Author Topic: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.  (Read 12226 times)

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And with that the game was over.

Seven years ago this same mafia (minus the soccer fan) brought havoc to these very forums.
I thought that perhaps, this Mafia that had caused so much grief all those years ago could be brought to justice.
But Khush was nothing but a back stabbing double crossing mafia doctor, :ph:
Nickmitch didn't even show up on the first day
And with stratos being fooled like the rest of us our only hope was for a miracle.

The "miracle" never happen.
Maybe it was never meant to.
Because a "miracle" is something that doesn't exist.


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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2017, 12:09:06 AM »
Dead: Stratos (Phoenix Wright)
Lolmonade (Townie)

The game is now tied 4 to 4, making this a mafia win.

Thatguy: The Godfather
Mop it up: Goon #1
Beautifulshy: Goon #2
Insanolord: Goon #3

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2017, 12:22:06 AM »
A perfect game.  Yay!!!!!

Wow I made an offhand comment in the signups about me, thatguy and mop it up signing up and we all ended up as Mafia again plus Insanolord.   I am just going to give a lot of the credit for this win to thatguy. He came up with all sorts of different plans for us and the best one was the first day. He somehow got Khushrenada to protect him and then he hit himself pretty much cementing him as a townie to everyone. He also had a barrier of protecting the being the Godfather thus showing up as a townie in investigations. 

As for my play I think I could have done a lot better not being targeted by votes but this week has been hectic. That post I made about doing lots of things this past week was the absolute truth. Really only by the 1st was I able to focus more on the game. Well as much as I wanted to.

Also yeah lots of good players at least mentioned one of us to be mafia except for thatguy. He was on no ones radar.

Also I think having a perfect game has only happened one other time in the history of Mafia here so that is pretty nice to have that honor.     This was a lot of fun everyone!!
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2017, 12:52:09 AM »

Oh, my, gosh. I was a cog in the mafia machine. I have been so strapped with school and work that I decided to pick a horse and follow it to the bitter end, because that would be better than riding blind. The horse was thatguy. I go suspicious of Be-Shy when she stopped messaging me, but I didn't have time to act on it. Heck, I missed my vote on most days because of my schedule. I kept waiting for close to the close of the day but hard to do that when the end of day can come sooner than expected.

Bravo gang!
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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2017, 12:57:30 AM »
You know this is my first game of Mafia since coming back and I got a win. Hmm maybe I ought to leave for 5 years more often. :P     Also I am just going to say that this game felt the same as that first  Phoenix Wright game at least as far as who was who and what different ideas people came up with at least on my side.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2017, 01:19:52 AM »
Well done, mafia.

Maybe I could have been more effective if I hadn't been absent with vacation half the game, but history shows I will sometimes make a misstep or push too hard to the point of suspicion.

Ces la vie.  At least I seemed to be honing in on a few of the right people.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2017, 01:36:56 AM »
So, I was right with my vote on BeautifulShy Day 1. Stogi was right with his Insanolord vote as well! The only reason I didn't join him in that vote was because Insanolord had made his first post about not joining Stevey in voting for me. If players are going to let me live then I want to try and do the same. With no one else willing to join in the BeautifulShy vote, I threw out TOPHATANT123 as a possible alternative and now I see why so many people jumped on it. The mafia was being targeted all over on Day 1 and needed a townie to be safe.

Tried to help Nickmitch and Fatty who I thought might be innocent by voting Insanolord and trusting in Stogi but Fatty chose to throw the life preserver we created away and vote in a manner preventing him from surviving the day.

It seemed to be getting more clear as the days went on that Insanolord and BeautifulShy were looking like mafia members but rather than unite on a vote, townies kept splitting themselves between the two and allowing other townies to end up in a majority vote. If players were willing to compromise or strike a deal to all vote out one person they suspected one day and the other person the other day then who knows where this game may have gone...
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline pokepal148

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2017, 01:41:02 AM »
I think you have something else you should explain :ph:

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2017, 02:18:15 AM »
He somehow got Khushrenada to protect him and then he hit himself pretty much cementing him as a townie to everyone.

About that.

The game started and I found out I was the Townie Doctor which I hated to discover. I honestly like being a regular townie these days since I know I'm always going to be a high priority target so at least that way if I do go down then I don't take a townie role with me. Worse, I knew my activity was going to be limited this game.

After checking in a bit with Day 1 a good 16 hours or so now in action and with Thatguy officially playing a Mafia game in ages again, it got me kind of nostalgic for our glory days of conquering this game. I'm not sure if a lot of people know the story/history of our team up or not but it began in Mafia 16. I had hosted Mafia 15 which was thatguy's first game. I thought he showed a lot of potential and was quite impressed with his gameplay but I felt a bit bad for him because he was in a mafia with RABicle, Shift Key and Dasmos who were all Australian along with S-U-P-E-R and they were a tight bond and did their own thing. It seemed to me like thatguy was left out of their discussions a bit and RABicle had his own style as Godfather which worked. The mafia did get the win in that game under his leadership. I think thatguy and myself may have even had some discussions on the rules as he really got into the finer points of some things which led to me seeking him out in Mafia 16 as a potential partner.

I thought it might help if he had a partner who would be more involved in discussions and could give him a bit more advice. Plus, I had the perfect role that game which emboldened me to make a suggestion for an idea I'd wanted to try implementing for awhile but never took the risk. I offered to tell him my role in the game if he would tell me mine in exchange. I think thatguy was a little bit hesitant about it but was interested enough to agree and said what he knew about or had heard about me he wasn't too surprised by the offer. Basically, at the start of Mafia 16, we both knew each others roles and that we were on the same side. This allowed us to have a strong partnership and begin the process of fast-tracking a townie alliance and steamrolling through the game. It was my first townie victory and that was pretty special after constantly getting hit when I wasn't mafia. Basically we discovered that by having two players willing to take the risk and reveal their roles to each other, you could kind of break the game and speed up the unification of the townie majority to the detriment of the Mafia minority.

However, it couldn't always last and sometimes we did lie to each other about a role which did loosen the tight early bond we had and then with infrequent participation by thatguy and his involvement in Pixlbit, we started doing a bit more of our own thing each game. When we could trust each other and unite in a game again, it's something we've always liked doing because we can both come up with interesting insights and details on other players to give us more evidence to consider as we play and make hopefully better choices.

Thus, as the game began and I thought about the radio silence that had occurred so far between thatguy and myself, it just felt kind of wrong. I remembered how taking that risk in Mafia 16 cemented our bond so I thought I'd see if lightning would strike twice and sent him this pm:

So, I'm on vacation and all I have is my iPhone 4 with a crappy internet connection. Thus, my activity is going to suck this game. I still trust you to have the skills to get a win so to help you and potentially recreate the Khushrenada/Thatguy magic of games past, I'll just straight up let you know I'm Detective Gumshoe which is the Townie Doctor oddly enough. As such, I'm going to protect you to give you the chance to win whatever your role is unless you want me to protect someone else.

Best of luck to you.  :D

We sent a few other messages on Day 1. Thatguy was wondering why people were voting Insanolord and now I see why. He was trying to probably figure out how to help Insanolord look innocent. BeautifulShy sent me a couple messages also. Knowing she is mafia now, I think the point was to find out whether I actually suspected her of anything and to probably create an alliance so I'd untarget her.

After the Day 1 result, I messaged thatguy with the following pm:

Well, there are two possiblities.

You are innocent and I did correctly protect you or you are Mafia and used a hit on yourself to make yourself look innocent which is an idea that has often been proposed but yet to be executed if I recall correctly. Even if it is the latter, I'm fine with the move because it will have created a great game moment to be remembered. If you are Mafia, don't tell me while I'm alive because I don't like sitting on that information when I should technically be helping my side win.

For now, I'll believe you to be innocent. Who would be willing to strike at you Day 1 despite a lengthy abscence from the game. Stevey? Another returning player like BeautifulShy? A savvy veteran buying into my Day 1 theory that longtime returnees may be given a bit of a free pass at first out of respect for their unretirement allowing powerful roles to advance in the game? Someone you sent a pm to or received a pm and then they got nervous about it?

So many fun possibilities.

Thatguy did respond back with a message that he was just a townie and too busy or tired to come up with a big mafia scheme like that. To his credit, he also later revealed that Nickmitch had contacted him as the investigator and kind of threw Insanolord out as bait stating that Insanolord lied to Nickmitch and claimed to be the investigator. Thus, it helped me believe that he may very well be a townie after all. I felt more confident in joining Stogi on an Insanolord vote on Day 2.

I also sent in a protection for Nickmitch although the person I really felt like protecting was myself because I had this unshakeable feeling that I was going to be targeted that night. Maybe my subconscious knew that thatguy was the Godfather after all. However, on the chance that thatguy was innocent, part of me was hoping to maybe play a cat and mouse game with the mafia and outwit the godfather by protecting another player from the hit. If thatguy was innocent, I didn't think they would try to hit him again so I didn't think I had to protect him. As for Nickmitch, if Insanolord was mafia, he may try to target Nickmitch after lying about being the detective to silence him but Nickmitch didn't tell him he was actually the detective so he wouldn't know Nickmitch was a powerful townie role. Plus, since he survived the vote, if he killed Nickmitch that could backfire and lead to him being voted out since players would know Nickmitch could be trusted as at least a townie rather than some of the doubt he had created.

Therefore, I decided to change my protection to someone else. Perhaps the godfather was stevey who has on occasion targeted players considered my allies like thatguy, Spak-spang, BeautifulShy or Mop it up. In my brain, there was feeling and memory that Mop it up had been getting targeted a lot as hit on Day 2 in recent games. So, maybe the mafia would follow pattern and try for another big threat in the game. I told pokepal148 to protect Mop it up on Day 2's night action but it didn't matter. I was the target and then thatguy came clean to me after my elimination. Thus, I ended up protecting the mafia both nights. Yay me!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2017, 02:31:02 AM »
In the end, I knew that my plan to reveal myself to thatguy could potentially backfire but I was still feeling pretty good from the great victory I was able to participate in with Mafia 73: The Wa-father (Lucario's Waluigi game) and knowing I couldn't get any protection by being the doctor so my time was likely limited, I felt it worth the risk to try. If thatguy was on the townie side, I think things would have gone well for the townie side.

With how things went down after Day 1 and thatguy just happened to be the target, I debated whether I should say something but in my first pm, I had said I was willing to protect him no matter his role and he did execute the dream scenario of the Godfather putting a hit on himself to make himself look innocent. It was a gutsy move considering I could have changed my mind and not told him so if he was Mafia then I wanted to see how it would all play out and how he'd handle it. Unsurprisingly, that move pretty much gave the Mafia all the info they needed from role players and got them the win although I did think things were getting dangerous for the Mafia in Day 3 and thatguy may have been too bold in exposing Nickmitch. Plus, with our history of working together, people may have pieced together the theory that he targeted himself with the mafia hit but it never happened even with Nickmitch, the detective, telling people to vote Insanolord and BeautifulShy before he died.

So, congrats, my friend. I'm sure this will get me some flack from the players who were townies this game but I've had plenty of players hate some of my gameplay before so I'll survive. However, now I feel the need to redeem myself so don't expect easy info like this again.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2017, 02:44:57 AM »
I am just going to say that is pretty touching Khushrenada how you would take that risk with thatguy because of the bond you have. Probably the only 2 or 3 people I want to say I did something like that is Stratos, Spak- Spang and Mop it up on a consistant basis.

Yeah the Nickmitch/Insanolord thing was a bit interesting.  According to Insanolord he told 3 people he was the investigator and I think by the last day all the people he told was out of the game so the insanolord vote was a calculated risk in that those 3 didn't say anything to anyone else.

Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2017, 02:48:48 AM »
One last thing I wanted to mention is that this game did give me new perspective on the Townie Doctor role. From time to time, I've given the doctor the ability to protect themselves but I never wanted to make the power unlimited so I'd usually put in a cap of 2 or 3 self-protections allowed. For the brief moment where I thought I was playing spy-vs-spy with a different shadow godfather out there, I really wished I had just one self-protection to prevent a hit I felt was coming.

Therefore, from now on, I think I'm going to allow the doctor 2 self-protections in a game. That way, the mafia can still beat the doctor if they want to keep hitting at him and the doctor also has to weigh the idea of protecting themselves and exposing a townie role like the Detective to a hit or protecting a townie role and exposing themselves. If you can prevent a hit, it's a big deal so there's an interesting element of potential strategy and I thus think all hosts may want to implement this idea for any games played in the future. It's what I'm going to do with the doctor to try and make it canon instead of sticking with the traditional concept of no self protection for the doctor.

That idea may have changed this game as thatguy would have had to weigh the idea of his Mafia self-hit versus hitting me Day 1 knowing I was exposed by protecting him and that I could end up protecting myself to last until Day 4 and possibly cause him more trouble that way.

That's my take-away from this game with a final P.S. lament that I was unable to do more of an Ema Skye discussion like I hoped by getting into such things as cosplay...

... or other fan art of the character....

... like I was able to with Waluigi in the Waluigi Mafia game. Too bad.

Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2017, 02:58:27 AM »

Just want to say this game got me back into the Phoenix Wrong series and I remember how random and funny they can be.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2017, 03:01:11 AM »
I am just going to say that is pretty touching Khushrenada how you would take that risk with thatguy because of the bond you have.

In the words of Lana Del Rey:

This is what makes us girls
We don't look for heaven and we put our love first
Somethin' that we'd die for it's a curse
Don't cry about it, don't cry about it
This is what makes us girls
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline pokepal148

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2017, 03:09:22 AM »
Oh dear. It appears that killing off Edgeworth has had some unforseen side effects.

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2017, 04:31:35 AM »
Well i might not have won, but i SURVIVED SUCK IT BLUE! :cool;
Also BS i knew you were mafia all along, but no one believed me! XD
Made you look ****.

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2017, 05:13:36 AM »
Well i might not have won, but i SURVIVED SUCK IT BLUE! :cool;
Also BS i knew you were mafia all along, but no one believed me! XD
That is the thing; you need to prove to others that what you say is true otherwise it doesn't mean to much as far as voting people out.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Stogi

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2017, 06:46:56 AM »
GG, Mafia. I only suspected two of you.

That said, it was another day 1 bulls-eye. That's four times in a row! And Khush's day 1 intuition was spot on as well. If the townies followed any one of us, this game would have been different.

We were screwed after the death of both the doctor and investigator, and it didn't help that Stratos was working with the mafia. You guys pulled off a great win.
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Offline lolmonade

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2017, 08:47:56 AM »
Well i might not have won, but i SURVIVED SUCK IT BLUE! :cool;
Also BS i knew you were mafia all along, but no one believed me! XD

Your problem is the same as mine in these games, I think.  Can't win if you don't stick your neck out there and try to form a coalition by PMs, but I play too conservatively and usually wait for people to contact me, which sometimes works, oftentimes doesn't. 

I'm going to have to start playing a little more aggressively in future games, I don't like the way I end up boxing myself in by just commenting in the day threads.

Also, Kudos to BeautifulShy for the day 1 PM sway.  Might have been more suspicious before day 4 if I wasn't distracted by the glittering lights and weirdos of the Vegas strip, but it was enough in this game to distract me until I could get active again.

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2017, 11:54:51 AM »
Good game everyone. Kudos to BeautifulShy for PM-fooling me, at least until it was too late. I was also briefly fooled by Insano's PM claim but again, by the time I realized, it was too late. As for my self-sacrifice play on Day 2, I got tripped up by thread closing. I had hoped to sway some votes toward Mop it up, who I was pretty sure by then was Mafia, but I put up my impassioned plea way too close to thread-closing time. I had a back-up plan to try and force a tie and potentially save myself but by the time I went back, thread was locked. I had thought it was locked in error and even PMed pokepal about it but then checked again and realized it was all on me. I had read the timestamps incorrectly. What an idiot! Just remember kids, do all your fun stuff when you're young cuz it sure sucks gettin' old.

And massive kudos to Thatguy. Masterfully played all the way through. #PoorGumshoe indeed!
Oui, Mon Gars!

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2017, 12:15:34 PM »
Tried to point out to y'all that early bandwagon was shifty and I got knocked off for it :(

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2017, 03:06:48 PM »
I didn't suspect Thatguy as mafia until I was already dead.  It took me a while to piece it together.  I thought there was a townie alliance going on and was getting in on it.  When he started the vote against me, I figured there was a leak in the alliance.  There was no way I was the only one he told Khush was the doctor.  He said he trusted Beautifulshy even though I was getting more and more suspicious.  Her voting pattern was what did it for me.  Insanolord was obviously mafia from when he first contacted me.  Lying about a role = definitely mafia.  Mop always seemed to tag on a bandwagon.  What threw me off Thatguy was Khush protecting him on day 1.

I probably should've made sure to get an investigation off on the first day.  That could've changed the tied of things, but it sounds like Khush already sealed his fate, so it likely would've snowballed in the same direction.
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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2017, 04:28:56 PM »
I suppose I can do a day-by-day play-by-play on my end.

I've done some pretty crazy things in mafia games to get reactions and judge based on that. I had actually decided before this game that if I was mafia, I was going to make the claim publicly the first day. Then... I wound up as the godfather, and figured that was a little too much of a risk to take.

Onward to day 1. The goal this day was to lay low. In games before as a townie, I've found a surprising amount of information by talking to people in private messages and in the thread. Typically the games where townies communicate frequently and fluidly are the ones which are most difficult for the mafia to win, and from the outset, my goal was not to facilitate an overwhelming townie alliance if I could help it, as the communication and free-flow of information that presents would be very challenging to overcome. Mop it up's vote fit the plan. I recommended to BeautifulShy that she talk to everyone like she used to, and be generally frantic. I didn't start out with much advice for Insanolord.

Two things happened. The first is that Khushrenada reached out to me. You saw much about that above. I contacted my mafia, and asked them what they thought, and ultimately decided to go for it.

The second was that Insanolord was being voted out, in part because of my vote against him. I've been in this situation before as godfather. In fact, I believe we ended up voting out Mop it up seven years ago the first day in a similar situation. At that point, back then, I gave up. I resigned there was no way around it, but at least it would be good cover. This time around, I had a little more sense.

To start, I recommended Insanolord start playing the game. I recommended he pick a character and role-play as it, and post some sort of speech from the character. Then I realized he wasn't familiar with Ace Attorney, and recommended he pick a famous movie or TV lawyer. I went to research any speeches made by Matlock I could find and couldn't find anything good. Then I remember hearing some speech made by Denzel Washington in Philadelphia. I figured that would be pretty solid. I rewrote the speech as if Insanolord were giving it about this game, shared it with him, and made one final gambit since, from my perception, Insanolord was already doomed unless action was taken: I told him to lie. Pretend he's the investigator, and contact people to save him. That way, if any mafia members voted to save him, they'd have some cover that townies would also have when asked why he was voted out. Stories would be consistent. Evidence wouldn't point anyway except that everyone was duped by a mafia member.

I've always wondered why mafia members in trouble rarely claim to have a role, especially early in the game. It can substantially grow trust issues among the townies. Once someone realizes they've been duped once by a mafia member claiming to have a role, anyone else with a role that steps forward will face additional scrutiny. It's a move to oppress those in the townies from uniting. In this case, it was barely expressed or played out the way I had intended, but I knew there could be a lot of potential utility.

The plan that formed in my mind, going into the second day, would be to take advantage of the chaos resulting from a stopped hit on the first day, the fallout from Insanolord's turnabout, and to try to gain and control as much knowledge in regard to both of those elements. My ideal plan was, if Khushrenada was telling the truth about protecting me, to recruit the townies with roles under my fold and manipulate their operations, primarily thanks to Insanolord's move to tell people he was the investigator.

Picture this: In the average player's mind, there no way I could be in the mafia, after all, I had just survived a hit. Now, the obvious next step for an outgoing player would be to form an instant alliance with trustworthy players. But there's a problem! As noted above, even when the mafia is involved in townie alliances, they typically get communication and information flowing among townies, and any action based on this information suggests there is a leak, which helps to identify the member of the mafia that is involved. There was no way I'd form a townie alliance unless I was capable of controlling this from the start. On day 2, when the townies with roles contacted me, I was going to make the claim that two people came forward as investigators. I was going to control the confusion, keeping all townie roles hidden from each other over fears of mafia lies, allowing me the opportunity to prevent any real alliance while also controlling all information and even guiding the actual investigator to investigate people who would be of no consequence or were already known. The plan was to do this until the investigator intended to investigate a mafia member, and on that night, make the hit to kill him. The next day, depending on the townie/mafia ratio, I'd either accuse the mafia member who made the claims and vote him out, thus perfecting my cover, or I'd accuse a random townie, and vote him out, ending the game for the mafia.

You can see plans didn't go this way, but at this point in the game, as the first day came to a close, this was my rough outline of how to play the game, should I survive my own hit.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Mafia 73: Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Mafia: Endgame thread.
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2017, 04:48:42 PM »
First off, thanks to pokepal148 for hosting, and for answering our questions.

Was everyone on vacation this game or something? It was pretty funny how many people seemed to be busy, something that certainly worked to our advantage this game, even though the days went 48 hours to give people more chances. By the end of it, our hope was to keep attention split between BeatifulShy and Insanolord, which allowed us to control the vote since we never had 4 or more against one of us to contend with. I also tried to appear obvious to certain players, in the hopes to further split the vote, since it didn't seem like the townies were really talking to each other.

I told pokepal148 to protect Mop it up on Day 2's night action but it didn't matter.
It would have been hilarious if you told me you had done that, and then I also could have had the hit placed on me and had it blocked.

I've actually always wondered why the target for a blocked hit is announced in the thread. Seems like it should just be a general message like "The Mafia hit was blocked by the doctor," that way only the doctor would know the target is likely townie instead of confirming it for everyone. Not that it's 100% confirmation as this game shows, but this is quite an exception...

As for my self-sacrifice play on Day 2, I got tripped up by thread closing. I had hoped to sway some votes toward Mop it up, who I was pretty sure by then was Mafia, but I put up my impassioned plea way too close to thread-closing time. I had read the timestamps incorrectly.
Ah, that explains it! I was wondering why you didn't tie it up to save yourself. I was actually sad that Thatguy chose you to vote out, I was enjoying your character.