Author Topic: Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?  (Read 3437 times)

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Offline Armed217

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Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?
« on: October 06, 2018, 08:16:20 AM »
Hi everybody,

I've found a NDS cartridge in an old drawer. It does not have its plastic cover: it's just the green card (ruined).
I've tried opening a useless NDS game cartridge to swap the green card and put it in my NDS, but no game is found. I think the card is broken, in fact there are signs of fractures on it.
I've also tried to search on google the numbers printed on it, but i have not found a game name.
So i decided to ask some experts, and found this forum.

Is it possibile to know what game is it?

I link you some pictures of what i have:

I hope you can help me.


Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2018, 06:17:50 PM »
I don't think so, that's just a generic cartridge. Is there anything imprinted on the plastic casing? You could always risk it and wrap the board in electrical tape (everything but the pins), pop it in and try to start it. You'll probably have a hard time getting it back out since there's nothing to push down the spring which would eject it...or you could always buy the cheapest DS Gane you can find and swap the boards.
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Re: Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2018, 08:32:14 AM »
Pietriots  - Post ironic gaming log.

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Re: Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2018, 01:30:48 PM »
Because curiosity, people get curious about weird things. It's a thing that happens and there's nothing wrong with it.

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Re: Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2018, 02:43:08 PM »
Assuming this is a game copy for orginal DS, and not the more modern 3DS, it's possible to take a shot in the dark I guess?

The NTR-ANMP-0 L2 code is probably a good lead. NTR identifies it as a Nintendo DS product, ANMP should be the game's unique identification number, and I think -0 L2 may be a region code of sorts? Not sure though. I found a single hit for "Nintendo DS NTR_ANMP" on what looks like a text file on a Polish website.

Did you by any chance ever own:
A, most likely European, copy of "More Brain Training from Dr. Kawashima: How Old Is Your Brain?"? This would have been released in 2007. The North-American title would have been "Brain AgeĀ² More Training in Minutes a Day!" if that sounds more familiar, but this document has it listed as European.
Note 1: Australia and New-Zealand are also possibilites in that case, as they also use PAL-region carts.
Note 2: Nintendo DS devices were not region-locked, unlike its successor the 3DS. This means you could have played this on any DS (North American, European, Oceania, Japanese, etc.), but it does give a clue where the game was most likely purchased/gifted from.

That's the only direct match for NTR-ANMP I can find, although it does not include the -0 L2 part of the code. Again, I guess that would be a region code, but I don't know where/how to check that. Assuming ANMP is indeed a unique identifier, and the textfile is correct, this would solve it though.
Additionally, the C03-10 appearing above the connector pins is also listed with the More Brain Training title. That said, c03-10 hits about 80 other software titles from wildly varying publishers (Capcom, EA, Natsume, THQ, Ubisofrt Nintendo's own stuff) and released in different years. I'm going to guess it instead refers to a manufacturing plant, or a subsection thereof, or perhaps a location where the carts were flashed or something - but that's all complete speculation.

European/Australian/N-Z cover art

North-American cover art

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Is it possible to know a NDS game from its cartridge?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2018, 03:18:05 PM »
Part of me still suspects this was a spambot of some kind. But even if real, whoever it is hasn't logged back on since the 15 minutes after posting this message. Really don't think they are waiting for an answer from us here.
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