Author Topic: Resident Evil(Remake) Review  (Read 3319 times)

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Offline the_zombie_luke

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Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« on: September 07, 2003, 05:27:53 PM »
        Resident Evil Review
   The GameCube may be lacking in some parts of its library, but now the 'Cube is most likely the best place for horror games. So how does Resident Evil measure up?

   Quite well actually. The game begins with a fantastic video of the STARS team from Raccoon City investigating the disapperance of an alternate STARS team. Everything goes south and STARS gets stuck at a strange mansion. The zombies aren't the only things after STARS; in addition to various other monsters, something else is trying to break up STARS.

    The first thing that is apparent about RE is the graphics. The prerendered graphics look excellent and the character models are also excellent. The sound is great and the music is also good. The game's music, graphics, and story help you feel that you're in Night of the Living Dead and since your character mostly goes alone,  the game gets plenty of opportunties to scare you. There are many moments when creatures burst through doors and windows to get you.

   Most of the game is about puzzle solving. Don't worry though: you'll get plenty of walking corpses and terrible foes to blast at. The game does a good job of forcing you to stay on your toes in fighting and solving puzzles. One part of the game doesn't hold up well. The controls are awkward but they become useable after awhile. The joystick and d-pad are for movement and going forward never changes. The movement isn't analog either. You have to hold a button to run. The counter-weapons are a great addition to RE. If a zombie attacks you, your character can automatically use a knife or tazer to get away. Sometimes the shifting camera may leave you blind as to where the enemy is at. Luckily, the auto-aim works extremely well.

   While the first time through will be very fun, RE doesn't offer much in the way of replay value. Also, the door-loading sequence happens everytime you go through a door and it becomes annoying after awhile. In the end,though, the game is worth a rental for everyone and defnitely a buy for horror gamers. You just can't keep a good zombie down.


Offline Molobert

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RE: Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2003, 12:05:08 PM »
Nice review. I picked up this game a few weeks ago and it's awesome. The graphics are really insane, I compared the first opening movie to the PSX game, and the difference is massive. Even if you don't like the controls you get used to them after about an hour or so. And although it's a remake, supposedly the game is 70% new. I HIGHLY recommend this game.

Offline rpglover

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RE:Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2003, 04:18:27 AM »
i always chose control type c for the remake- you use the r button to control your walking, click it to run and you turn with the control stick- it takes about 10 minutes to get used to it- but it works perfectly so you dont have to hold up all the time
i call the big one bitey.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2003, 09:52:35 PM »
There's a store around here selling the game for $30.  I must say that after reading your review, I am mighty tempted to go out and buy it.  The thing is that for $20 more, I can get the ported version of Resident Evil 2... which ironically is the lesser of the games from a pure quality standpoint, given that Resident Evil 1 is a complete remake, and is much cheaper than Resident Evil 2...

But you know what?  I really love Resident Evil 2.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2003, 04:32:16 PM »
Get the Remake if you like Resident Evil...You won't be disappointed

Resident Evil 2 is my favorite Resident Evil.  Both Leon and Claire are perfect characters, I loved the outdoor and lab settings, and I loved the giant croc! ^_^  I was very disappointed when I first heard that Capcom wasn't remaking the second one...But Leon is in RE4(and hopefully Claire has a part) so it's all good
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2003, 09:20:43 PM »
Well, I really love Rebecca, and I have already played through the remake.  (and 3 times through RE2 on N64...), but I would like to have it for archive purposes.  I would like to think I would play through it again, but I haven't even done that in RE0 yet, and I liked that game more.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline AdvancedGamer

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RE:Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2003, 07:21:27 AM »
RE0 is insane I love it. You should defintly get it. Better than RE1 Remake... I'm abou 3/4 done... I haven't played it in a while because I'm stuck and I've been busy playing SCII and F-Zero......¡VIVO EL CUBO!    
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Offline Zero_Plague

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RE:Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2003, 08:36:14 PM »
I was going to create a new topic, but my friend just informed me that you need to keep this to one topic per game.
So I guess I'll just add my review into here as well.

Zero Plague's Review:  Resident Evil (GCN)

Well, this game certainly gets rid of the Nintendo Gamecubes so called, 'Kiddy Label'.
Resident Evil, being one of the scariest games in History has certainly got what most hardcore gamers look for.


The gameplay of Resident Evil is just outstanding.
Its plot/storyline makes you want to get into the game itself and find out all the clues of this rather violent and disturbing event for Raccoon City Residents.

You play as S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad) two Alpha Members: Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine.
There have been recent cannibal attacks in the outskirts of Raccoon Cities forest... The Arclay Forest.
Numerous resident have been mysteriously... eaten.

But that is not the only problems on your mind.
S.T.A.R.S Bravo Team has crash landed in the forest, and Chief Brian Irons of the R.P.D (Raccoon Police Department) sends out Alpha Team to recover the Bravo's.

But hell breaks loose when your team is ambushed by killer dogs, and you are pushed into the mansion... only to find Bravo Team and discover why every human and animal in the mansion is a decaying rotting corpse... not to mention that they are walking around!

This is where you choose your character... which effects your future actions, cut-scenes, endings and layouts of the mansion.
Both characeters have advantages as well as disadvantages.
Chris Redfield is known for his strong build and stamina, as well as his ability to shove grenades in a zombies mouth! Now thats what I call effective.
Fast running, lock-picking, health, puzzles and more is what effects your future game depending on who you choose.

The game is mostly based around puzzles, opening doors and exploring the mansion... only waiting to be ambushed by a herd of flesh-eating killing machines known as B.O.W's (Bio-Organic Weapons).
Repition of this game happens over and over again... being chased by a zombie or evil mutant... but this is the repition that we like to see in a survival horror game.

Another outstanding feature in Gameplay... is the amount of paths and endings you can take.
Over 15 paths and over 5 endings... you will be impressed with what Capcom has done to this loving remake.
                                            GAMEPLAY: 9/10


Where can you start on the graphics for this game?
It delivers some of the best textures and polygon counts that gamers have ever seen. The FMV introduction cut-scene to Resident Evil looks as if it was recorded on camera and played out onto screen.
The Interior and Exterior sections of the mansion potray some of the finest detailed surroundings I have ever seen.

From swaying plants and blowing strains of hair... you wont be dissapointed with the graphics that Capcom show off in Resident Evil. But along the line there always has to be a catch... and Resident Evil's catch is the frame rate during an in-game cutscene.
At times, I thought my disc was scratched... but it is then I realised that a few cut-scenes have the poor frame rate.

Nevertheless, Resident Evil potrays some of the best graphics in gaming history.
                  GRAPHICS:   9.5/10


Controlling your character in Resident Evil will most likely give first-time players a hard time.
There is continuos repetion of your character going of control and running into walls with the sensative joystick actions.
Camera Angles also have an action on this, as for sometimes you dont know if your running on an angle or straight.

Auto-Aim works rather well must I say when you are trying to escape from an enemy.

Overall, controlling Resident Evil may give players a fit.
                          CONTROLLABILITY:  7/10

Music / Sound Effects

Another great factor in Resident Evil is its creepy and eerie music that is played the whole way through the mansion.
Depending on what situation you are in, the music will change immidiately to its surroundings.

The Sound Effects are just perfect in Resident Evil, and depending on what surface you are on, taking each step will create a different noise. From echoing marble rooms to soft footsteps on carpet.
Sudden sounds in this game is usually what would make you jump out of your pants.

Being in a room may be silent... until you hear a groan or slurp from an unseen enemy.
This is what changes your thought on... 'This game isn't to scary'. Once you hear that groan, or that moan... you know something is lurking around the unseen corner... and you know it is coming for you!

But once again, there always has to be a catch. The catch in the Sound Effects is that no matter how close or how far an enemy is... its footsteps will always be the same tone which eliminates the fun of you knowing it is behind you.
                            SOUND EFFECTS / MUSIC:  9/10


Once again, we have another great feature in Resident Evil.
The small detail of a flickering candle or crackling fireplace is what makes this game even scarier. It is as if Capcom thought they were making a movie... placing light effects in areas that make you freak out.

They succeed in the fact that your character is sometimes in the light... but the enemy is out watching you... in the darkness.
The Shadows is also what makes Capcom a whole lot greater of knowing how to scare the crap out of somebody.
Just seeing a shadow passing by on the wall... but not seeing the person making it is a great feature of a survival horror game.

One of the many things that fascinates me in Resident Evil, is the Lightning. It lights up the room for milliseconds, making a monochromatic mansion of complete whitness as soon as the lightning strikes.
                                                        LIGHTING: 9/10


The Lastability of Resident Evil depends on what kind of player you are.
If you are one of them players that want to find out the twists and turns of the story and uncover all the diaries to fidn out what really happened, then you will need to play through this game at least once in both Characters Stories.

Completing BOTH characters stories and wanting to find everything will usually take you 24 hours the first time...
BUT if you want to unlock absolutely everything and complete EVERY mode, we are looking up to over 50 hours of playing here.

As stupid as it may seem, by collecting almost nothing... you can rush through this game in less then 3 hours.
                                                               LASTABILITY: 8.5/10


This game delivers its sound, graphics, characters, twisting story of infection, betrayal and romance.... and is a MUST-GET for all hardcore horror gamers that want to make their pants turn brown by the time you complete this game.


Offline The Omen

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RE: Resident Evil(Remake) Review
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2003, 10:25:01 AM »
I still use RE:Remake as a showpiece for my GC.  Its really a great game.
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