Author Topic: Your most hated games?  (Read 12550 times)

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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2003, 06:58:21 AM »
Gup, In case you hadn't figured it out, we love Final Fantasy Tactics, which was a PSX game.  I list Xenogears as being my favorite RPG.  Take your snide little comments elsewhere.  Have you ever thought that people might just not like the newer Final Fantasies because they suck?
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Offline Gup

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2003, 07:04:38 AM »
Is that why they're the best selling RPGs in America and Europe(#2 in Japan)?
"You can't act like your opinion on something is the way it IS."-m_c

Offline Uglydot

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2003, 07:20:36 AM »
Gup, I bought them all, and frankly, only finished 7.  No matter how well it sold, I hate 8 and 9 was pretty generic to me.  10 just annoyed me.  Who cares how well they sell, still don't like them past 7.  I doubt I am the only one to buy them and still hate them.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2003, 07:42:46 AM »
I bought 7 and 8 as well.  That doesn't make me like 8 any.  Gup, face facts.
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Offline aoi tsuki

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2003, 08:01:06 AM »

believe that would be Blake Stone.

Actually Blake Stone came out some time after Doom if i remember correctly, but it was indeed Apogee. The game i was thinking of was Catacombs of the Abyss. Thanks for playing!

"Snake felt a hunger for Meryl blossom within his loins."

Offline Gup

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2003, 08:04:34 AM »

Originally posted by: Uglydot
Gup, I bought them all, and frankly, only finished 7.  No matter how well it sold, I hate 8 and 9 was pretty generic to me.  10 just annoyed me.  Who cares how well they sell, still don't like them past 7.  I doubt I am the only one to buy them and still hate them.

That's great.  You continually buy each Final Fantasy that's released even though you dislike previous installments.  So, will you buy FFX-2?  

My opinion:
VIII - very flawed all-round, but enjoyable.  Still better than a lot of RPGs out there.
IX - solid title, worthy of the FF name.  
X - best FF since VII with the best soundtrack in an RPG.

I, personally, like a lot of other RPGs more, but I don't like it when people just say, "I hate it, I bought it, but I still hate it."  If you could name me some other RPGs that you bought, liked, and finished, then we'll talk. I'll fight for Final Fantasy until someone can prove what's wrong with it because I sure don't see it.  
"You can't act like your opinion on something is the way it IS."-m_c

Offline Ms.Pikmin

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2003, 08:28:53 AM »
Gup, this thread was created just to let people say what games they didn't like.  It was specifically requested that everyone relax and not start getting mad when games they like are listed.  Don't take it so personally.  I'm sure many people are seeing their favorite games listed, but if we all get mad then this thread will quickly turn into a mess of anger, defensiveness and flaming.  

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2003, 08:57:47 AM »
Gup, Ms. Pikmin is right.  People here have listed several games which I like very much, but I have never even challenged anyone for not liking the games that I like.  You will find that most hardcore gamers who have been playing games since the NES era will hate the newer Final Fantasies.  If you can't tolerate that opinion, then you should really learn to relax.  I objected to your arguments because your logic said that because we don't like newer Final Fantasies, then we must be blind, biased fanboys.  

To answer your question though, I just find newer Final Fantasies to be very uninspired and mediocre.  That's why I don't like them.  I consider IX to be one of the worst RPGs I have ever played.  You named Parasite Eve as one of your most hated games, and I listed it as one of the best.  I did not flip out at you when you said that you hated it.

Now can we please drop the argument?
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Uglydot

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2003, 11:11:54 AM »

Skies of Arcadia
Grandia 2
Wild arms
Thousand arms
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross(eh)
7th saga
Star Ocean:second Story

There's more but I don't feel like it...

Bought the PSX FFs for around 20 each, was worth it to see if 8 or 9 were any good.  I did enjoy 9 for a time, but just found it somewhat generic.  X I actually played on a friend's system for a while, but I did buy all of the PSX FFs.  Enjoy arguing your oppinion, hope you have a lot of breath.

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2003, 12:01:40 PM »
Well, I completely disagree with thecubedcanuck, as usual

I didn't mention it before, but Donkey Kong 64 is what made me hate Rare.  I liked absolutely nothing about that game.  Except that the multiplayer was entertaining for about five minutes.  Wait, no, three minutes.  Maybe less.

Halo's a lot of fun, but there have been better.  Heck, I prefer messing around in Unreal Tournament (GOTY edition; also prefer UT to Unreal Championship, though I haven't played too much of UC).  RPGs are okay, but I don't play them.  GTA was fun for about an hour, and then I realized, hey, this got boring.  Still fun to play on occassion, though.

Another thing is that I hate mission based games.  Halo is all right, since it doesn't really focus too much on the missions, but Timesplitters, any military games, and stuff like that are just plain annoying.  I like doing my own thing and figuring out what should be done by myself, like in Zelda or Metroid Prime.  Missions are annoying.
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YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline The Omen

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2003, 01:06:23 PM »

Is that why they're the best selling RPGs in America and Europe(#2 in Japan)?

Garth Brooks sells the most records, is he great?  How about Linkin Park or Limp Biscuit?  Sales.....well, anyway, on with the topic.

I hate a lot of older games that have left me nightmares for years, a lot on the NES.

1.  Athena---go find it and buy it.  Try beating this friggin game.  It was such a dreadful game, but i bought it, and back in those days there were no gamestops to trade them in , so play it until you beat it, no matter how hideous it is.  (NES)

2.  Deadly  towers--same as 1 (NES)

3.  Donkey Kong 64--for obvious reasons(64)

4.  Ikari Warriors 2---How dare SNK change my beloved shoot fest into ....ummmm...a shootfest that sucked.  A,B,B,A!!(NES...OR SNES)

5.  Crazy Taxi---fun for 1 hour.  (any system in existence)

6.  Bad Dudes--yes, this was the name of a game.  Again , i beg everyone to at least play these games, to see how far games have come.  (NES)

7.  Keith Courage--Hate it (tg-16)

8.  Jaws--  Why, oh why did i even play this game on my NES? (NES)

9.  Agent Under Fire--why even make this game? (GC)

10. Baldurs Gate--not the game really, but the port was so crappy, i wondered why i waited 6 months for it.  (GC)
"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates

Offline rpglover

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2003, 02:37:12 PM »
"Bad Dudes"- the president has been kidnapped by ninjas. are you a bad enough dude to save the president?
i think that is word for word the story line in bad dudes- i own that game just to see the intro now and again for a laugh

and Gup:  i dont care that square went to playstation- as grey already said we love final fantasy tactics- in fact it is my favorite strategy rpg of all time- and i do think that the final fantasy games on the ps were just generic ones- ff7 was probably the best out of all the new ones (at least to me) and that game still doesnt play as good as ff6 (in my opinion) personally i like the enix games on the ps more- i love tri-ace and as such i played the hell out of valkyrie profile (one of my favorites ever) and star ocean 2- both are great games- and square did great, just not with their big names (final fantasy, chrono series)- i think parasite eve was a brilliant game, and i enjoyed parasite eve 2 as well-(but it was not as good as 1) and i loved xenogears- by far one of squares best rpgs ever- great story, characters, and of course- great gameplay- even though the game is very long and some cut scenes take a long time- i love it- i dont bash square for leaving nintendo since they made some great games on the playstation- just their big names were not as good as they should have been  
i call the big one bitey.

Offline aoi tsuki

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2003, 04:17:10 PM »

"Bad Dudes"- the president has been kidnapped by ninjas. are you a bad enough dude to save the president?
i think that is word for word the story line in bad dudes- i own that game just to see the intro now and again for a laugh

Gotta love the Duke Nukem-lookalike who spouts such classic lines.

"I'M BAD!!"

"Snake felt a hunger for Meryl blossom within his loins."

RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2003, 09:44:35 PM »
Wind Waker is one of my hated ones.

I hate it because no one else wants to admit that they didn't like the design.  Everyone is all like...."miyamoto/shiggy is a genius, he'd never put out a bad game... he knows what we want... i like being told to like things....if it came from miyamoto/shiggy it must be great " like your all afraid that nintendo is going to come to your house in the middle of the night and kill you for not liking something. Well, my opinion is that miyamoto and shiggy crap and pee just like the rest of us...and i know that stuff isn't good, even though it comes from them.   If you have to be told to like something, or if you have to "warm up to it" then you don't like it. You're kidding yourself. But it wasn't only the design for me, I didn't like the gameplay.  I didn't like that there were only 3 main temples...lame.  You could beat the game after only playing those three temples and almost everything else was optional.  Wind Waker didn't have that epic feel, like you were embarking on something great.  Ocarina of Time was wonderful. A lot of the sub-quests were necessary to complete the game.  And it was easy to get from place to place.  You didn't have to stop the game and play a song to be able to go a different direction.  Wind Waker felt like a chore....and no I still have finished that chore.  It became so boring that I've stopped at the temple of the gods, and i don't have any intention on finishing either.
it was time for a change.

Offline PIAC

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #39 on: August 25, 2003, 10:06:40 PM »
well i personally love wind waker, but that is a very good point marcus, and doesn't just apply to Wind Waker, alot of people own  games purely because they are popular, even if they don't personally like them, its quite stupid really.

also miyamoto and shiggy are one and the same, i hope you know that

Offline Infernal Monkey

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2003, 01:17:34 AM »
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

It's Sonic. I bought it. I cringed. I really don't know what the hell Sonic Team were thinking when they assumed people would love to play stupid treasure hunting levels. And why was Tails in a robot? WHY DOES TAILS NEED A ROBOT? Not to mention the port itself was rather shoddy. Blurry DC graphics, crap camera... Bleh.

Final Fantasy X

Oh hell, Square. What the hell was that? The environments were WAY too restricted, the storyline was BORING, and geez, the voice acting reminded me of Mega CD games. Let us laugh, "AH HA HA HA!"

Dead or Alive: X-Treme Beach Volleyball

Tecmo? Hello? If you're going to make a volleyball game, you need gameplay. If you're going to make a pervert game, you need more interaction that that, I'm afraid. Never try to mash them together in a half-arsed attempt. Go back to developing more awesome Fatal Frame (Project Zero) games, thanks. What really pisses me off is that this sold really well. Better than Beach Spikers and Summer Beach Volleyball (PS2) combined. Go Xbox'ers.


That's all I have to say.

Offline rpglover

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2003, 03:20:17 AM »
"It became so boring that I've stopped at the temple of the gods, and i don't have any intention on finishing either."

you still have half the game left there- and personally i thought the game got better as you went further into it- the story line opens up more and the later temples are very fun to play through- i liked the graphics in the game personally- they are a real treat to me- the attention to detale in the world itself is amazing and the gameplay is wonderful as well- i like wind waker a whole lot, not because i love nintendo and miyamoto- but because it is a great game in itself- worthy of the legend of zelda title
i call the big one bitey.

Offline Gup

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2003, 03:46:39 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
To answer your question though, I just find newer Final Fantasies to be very uninspired and mediocre.  That's why I don't like them.  I consider IX to be one of the worst RPGs I have ever played.  You named Parasite Eve as one of your most hated games, and I listed it as one of the best.

Now can we please drop the argument?

Seeing as how you think Final Fantasy is unspired and mediocre(no proof still, just plain words like "I don't like it"), but you believe Parasite Eve is one of the greatest. . . I got nothing to say.  And yes we may drop the argument.


Originally posted by: Uglydot
Skies of Arcadia
Grandia 2
Wild arms
Thousand arms
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross(eh)
7th saga
Star Ocean:second Story

There's more but I don't feel like it...

That's a good list, but I doubt you have more to say.

Edit: P.S. GN, it's good to see you stopped disliking FF7 since everyone else likes it.
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2003, 05:25:48 AM »
At what time did I ever say I didn't like FF7?  I said that it was the game at which Final Fantasy ceased to be.  I said that it didn't have the level of quality as previous Final Fantasies.  I NEVER said I didn't like it.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Ms.Pikmin

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2003, 05:36:25 AM »
Animal Crossing

For me this game just got old and boring.  I'm sick of shaking trees and having non-conversations with my neighbors.  I managed to pay off Tom Nook enough so I have the biggest house possible and there is just not that much to do.  It just gets redundant.

Offline Uglydot

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #45 on: August 26, 2003, 06:37:58 AM »
Haha, Gup, you are just pathetic.

Back to the actual thread.

Sonic 3d blast, god I hated this game. Just...everything about it, other than the fact that it looked neat.  

Duke Nukem 3d on the genesis.  Luckily I wasn't allowed to buy this game, because I played a friends and it was terrible, words just can't describe it.

Edit:  Ms. Pikmin, While I loved AC for a while, I am seeing what you say, just gets old.  I would never put it in this post with these two gems, but I'd have to agree with you after putting many many hours in.

Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #46 on: August 26, 2003, 07:34:14 AM »

Final Fantasy X

Oh hell, Square. What the hell was that? The environments were WAY too restricted, the storyline was BORING, and geez, the voice acting reminded me of Mega CD games. Let us laugh, "AH HA HA HA!"

I have those same qualms with FFX.  I mean, I would like to go back and revist an area before the end of the game.  The forced laughing was just too humilating.  I cringed when I played through again, and pounding the buttons to skip the cut scenes.

My games?  Chrono Cross  

Poor excuse for a sequel, had non of the charm of Chrono Trigger and the story was confusing and things happened for convience and not for good plotting.

Legend of Mana

yeah, we get this POS.  Must have taken a whole 30 seconds to think up the plot and story and another week to put it together.  Square Soft, I want my money back.  Your game made me cry.
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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #47 on: August 26, 2003, 07:57:45 AM »

Originally posted by: PIAC

also miyamoto and shiggy are one and the same, i hope you know that

yeah, i know, but i had written it at like 2:30 in the morning and by the time i posted it i was like hey, they are the same person but i was too tired to go back and edit it and i figured someone would say something and i would just say something like this.

it was time for a change.

RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2003, 08:23:42 AM »

Originally posted by: rpglover
"It became so boring that I've stopped at the temple of the gods, and i don't have any intention on finishing either."

you still have half the game left there- and personally i thought the game got better as you went further into it- the story line opens up more and the later temples are very fun to play through- i liked the graphics in the game personally- they are a real treat to me- the attention to detale in the world itself is amazing and the gameplay is wonderful as well- i like wind waker a whole lot, not because i love nintendo and miyamoto- but because it is a great game in itself- worthy of the legend of zelda title

meh... i let my little brother play the game after the temple of the gods (just to clarify i did finish the temple of the gods) and there wasn't all that much left to the game cuz i watched him play through for the most part and was still not impressed. but believe me, i tried to force myself to like it and i still couldn't do it, and usually i  like everything i play, and i was shocked that i couldn't like wind waker.... i really did try.   Another thing that aggravates me is that everyone talked about how long wind waker feels like they made the game and then realized you could beat it in 8 hours without a strategy guide and were like "oh crap, we talked about how long and good it was gonna be, we better throw a whole bunch of sidequests in there" then they realized there wouldn't be any point to the sidequests so they just made  you able to get hearts or rupees, and blah blah blah.  and i thought that each tri-force piece would have a temple or something.... no, it didn't, you just had to find them.... which was lame too.  the whole game was finding things.  i didn't want a fricking scavanger hunt... i wanted a game.  i didn't even mind the cel-shading all that much after i started playing, it was the lack of things to do other than finding things that made me hate the game.  What's worse is that ninty is going to make Tetra's trackers.....what the hell?  you know thats just one big scavanger hunt many more scavanger hunts can they shove down our throats under the falsity of a LOZ title.. i feel like the legend of zelda name has been disgraced.  they are trying to turn it into a cash cow like they have with the mario franchise with the mario party, and mario golf and wario world and the list goes on.

also, i hated sonic adventure battle 2, for all the reasons listed by everyone else

i liked final fantasy x, but i hated it for the same exact reasons as infernal monkey, except i didn't think the voice acting was all that bad, just a little cheezy sometimes. but yeah, that forced laughing was a little embarrasing to watch, even for a CGI
it was time for a change.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2003, 08:36:08 AM »
1. Counterstrike
Usually, if I don't like a game I just don't play it and everything is good, but with CS that changed. At any LAN party, everyone just wants to play CS. Heck, this game isn't fun, it's just stress for me! Always having to worry about finding the enemy while staying alive just to avoid being cursed at by friends sucks. It gets worse if you take the physics into account. I mean things like not being able to move while being shot at, going down in so few shots, etc. It's just so infuriating I want to throw things at people (or crash the server) just to get that anger off my chest. I'll keep Serious Sam in reach if it gets that extreme this time again.

2. Zelda:WW
Well, not really evil, but nothing I went "whoa!" about. Thinking back I can't really remember a game that made me go "whoa!" except for the Tales of Symphonia trailer, though. Nonetheless, while playing the game was that "Just one more dungeon" experience, playing it again after putting it away cost me a lot of willpower.

3. Super Mario Sunshine
The game got boring once all of the events in the main town happened. At that point it stops to be really interesting and there's not much more happening.

4. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
I'm not that sure what put me off, but I definitely didn't like it. The game was too damn short and easy.

5. The RTS/FPS flood on the PC
Okay, it wasn't that bad, it made me get that little black block that sits on the ground in front of my TV...

6. GTA Series
Well, uh... I don't like it. Sure, it's fun for 5 minutes while you do all the things that you couldn't do in real life/other games, but once you're through with that it's mostly over. Sure there are those missions, but I didn't find them interesting. The worst thing is this game really shows how much people love brainless violence. People ranting about how the GC needs more violent games, etc. I support enforced age minimums just for the sole reason to keep all those jerk-off-to-blood children away from this game (at sight distance, so they suffer from not getting it!). I also hate people who love Rap/Hip Hop for the violent or drug centered texts. I just can't help, I always think lack of education is responsible for that mentality.

Note: These are ordered like they came to mind, not by annoyingness.