... I smell a rotten fish.

IF GC sales indeed quadrupled from August and September weekly avarage of 15,000 to 61,000, then September sales has to have been record low.

GC sold 100,000 in August, which is about 25,000 a week. To make the August-September avarage quadruple, in September GC must have sold only 5,000 a week. Because there is 8 week in that time perioid(august-september), if it sold 25,000 in a week in first month(100,000 in month), in september it has to be 5,000 to get down to to 15,000 avarage(25,000+5,000=30,000/2=15,000)a week, so that is only 20,000 Cubes sold in September!

Other possibility is that they did not quadruple, or more of tripled from 25,000, and that "quadruple" is just a PR trick.

RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2003, 05:06:24 AM »

Originally posted by: Manny
dam, I never thought I'd see such words in a forum dedicated to nintendo.  Let me just throw in my 2 cents on a few topics.

These forums are to discuss what you think about nintendo and other gaming related topics, not to worship the ground nintendo walks on.   I don't think I'd be here if that was all you could do was talk nice about nintendo.  Although I'm a little bit of a fanboy in nintendo's favor,  I still have gripes about things they do.


Nintendo giving us what they think we want and not what we really want

I think I'll leave nintendo to run their business.  Regardless of sales, they are the most successful of the big 3.  They've been around the longest (in the video game business) so I think its a safe bet to say they know what they doing.  I for one have never had a prob with nintendo's decisions.  Their games have very rarely ever disapointed.  Nintendo keeps the industry interesting with their strange ways.  They are always trying to find that next big thing instead of the usual route taken by the competition.  Lan as apposed to online.  They both have their benefits but when it comes to pure gameplay, Lan provides a better experience.  Internet enables downloadable material and whatnot but IMO it doesnt compare to the speed of LAN and actually bein in the atmosphere of so many people competing.  Only way I can trully see LAN trully overtaking the internet fad is if nintendo makes their N5 portable like the gamecube and have it come with a flip top lcd screen on top.  This will ensure everyone has the portable screen and system in one and its just a matter of having everyone bring their n5s over.  That'll get rid of the hassle of havin to find so many tvs to put in one room, all the cable work required and extra things to purchase.  This is long enough though, sorry to the heads that are annoyed by its length, just skip it or skim through if you must.

I'll agree that nintendo is a very successful company, but ninty is definitely not the most succesful of the big 3.  Nintendo in the red is proof of that.  I don't think internet gaming is a fad. I think its here to stay.  You talk about all these things that nintendo would have to do to overtake internet gaming with lan, well, internet gaming is already here and its getting faster and better al the time and thats what the majority of people want. Yet nintendo still hasnt caught on (with the exception of PSO, of course) therefore, proving my OPINION that nintendo isn't worried about what people want, they're worried about giving people what they think they should have. If the mass market wanted LAN than that would be the "fad" today.

it was time for a change.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2003, 05:38:04 AM »
Online might be here to stay, but it's still very small. No doubt N will adopt it when it starts to grow.

The loss was caused due to exchange rate changes. Their money is suddently worth about USD380M less (in Yen) without them spending anything. Guess they should have invested into the Euro!

Offline nemo_83

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2003, 01:36:38 PM »
at least Marcus is a bit unbiased and willing to look at the situation outside of Nintendo ville.  If noone criticizes then we end up with the same thing over and over.  I'm not a fanboy of any console.  I criticize each company on different sites in hopes that someone out there will see those mistakes.  If I say MS's controller is a rip off of DreamCast's then I get labled a fanboy somewhere else.  If I say Nintendo's controller is out of touch here then I get labled another kind of fanboy.  If I say Sony's controller is a SNES rip off then I'm a Nintendo fanboy.  The fanboys are the ones pointing fingers all of the time.  If I wasn't a fan though of MS, Nintendo, and Sony's PRODUCTS (not the companies) then I wouldn't take the time to express my opinion on what can be done to better them.
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Offline nolimit19

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2003, 02:08:49 PM »
although nintendo needs to step it up big time to be the industry leader again. too simply remain competitive, it doesnt need to do that much more then what its already doing. just launch the next console a little more intellgently and get a better diversity of games(some more 3rd party games would be a big benifit). i dont think you can point to nintendo as being any worse off the m$ right now. they are certainly both not in hte best of situations. however if i had to guess which one would be out of the console business first, i would guess m$. nintendo is doing alright, and hopfully it addresses a few issues that hte cube had with their next console. if they just do that, the next nintendo console will do fine and nintendo will survive.
A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2003, 07:17:30 PM »

Originally posted by: nolimit19
although nintendo needs to step it up big time to be the industry leader again. too simply remain competitive, it doesnt need to do that much more then what its already doing. just launch the next console a little more intellgently and get a better diversity of games(some more 3rd party games would be a big benifit). i dont think you can point to nintendo as being any worse off the m$ right now. they are certainly both not in hte best of situations. however if i had to guess which one would be out of the console business first, i would guess m$. nintendo is doing alright, and hopfully it addresses a few issues that hte cube had with their next console. if they just do that, the next nintendo console will do fine and nintendo will survive.


however, maybe nintendo isn't worried about being industry leader.  I think their philosophy is along as enough people are buying their product to keep them from being in the red (i know, it hasn't been working recently) that they won't be changing tacticts.  When they realized they were posting losses, they figured it was most likely from low software sales, which prompted the cube price cut.  Nintendo will be around to stay though.  Although the gaming market has been around for over 20 years, nintendo, and almost all the companies are still working out the formula for coming out on top, and sony just happened to stumble across it first.

it was time for a change.

Offline Mannypon

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2003, 11:55:16 PM »
"These forums are to discuss what you think about nintendo and other gaming related topics, not to worship the ground nintendo walks on. I don't think I'd be here if that was all you could do was talk nice about nintendo. Although I'm a little bit of a fanboy in nintendo's favor, I still have gripes about things they do."

I understand and I dont have a prob wit people speaking their word but what was said about shig was rediculous IMO.

"internet gaming is already here and its getting faster and better al the time and thats what the majority of people want."

Majority of what people?  Everyone can say they want it yet if the sales dont back up that talk then thats what a company is goin to go by.  If internet gaming is what the majority of the consumers ( which is the group I guess your assuming to when you say majority) then why havent the ps online aspect been a success and the xbox live kits?  Everything is out there for the majority to get what they want yet they arent getting it, I wonder why.

"although nintendo needs to step it up big time to be the industry leader again. too simply remain competitive, it doesnt need to do that much more then what its already doing."

Finally someone who is talkin some sence.  Nintendo as a company isnt as bad as everyone makes them out to be.  Everyone is sayin how they mad bout rehashes and whatnot yet look at the ps2, what has sony done?  Sony has gotten to where it is today more by others work (games and otherwise)  they lack originality so they aint really helping the industry evolve.  Microsoft is where its at right now by word of mouth more than anything else.  Nintendo on the other hand has maintained their position and has gained thier profets from their own work.  Almost all company's put out rehashs as you call them.  How come no one ever complained when a new mario game came out durin the nes and snes era.  They all had the same gameplay with just some alterations and enhancements.  I am happy to own mario sunshine, metriod prime , zelda ww, and animal crossing.  I"m more then content with what nintendo is givin me so I have no real prob with them at the moment.  Basically all I'm sayin is that I know nintendo aint where it wants to be right now but they havent lost any aspect of their talents.  They are still the best company in the industry IMO.  They rarely ever disapoint and if they do its couse the fanboys always build up their expectations to unreachable levels.  Nintendo cant redefine video game genres like they did with mario 64 with every release.  Everyone stop all the negativity and just enjoy the good news and enjoy your games.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2003, 07:19:16 AM »
You can all argue about sales and profits all you want.  The fact still remains that in terms of OVERALL profit, Nintendo is #1, and Nintendo is also doing better than Microsoft in terms of sales.  From a gaming standpoint, I am getting the games I want to play, and I have absolutely no problems with my beloved GameCube.  It's a pleasure to play, and has a solid lineup.  That's all I ask, and that's all they delivered.

But I have a story to tell.  After the recent pricedrop to $140 here in Canada, I went into Wal-Mart to pick up a Wavebird.  I remembered seeing a full shelf full of GameCubes a day or two before.  When I saw the shelf that day, it was completely empty except for a single Indigo GameCube in a pretty battered box.  You could see a whole lot of software missing off the shelf too.
Once I had, a little game
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Offline Mario

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2003, 08:30:23 PM »
These are last week's national hardware and software sales numbers for Toys R Us, the week ending 10/4.


1. Gamecube - 6,132
2. Playstation 2 - 3,697
3. Xbox - 1,080


1. PS2 Madden 2004 - 3,891
2. GBA Pokemon Pinball - 2,975
3. GBA Pokemon Ruby - 1,872
4. GBA Pokemon Sapphire - 1,666
5. NGC Soul Calibur II - 1,640
6. GBA Final Fantasy Tactics - 1,586
7. NGC Billy Hatcher - 1,515
8. PS2 Tiger Woods 2004 - 1,388
9. PS2 NASCAR Thunder 04 - 1,001
10. NGC WWF Wrestlemania XIX - 956


Offline Infernal Monkey

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #37 on: October 06, 2003, 12:55:21 AM »
The GameCube version of SCII's still in the charts, too! Take THAT, 1950's society!

*Radio plays*
'An ice cream costs a nickel, and a hot new tune arrives, it's 1959!'
Homer: Oh my God, I've gone back in time!
Lenny: Hey Homer... Oh.. Let me guess.. Gone back in time again?
Homer: Shutup, shutup, you haven't even been born yet!

Offline Wesisapie

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #38 on: October 06, 2003, 02:06:11 AM »
If you guys stopped spending so much time on these forums, and more time playing games, you would probably see that Nintendo isn't dead.
I mean, Ikaruga, F-Zero GX, Viewtiful Joe, MK: DD, what more could you ask for coming up in the space of a month (for me in australia).
I only have three games currently, SSB:M, Zelda:WW, and Metroid Prime, but those three games made my gamecube all worth while.
I don't care about sales or anything, just in playing the games.

Buy Exclusive, Buy Nintendo!

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2003, 08:24:04 AM »
"How come no one ever complained when a new mario game came out durin the nes and snes era."

Because none of us had the internet back then.

I'm going to take a radical approach and somewhat agree with the notion that Shigeru Miyamoto is hurting Nintendo.  Now make no mistake Miyamoto is an amazing game designer and I love most of his games.  However his influence has been very apparent in nearly all of Nintendo's releases and as a result the Gamecube lineup has had a bit of a "been there done that" feel to it.  Now I'm clearly a big fan of the EAD style of game design but I (and I imagine many other Cube owners) want some variety with their lineup.  It's like how I love steak but wouldn't want steak dinners for every meal.

Nintendo has to let their developers have more freedom in their game design.  A company like Silicon Knights for example shouldn't be working on existing franchises.  They've proved that they have more then enough creativity to work exclusively on original concepts.  Plus their ideas are quite different then EAD's so it freshens up the lineup.  Talented third parties like Hudson, Camelot and Treasure are the types of developers that when let lose can come up with some amazing content.  Instead they've been assigned Mario Party, Mario Golf, and Wario World; all titles featuring EAD characters that are indistinguishable from EAD's own games and don't show off the talent and creativity of the developers.  The result is that the Nintendo published Gamecube lineup is for all intents and purposes 90% EAD games.  People like EAD games but they don't want nothing but.  Every Cube developer should be working on their own thing and designing with their own style.

Getting back on topic I'm very pleased that Cube sales have greatly increased since the price drop.  I think one of the big problems with the Cube is that aside from hardcore Nintendo fans the average gamer doesn't want it as their primary console.  They may be interested in a few Cube titles here and there but overall the Cube lineup just doesn't cover all of the genres and demographics like the PS2 (and so a lesser extent the Xbox) does.  Game consoles are expensive and most people don't feel like spending the money for a second console.  However $100 is a perfectly acceptable price for a second console so I assume a fair amount of PS2 and Xbox owners have finally found an excuse to buy a Cube and play those few exclusive games that they wanted to try out.  This is great because it gets Nintendo games into the hands of gamers that might have normally not played them.  It creates a familiarity with the Nintendo brand with a new audience.  So then later when (hopefully) Nintendo launches their next console at the same time as Sony those gamers may give some serious thought to buying the Nintendo console because they really got into an exclusive franchise.  This price cut can be used to give new customers a sneak preview of the Nintendo way of gaming before the N5 comes out.

Offline ghostVi

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2003, 08:47:43 AM »
Ian Sane: ... come again..... _which_ genres and demographics? I just didn't get it, that's all... I was under the impression that it is exactly the cube that covers them all, with a line-up of quality titles.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2003, 09:04:00 AM »
Which genres and demographics?  Well there aren't many exclusive RPGs or fighting games for example.  Plus the older demographic is somewhat under-represented in terms of exclusives.  The Cube does have games for each genre but there's a big difference between having one or two titles of a genre and having 10 or 20.  Just because every genre is available in at least one game on the Gamecube doesn't mean the Cube has all the genre bases covered.  Plus keep in mind that I was making a point from the average gamer's point of view.  In my opinion the Cube lineup is sufficient for me but I can see why others wouldn't feel the same way.

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2003, 05:24:02 AM »
Don't know if this is posted, but Cube-Europe says that GC outsold PS2 in that week. Here are the numbers:

GameCube :64,405
PS2 :53,834
Xbox :26,290

These are from the nine biggest retailers in US.

Offline ghostVi

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2003, 07:41:09 AM »
Still a little confused. In the common scenario it takes one (1) exclusive title in ones preferred genre to get a system sold. On the other hand exclusiveness doesn't matter when you're counting genre/demographics coverage IMO... Hmmm price also seem to matter *a lot* ))

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2003, 09:57:07 PM »
Price cut has boosted GC sales more than Super Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime and Wind Waker did combined.

Offline PIAC

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2003, 10:13:00 PM »
and thus should generate sales for the afore mentioned titles, and that is a good good thing.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2003, 06:01:58 PM »

Well there aren't many exclusive RPGs or fighting games for example.

Baten Kaitos
Tales of Symphonia
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms 2
Skies of Arcadia Legends

Super Smash Bros Melee


Plus the older demographic is somewhat under-represented in terms of exclusives

Speaking as an older gamer with quite a few older gamer friends, I don't really see a lack of games to play.  My favorite game to date is Zelda: Wind Waker, and I have a friend who comes over every day and plays Soul Calibur II with me.  He also loves Zelda: Wind Waker.  To be an older gamer and enjoy a game doesn't mean that the game has to be rated M.  That being said, we have Silicon Knights as an exclusive developer.  It just doesn't get any better than that.


The Cube does have games for each genre but there's a big difference between having one or two titles of a genre and having 10 or 20

You spoke of RPGs earlier.  I really don't see where the PS2 has a significant edge over the GameCube in this case.  Any hardcore RPG fan isn't going to want to be without Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, or Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles any more than I want to be without Xenosaga.

There is some truth to what you say, but I think you are seriously overestimating the competition.  The Xbox in particular.  Other than lots of PC games, and a few PS2 ports, the console doesn't have much going for it.  The thing that really gets me about this whole thing is that even though the Xbox is regularly beaten down by the GameCube worldwide, and is losing MS more money than the stockholders really care for, people around here still point to the Xbox as the way for Nintendo to do things.  Ask an MS stockholder how much they love Xbox Live.

The PS2 has strength in numbers, but weakness in quality.  There are some very good games on PS2, but saying that there's 10 or 20 games in each genre is a little overboard I think.  Of those, I would be willing to bet that most of them wouldn't be worth crap.  I'm sure that there's 10 - 20 PS2 games in all that most people might like to buy, but I don't think that anyone would care to own 10 games in any PS2 genre.


Plus keep in mind that I was making a point from the average gamer's point of view. In my opinion the Cube lineup is sufficient for me but I can see why others wouldn't feel the same way.

The average gamer is a dumb bovine who does what he's told.  The same as most consumers.  I seriously think you are looking for logic where there is none.

For example, when I go to buy a toaster, I look for one with a dial on the side, 2 slots on top, and a switch kind of deal to push the bread down.  I don't look for the one with the biggest heatower ratio.  I don't check online to look for reviews.  I don't do any sort of research.  I go into the store and buy.  I think that this is the logic that most people use.  They were told that the Xbox was more powerful before launch.  Lots of them believed the hype and just went and bought it, while saying the GameCube was 25X less powerful or whatever crap MS was spewing.  Their friends bought it so that they could be cool too.  It goes on and on.

That's my theory of the gamer.  
Once I had, a little game
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I think you know the game I mean

Offline ThePerm

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2003, 07:35:18 PM »
i hope this price cut seriously kills the gap between ninty and xbox in the states...
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Offline Urkel

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2003, 07:44:27 PM »

Nintendo has to let their developers have more freedom in their game design. A company like Silicon Knights for example shouldn't be working on existing franchises.

I really don't think Nintendo forced SK to make Twin Snakes, at all. Besides the fact that Denis said so himself, it's pretty obvious he's a huge fan of Metal Gear. In case you didn't notice, he metions that game in almost every interview he does. I even saw him talk about how much he liked MGS in a really old interview back when Too Human was still coming out to the PSX. Nintendo is hardly stifling SK's creativity. There's absolutely no way in hell Too Human has been cancelled. Possibly delayed till N5, but there's no way Nintendo would make them cancel a game of that magnitude.

Honestly now, if you were in the game industry and were offered to make a Metal Gear game, would you turn it down, especially if it was one of your all-time favorite games?

I thought not.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:GAMECUBE sales quadruple!!
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2003, 07:49:18 PM »
What happened was that Miyamoto and Kojima ASKED DD if he WOULD LIKE to make Twin Snakes, and he agreed, so obviously that is not the case...

Having a talented team like SK working on a Metal Gear game just increases the anticipation!
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~