Author Topic: 2014 - the year the world will end  (Read 15587 times)

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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2003, 04:21:54 PM »
Ouch!  I never knew schools liked to rip off their students.
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Offline The Dark Tower

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RE: 2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2003, 04:36:26 PM »
There is probably a better chance of a thread staying on topic than there is an asteroid hitting the Earth.  But there is always that chance.

As Lingo Dog put it:

"You will all DIE!!!!... someday."
"It's not a tuma'!!"

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Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2003, 06:09:16 PM »
Dark Tower- I assume you mean an asteroid hitting Earth in 2014. An Earth killing asteroid WILL hit Earth eventually, and most likely very soon, although the odds of it happening in 2014 specifically is very small. The last major collision was 65 million years ago, and that caused the extinction of nearly all animal species on Earth. A smaller, yet still significant, impact happened about 17,000 years ago, which is believe to have quickly ended the ice age and caused the extinction of many ice age animals (like the mammoth, saber toothed tiger, etc). We're due for a large collision soon in geological terms, although I severely doubt it will happen in our life time.

And if you all want examples of what asteroids can do, look at Mars. Mars used to be a lush planet with running water and an oxygen rich atmosphere, much like Earth. It's now believed that 3 imcomprobably big asteroids, measuring, I believe, 10, 20 and 40 or so kilometeres across, crashed into the southern hemisphere of the planet. It destroyed Mars's atmosphere, evaporated it's water, created Olympus Mons (the solar system's largest volcano) through volcanic activity, created the gigantic canyon (again, the largest in the solar system) through intense stress and created 3 huge bulges on the opposite side of the planet. THAT'S what could happen to Earth.
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RE:2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2003, 06:14:57 PM »
Thats interesting, what would we do if an asteriod was coming the NEXT DAY and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Sit there? Play Nintendo games ? Run outside and scream as loud as we can? Throw rocks at the asteriod in an attempt to, stop it? Run around having sex with every person of the opposite sex in sight? Eat pie?

Hmmm, i have no idea what i would do...

Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: 2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2003, 07:03:26 PM »
you know what I'd do?

I'd put my gear on, and ride Epona to the Snowhead, Stone Tower, Woodfall and Great Bay Temples to get the essencese of the four bosses there, then use the power of my ocarina  to summon the great guardians to destroy the moon when it gets here!

Oh wait, did I say moon? I meant Asteroid. Yes. Aster.....moon....
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Offline oohhboy

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RE: 2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2003, 01:50:30 AM »
We need more pollution. Maybe it will burn up. yeah thats the way. We can then deal with gobal warning later.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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RE:2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2003, 02:53:58 AM »

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
We only get bottles, and it's now $1.25.  Too rich for my blood.

it's 1.25 at some of the malls in maryland now for bottled soda.  and also, don't believe in any of that "end of the world crap" because there is no such thing as it.  And if the asteroid is on a collision course with earth, i think 11 years is enough time to do something about it.  Supposedly, we would need at least 7 years to do anything that would have any real effect in preventing the asteroid strike and we have 4 years surplus.  so i wouldn't worry.  well then again, there are always those unseen asteroids with no warnings. so maybe we will all die.  ya know, if you really want to get freaked out, there are millions of black holes out there in our galaxy alone, and they are very teeny tiney, about the size of a marble or less, anyway, you can't see those untill they start to suck of matter of the sun or planets, so there could be numerous black-holes just looming out there, waiting to suck everything up.
it was time for a change.

Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2003, 03:23:26 AM »
Your confidence startles me, Marcus- even if we DID have an 11 year head start, we probably wouldn't be able to do much. The only thing anyone's come up with is the nucelar charge, but that has to work just perfectly. If it doesn't alter the asteroid's course, it could change it's angle of descent, possibly making the impact worse. Or it could hit or moon, which would be devestating to Earth if it caused enough damage. There really isn't much to DO about an asteroid, whether we know about years in advance or not.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

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RE: 2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2003, 04:14:37 AM »
We could throw rocks at it! And make funny faces at it! Yeah!

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: 2014 - the year the world will end
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2003, 07:31:07 AM »
"Thats interesting, what would we do if an asteriod was coming the NEXT DAY and there was nothing we could do to stop it."

Well I certainly wouldn't go to work that morning.