Author Topic: Mind Listening to a fellow forumer's new podcast and giving some feedback?  (Read 3476 times)

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Offline lolmonade

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Hey everyone,

I don't usually do a lot of putting myself out there, but a friend and I decided over the last month to start recording a podcast since we end up talking about video games we're playing, news, misc stuff anyway. 

We recorded and edited our first episode last week and published it last night.  Apparently it might take up to 48 hrs for it to push out to the various podcast apps/feeds, but the direct link is below, too.

Anyway, if any of y'all find yourselves with spare time sometime this week and would take a listen and provide some constructive feedback, i'd appreciate it.  Thanks!

IF you find yourself interested in following us, we have a:

Twitter: @SuperGGRadio
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« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 08:13:01 AM by lolmonade »

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Re: Mind Listening to a fellow forumer's new podcast and giving some feedback?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2019, 03:34:35 PM »
Listened to the whole thing, it's pretty good and polished!

Some feedback:
+ Good rapport between you two, some good jokes towards the end.
+ Y'all both have good radio voices.
+ Sounds like a comfortable conversation, no obvious silences or fledgling around for talking points (could be good editing).
+ Production sounds great, no popping mic levels, no obvious volume differences, music fades into conversation meaning no abrupt transitions, not much talking over each other, no dead silence.
+ Like the lil' music parts, did you guys make these yourselves? Nice jazzy Rhodes-esque piano.

- Maybe don't start on an ass-grabbing joke, even if you acknowledge its tackiness. Now the save just sounds casually dismissive. Maybe some people will find it funny, but that didn't land for me and it's not a great start  within the first minute.

- It's not... immediately obvious what the podcast is about or will entail? You guys clearly have a structure: new business/news/backlog/fun fact to end the show on. Maybe lay that out in the intro, especially if you're doing news? "Today we're talking Crackdown 3, Final Fantasy 9, and Gamepass on Switch rumours." I have the same complaint with something like RFN by the way; if you're producing over an hour of content, consider telling what to roughly expect in that hour.

- In theory I like the idea of doing news segments, but I think it's only really worth pursuing if the format is meant for weekly instalments. The news cycle is fast and most people have already landed on a source to get their news; your additional value is likely going to be commentary, at best. I knew all the stories here already and that's from someone in an isolated Nintendo bubble.

- I'd consider bringing the length down to an hour maybe, depending on how you envision the show yourselves. Do you want to cover a lot of topics, several news stories, etc.? Then maybe quicken the pace/trim some fat in the discussions if possible. If it's more a meandering, conversational flow you're aiming for (seems to work well here), maybe cut one topic?

- Not loving the logo yet. It's not very easy to read with the fade in the middle, and the fonts feel a bit incogruently styled at the moment. I couldn't do better, mind, but it's not very enticing to click yet.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: Mind Listening to a fellow forumer's new podcast and giving some feedback?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2019, 04:27:41 PM »
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen, Steefosaurus!

- Regarding the joke, noted.  Last thing I wanted to sound about it is dismissive and true, probably not the most inviting first impression/best foot forward, and it's clear I didn't do a good job expanding on what I was referring to.  I'll make sure to be more considerate about this kind of thing moving forward.

- We do plan on recording weekly, but you're right - there's always gonna be a 3-4 day gap between our record date and release date due to 1) wanting to make sure it's as well edited as possible, and 2) wanting to have a life outside of recording/editing.  I had felt that news segment lingered longer than I would have liked upon completion, but didn't want to try and pare down too much this time.  Not sure how beholden my friend is to cover news, but maybe I can get an agreement to limit it to one news topic of choice if he is.

Regarding some of your questions:

- The intro we paid a license for from an artist off of audiojungle.  There's a healthy variety of tracks available there.  The intermission/outro tracks are freeware my friend found.
- Alex & I are friends since we met in college about 14 years ago, which helps with a good rapport.  That said, I definitely went through and scrubbed out as much extra silence or breaths caught on mic as I could.

This is all really good constructive feedback, and things my friend and I will read over/figure out what or how to amend, if possible.  Thanks for the nice words as well!  I don't intend on spamming the forums with each release, but I like the community here and wanted to get a sense of what people besides me and my friend thought.

Offline Order.RSS

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Re: Mind Listening to a fellow forumer's new podcast and giving some feedback?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2019, 08:24:02 PM »
No problem, hope I didn't come off too harsh by the way, should've gone for the ol' feedback sandwich method maybe. Like, I didn't mean to call you guys out or anything; obviously I didn't turn the podcast off right away.  Just something worth considering when you're broadcasting widely that people have different sensibilities, is all.

Same with regards to structure. Just because I prefer a podcast's structure to be announced up-front doesn't mean that's the correct way. But ideally every episode will attract 1 new listener (or more) and you can grab their attention this way, or set expectations.
If y'all like discussing news there's no reason not to do it by the way, but if you're trying to make it interesting for an audience - which is presumably already clued into the general games news cycle, since they're listening to a podcast on the subject - it helps to offer something else/unique. (E.G.: Which games would you like to see on Switch+Gamepass beyond the rumoured ones, why? Which ones are you dreading? Which seem technologically possible, etc.)

Overall though it sounds like a great start which can be easily iterated upon, keep going!
Hope some other people here give it a listen so you can get more varied input. :)

Offline lolmonade

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Re: Mind Listening to a fellow forumer's new podcast and giving some feedback?
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2019, 10:25:52 PM »
No problem, hope I didn't come off too harsh by the way,

Absolutely not.  This is a lot of the kind of feedback I need to hear and pass along.  We did one "trial" podcast recording and editing just so we could get the process down before we tried to do a "legit" one, and that helped a lot with feeling more in our skin and good about how the final product turned-out. 

As much as we had fun trying to record and produce something we're proud of, I'd want it to be entertaining to someone who'd bother to listen, too, so getting a sense of what people find interesting/funny/off putting is important.  I appreciate the kind words too for sure, but the critique is the actionable stuff we can take a look at to work on making next week's attempt hopefully better.

Offline lolmonade

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Hey y'all,

I'm not going to continually bump this thread to pimp-out new episodes, but thought i'd do it once more just to see if we can get more feedback.

My friend and I are up to episode 5, and just bumping to see if anyone's interested in taking ep 4 or 5 for a spin and giving more feedback.  Steefosaurus' comments were helpful, and we've been trying to tweak and while friend's comments are appreciated, they also trend more towards being complimentary rather than constructive critique.

(sorry steefo, my friend wants to cover news still!  ???  Although we've generally tried to tamp down HOW much news we touch on)

« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 10:10:38 AM by lolmonade »

Offline BeautifulShy

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I have some time today. I'll check out the 4th episode.
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I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline BeautifulShy

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I checked it out and it was pretty nice. I stopped listening the 4th episode just before you started talking about Doki Doki  Literature Club since I haven't finished it yet. 

Few points.
I liked the intro where you talked about what was going to be covered.
I liked the little break in the middle so I could reenergize myself.
I guess if there was something I could add is like timestamps for each new segment somehow.

Stefasaurus covered everthing else I was going to add already.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline lolmonade

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Thanks for taking the time to listen and provide feedback, BeautifulShy! 

I'll make a note to try entering timestamps.  I put segment start times in the show notes itself, but I wonder if there's a way to segment it in the podcast itself.

Offline Stratos

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Congrats on putting something out! I'll add it to my podcast app and check it out.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Which one are you?

Offline lolmonade

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Congrats on putting something out! I'll add it to my podcast app and check it out.

Thanks Stratos!  Obviously not obligated to keep following us, but I'd love it if you'd take a listen to one of our latest episodes and provided constructive feedback!  Our friends and family seem to like it, but they're well...friends and family, so I imagine they're less inclined to criticize.

Which one are you?

My friend is the smooth talking host, so I would be the other guy.