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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2375 on: August 27, 2020, 12:13:03 PM »
that was why I put "owner" in quotations, as I knew they opted to change the term. I just wasn't sure if that was to "Governor"

But it appears the Players and the League have come to an agreement to continue the Playoffs.

also looks like todays games are also "post-poned" so all players got a game off.

and I'm hoping the following is one of many concessions that the Players demanded as good will act in the name of change from the league to continue play.

I can only assume a formal press conference is happening at some point today to discuss the decision made to continue play and what concession/request/demands were made to continue to move forward.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 12:22:57 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2376 on: August 27, 2020, 06:59:29 PM »
The League should just cancel the playoffs at this point and send all the teams home if the Players are still going to pull this grandstanding B.S.
Ew. I can't grasp how anyone can even have this opinion. The NBPA is primarily made up of people of color, and you're accusing them of grandstanding, a word I'm not sure you actually know the definition of. People are dying. What is wrong with you?
If I don't show up to work because I'm mad about an unrelated matter, I would be fired. NBA players, though, get a paycheck and a night at a 5 star resort while their employers look for a day that works better for them as they appease their poor, hurt, woefully-ignorant, mult-million dollar feelings.
Maybe you should look for a better job if you're so fucking appalled by other people's (clearly better) work environment and culture. The league and each organization can fine every single player who didn't show up to work today. They won't. I can take a PTO day tomorrow if I want. If you can't, maybe that's kind of your fault for staying at a job that doesn't allow you to, and you should stop taking that out on other people.

I'm not especially surprised you went full-broodwarsĀ® by calling other people ignorant while spreading ignorance. Many (especially younger) players don't actually make that much money after taxes, agent fees, union fees etc. Not everyone is Damian Lillard on a supermax contract.
Things like this are why relatively no one is watching the NBA's games right now.
It's funny that you think everyone thinks like you.

1. Grandstanding: "to play or act so as to impress onlookers" - Source (Webster's Dictionary)

These NBA players offer no solutions. They whine, they parade around slogans, and speak in generalities. They demand "societal change" while eagerly taking money from China, a nation openly practicing genocide right now among other atrocities.

2. I work in a critical role in a small business that can't afford for me to be out a day without 2 weeks notice, as I generate & coordinate all reports to our clients as well as process our highest-value invoices. I am the only person there who does what I do.  We are working on finding someone who can sub for me so I can afford to take more than handful of days off a year, but it's a slow process when the general populace is incompetent.

To elaborate on what I said before, though, it is rather tone-deaf for the NBA players to decide to just walk off the job when millions of people in the US, presumably some of which are among their fans, are unemployed.

3.  Viewership for the 2020 NBA Playoffs is down 40-50% compared to 2019. Yes, compared to the general size of the US populace, relatively no one is watching this year's playoffs. You can feel free to blame there being non-prime time playoff games this year, but regardless the playoffs have not been wildly successful so far.

4. Regarding the "People are dying. What is wrong with you?" and "ignorant" quips.

The NBA players are willfully ignorant regarding the shooting & crippling of Jacob Blake. Even by the time of their "strike" yesterday, information had been released by the police that showed Jacob Blake had multiple warrants for his arrest, including sexual assault. The police were on the scene because Blake was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be accosting a woman for her car keys. He resisted arrest & apparently a taser hit. He then proceeded to ignore the gun-pointing police officers & make his way back to his car. He then reached into the car as if to grab a weapon, and as it turns out there was a knife found right where he was reaching.

Now, you're a police officer & you have a suspect resisting arrest & going for a weapon. The taser has already failed & you don't have time to wait to see what the weapon the suspect is drawing is. You don't want to try to "tackle" him, Lebron James, because then you risk having a George Flynn all over again. The only logical choice there is to shoot to protect yourself. The shooting of Jacob Blake was completely justified by the facts of the case, and a court of law (if necessary) will prove that. Instead of following the facts of the case, though, the NBA players decided to declare "SYSTEMIC RACISM" and freak out (would you prefer that to "grandstanding")?

As for the kid arrested for killing 1 sex offender (yes, that has been confirmed) and wounding 2 other people, I leave this Twitter Thread from the New York Times. Read it. Don't read it. I don't care.

The kid should face consequences for bringing his gun across state lines, where it is illegal. That charge is perfectly valid. He should not have been there.

As for the shootings, though, the evidence so far shows they were in self-defense as the mob attempted to beat him to death (and self-defense against another gun-wielder in one instance). That will need to be proven in a court of law, of course, but I guarantee you that 1st Degree Murder Charge isn't going to stick just on the facts.

He was not shot by the police when attempting to turn himself in because he was not pointing a gun at the police. That is not systemic racism. That is "not being stupid".

And that is all I will say on these matters in this topic.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 07:02:12 PM by broodwars »
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2377 on: August 27, 2020, 09:08:15 PM »
From the original story I heard, the cops were on the scene because of a fight. Jacob was simply breaking that fight up according to all the eye witnesses. The cops then confronted him for whatever the reason, and tried to detain him, presumably before identifying him. He of course resisted, as he was not the reason they were there in the first place.
Not regardless of whatever his crimes may be, if the above is true, then what happened to him was unjustified. It took the cops till today to come up with an official story of their version of events.

after the fact I hear stories about a taser or he said "i'm gonna go get my knife", and I have to admit, that I haven't read all the stories or watched all the videos. All I know is in the moment that it happened, he was presumably not identified as a suspect with warrants, as he was not the reason they were called and was involved in the incident because he was trying to stop the fight.

But a large reason why the protest strikes happened yesterday is because of what happened the night before. Where the police, instead of enforcing a curfew, basically "Deputized" a bunch of Local Militia into patrolling the streets, thanking them for their service to the community. Moments later, one of these enabled gun toting supremacist shot a man in the head in a parking lot (a wound which later killed him).
Protestors then decided to try to tackle him and take his gun away, but he shot 2 more of them, also killing one of them as well, and causing permanent serious damage to another. So it was 2 Dead, 1 Badly injured. When he tried to turn himself in while still carrying his rifle, the police ignored him and went about their business, whatever that may have been.

Earlier it was also caught on tape by one of the gun toting "local militia" that the cops intended to drive the protestors down to then to "handle" so they could go home.

That is what really sparked the game play strike/boycott. It wasn't just that an unarmed black man got shot 7 times in the back, at point blank range, in front of his kids, but the continued mis-treatment of this and every attached situation by the police involved.

I love Basketball, and i Love that people can find common ground in rooting for a Sport Team of their choice, but these are just GAMES. Sports are not an essential job. It's a high paying entertainment game meant to provide fun and distraction for the population.
What the police are doing to Black People, people of color, and Protestors of all backgrounds on the street is not a GAME, it is deadly serious, and believe it or not, a lot the very same players in the GAME have not only themselves been out there, but have plenty of friends and family that are out there having their lives treated like a game by the Cops, as if their lives don't really matter.
So if they wanna band together and call in a "sick (and and tired of this bullshit) day" and all their fellow players that could never truly understand what if feels like, but want to stand by them off the court/field/etc the same as they would on it, the MORE POWER TO THEM.

I've seen countless videos of unarmed black men murdered, gunned down, executed in the street for simply walking away or trying to plead their case. Not guilty of any kind of serious crime.  Most not resisting, but considering the outcome of so many of these cases, who would blame them for trying?
Then I've seen countless videos of white men commit atrocious acts of violence get kindly get walked out alive. Or videos of white people physically and/or verbally assaulting a police officer and get every benefit of the doubt, even while brandishing a weapon. In more cases than not, they eventually walk away unscathed.
so don't give me "it's not system racism" bullshit.
that kid (17yr old "deputized" white kid illegally brandishing an open carry assault rifle seconds after multiple gunshots were fired) that tried to turn himself in, was ignored because he didn't fit the description of what they were looking to engage. plain and simple.

complete and utter horse **** to see it any other way. imo
don't try to bring up "facts" only stated days after the event, to try to justify actions from days ago.

But i'm gonna end this there. There are those that don't systemic racism has anything to do with these incidents regardless of the contradictory evidence. And I'm just gonna chalk it up to them not getting how it's so deeply ingrained and widespread in our society that it just not obvious enough to some.

Offline Adrock

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2378 on: August 28, 2020, 12:52:06 AM »
I didn't want to spend a ton of time on this considering you ended your post with "And that is all I will say on these matters in this topic" (suggesting you're not open or interested in a discussion), but here we are.
1. Grandstanding: "to play or act so as to impress onlookers" - Source (Webster's Dictionary)

These NBA players offer no solutions. They whine, they parade around slogans, and speak in generalities. They demand "societal change" while eagerly taking money from China, a nation openly practicing genocide right now among other atrocities.
What are your expectations here?

NBA players may not have independently described solutions in detail themselves, but they support campaigns that have already articulated solutions for reform. There are only so many different ways to say "Defund and demilitarize the police", "Stop voter suppression" etc. Each of those things have had a lot of words written about them. It isn't as if no one has suggested ways to use money normally allocated to police or to stop voter suppression.

I don't agree with your accusation of grandstanding considering how many players volunteer their time and money to give back to their communities. LeBron James, for example, opened up an entire school in Akron.

As for China, your assessment is reductive and unfair. Most players are indirectly taking money from China in that they're paid by the teams which take money from anyone they can including but not limited to China. Other players have promotional deals in China. You're trying to point out hypocrisy, but I guarantee you use products made in China. How's that PlayStation 4 treating you? You're also a Utah Jazz fan so you're supporting an organization that takes money from China. That said, I don't think you're in a position to be pointing fingers at anyone for this in particular. In order for this to be a fair criticism, the United States as a whole would have to cease dealing with China entirely until they stop *broadly gestures at the countless atrocities China is committing*

More importantly, your assertion on China doesn't invalidate the need for societal change in America.
2. I work in a critical role in a small business that can't afford for me to be out a day without 2 weeks notice, as I generate & coordinate all reports to our clients as well as process our highest-value invoices. I am the only person there who does what I do.  We are working on finding someone who can sub for me so I can afford to take more than handful of days off a year, but it's a slow process when the general populace is incompetent.

To elaborate on what I said before, though, it is rather tone-deaf for the NBA players to decide to just walk off the job when millions of people in the US, presumably some of which are among their fans, are unemployed.
I'm sorry your work situation is such a flustercuck, but again, maybe you should look for a better job. I'm not implying that doing so is easy especially in the middle of a pandemic. However, your anger toward players who boycotted on Wednesday seems misdirected. It really isn't their fault that they work at a job that allows them to do what they did while you are not afforded the same luxury. I wonder if you're at all angry that we live in a socio-economic system that allows the small business you work for to even function the way you described.

If you really believe the players' actions are tone deaf, I'm not here to argue that. Personally, I think they put their livelihood on the line to use the platform available to them for a just cause. It isn't an unrelated matter to them because they live racism every day. Many of their family and friends still live in those communities even if the players moved up.
3.  Viewership for the 2020 NBA Playoffs is down 40-50% compared to 2019. Yes, compared to the general size of the US populace, relatively no one is watching this year's playoffs. You can feel free to blame there being non-prime time playoff games this year, but regardless the playoffs have not been wildly successful so far.
I'm not arguing that viewership is down. You flat out said, "Things like this are why relatively no one is watching the NBA's games right now." You are claiming viewership is down due to things like grandstanding without a shred of evidence.
4. Regarding the "People are dying. What is wrong with you?" and "ignorant" quips.

The NBA players are willfully ignorant regarding the shooting & crippling of Jacob Blake. Even by the time of their "strike" yesterday, information had been released by the police that showed Jacob Blake had multiple warrants for his arrest, including sexual assault. The police were on the scene because Blake was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be accosting a woman for her car keys. He resisted arrest & apparently a taser hit. He then proceeded to ignore the gun-pointing police officers & make his way back to his car. He then reached into the car as if to grab a weapon, and as it turns out there was a knife found right where he was reaching.
You're claiming the players are willfully ignorant when they haven't mentioned any of the above (which I'll have to fact check because I admittedly haven't read everything there is to read about the shooting of Jacob Blake). You're assuming they don't know the facts of the incident or they're blatantly ignoring the facts which is unfair because you're not privy to what they do and do not know. That said, people (including the players) are upset about this because Rusten Sheskey firing seven bullets seemed excessive. Was it excessive? I don't have enough information to make that call even if my gut is telling me yes.
Now, you're a police officer & you have a suspect resisting arrest & going for a weapon. The taser has already failed & you don't have time to wait to see what the weapon the suspect is drawing is. You don't want to try to "tackle" him, Lebron James, because then you risk having a George Flynn all over again. The only logical choice there is to shoot to protect yourself. The shooting of Jacob Blake was completely justified by the facts of the case, and a court of law (if necessary) will prove that. Instead of following the facts of the case, though, the NBA players decided to declare "SYSTEMIC RACISM" and freak out (would you prefer that to "grandstanding")?
That's a weird take.
  • You didn't even care enough to write George Floyd's name correctly yet you think this is all grandstanding. Collectively as a country, we do not value black lives as much as others, and you just proved that because you couldn't be bothered to learn a black man's name even when you're using it to attempt to prove a point.
  • George Floyd died because Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd kept saying he couldn't breathe. And yes, that is excessive.
  • Were risking a George Floyd situation and shooting a man seven times the only options? Sheskey could have avoided the former by just not kneeling on a man's neck for nine minutes.
  • It is systemic racism because time and time again, evidence shows that black people are not treated equally by the law and judicial system. Additionally, the Kenosha Police Department attempted to shield Sheskey (a white man) by not immediately identifying him. The Wisconsin Department of Justice had to release his name.
As for the kid arrested for killing 1 sex offender (yes, that has been confirmed) and wounding 2 other people, I leave this Twitter Thread from the New York Times. Read it. Don't read it. I don't care.

The kid should face consequences for bringing his gun across state lines, where it is illegal. That charge is perfectly valid. He should not have been there.
While you acknowledged that Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn't have been there, it's super weird that you mentioned he killed a sex offender because that's irrelevant. Stop trying to distort what happened here and somewhat justify what Rittenhouse did because of who he killed. It doesn't matter that Joseph Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender. He shouldn't have been murdered.

Also, Rittenhouse killed two people, not one. It's strange that you provided a link to that Twitter thread yet don't know a key detail about the incident when it's mentioned in the very first Tweet. Hmm.

Finally, Rittenhouse was charged with five felonies:
  • One count of first-degree intentional homicide
  • One count of first-degree reckless homicide
  • One count attempted first-degree intentional homicide
  • Two counts of reckless endangerment
This does not even include the fact that he cannot legally own a gun because he's a minor then as you already mentioned, brought it across state lines.
As for the shootings, though, the evidence so far shows they were in self-defense as the mob attempted to beat him to death (and self-defense against another gun-wielder in one instance). That will need to be proven in a court of law, of course, but I guarantee you that 1st Degree Murder Charge isn't going to stick just on the facts.
The mental gymnastics you're performing here to justify this is mind-boggling.
  • Rittenhouse inserted himself into a situation he had no business being a part of considering he's 17 years old and doesn't even live in Wisconsin then he escalated it, being armed the way he was.
  • You claim Rittenhouse acted in self-defense when he willingly marched down into a protest carrying a semi-automatic weapon under the guise of "protecting people".
  • You claim a mob was trying to beat him to death which the video of the event and eyewitness accounts do not support. He was being chased because he just murdered Joseph Rosenbaum (who was unarmed and trying to disarm Rittenhouse) and was still carrying a semi-automatic weapon. Someone yelled "get his ass" when Rittenhouse tripped and fell. However, I don't know if you can call it self-defense when a 17 year old placed himself in the center of a conflict, armed with an AR-15, and was clearly the aggressor. Rittenhouse didn't belong there then he killed two unarmed people trying to disarm him (unless you count Anthony Huber's skateboard as a weapon).
He was not shot by the police when attempting to turn himself in because he was not pointing a gun at the police. That is not systemic racism. That is "not being stupid".
It is systemic racism because the treatment would not be the same if Rittenhouse was black. Several police vehicles drove right past a white boy carrying a semi-automatic weapon. Video evidence shows that while Rittenhouse did have his hands up, he actually reaches down and touches his gun a couple times right in front of police while walking towards them (at one point, he held the barrel for a few seconds). They didn't even arrest him then. After killing two people and wounding another, Rittenhouse was able to flee back to Illinois where he was finally arrested.

You also conveniently left out the part where video evidence shows a white police officer gave Rittenhouse and his white associates some water and said, "We appreciate you guys, we really do." A police officer said this to armed civilians who shouldn't have even been in Wisconsin in the first place yet you're claiming this wasn't systemic racism. Why did Kenosha police need help and from civilians no less? The police were in big, armored vehicles. No way any of that happens if Rittenhouse and co. were black.

The fact that you justified the shooting and crippling of Jacob Blake then in the same post, leaned in to defend Kyle Rittenhouse unprompted pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you as a person.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 01:36:28 AM by Adrock »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2379 on: August 28, 2020, 01:47:57 AM »
You were able to articulate that so much better than my likely mess of a post. You made some of the same points as me, and I didn't go back to read mine (as I was typing it between other task, so it may be disjointed with many misspelling, and wanted to get it sent before I completely forgot about it till the next day), but I'll just say, you said it better than me in the points we both touched on šŸ˜

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2380 on: August 28, 2020, 06:09:37 AM »
*sigh* Man, Adrock, you sure like to read emotion and intent into something where there was none. I made a concerted effort when I wrote all that to just stick to the facts as I knew them, and some of those facts (like the 2nd person in the Rittenhouse shootings dying of their injuries & the additional felony charges) happened without me being aware of them. I hadn't seen any new information on this matter since that morning/early afternoon, and these situations change quickly.

Also, going after a typo as indication of something sinister? Really? Have you ever seen one of my posts? I'll write up 2 paragraphs, go back to change a few words, and end up cutting something else, leaving it ending on something nonsensical. Hell, my last post included a paragraph that ended on a completely nonsensical reference to "virtue signaling" I ended up cutting the word but accidentally leaving in the question. I was in a rush to type up something I'd been thinking about all day, but didn't want to attempt to post until I had access to a keyboard. Nothing more.

I ended my previous post the way I did because this subject is extremely political, and politics are specifically banned on this site. I left that bit at the end to make it clear to the mods that I wasn't intending to push any further on the subject.

Regarding the "water" thing, Rittenhouse was apparently operating as an EMT during the riots prior to the shooting, in addition to his self-appointed guard duties. The Wisconsin Governor had deployed IIRC only 250 of the 750 National Guard members that were requested to keep the peace that evening. The police were pretty much grateful to anyone attempting to assist them in keeping the peace while yet another American city burned with the tacit approval of the local government. From what I understand, the police gave him that water prior to the shooting, when nothing had happened.

No, I'm not choked up about Rittenhouse killing a convicted pedophile in apparent self defense.

As I said in my previous post, Rittenhouse will be judged in a court of law, and the story as I knew it will have to be proven. I do, however, believe based on the New York Times' video tracking he was overcharged at 1st Degree Murder. The gun charges will stick because they are indisputable and well-deserved. He should absolutely be punished for those. The reckless endangerment charges will also probably stick, and I don't have an issue with that.

As for Blake, I was making a point about the general lack of public knowledge about the details of the case, eager as they are to jump to conclusions and start riots these days. Even BlackNMild didn't know the story about him being there to "stop 2 women fighting" had been debunked for at least a day.

I don't particularly care what you think of me, Adrock. However, I've been on this site a good many years, so I was not about to allow you to insinuate certain things about my character here.

And with that, back to bed.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 07:24:56 AM by broodwars »
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Offline Adrock

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2381 on: August 28, 2020, 11:27:09 AM »
...some of those facts (like the 2nd person in the Rittenhouse shootings dying of their injuries & the additional felony charges) happened without me being aware of them. I hadn't seen any new information on this matter since that morning/early afternoon, and these situations change quickly.
It was in the link you provided, in the first Tweet no less. My understanding is Tweets cannot be edited. You literally said, "Read it. Don't read it. I don't care." And yes, I read it before I responded, and now, I'm not convinced you even read it.
Also, going after a typo as indication of something sinister? Really?
  • Not sinister, but definitely racially insensitive especially considering the subject matter currently being discussed.
  • If you're implying that you're not racist, I'm not here to argue that. However, what you said (or technically did not say) sounded racially insensitive.
  • To be clear, my comment in the previous post isn't about what you are; it was about what you did. If you have three minutes and would like to educate yourself, here's a helpful video. What you do with that is up to you.
  • An alarmingly large amount of people (not necessarily you) think that racism is all hate crimes, white hoods, and slurs as if racism has to be ostentatious in order to "count". However, racial micro-transgressions make up a sizable portion of what minority communities encounter every day.
  • Not writing a black man's name correctly when you're using it for your own purposes in a discussion about NBA players calling for racial justice and the need for social change is one such micro-transgression whether it was intentional or not. Contextually, it comes off as especially callous (or at best, indifferent) which hits harder when black people have been saying "Black Lives Matter" yet learning a black man's name was seemingly unimportant to you.
  • Attempting to call out NBA players for grandstanding, whining, parading around slogans, and speaking in generalities when they've done more for their communities than the people in charge of those communities is a micro-transgression.
  • Another micro-transgression is the fact that you felt it was more important to defend yourself, handwaving it away as a mere typo instead of simply saying, "Hey, my bad. I'll be better in the future." and taking the L. To minorities, it isn't just a typo; it's emblematic of systemic racism, the ease in which society shrugs off racial insensitivity and the inability for people to take accountability for their actions. It sounds small, but multiply that by the thousands upon thousands of times stuff like that happens to even a single minority every year. It's a form of oppression, and weighs entire communities down. It's partially what people (like NBA players, of whom are primarily people of color) are speaking out about.
  • If you don't think any of that is problematic, well, I don't know what else to say.
From what I understand, the police gave him that water prior to the shooting, when nothing had happened.
Irrelevant. It doesn't matter when it happened but rather that it happened. Police treated Rittenhouse with kindness in a situation he had no business being part of when they wouldn't extend the same courtesy to a black teenager. They didn't even check if he legally owned that gun. Again, this is systemic racism.

A white boy brandished a gun in a crowd of people then actually committed murder. History shows black people have been killed by police for far less.
I ended my previous post the way I did because this subject is extremely political, and politics are specifically banned on this site. I left that bit at the end to make it clear to the mods that I wasn't intending to push any further on the subject.
I'm trying to be respectful in my responses so if mods tell us to cut it out, then I'll cut it out.
No, I'm not choked up about Rittenhouse killing a convicted pedophile in apparent self defense.
Okay, but that's beside the point and not relevant. Rittenhouse didn't go to Kenosha to kill a registered sex offender; he went there to play vigilante for the day and happened to kill a registered sex offender. The details of Rosenbaum's criminal past in no way changes the context of Rittenhouse's crime because they're not related. Attempting to conflate the two is a straight up strawman, and you need to stop that.
I don't particularly care what you think of me, Adrock. However, I've been on this site a good many years, so I was not about to allow you to insinuate certain things about my character here.
I mean, you took the time to write a lot of words "defending yourself" (which I addressed above) and not addressing almost everything else so I kind of disagree with you there.


Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2384 on: August 31, 2020, 05:13:38 PM »
I'm dropping this here, mostly in response to Broodwars, but it's John Oliver soaking in the NBA Protest.

Honestly, I suggest just watching the whole thing.
NBA portion is 2nd half tho.

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2385 on: August 31, 2020, 06:01:06 PM »
After last night's loss to the Denver Nuggets, Donovan Mitchell & Rudy Gobert apparently got quite angry with the team. I have a sneaking suspicion that if the Jazz lose this series after being up 3-1, there's going to be a major shake-up of the team. As previously mentioned, it's been questionable this season whether the Jazz are better with or without Mike Conley. I'm on the side that it's definitely worse with him on the court. He puts up the stats, no doubt about that, but the team as a whole definitively plays worse. Royce O'Neal & Joe Ingles pretty much vanish without the ball touches that Conley takes up. Add Bogdanovic to the lineup, and no one gets in sync.

I think the Mike Conley experiment might be just about done.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2386 on: September 01, 2020, 12:09:34 AM »
Russell Westbrook is still trying to play his way back. He was awful in the fourth quarter. An airball then a turnover. I'm rooting for the Thunder because I haaaaaaaaaate James Harden's game. And he was practically running away from the ball at the end there. Itā€™s a close out game. What are you doing? Conversely, Chris Paul just would not let the Thunder lose. His teammates did not make it easy at times. They have to stop shooting those dumb three pointers with like 15 seconds on the shot clock. I love the narrative in this series, but it's bad. I have such a hard time watching the Rockets. I don't want to watch them play the Lakers. I still think the Lakers win either way; I just don't want more Rockets in my life.

The Heat didn't really steal Game 1. They're the only team with a winning record against the Bucks. Jimmy Butler didn't play in the only game the Bucks won against the Heat during the season (and it was in the bubble). I still think Giannis Antetokounmpo can be taken out of games. We'll see if this is the year he pushes through and gets to that next level in the post-season. I have the Heat winning this series. It should be competitive. This isn't a great matchup for the Bucks.

I'm not worried about the Raptors. They laid an egg, but that isn't who they are. They weren't focused, missed a lot of wide open shots. Credit the Celtics for taking advantage of it. The Raptors will be fine in Game 2. This should be one of the better Semi-Conference Finals series.

If the Jazz lose this series after going up 3-1, they should be banned next year.

I really like storylines. I'd love to see Lakers vs. Heat in the Finals just to have Lebron play against his former team. I want the Lakers to win. However, I don't care who wins as long as it isn't the Clippers especially after Marcus Morris' unsportsmanlike conduct in Games 5 and 6, and the way Doc Rivers defended it. **** that noise. There's no place for that. Don't try to injury opposing players. Whatā€™s wrong with you? I'm glad the Lakers' got the apparently not-evil Morris twin.

Brandon Ingram won Most Improved Player. The homer in me is happy for him, but I would have given it to Luka Dončić. He's an MVP candidate in his second year.

Speaking for Most Valuable Player, we all agree its Giannis Antetokounmpo, right? He averaged 30 points while playing like 13 minutes a game. Lebron is Lebron every year. I get it, but he wasn't better than Antetokounmpo who also won Defensive Player of the Year. It was a toss up with Anthony Davis for me. I could have gone either way with that one. If it helps Davis play with a chip on his shoulder for the rest of the playoffs, I'll take that over him winning some award.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 12:43:16 AM by Adrock »

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2387 on: September 01, 2020, 09:14:51 PM »
*glances at the score*

And so ends another season of mediocrity after many lofty promises by Jazz management.

Edit: OK, time to watch the team blow up. Typical Jazz...battle back from double-digits down to choke right at the end. On the upside, I can go back to ignoring the NBA while the Lakers sleepwalk their way to another championship.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 11:04:14 PM by broodwars »
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2388 on: September 02, 2020, 01:27:38 PM »
Well, there's increased Twitter chatter in the possibility of a Bucks early exit from the playoffs vs the Heat.
And that leading to Giannis forcing a trade to Golden State.

As much as I'd LOVE to see it happen šŸ˜ˆ
I'm not sure how likely it is to happen.
But damn would the league be salty as ****. šŸ¤£

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2389 on: September 02, 2020, 09:05:30 PM »
GS doesn't need another OP roster.  I think Giannis should really consider exploring his options though.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2390 on: September 02, 2020, 09:16:17 PM »
Well, at least I can take solace that one of the players currently kicking Milwaukee's ass is Jae Crowder, who last season was a Jazz player and one I was really sad to see go during the off-season.
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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2391 on: September 03, 2020, 12:57:24 AM »
Well, there's increased Twitter chatter in the possibility of a Bucks early exit from the playoffs vs the Heat.
And that leading to Giannis forcing a trade to Golden State.

As much as I'd LOVE to see it happen šŸ˜ˆ
I'm not sure how likely it is to happen.
But damn would the league be salty as ****. šŸ¤£
I'm all for salt; I just don't know how the Warriors get Giannis Antetokounmpo via trade without including Steph Curry or Klay Thompson because no one wants Andrew Wiggins period and Draymond Green isn't worth his contract on any other team except the Warriors. They had to pay him because he's the heart of the team, but he doesn't have that emotional currency with the other 29 teams. Let's be realistic, no way the Warriors trade Curry. That said, Thompson coming off a major injury and the second pick is still a tough sell to the Bucks. Maybe they bring in a third team, but who helps the Warriors land Giannis Antetokounmpo?

Is there a general manager as bold as Masai Ujiri willing to take a chance on Antetokounmpo for a year before he opts out? Obviously, there's Ujiri himself, but who do the Raptors give up? The Bucks would demand Pascal Siakam as a start and probably OG Anunoby. The Raptors are deep, but do you gut your entire team for Antetokounmpo? Yeah, probably. Hopefully, they would still have enough pieces to make a title run.

The Jazz could dangle Rudy Gobert, maybe Bojan Bogdanović, and as many picks and swaps as they can to make one title run, hope they win a title, and use that as the entire free agency pitch. A duo of Donovan Mitchell and Giannis Antetokounmpo would be nice.

Otherwise, I wouldn't sleep on the Mavericks. If they offer Kristaps Porziņģis, I think the Bucks take that offer. However, the Mavs have been clearing cap space to pair Antetokounmpo with Porziņģis and Luka Dončić so do they take Giannis Antetokounmpo because he's available or roll the dice hoping they land him in free agency?

Then again, many teams have been clearing cap space for a run at Antetokounmpo in 2021. Every team I listed so far will get a meeting (except maybe the Jazz because I'm not familiar with their cap situation). The Lakers will get a meeting (they aren't getting him no matter how nice they are to his brother). The Knicks will get a meeting (but, you know, Knicks gonna Knick). Assuming Giannis Antetokounmpo doesn't get traded and doesn't re-sign with the Bucks, the Heat make a lot of sense as a free agent destination. If I was a betting man, that's where I'd put my money. My dark horse would be the Mavs. For everyone else in free agency:
  • Warriors: I can't see a trade, but when everyone has cap space, they can dump the necessary contracts. See ya, Wiggins.
  • Raptors: I love Canada; I have family up there, but free agents generally don't love Canada.
  • Lakers: (Assuming they also retain Anthony Davis this off-season) They have cap space without needing to make other moves, but Lebron can also opt out and sign a team friendly deal in order to get some better role players. It'd be too easy though. I'd think it was fun for like a year or two, but then, I'd flat-out hate this team.
  • Clippers: They would need Kawhi Leonard or Paul George to opt out because they don't have picks to trade as a sweetener. They would gladly keep Leonard and replace George with Antetokounmpo. If that happens, cancel the season. The Klaw and the Greek Freak on one team would be stupid good.
  • Knicks: Come on. Well, maybe if they can lure Masai Ujiri from the Raptors. Otherwise, no one takes them seriously.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 01:08:54 AM by Adrock »

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2392 on: September 03, 2020, 11:16:10 AM »
Brooklyn Nets hire Hall of Famer Steve Nash as head coach

I didnā€™t see this coming. I always liked Nashā€™s game. As a two-time MVP (and a consultant with the Warriors during Durantā€™s time there), he should have the respect of the players, notably Durant and Irving.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2393 on: September 03, 2020, 11:38:53 AM »
Well, there's increased Twitter chatter in the possibility of a Bucks early exit from the playoffs vs the Heat.
And that leading to Giannis forcing a trade to Golden State.

As much as I'd LOVE to see it happen šŸ˜ˆ
I'm not sure how likely it is to happen.
But damn would the league be salty as ****. šŸ¤£
I'm all for salt; I just don't know how the Warriors get Giannis Antetokounmpo via trade without including Steph Curry or Klay Thompson because no one wants Andrew Wiggins period and Draymond Green isn't worth his contract on any other team except the Warriors.

Well, this is what was proposed on Twitter as a conversation starter:

Now this is if Giannis request a trade, forcing the team to make a move. And if he specifically requested to be traded to GS. Would the above be enough? Do you think we could give less? Maybe keeping that Minnesota pick for 2021? Maybe keeping Paschal? Is the idea just laughable w/o touching Klay in the trade?

edit: under the goal of signing Giannis to GS, is there a better avenue?
should we just wait a year and get his as a FA?

edit: And just for conversation sake, if Giannis were to make a forced trade, where do you think he would most likely land? and what would that team(s) have to give up to make it happen?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 01:30:23 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2394 on: September 03, 2020, 02:44:50 PM »
Now this is if Giannis request a trade, forcing the team to make a move. And if he specifically requested to be traded to GS. Would the above be enough? Do you think we could give less? Maybe keeping that Minnesota pick for 2021? Maybe keeping Paschal? Is the idea just laughable w/o touching Klay in the trade?
Antetokounmpo can request a trade all he wants; the Bucks don't have to trade him and certainly not to his destination of choice. My point was the Bucks don't and shouldn't want Andrew Wiggins for the next three years. Why would they take that contract? I don't even know why the Warriors made that trade for what they got in return. Losing Antetokounmpo means the Bucks are no longer in contention, and Wiggins doesn't help the Bucks in any way. His max contract would take up cap space the Bucks could use to absorb bad contracts in exchange for draft picks that could be packaged later for better draft picks or players.

To answer your questions: No. No. Probably not, no. Maybe. Yes.
edit: under the goal of signing Giannis to GS, is there a better avenue?
should we just wait a year and get his as a FA?

edit: And just for conversation sake, if Giannis were to make a forced trade, where do you think he would most likely land? and what would that team(s) have to give up to make it happen?
I answered most of these in my previous post.

1. under the goal of signing Giannis to GS, is there a better avenue? should we just wait a year and get his as a FA?
  • No. A trade would most likely cost Curry or Thompson since the Bucks don't want Wiggins or Green. The Warriors aren't trading Curry. That leaves Thompson coming off a major injury and the second pick. I don't think that gets it done.
  • If the Warriors wait for free agency in a year when other teams have been clearing cap space to also make a run at Antetokounmpo, they'll likely find a taker for Wiggins and/or Green.
2. And just for conversation sake, if Giannis were to make a forced trade, where do you think he would most likely land? and what would that team(s) have to give up to make it happen?
  • In a trade: Mavericks, Raptors, and Jazz. You can check a look at my previous post for who they'd have to give up.
  • In free agency: Heat (favorite), Mavericks (dark horse)

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2395 on: September 04, 2020, 09:18:45 PM »
Oh no... Jimmy Butler outscored the Bucks 15 to 13 in the fourth quarter. The Bucks are starting to look like Mike Budenholzer's 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks, best regular season record that got swept in the playoffs.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: I'm gonna take my talents to South Beach and join the Miami Heat.

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2396 on: September 04, 2020, 09:19:55 PM »
Do the Durant.

But don't do the Durant. Come to the Bay.

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2397 on: September 07, 2020, 01:06:43 AM »
That was gross.

I missed most of the Bucks vs. Heat game because I didn't realize how early it started. Just because Antetokounmpo got injured doesn't mean you get an auto-win. Middleton was ridiculous so credit to him and the Bucks. Still, that game was the Heat's to lose.

The Lakers won but not from a lack of trying. I don't think I've ever said as many F-words as during that third quarter. This isn't complicated:
  • Stop playing JaVale McGee in this series entirely.
  • Reduce double teaming James Harden in general. The Rockets' offense is predicated on wide open three pointers. Sure, they'll hit a few contested shots from beyond the arc. Play the averages. Most of their role players are far less dangerous when they have to do more than catch and shoot.
  • Don't stand around on offense. The Rockets have trouble defending when players are moving and cutting.
There. That's how to win the next three games.

Offline broodwars

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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2398 on: September 08, 2020, 09:35:24 PM »

I can't help but take some small pleasure in watching the team primarily responsible for holding up these simulated playoffs get ejected in 5 against against the Heat.

I know it won't happen, but it would just be delightful if the 2 LA teams would join them shortly, making 3 out of the 4 teams fighting for that players strike on Fishing Leave. I can at least get behind the Nuggets in the Finals. Paul Millsap deserves a shot at a ring. Unfortunately, that also leaves the possibility that Flopping James Harden gets a ring, but you can't win them all.

On the subject of trades, the Jazz will never trade Bogdanovic. He was our best player during the regular season, including Mitchell. If he hadn't been injured, we would have won that series with Denver and could have been a dark horse for the conference finals.

I can easily see us trading Gobert, though. He visibly fell to pieces in the playoffs once he learned he wouldn't get a 3rd Time DPOY award. He's trying to advocate for a Supermax contract, and the Jazz are not going to give it to him. He's too inconsistent and too emotional, plus Centers around the league have figured out his game. I think we end up trading him or cutting him loose soon.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 09:40:37 PM by broodwars »
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Re: NBA Thread: The Happiest Postseason Bubble On Earth
« Reply #2399 on: September 09, 2020, 01:48:38 AM »
Saw this on r/NBA.