Author Topic: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!  (Read 4198 times)

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Offline Jonnyboy117

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« on: April 30, 2017, 09:49:43 AM »

I'm trying out titles for my inevitable memoirs.

This week saw 353 young men selected in the NFL Draft as the newest contestants in America's greatest bloodsport. Greg Leahy, America's greatest podcaster, did his American duty and watched this - America's greatest made-for-TV casting call. In his place we adopted a modern retro-modern cast with the first post-Switch appearance of Dr. Jonathan Metts.

This deeply un-American foursome instead focus on video games...America's seventh-best bloodsport. Jonny gives his first, non-vicarious, thoughts on Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Bills Trade Down. Given all the catching up he has to do, he has a lot to say. Don't expect any major departures from him on the game's quality. His New Business is interrupted by Nintendo's sudden announcement of the new 2DS XL, a system that's name is now 95% based around it being a version. Returning to New Business, he also shares some praise for Blaster Master Zero, a pseudo-remake of Blaster Master (which just happened to be the RetroActive game RFN covered on his very last regular episode). Jon played the Witcher 2. No, not 3. 2. He actually enjoyed its relative compactness, when compared to its newer sequel. Gui and James are still down the Persona hole, and Gui celebrates this by looking at Towerfall: Ascension. See what I did there? He enjoyed its multiplayer-focused arena gameplay, and encourages people to watch out for it when it finds its way onto Switch later this year. James has another Switch indie game this week, with impressions of Kamiko, a Zelda-inspired action game that finds its beat quick, and gets out just as fast.

After an unpatriotic break, it's Listener Mail, our ninety-third greatest bloodsport. Covered this week: the parallels between NWR and the now defunct (and cartoonishly evil) Brash Games, the discontinuation of the NES Classic Mini, and the only ACTUAL bloodsport mentioned in this episode: standing in line for amiibo. You can fight to the death for Advent Children Cloud by sending us an email.


Offline wcmullins

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2017, 03:37:54 AM »
Gui is the smartest one out of all of us. It is likely that splatoon 2 won't have all its content ready at launch which is really the only big game until holiday season. Also, they'll be some kick ass bundle down the road that will make me wish I would have waited.

In terms of NES classic edition, I'm really sour on it. I was first in line black friday at a game stop and waited for 8 hours because I wanted to get it for my mom for Christmas who is a lapse gamer. I went home empty handed and really frustrated by it. I'm hoping the reason why its gone is because they plan to make it better or have something cool for switch/3DS owners down the road
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 03:39:39 AM by wcmullins »

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2017, 08:30:30 PM »
sorry things got a bit heavy there. I was not expecting Dr. Metts to be on for this, and I must be honest...

My skin crawled a little bit when Johnny started talking about that sweet delicious SEO Juice.

Sterling ended up doing a follow-up on the Brash Games video and went into detail about casino websites that go around mailing blogs and news websites about writing editorial that drop a link to their gambling websites in exchange for $100 in the name of planting various seeds about for the purpose of Search Engine Optimization.

When I think about Neal using NintendoWorldReport as a springboard for his career, I just think about the "Stop Being Funny" email story.

I've honestly thought about asking you guys if I could do editorial for you folks, but I am REALLY not qualified to be doing any writing above a high school level. I am also a SUPREMELY lazy individual who's muse works in much the same way that Bill O'Reily thinks the tide works.

Really, I care about you guys. that's why I sent the email. Thank you VERY much for answering it, even if Gui went eerily and unreasonably silent during the discussion of it.

Offline Pandareus

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2017, 11:34:12 AM »
I'm sorry if I didn't have much to say. "What Brash Games did was bad" is the coldest of takes, and it's all I had.

The conversation about working for NWR being a formative experience missed me because I came into NWR as a fully formed adult already, with a steady job and absolutely no intention of breaking into the games writing market.

I guess I could have spoken about how I justify to myself spending an afternoon a week editing the podcast. The basic gist is that podcasting looked fun so I tried my hand at it with my own biweekly podcast, and when I got recruited to edit RFN, a podcast I loved then and love now, it seemed like a trade up and a way to make sure RFN kept going. The fact that no one else on the site gets paid was also a consideration, but that was mentioned on 520 already.

I treat it as a time-consuming hobby. I made sure when I came in that I would be able to get breaks occasionally and so Jonny and then James picking up the work a lot of week-ends has helped tremendously. And I'm constantly looking for ways to save time to make it easier for myself and make sure I don't burn out.

None of this has much to do with the Brash Games question, hence my silence.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2017, 01:28:14 PM »
makes sense. the Email was less about Brash and more about Sterling's comments condemning ANY AND ALL Unpaid operations and urging folks who work for a website that doesn't pay them to sever ties as soon as possible and make your own brand.

I know one person Sterling's words struck a chord with is the recently returned Justin Nation, who actually wrote an editorial about why he enjoys writing. I asked him in the talkback of that thread if the Jimquisition episode had anything to do with the timing of this. He said he had started writing it before that, but Sterlings words did further motivate him to get it out there.

My question was moreso about if that sort of comradarie is enough to sustain website staff.

I suppose you're getting exactly what you wanted out of this gig, and I respect that, Gui. I think I was expecting you to maybe have a fun story about really kicking it off with a member of staff or email threads you've chimed in on much like James had.

I'll mark "NWR Inside baseball" as a topic you don't have much to say on along with business acumen.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2017, 06:42:08 PM »
Jim Sterling is a youtube shock jock.  From what I've seen of his videos, his popularity stems from the same strategy as making a hypothesis with loud enthusiasm and painting with broad strokes. 

Good email, Clex, and thanks to RFN for taking some questions and talking business between this and the NES classic email.  I think a lot of people who have no experience in business or video games (Jim Sterling, for example), love to assume some sort of malicious intent behind Nintendo's supply issues, where Hanlon's Razor is a much more likely explanation. 

Finally, if Nintendo were to leverage Amiibo into an actual Amiibo game, my personal wishlist would be them teaming with Activision to make a Skylanders-esque game.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2017, 08:46:45 PM »
In the interest of accuracy, Jim (effing) Sterling (son) did write for two paying outlets of various repute (The Escapist, Destructoid) before going independent.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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Offline lolmonade

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2017, 09:36:57 PM »
I stand corrected.  That said, I'll just suggest people take him as more a video soapbox rather than reputable news.  The Sean Hannity model rather than Anderson Cooper.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2017, 10:59:15 PM »
Sterling does seem to mouth off for the sake of drumming up controversy sometimes, yes. It's also clear that to some degree, the Jimquisition (his highly editorialized weekly show unto which he gets most of his modern buzz) is meant to be comedy satire. However, his body of work does sometimes use compelling arguments.

one of the key lines from my email did read that his statement on unpaid journalistic work comes from his time at Destructoid, wherein unpaid interns were doing full-on writing work for staff there. I realize that his words are a blanket statement that doesn't apply to every tom, dick, and harry out there on the internet. My email was more meant to see how RFN and NWR as a whole would respond to such a statement.

Speaking of which, I want to say thank you to Neal for taking the time to write up a response to this. as I posited in my email, I felt the question was better aimed at him.

Also, your welcome, Lolmonade.

Offline Lemonade

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2017, 10:23:45 PM »
Its always nice to hear from Jonny again.

Im surprised they dont have very many amiibo. I have 28 of the things now. I also bought amiibo Festival last week new for only $9.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Episode 520: MY NACHOS ARE ON FIRE!
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2017, 11:01:27 PM »
James, Fairune and Fairune 2 are both speedrun centric, and Kamiko is no different. I've whittled my playthroughs down to about 30 minutes per go, but I'm sure I could get down to 20-25 minutes a run per character.

Also, try keeping the enemies that don't aggro towards you when you enter their point of view alive to avoid the respawning issue. It helps with speed runs, especially if you can figure out their attack patterns (obviously harder in the later levels).

I really love Skipmore's stuff.
I am a toxic person engaging in toxic behavior.