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Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« on: February 26, 2017, 03:29:32 AM »
So, normally I'd have created this thread about a month ago when the Oscar nominations are released but at the time they came out, there were two movies I hadn't seen yet which were Hacksaw Ridge along with Hell and High Water. I was able to see those both by the end of the first week of February but then was involved in other forum stuff and put it off for awhile. Plus, I had the idea to look back at my past threads and revisit them to make a bigger event out of this all but that idea is a bit of a time sink and I just haven't been able to spare the time like I wanted.

With the Oscar's happening tomorrow/tonight, it's probably best I get this thread up and launched already. Should be interesting considering Plugabugz and Nickmitch have been posting some thoughts on some of these films in the Movie Review thread. In addition to the movies nominated, I'd like to talk about other films that have come out this year but that may be done a bit later after getting the Oscar business taken care of first.

In case you've forgotten or are reading this in the future and can't remember, these are the nominated films for the year:

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2017, 03:48:32 AM »
I've only seen 1 of those movies - Arrival (kinda boring imo)
but I've heard that Fences, Hidden Figures, Moonlight and Lion all happen to be really good.
I image those are the 4 minority movies as well.

I hear La La land is probably not gonna be a movie I like, and I know nothing about the other 3, even though I did just get Hacksaw Ridge though Netflix this weekend, so I might check that out real soon.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2017, 04:01:30 AM »
First up, I want to say that despite hearing people say that 2016 was a good year for movies or that there were a lot of great gems released this year (often said with critics listing their top choices of the year), I have to disagree quite a bit with that statement. I've found 2016 to be a rather weak year for movies. At least, from what I've seen so far. There was nothing this year that really enraptured me like in years past with Room, Inside Out, Whiplash, Nightcrawler, or Gravity to name a few. A movie where you walked away after viewing it and knew you had seen something special that thrilled or moved me. I didn't really get that buzz or movie high from anything I've seen this year. To me, most movies this year either had some element holding them back or something was lacking. I even went through a period where I was very disinterested in anything being released or even wanting to go to the theatre which felt like an arduous task for awhile. That feeling went away somewhat with the better caliber of movies released in December for awards season but it's still left my take on the year as being a bit of a disappointment cinematically.

Now, it is my plan to elaborate more on these movies but for now I'm just going to give a quick rundown of how I'd rank the Best Picture nominees.

9 - Fences
8 - Moonlight
7 - Lion
6 - Manchester By The Sea
5 - Arrival
4 - Hacksaw Ridge
3 - Hell or High Water
2 - Hidden Figures
1 - La La Land

So, considering Nickmitch's recently posted opinions on Moonlight and La La Land, I sense there could be some disagreement between us on those films so I do want to elaborate more on my rankings here. However, I do want to make the disclaimer that although La La Land is my number 1 choice, it's kind of a default choice because it is a weak year and the competition is weak. There are some years where you've got a couple all-time classic movies nominated the same year like Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption losing to Forrest Gump or The Conversation and Chinatown losing to The Godfather Part 2. If one of those or some other famous runner-up was entered into this year's competition, it probably could've won this year. To me, this is a repeat of 2008 and its very weak line-up where Slumdog Millionaire was the big winner. It's how it goes. Some years you get a bunch of strong films released at the same time fighting it out and some years you get some weaker films fighting it out.

To be completely honest, I'm flexible on the 5 - 9 rankings. They could all tie for 9th for all I care. The only stuff I really liked was the top 4 I've got listed but I've still got some issues with them. Anyways, that's the quick intro I wanted to make on them. For now, I'm off to bed and I'll be back later to start getting into this with more detail.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2017, 04:03:49 AM »
I've only seen 1 of those movies - Arrival (kinda boring imo)
but I've heard that Fences, Hidden Figures, Moonlight and Lion all happen to be really good.
I image those are the 4 minority movies as well.

Oh great! Now I hate minorities based on my rankings.  :-[ :'(
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2017, 11:35:13 AM »
I've only seen 1 of those movies - Arrival (kinda boring imo)
but I've heard that Fences, Hidden Figures, Moonlight and Lion all happen to be really good.
I image those are the 4 minority movies as well.

Oh great! Now I hate minorities based on my rankings.  :-[ :'(

Well, not to make this a racial thing, but I also hear that La La Land is about a white guy who's trying to "save" Jazz. And there's nothing wrong with that, on the surface, but I haven't seen the film to judge it any deeper than the description that was given to me. But it's also a musical and outside of Disney animated movies, I don't really like musicals.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2017, 12:54:04 PM »
I didn't see very many films from last year except Nice Guys.

Need to check Moonlight.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2017, 02:03:54 PM »
Only film I saw is Hell or Highwater, which is the best movie I saw in 2016.

I don't know if everyone will like it, but I think if you have lived in the rural West, the movie rings very true.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2017, 06:01:43 PM »
Ok, let's start breaking down the categories for the Oscars and my picks. Let's take care of what should be the easy choices so far this year.

Best Picture - La La Land. Seems like a lock although there's been talk of a potential upset because there was a push for Moonlight to win to make a political kind of statement. However, no other award organization has chosen anything different that La La Land as best picture and with 14 nominations, it should pretty much seal the deal that it is popular by the majority of academy voters.

Best Director - Damien Chazelle. Again, he's swept the guild awards, directed a picture that got 14 nominations and earned a some respect with his other recent Best Picture nominated film Whiplash.

Best Supporting Actress - Viola Davis. I think she did a great job in Fences so it's a deserved win if she gets it and so far she has pretty much swept all other award organization wins leading up to this point. Plus, I think there is a general feeling of her being "robbed" as it were when she lost to Meryl Streep a few years ago who won for the Iron Lady. There seems to be a sense that people want to make her an Oscar Winner and for her to be an Oscar winner.

Best Original Score - La La Land. I like musicals yet I'm not always a big fan of the score. This is one of the few movies where I'm looking to purchase the soundtrack and add it to my collection. The score is a huge reason why this movie has been so successful.

That's about it for the so-called "locks" this year and we've still got 20 more categories to go.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 01:23:45 AM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2017, 07:27:34 PM »
Next up are the categories that have a pretty large consensus as to what will win but due to other award ceremonies or outside factors could see an upset over the consensus pick. It's like 75% sure - 25% doubt.

Best Actress - Emma Stone. At first, it seemed like Natalie Portman might be winning this award with her portrayal of Jackie Kennedy but support for that film faded at Oscar nomination time and then she didn't win at the Golden Globes. That went to Isabelle Huppert for Elle and she seems to be Emma Stone's biggest competition having snagged some other awards along the way. It's her first Oscar nomination and could potentially be her only one so perhaps the academy may feel that Emma Stone will get another chance. However, I kind of doubt that. There are plenty of first-time or only one-time nominees who never win nor am I sure how familiar Academy members will be of her other work. Plus, her role is off-putting from what I hear whereas Emma's role is a bit more relatable and is the greater story arc of La La Land. I think this is Emma's night.

Best Supporting Actor - Mahershala Ali. Got burned in this category last year where the sentimental supposed favorite of Sylvester Stallone lost to Mark Rylance from Bridge of Spies. While Ali has won a lot of awards along the way for this role in Moonlight, Dev Patel did score a win in this category at Bafta which has some overlap with the academy and has a larger screen presence in Lion than Ali's role. Plus, Patel was the lead in Slumdog Millionaire so he's got some Oscar history. But Lion is the lowest ranked film when going by Metacritic at 69% and I don't often hear too many people talking about the film as their favorite. There are a few but not as many people who praise Moonlight. Plus, Ali has a small role in Hidden Figures which a lot of people also liked. I think the double coverage will allow Ali to win for people who want to support Moonlight and or Hidden Figures in a subtle way much like Vikander won supporting actress last year for The Danish Girl though some thought it might have also been for her role in Ex Machina. As an aside, Jeff Bridges was the character I liked the most in Hell or High Water and would be my choice.

Best Animated Film - Zootopia. This movie has the benefit of sitting at second place on Rotten Tomatoes rankings of top 100 2016 movies. It came out early in the year giving it plenty of time to be seen by many members of the academy and be familiar with it. However, Kubo and the Two Strings is slouch sitting at 10th place on the list and was released in the summer giving it time to be seen as well as even getting a nomination of Best Visual effects. Then there is Moana which had the benefit of being nominated for a Best Song. However, I don't think Moana is in the race. It's no Frozen and frankly I found the movie oddly paced and the journey lacking / a bit uneventful. Can't comment on Kubo since I haven't seen it but Zootopia was a rich world that I could see easily being made into a franchise and further explored not that being franchisable means a movie is better but that it had a lot ideas and characters it could explore and work with. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's a sort of rule that the academy loves cute looking animals and there are a lot of cutesy animals to be seen in it and from its posters.

Best Original Song - City of Stars, La La Land. There's talk that La La Land having two nominations in this category could cancel each other out and Moana could win. Song is often an iffy category and I was burned last year when Sam Smith's song for SPECTRE won over the presumed front runner of Lady Gaga for The Hunting Grounds. Personally, I didn't think How Far I'll Go from Moana was anything special. It's no Let it Go though it seems to be trying to mimic it. I could remember a bit of how Let It Go sounded but I can't recall anything of How Far I'll Go sounds. Plus, City of Stars has a couple of piano bars that worm their way into your brain. As soon as I read City of Stars, I can hear Gosling's voice and then the next couple notes to follow those words. As well, I think the Audition song that was also nominated from La La Land is one of the weakest songs in the movie. Some people talk about Stone's audition scene as this moving moment but I always felt the song fell flat and didn't work. Another Day of Sun would have been a far better choice and had it been nominated then there might have been more chance of a cancellation between it and City of Stars.

Best Cinematography - La La Land. Haven't seen Silence so I'm not sure how it compares but I don't think many have so it's probably not in the running. There have been arguments for Arrival, Moonlight or Lion winning this award over La La Land but, judging by other award ceremonies, it would seem La La Land will take the award. I don't think it compares to some of the past winners by Lubezki like The Revenant or Gravity but with the production design and costumes it's helped create an indelible look for when you see images of the film and its various shots through day, night and evening help illuminate the mood of the characters by the lighting. Moonlight is probably the biggest competition here and one of the few things I liked about that film.

Best Visual Effects - The Jungle Book. This seems to be the consensus choice for the most part although Dr. Strange has picked up an award or two. After Ex Machina winning last year which was maybe the biggest surprise of the night and completely unexpected, who knows where this category could end up. The person behind The Jungle Book has won a couple Oscars before for visual effects and the movie is at number 6 of Rotten Tomatoes best of 2016 movies leading to Disney kicking off plans for more Live Action remakes. Again, I think the academy loves animals so it is my choice but after last year, I believe any film nominated here could be a winner.

Best Production Design - La La Land. La La Land seems to be the top choice here as well and like I commented in Cinematography, its production designs and sets help give it a distinctive look and occasionally reach some great cinematic moments. Yet, BAFTA went with Fantastic Beasts as their choice. If you look back at previous winners, this category is full of odd choices. Alice in Wonderland, Hugo, Lincoln, The Great Gatsby, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Mad Max: Fury Road. There's no great precedent to follow here. If La La Land wins, it will be for its epilogue in a flurry of sets designed to invoke past musicals like An American In Paris and its finale. Personally, I think Hail Caesar might be the best choice for this category as its being set on a film lot allowed for a lot of great set pieces. The question is whether members will bother to pick what they think is the best or just select La La Land as a big winner for being so popular. Moreover, Hail Caesar isn't nominated for anything else and past winners at least had multiple nominations in other categories.

Best Make-up and Hairstyling - Star Trek Beyond. This category is a bit of a mess with Suicide Squad actually being a lot of other pundits top choice. A Man Called Ove seems to be getting dismissed by most everyone since aging make-up doesn't seem to be as flashy as it once was with Benjamin Button or La Vie en Rose. Star Trek won this movie 8 years ago and was regarded as a bit more critically successful than Suicide Squad so I think the academy will go with that. This is a weird competition.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2017, 08:23:33 PM »
Now for even tougher categories:

Best Documentary - O.J. Made In America. This one is tricky. OJ seems to be the consensus choice and has picked up quite a few awards along the way but it has the question looming over it of whether it is TV or Film and whether some members will dismiss it as more of a TV release than Film release. However, it did get nominated and there are plenty of times good critically praised docs don't get nominated here so its clearly got a lot of support. The biggest competition seems to be 13th but the Academy has been hesitant to embrace things from Netflix so far and DuVerney's last picture Selma didn't seem to get much love despite being nominated for a Best Picture award. Plus, OJ is a big Hollywood story so I'm going with the supposed frontrunner here. However, with three documentaries dealing on race, they could split support and a documentary about Disney cartoons helping a person with autism could win because of its movies being a hero message. Then there's Fire at Sea dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis which is another political hot topic. OJ got a lot of press this year so I think it will be on the minds of voters still.

Best Adapted Screenplay - Moonlight. Moonlight faces some tough competition in this category. Oddly enough, it was awarded a best Original Screenplay award by the writers guild while Arrival won as best Adapted Screenplay. However, they face off against each other in the Oscars as Moonlight was considered adapted by the academy. Most likely Moonlight wins, however, in order to award Barry Jenkins for something since Best Director doesn't seem to be in the cards and because Moonlight is considered the runner-up to La La Land this year. However, it is also competing against Lion, Fences and Hidden Figures for the award and popularity for one of those movies could always drain some support for it. With La La Land not competing here, it would seem like Moonlight would be the more likely choice.

Best Original Screenplay - La La Land. This, to my knowledge, is a two-way race between La La Land and Manchester by the Sea and most critics have MbtS as the winner of this award. Yet, a Best Picture Winner almost always has a best screenplay award of some sort to go along with it. If history holds true then La La Land should win in this category. While it is easy to point to the music as the reason for La La Land's success, the songs and musical numbers still needed a story to fit them altogether and frankly the story of La La Land seems to have resonated more than MbtS. So, I'm taking a chance and going La La Land in this category.

Best Costume Design - La La Land. This is a tougher category than it might first appear to be. The popular choice is Jackie and even I thought it would be winner on seeing the movie. There's a scene where Jackie changes through a bunch of clothes and her iconic looks. But one person made an interesting comment that Jackie is just recreating outfits that already existed. Looking on the history of this award, historical recreations do not seem to really get honored. The brightly colored clothes and costumes stand out more in La La Land even thought its a contemporary look. Colorful clothing seems to be a better indicator of recent winners. However, there is a third dark horse which is Fantastic Beasts since the designer Collen Atwood has been nominated 11 times previously and won 3 times. So, she could have support for a bigger upset than La La Land over Jackie.

Best Foreign Language Film - The Salesman. This is a tough one because it seemed like Toni Erdmann would probably be the winner. It was the most highly regarded film at nomination time. It's even coaxed Jack Nicholson out of retirement who wants to adapt it for the US and star in it. So, it's definitely been noticed in Hollywood. However, the muslim ban in the US affected the director from The Salesman who had won an Oscar a few years ago for A Seperation and there's talk that the Oscar may go to him as a form of a political statement against the policy despite The Salesman being viewed as a weaker film. A Man Called Ove and Land of Mine could also make political statements. The question is will the Academy choose to go with what might be considered the better picture or will they want to get politics involved? Moreover, how many people might vote for The Salesman because they've heard about it from this controversy compared to the other films nominated? Will the fact that Farhadi won before affect things or further sway the academy to make him a two-time winner? I think The Salesman will take it but I'm going to be hating myself if Toni Erdmann does come through as the winner.

Best Film Editing - Arrival. While one might expect that La La Land would continue its push of technical awards with this category, it isn't that simple. Editing usually goes to a movie with a lot of cuts and the editing work seemingly on display. That is a bit more on display in Arrival. Moreover, because of it's story involving time, the editing of that movie is more crucial than La La Land. The A.C.E. awards, which deal with editing, split the movie categories by drama or comedy/musical. This year, Arrival won drama while La La Land won musical. However, while there are cases where neither winner of an ACE category won the Oscar that year, the drama category had the higher success rate of ACE winner to Oscar winner. Only one comedy/musical winner also won best editing and that was Chicago. So, maybe La La Land still has a shot but I'm taking a chance on Arrival.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2017, 08:32:43 PM »
Since I'm running out of time typing, here are the crap shoot categories this year and my guess on them.

Best Actor - Casey Affleck
Sound Editing - Hacksaw Ridge
Sound Mixing - La La Land
Animated Short - Piper
Short Film Live - Ennemis Interieurs
Documentary Short - The White Helmets
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2017, 08:41:20 PM »
Here's everything in a concise format.

Best Picture - La La Land
Best Director - Damien Chazelle
Best Actor - Casey Affleck
Best Actress - Emma Stone
Best Supporting Actor - Mahershala Ali
Best Supporting Actress - Viola Davis
Best Original Screenplay - La La Land
Best Adapted Screenplay - Moonlight
Best Cinematography - La La Land
Best Film Editing - Arrival
Best Foreign Language Film - The Salesman
Best Animated Film - Zootopia
Best Documentary - OJ: Made in America
Best Production Design - La La Land
Best Costume Design - La La Land
Best Make-up and Hair - Star Trek Beyond
Best Original Score - La La Land
Best Original Song - City of Stars from La La Land
Best Visual Effects - The Jungle Book
Best Sound Editing - Hacksaw Ridge
Best Sound Mixing - La La Land
Best Short Film - Ennemis Interieurs
Best Animated Short - Piper
Best Short Documentary - The White Helmets
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2017, 08:49:47 PM »
Here's everything in a concise format.

Best Picture - La La Land
Best Director - Damien Chazelle
Best Actor - Casey Affleck
Best Actress - Emma Stone
Best Supporting Actor - Mahershala Ali
Best Supporting Actress - Viola Davis
Best Original Screenplay - La La Land
Best Adapted Screenplay - Moonlight
Best Cinematography - La La Land
Best Film Editing - Arrival
Best Foreign Language Film - The Salesman
Best Animated Film - Zootopia
Best Documentary - OJ: Made in America
Best Production Design - La La Land
Best Costume Design - La La Land
Best Make-up and Hair - Star Trek Beyond
Best Original Score - La La Land
Best Original Song - City of Stars from La La Land
Best Visual Effects - The Jungle Book
Best Sound Editing - Hacksaw Ridge
Best Sound Mixing - La La Land
Best Short Film - Ennemis Interieurs
Best Animated Short - Piper
Best Short Documentary - The White Helmets

These are your betting choices not personal picks, right?

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2017, 09:13:37 PM »
La La Land was a well-made movie that should not win Best Picture.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2017, 12:17:27 AM »
And it won best picture.

I mean, of course it did, but that's a damn shame.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2017, 12:32:32 AM »
I'm not watching the Oscars, but it's a damn shame that Get Out didn't come out last October, because I think it would be a contender.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2017, 12:36:01 AM »
And it won best picture.

I mean, of course it did, but that's a damn shame.

Actually it didn't. Don't know if you kept watching but the ceremony ended in disaster. Moonlight won Best Picture and they had to come out and announce the mistake to everyone. Steve Harvey can sleep at night again.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2017, 12:48:23 AM »
I did not watch it! But that's hilarious. La La Land was overrated.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2017, 12:54:34 AM »
Here's the list
Best Picture: “Moonlightâ€
Actor: Casey Affleck, “Manchester by the Seaâ€
Actress: Emma Stone, “La La Landâ€
Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali, “Moonlightâ€
Supporting Actress: Viola Davis, “Fencesâ€
Animated Feature: “Zootopiaâ€
Cinematography: “La La Landâ€
Costume Design: “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Themâ€
Direction: Damien Chazelle, “La La Landâ€
Documentary Feature: “O.J.: Made in Americaâ€
Documentary Short: “The White Helmetsâ€
Film Editing: “Hacksaw Ridgeâ€
Foreign Language Film: “The Salesmanâ€
Makeup and Hairstyling: “Suicide Squadâ€
Score: “La La Landâ€

Suicide Squad won an award.... I guess it isn't all bad in the DCCU

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2017, 01:20:03 AM »
These are your betting choices not personal picks, right?

Correct. My personal choices would be different. So, how'd I do?

Best Picture - La La Land Wrong Moonlight
Best Director - Damien Chazelle Right
Best Actor - Casey Affleck Right
Best Actress - Emma Stone Right
Best Supporting Actor - Mahershala Ali Right
Best Supporting Actress - Viola Davis Right
Best Original Screenplay - La La Land Wrong. Manchester by the Sea.
Best Adapted Screenplay - Moonlight Right
Best Cinematography - La La Land Right
Best Film Editing - Arrival Wrong. Hacksaw Ridge
Best Foreign Language Film - The Salesman Right
Best Animated Film - Zootopia Right
Best Documentary - OJ: Made in America Right
Best Production Design - La La Land Right
Best Costume Design - La La Land Wrong. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Best Make-up and Hair - Star Trek Beyond Suicide Squad amazingly.
Best Original Score - La La Land Right
Best Original Song - City of Stars from La La Land Right
Best Visual Effects - The Jungle Book Right
Best Sound Editing - Hacksaw Ridge Wrong. Arrival
Best Sound Mixing - La La Land Wrong. Hacksaw Ridge
Best Short Film - Ennemis Interieurs Wrong. Sing
Best Animated Short - Piper Right
Best Short Documentary - The White Helmets Right

16/24. Eh, nuts. Average year. I was really hoping I'd crack into the 20's again this year. As mentioned earlier, I chose La La Land for Original Screenplay because a Best Picture winner always has a screenplay award of some kind. Well, it lost while Moonlight won Adapted Screenplay so once again a Best Picture winner won in a screenplay category. I am pretty shocked that Moonlight won for a few reasons. First, it's because of how much La La Land had been nominated for compared to other entries and had been winning. It's sweep of the Globes created this seemingly unbeatable juggernaut. Second, Oscars have never really embraced a movie about gay love. Sure, they've given out Oscars to actors for roles in them but when it comes time for the Best Picture, they've either lost or not even been nominated. Last year, neither The Danish Girl or Carol were nominated. Milk had lost. The Kids Are All Right had lost. Famously, Brokeback Mountain had lost just to name a few. But that streak is over.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2017, 01:21:16 AM »
Also, this is the 4th Oscar thread I've made on these forums and it is the first time I've made a correct prediction in the Best Animated Short category. That one felt like such a victory when it was announced.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2017, 02:10:31 AM »
Here is the **** up from the Oscars for Best Picture

this had to be deliberate. Both presenters looked right at the card and "read" something that wasn't there.
it's either that, or they are both blind and just took their best guess.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2017, 03:04:58 AM »
No. People have zoomed in on the envelope Beatty is holding and it says Leading Actress in a Motion Picture on the envelope. That was the award that was just handed out before he and Faye Dunaway came on the stage. For some reason, there seems to have been a second envelope that was handed to them because it was sealed before they opened it. Someone backstage messed up in handing out the envelope.

You've got two older people who seem to be a bit nervous on stage for the big moment. They're stumbling over their lines a bit and when Beatty opens the envelope you can tell he's confused now that we know what's going on. He's stalling and trying to figure out what to do or if he's reading something wrong. Faye doesn't know what's going on and thinks Warren is just trying to be funny but stalling to be funny is kind of pestering him to just announce the winner. So when he shows her the card, she thinks he wants her to announce it and she sees La La Land on the card because Emma Stone had just won for La La Land and announces the movie because she's just looking for the title now that she's suddenly on the spot with Warren having her announce the winner. The music and celebration starts and they walk off maybe thinking that it was the right recipient and that's when things go crazy. You can see some stagehands coming on to the stage and running around in the background. People are whispering and looking confused in the background as the get the news and wonder what to do. But it is stage fright and shock that start the chain because Warren doesn't know what do since this situation has never happened before.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread. 2017 Edition.
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2017, 03:19:46 AM »