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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #200 on: October 23, 2019, 12:51:43 AM »
Star Wars has always been a mix of good and bad. Some films lean more to one side than the other, and obviously "good and bad" are pretty subjective goals to start with.

Having just watched the recent trailer, I'm not confident that this will be the end to Star Wars that I was hoping for. Will this movie be better than The Last Jedi? Probably, because that movie had a lot of problems and ended up being (probably) the second worst in the series for me.

Huh. And maybe they'll hit it out of the park. Rogue One was surprisingly good, and I liked most of the story beats they hit in The Force Awakens.  I'm going to end up watching this end to the Rey trilogy in theaters regardless, so why not hope for the best and ignore the doom and gloom rumors people seem to be throwing around?
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #201 on: October 23, 2019, 01:15:06 AM »
Hold off on watching open night or week. That way you know if it is worth going out for it or not. I would only go to an opening night or even first week if I knew it is a 100% sure thing like John Wick. The only NuSW movie I went to the theatres for was R1 mostly because of friends. Great last 1/3 but yeah, it got issues and it's pretty clear where the reshoots are. The same friends called up for the TLJ opening, I flatly turn them down. If they said we will go to the theatres and pick a random movie that wasn't TLJ I probably would have gone.

Hope is not a strategy. Seeing it out of obligation is not great and if that is it, don't go.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #202 on: October 23, 2019, 03:27:40 AM »
They let John Boyega actually have a hairstyle in this one, so its already a wild improvement over the previous two.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #203 on: October 23, 2019, 03:27:58 AM »

I tell you what, this new version of the theme song in the trailer is just. so. good!!

The Star Wars music has never meant too much to me. I mean, it's iconic as hell but it's never really got me. But this one, wow. This rendition just has so much majesty. A very fitting theme to close out the saga.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #204 on: October 23, 2019, 08:30:48 AM »
Hold off on watching open night or week. That way you know if it is worth going out for it or not. ...

Oh, we won't make it out opening night. But sometime over the holidays, probably after Christmas.

As for being "worth" going to, we almost never go to the theater for movies - the last ones we saw were Mary Poppins and The Last Jedi - so even if the movie bombs critically or with fans, it'll be a worthwhile activity.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #205 on: October 23, 2019, 09:05:41 AM »
If you knew TRoS was another TLJ travesty would you still go or watch the next random movie?

I tell you what, this new version of the theme song in the trailer is just. so. good!!

The Star Wars music has never meant too much to me. I mean, it's iconic as hell but it's never really got me. But this one, wow. This rendition just has so much majesty. A very fitting theme to close out the saga.

Sigh. John Williams using the microwave again. This is the music version of blue milk.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #206 on: October 23, 2019, 11:47:18 AM »
New Trailer Breakdown from New Rockstars

For BnM:
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #207 on: October 23, 2019, 02:29:59 PM »
If you knew TRoS was another TLJ travesty would you still go or watch the next random movie?

We'd still go.  My kids aren't that discerning, and we've watched all of the other Star Wars movies.
Sometimes the actual quality of the movie matters less than the social event - and even bad Star Wars movies have moments that make them worth watching on the big screen.

That said, if my kids didn't want to go then I'd probably hold out for a home release unless it's spectacular.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #208 on: October 23, 2019, 07:35:28 PM »
An interesting theory I've heard that I'm inclined to believe is that some kind of new iteration of Palpatine's personal flagship, the Eclipse, will be making an appearance. The Eclipse stands alongside things like the TIE Defender as one of the better ship designs that the Expanded Universe introduced. They did a really good job making it look visually distinct from the rest of the Star Destroyer line while still looking like it belongs within the original Star Destroyer line.

A big issue I have with the Sequel trilogy is that it feels like it's afraid to introduce new ship designs for their Star Fighters. Keeping the X-wing line around makes sense given that X-wings are probably the most highly accomplished and versatile ship designs in the Star Wars universe. After all, it was an X-wing that destroyed the first Death Star. I do wish they made a few more tweaks with the design though to show that some time has passed.

The T-85 X-wing from Disney's EU sort of tweaks the design of what we saw from the resistance X-wing enough to really make it feel fresh compared to the X-wings we saw in the original trilogy. I feel like the A-wings in TLJ should have been replaced with a completely original design though.

The First Order on the other hand has no excuse. In legends the Empire was actively replacing their old TIE fighters with the superior TIE interceptors. The interceptor is just better than the TIE Fighter. End of story. What they really should have done is used the TIE Defender. It's an absolute juggernaut of a ship that looks incredible from a visual standpoint. (it looks a bit awkward in still images but when you see it in motion it makes sense). It also would have meant the TIE Defender subplot from Rebels would have actually gone somewhere in the overall saga instead of being completely contained within that series because the Empire is too cheap to make the investment necessary to mass produce them in any capacity despite the fact that the Defender is obscenely overpowered for it's time as far as Star Fighters are concerned.


At least though the Capital Ships generally look nice and distinct from their OT counterparts, outside of the Raddus and even than the Mon Calamari cruiser got woefully little screen time in Episode 6 and always kind of felt weirdly abstract (how do they launch fighters for example) which is something that The Last Jedi did a good job of really fleshing that design in a way I really appreciate. It makes sense that the Resistance is going to be scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as ship designs go. With the new republic fleet mostly wiped out and the Resistance fleet now consisting entirely of a single YT-3000 light freighter as of the end of TLJ there really isn't much left as far as newer ships and designs are concerned that the Resistance can call for help.

Instead what we saw from the trailer with that fleet shot is presumably a bunch of planetary defense fleets and whoever else the Resistance could convince to join in banding together. What appears to be the Ghost from Rebels made an appearance, we also have a MC70 from Rogue One and the Hammerhead corvette that appeared in both and is itself a reference to some of the old Star Wars KOTOR games.

Sadly based on the new trailers we're getting old Imperial 1 Star Destroyers for Team "probably Palpatine". They're a bit outdated but there seem to be a lot of them so that's not really an issue. We got a new TIE Fighter design at least. What does it look like again?

On second thought, maybe Disney should just stick with blatantly rehashing OT designs. Or maybe they could have used the TIE Defender from Rebels. Those Star Destroyers seem to have less hanger space than regular Imperial 1s because they each have some kind of giant cannon use for something so it makes sense that Palps would go a bit crazy with the more scaled back fighter compliment the Star Destroyers have to compensate. Either way I'm going to add the TIE Dagger to the ugly TIE _____ design hall of shame, which is basically all of the designs introduced since ROTJ except the TIE Droid and TIE Defender, Kylo's TIE Silencer from TLJ and the TIE Advanced ones the inquisitors use in Rebels which barely even qualify as a new design.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 07:40:50 PM by pokepal148 »

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #209 on: October 24, 2019, 12:39:45 AM »
We'd still go.  My kids aren't that discerning, and we've watched all of the other Star Wars movies.
Sometimes the actual quality of the movie matters less than the social event - and even bad Star Wars movies have moments that make them worth watching on the big screen.

That said, if my kids didn't want to go then I'd probably hold out for a home release unless it's spectacular.
As mentioned before I have turned down an invitation to see a movie before. I did because I don't want to intentionally watch bad movies and coming out annoyed making my attendance an obligation. Bad movie nights excepted. The movie is part of the event and when I host them a bad movie is going to detract from the experience. I have apologised for unintentionally bad movies and always try to be sure everyone is informed.

When we came out of R1, we were all like, "That was better than TFA, there was some actual SW in it" (TFA lost it's lustre by then")but no one was excited. It was unanimous. We didn't talk about it much. We did something and that was it. That absolutely sucks.

My dad always did his best to show me good, the best movies. Verhoven, James Cameron, Jacky Chan, Jet Li, Chow Young Fat, Arnold, Stallone, SW, Reeves Supes, Studio Ghilbi. Age was not an objection. I was scared ****-less when I saw a bit of Aliens and ran away when I was 5, yet I appreciated this years later. Kids aren't that dumb or lack the ability to be discerning. Good movies are part of your interaction and their upbringing which goes pretty much for everything.

I hated the Tie Defender because it's OP. In Tie Fighter fighting them and flying them was really unfun as it broke the balance. X-Wing had a nice balance where each craft had their niche. The tractor beam was awful too as it broke the game. I love both games but I wish Tie Fighter was more grounded like X-Wing and X-wing had the ability to deal with missiles other than looping.

Gotta agree space craft had no real exposure, dumb af or really any uniqueness in the Sequels. Reskinned Tie Fighter, come on. It was pretty much "BIIGGGEERRR" and "EXPLOSSIIOONS".

The B-Wing didn't get much exposure in OT or EU tbf. Bad ship to fly with such a huge rear end. Nice bomb bay but rather fly an Y-Wing and reload. Sorry Ackbar, it was a bad design.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #210 on: December 05, 2019, 04:34:12 PM »
New interview from JJ Abrams about new force powers being introduced into the series in The Rise of Skywalker.
A few snippets.
The Rise of Skywalker will reveal previously unknown Force powers. “It was really important that we not just redo the things you’ve seen, but add new elements—which we knew will infuriate some people and thrill others,” Abrams told Vanity Fair.

Among those things are not just new ways of doing sort of traditional, must-have sequences, whether it’s chases or lightsaber battles, or what have you,” Abrams added. “We wanted to make sure that this picture also showed aspects of the Force in ways that go beyond what you’ve seen before.

Full interview is over here on Vanity Fair.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #211 on: December 05, 2019, 04:40:34 PM »

That would solve a lot of problems.

I bet people who watched Empire Strikes Back thought Han was dead at the end of that movie. Turns out you can get unfrozen from Carbonite.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #212 on: December 05, 2019, 06:49:12 PM »
A lot of the people who get angry about them introducing new force powers with the new movies seem to forget that they've been doing it since Luke force pulled his lightsaber so he could face the Wampa in the opening of episode 5.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #213 on: December 05, 2019, 11:32:12 PM »
A lot of the people who get angry about them introducing new force powers with the new movies seem to forget that they've been doing it since Luke force pulled his lightsaber so he could face the Wampa in the opening of episode 5.

Was it that new or unexpected? Vader could choke people in A New Hope so it was sort of established that the Force could manipulate objects/things that weren't in contact with a Force user.  Seems like a natural enough extension of that.

Anyways, the reason I came to post here is because of something I thought of a couple weeks ago and am finally getting around to it now. As the Star Wars empire begins to try and hype things up for this next movie, there's been a lot of articles about the coming movie. One headline was about Rey's linage and who her parents are. It seems there is significance to that after all. It's not something I've thought much about after The Last Jedi. While it seemed weird at first that the answer was that the parents were supposedly unimportant, I came to just accept it and move on. Now that we are being told that isn't the case and the movie has the title The Rise of Skywalker, one can't help but think that this might mean Luke (or possibly Leia) is one of the parents for Rey yet there has been nothing so far to indicate this is the case or that they recognize her as family. So, how could that make sense?

Then it hit me. Potential spoilers if my theory is correct. Rey could be a clone developed in a lab from various DNA of force users or particularly someone from the Skywalker family like Luke or Anakin himself or a combination of them and other force users. That would explain why she seems to be so naturally powerful. As well, not having a natural birth might explain why no actual parents seemed to exist during the vision Kylo has with Rey. She could even have been an experiment by the Emperor which explains why he seems to be turning up again in this film. Since cloning is something that is canon in the series from earlier films and was also used in the Extended Universe a bit, I could see it being used here now as well. Before it was written off as non-canonical, the Extended Universe had a story where Palpatine had cloned himself to try and escape death and take over those replicas of himself via the Force. Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy had a clone of Luke called Luuke that came from Luke's severed hand at Cloud City. Later, in the Hand of Thrawn story, Thrawn himself had also set up a cloning facility to create a cloned version of himself if he ever died. Considering the new trilogy hasn't always had the freshest ideas, I could see it using the reveal of Rey as some super Jedi clone experiment. Of course, I could be totally wrong and it turns out Vader banged some other woman in between the first two trilogies and never realized he had another child but that's my theory for now.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #214 on: December 06, 2019, 12:42:09 AM »
I guess that'd be a neat way to retcon Luke's vanishing at the end of Last Jedi.  It could be some whole new force technique.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #215 on: December 06, 2019, 12:50:21 AM »
That is an interesting theory Khushrenada but it has a few holes in it.   In Force Awakens it was shown that Rey got sold to Unkar Plutt from her parents.  Second, in The Last Jedi when Rey went in the mirror cave it was shown that there were Rey going to infinity when she was trying to figure out who her parents were. Rey essentially raised herself. 

The other thing which I think is a clue is the subtitles for the Rey Trilogy.  The Force Awakens to me means that after Jedi there really wasn't a need for Jedi after the Empire was essentially gone and the Force Awakens meant that with the First Order rising some time between Jedi and Awakens there had to be someone to rise up/awaken.   

 Next one is The Last Jedi.  Now this could go several ways.  Luke started off the movie with his mind made up that the Jedi wasn't as good as they could be and that goes back to the Jedi Council in the prequels and how they essentially was trying to control the narrative of who can be the chosen one in Anikin and how they were blind to the Empire rising up right in plain sight. Thus allowing the empire to dig their claws into Anakin and turning him. The other path is that Rey could be the Last Jedi because of a line that Luke said to Kylo Ren that he isn't the last Jedi.  Luke is passing on the legacy to Rey to have her do it her own way in the grey Jedi form because the way Luke was doing it wasn't really sustainable. You know just being one way all the time. That can be taxing and you may make a mistake that you regret like sensing Kylo and sensing he has some dark side within him and then drawing your light saber on him. 

Finally The Rise of Skywalker.  This is a little bit difficult to figure out. It could mean that Luke didn't die fully in the Last Jedi.  There was also the ending scene where the young force users in the Last Jedi where they had to hide their powers but when no one was around they used their powers and it is the legend of Skywalker going to the next generation. That could branch out to other series after this planned 9 movie series is done that George Lucas has had planned back in the OT movies.

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Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #216 on: December 06, 2019, 12:40:11 PM »

That would solve a lot of problems.

I bet people who watched Empire Strikes Back thought Han was dead at the end of that movie. Turns out you can get unfrozen from Carbonite.
Eerrrr what?? They check on him after freezing and he was fine. There is a blinking light, dialogue to say he's fine and in hibernation. How could anyone miss that and assume he couldn't be unfrozen? Why would Vadar try to use it on Luke if he couldn't get him back out alive? I don't even.

A lot of the people who get angry about them introducing new force powers with the new movies seem to forget that they've been doing it since Luke force pulled his lightsaber so he could face the Wampa in the opening of episode 5.

They have never been outrageous, a retcon and wasn't to solve a outside of movie problem. The problem with the Force, a mistake JJ is clearly making is that bad writers use it to get out of the corners they write themselves into. If they need to keep retconning your story maybe they are terrible at it. Another is power creep which is really bad for very obvious reasons.

lol Luke would arrive at his destination naked.

GL never had a "9 movie" plan. He pulled that out of his ass, a retcon to make more movies.

The leaks are true. JJ on international tv BSed everyone. That KK interview was WOOOOOWWW. Good god, never has Hollywood trash burned this brightly. If it bombs it wholly deserves it.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #217 on: December 07, 2019, 02:24:11 AM »
Links?  I don't know what you are talking about international interviews.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #218 on: December 07, 2019, 01:14:35 PM »
The lightning thing was pretty new and weird when it happened.

When Luke heard Obi Wan at the end of Episode IV, he could've just been hearing things.  But the next movie established that no, he wasn't. Ghosts can just talk to people.  By Episode VI, ghosts are real, and they can just show up and give you advice.

I have no qualms about adding force powers.  I think it's something that should be explored more now that the EU is gone.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #219 on: December 07, 2019, 04:02:17 PM »
The lightning thing was pretty new and weird when it happened.

When Luke heard Obi Wan at the end of Episode IV, he could've just been hearing things.  But the next movie established that no, he wasn't. Ghosts can just talk to people.  By Episode VI, ghosts are real, and they can just show up and give you advice.

I have no qualms about adding force powers.  I think it's something that should be explored more now that the EU is gone.
Yep. That’s pretty much how I see it. I think I brought up the Force ghost thing before. Right on, nickmitch.

I like that the Force is this mysterious thing that in-universe generations discover more of over time. Among the prequel trilogy’s many sins was this bizarre need to explain the Force. Like no, the mystery is the point. It can’t be fully explained; it doesn’t belong to anyone or any group. It isn’t good or evil but can be used for either (from a certain point of view?).

The Force’s fluidity and ability to be added to (within reason, don’t turn into the Avatar for example) is something I hope continues to be explored.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #220 on: December 07, 2019, 04:02:38 PM »
I'm actually kind of shocked that Jedi Battle Meditation hasn't made its way back into the official canon, considering the EU and Knights of the Old Republic used it. It's not like Disney's been reluctant to just steal elements of the EU they liked & then pretend they created them.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #221 on: December 07, 2019, 05:00:48 PM »
Disney isn’t stealing if it belongs to them.

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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #222 on: December 07, 2019, 06:07:52 PM »
Disney isn’t stealing if it belongs to them.

When you rule decades of books that were previously canon "non-canon" just so you can put out your own terrible books, I think it's fair to call it "stealing" when you go in and take entire characters and settings from the books you'd discarded. It's certainly creative theft if not in the legal sense.

But hey, remember that Kathleen Kennedy recently said that it was "hard" making new Star Wars films since "there’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels. We don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be.”

Unless, of course, you find yourself in need of a villain for Rebels and you decide to just revive Grand Admiral Thrawn from those novels that don't exist.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #223 on: December 07, 2019, 06:24:23 PM »
The lightning thing was pretty new and weird when it happened.

When Luke heard Obi Wan at the end of Episode IV, he could've just been hearing things.  But the next movie established that no, he wasn't. Ghosts can just talk to people.  By Episode VI, ghosts are real, and they can just show up and give you advice.

I have no qualms about adding force powers.  I think it's something that should be explored more now that the EU is gone.
Yep. That’s pretty much how I see it. I think I brought up the Force ghost thing before. Right on, nickmitch.

I like that the Force is this mysterious thing that in-universe generations discover more of over time. Among the prequel trilogy’s many sins was this bizarre need to explain the Force. Like no, the mystery is the point. It can’t be fully explained; it doesn’t belong to anyone or any group. It isn’t good or evil but can be used for either (from a certain point of view?).

The Force’s fluidity and ability to be added to (within reason, don’t turn into the Avatar for example) is something I hope continues to be explored.

The fluidity makes it mysterious and cool.  Like, Kylo and Rey are linked telepathically by the Force.  WTF? Why is this happening? Who knows!  That's the fun part.  There's a mystery there, and it's fun to see play out.

Disney isn’t stealing if it belongs to them.

When you rule decades of books that were previously canon "non-canon" just so you can put out your own terrible books, I think it's fair to call it "stealing" when you go in and take entire characters and settings from the books you'd discarded. It's certainly creative theft if not in the legal sense.

But hey, remember that Kathleen Kennedy recently said that it was "hard" making new Star Wars films since "there’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels. We don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be.”

Unless, of course, you find yourself in need of a villain for Rebels and you decide to just revive Grand Admiral Thrawn from those novels that don't exist.

It's hard to call it stealing, but I guess it is, technically.  Disney bought the rights, cancelled the cannon, and is lifting story ideas/characters.

What I think they should do is just say "**** it" and go all out.  The rules for the old cannon was that the movies were absolute and anything that contradicts them wasn't official.  They could've kept that same energy and just straight up jacked story lines and made them into movies. 

Complaining you don't have source material is CRAZY to me.  You have it.  It's right there.  Just freaking take it.  If it's hard to come up with new things, just use things that exist!  It's weird how that doesn't click.
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Re: Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker
« Reply #224 on: December 07, 2019, 06:36:29 PM »
When you rule decades of books that were previously canon "non-canon" just so you can put out your own terrible books,
To be clear the original Expanded Universe was also mostly terrible books. Do you want "The Character Assassination of Han Solo Courtship of Princess Leia" or would the distinguished works of Kevin J Anderson be more your liking.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2019, 06:41:19 PM by pokepal148 »