Author Topic: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U)  (Read 393876 times)

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #425 on: March 11, 2017, 05:40:34 PM »
My new favorite place: Eventide Island

I got stranded on a uncharted island and had to run around in my underwear trying to survive for awhile

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #426 on: March 11, 2017, 06:50:38 PM »
That's something I hadn't considered... Planning to pick up & start Zelda very soon, but it might make my backlogged openworld games (Batman Arkham City and Assassin's Creed 4) seem less impressive from the sound of it.

Oh well, just a risk I'm gonna have to take! Sorry Batman!

I know! I've been comparing this game a bit to XCX which I still like but XCX got a bit too complicated for me so as I slowed down to start reading into weapons and battle and combat, I ended up putting the game to the side and playing other stuff but I've always been bugged about going back and finishing things. I really like how much simpler things are with BotW. It's made it much easier to keep going. It's got me wondering too how much I'm going to like other open-world games I haven't gotten to like Lego City Undercover or Batman: Arkham stuff. Heck, I wonder how SkyRim will compare when it gets released on the Switch later.

I just had my first holy **** moment because I began to realize the scope of the world I could see on my map was not the full size of it. Suddenly the enormity of the game is very evident and I was kinda left speechless.

Yeah, zooming out and then zooming in and moving my cursor along the map to the unfound edges also struck home to me how big this world is.

Ian Sane is really gonna hate the motion control shrines...

I think everyone hates the motion controls in this game. At least the one shrine I played had me ticked off with them. Not sure what the others may be like.

Khush, the location of the 2nd Shakalaka Korok is just North of Riverside Stable (which is north of Owlan Bridge, which is also North of Proxim Bridge).

Thanks for that. I guess I should be heading to the north and looking for Zora's Domain. It seems that is where I would find Robbie who can give me weapons to fight Guardians. I was speaking with Beedle and he gave me an Ancient Arrow which is on the cover of the game and the Link Amiibo so not a huge spoiler but that is the kind of weapon needed to fight those things. According to Beedle, Robbie is up in the North East area most likely where the Zora Domain is. Getting that gear feels like the next big step I need to really start bringing Hyrule under my boot.

I ended up staying in the south and working my east to start filling in my map. Ended up in the Gerudo region and have stayed there for the past 4 days. I've liked this area a lot. It sometimes gives me an Aladdin / Arabian Knights vibe.
Curious to see what others think of it. There's been so much to do with sidequests and shrine quests as well as playing through my first dungeon. I see the dungeon's are a bit odd this game. They're sort of like a larger shrine and not what you might think of when you hear the word dungeon. It took me a couple hours to beat it so longer than your average shrine and I guess its close to your average dungeon in a normal Zelda game. Maybe one of those might take another hour or two if really stuck but I've never thought to time them to know. I've still got a bit more to do and explore in this region but I'm starting to get the itch travel and find more places again so maybe it's time to head to the Zora. They are the only race of people I've yet to encounter so far in this game.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #427 on: March 11, 2017, 06:57:35 PM »
Anyhow, I'm 85/120 Shrines right now. there's no way in hell I'm doing 900 Korok seeds. X__X

Aw c'mon! You can do it!

Also, someone earlier commented on the voice acting and I think it might have been you. I've been ok with it but the one thing I appreciate from it is that I'm finally learning how to correctly pronounce some of these Zelda places. I've been saying them wrong for some time, it turns out.

My new favorite place: Eventide Island

I got stranded on a uncharted island and had to run around in my underwear trying to survive for awhile

Yes! I discovered that on my second day of playing. I just wanted to reach the edge of the map before going to bed only to encounter what the island had to offer and kept playing until I beat it. That was a thrilling event and it was then that I was completely sold and won over by this game. Great stuff.

~Speaking of spoilers and the in-game experience, I highly recommend everyone turn off the HUD (choose the pro-HUD option from the menu). It removes everything from the screen outside of your heart containers and it makes the experience so much cleaner. I am more able to get lost in the world and immerse myself while doing this. I shut it off shortly after leaving the plateau and have never looked back. I can still place markers and check the full map, but this allows me to explore more freely without any hints or guidance.

You know, I tried doing this but it didn't last for me and it wasn't because of the map. It was because of the time of day and weather report along with temperature feature that I missed. I needed it because the region I've been in keeps varying between hot and cold at certain times of the day and I need to keep switch clothes. Having that information handy made it a bit easier to handle then when it was off. If there were more option for the HUD display, that would have been nice but it is just all or nothing. Maybe once I get into a more temperate region again, I'll switch it off but the weather and time of day is pretty handy.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 07:07:29 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #428 on: March 11, 2017, 07:15:21 PM »
Yeah, now that I realize the scope of the game I kinda feel like I can't wander aimlessly anymore, specially with Horizon Zero Dawn and Nier Automata on deck. I'm kinda making it my mission to finds 1 new tower and beat 5 shrines per playthrough. Let's see how that goes but I think I'm disciplined enough to do it.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #429 on: March 11, 2017, 08:03:15 PM »
It seems to me that I've been able to beat 4 shrines per playing session since I'm usually able to acquire 4 spirit orbs for an upgrade by the time I'm ready to wrap up for the night so I'd say it should be doable especially if that's your focus. Shrines aren't even my focus I'm just wandering and scouring the land in an orderly sort of fashion so as to not miss anything. As such, I've hardly even bothered with a horse because I just want to climb mountains and search and scan for everything and not miss a potential Korok seed. Yet, that scouring allows me to come across enough shrines in a day to keep my average of them to about 4 a day.
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Offline Mop it up

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #430 on: March 11, 2017, 08:54:33 PM »
Yes, the world is larger than the Great Plateau, hee hee.

I was fighting a group of Moblins and I'd hit one, and the game would freeze for a second and a half. the music would be playing, and it wasn't like a big frame drop or something, the game would just pause like if you went through a loading hall in a Portal game too quick or something. this happened a couple of times in the same fight, so I'm wondering if I encountered a group of enemies on a loading plane or something.
I've also had this happen several times when fighting Moblins, and have heard of others having the same issue, so I think this is a problem caused by Moblins in certain areas. The game hasn't totally frozen.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #431 on: March 12, 2017, 03:43:48 AM »
I've also had this happen several times when fighting Moblins, and have heard of others having the same issue, so I think this is a problem caused by Moblins in certain areas. The game hasn't totally frozen.

This is a relief that it's not my Switch being faulty. so far I've been lucky and experienced none of the hardware problems many have had happen, but my heart goes out to those who have had issues.

Aw c'mon! You can do it!Also, someone earlier commented on the voice acting and I think it might have been you. I've been ok with it but the one thing I appreciate from it is that I'm finally learning how to correctly pronounce some of these Zelda places. I've been saying them wrong for some time, it turns out.

I didn't mention voice acting, but I can talk about it and say it's fine. I actually really dig most of the performances. maybe one Zora needed to be audio balanced a little better because they read their lines a little on the quiet side, but uh... yeah. voice acting is great, and Regali happens to have the same VA as a certain edgelord card-throwing exiled prince Panda from a certain game I took it upon myself to champion on these very forums.

I really don't feel confident talking about my thoughts on this game because they're so complex. That being said, I'm going to try and lay out some of my feelings.

Somehow this game, where all other Legend of Zelda games after Majora's mask have failed has managed to recapture my imagination in a way that I really did not expect. There are so many botched and banal feeling open world survival crafting games that have been left in minecraft's wake. There have been so many derivative works on the ideas in this game, and I don't get why I find that this game offers to be so compelling. I was confident this game was going to get left on the table, incomplete. Just like Xenoblade X, just like the batman games after Arkham Asylum, just like assasin's creed games, just like... gosh, the only open world game I can think of in recent memory that I actually finished was the free copy of the first Infamous that I got for free that one time PSN got hacked? Yeah.

I've come down a little bit on this game and fatigue is starting to set in, as the last 25 shrines aren't as easy to find, or so it seems. lots of aimless wandering across the map. it probably doesn't help that one of my first goals when I started playing was to light all 14 towers up. that being said, even feeling like I'm getting a little bit less out of each play session now? I'm STILL compelled to just grab the joycons and jam on it for a few hours at a time!

These late-game grinds are ridiculous. Right now, I'm working on 10,000 rupees to open up the last Great Fairy Fountain.. I know that there's a save scum exploit with a certain mini-game or I could grind another certain mini-game, but like... that's a drag. in addition, I don't want to sell off stuff just yet because it happens to get used in a lot of the armor upgrade recipesand so I'm left with the sparingly short number of treasure chest around the world that are lucrative.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 03:45:58 AM by ClexYoshi »

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #432 on: March 12, 2017, 10:19:15 AM »
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #433 on: March 12, 2017, 10:22:23 AM »
Anyhow, I'm 85/120 Shrines right now. there's no way in hell I'm doing 900 Korok seeds. X__X

Aw c'mon! You can do it!

Also, someone earlier commented on the voice acting and I think it might have been you. I've been ok with it but the one thing I appreciate from it is that I'm finally learning how to correctly pronounce some of these Zelda places. I've been saying them wrong for some time, it turns out.

My new favorite place: Eventide Island

I got stranded on a uncharted island and had to run around in my underwear trying to survive for awhile

Yes! I discovered that on my second day of playing. I just wanted to reach the edge of the map before going to bed only to encounter what the island had to offer and kept playing until I beat it. That was a thrilling event and it was then that I was completely sold and won over by this game. Great stuff.

~Speaking of spoilers and the in-game experience, I highly recommend everyone turn off the HUD (choose the pro-HUD option from the menu). It removes everything from the screen outside of your heart containers and it makes the experience so much cleaner. I am more able to get lost in the world and immerse myself while doing this. I shut it off shortly after leaving the plateau and have never looked back. I can still place markers and check the full map, but this allows me to explore more freely without any hints or guidance.

You know, I tried doing this but it didn't last for me and it wasn't because of the map. It was because of the time of day and weather report along with temperature feature that I missed. I needed it because the region I've been in keeps varying between hot and cold at certain times of the day and I need to keep switch clothes. Having that information handy made it a bit easier to handle then when it was off. If there were more option for the HUD display, that would have been nice but it is just all or nothing. Maybe once I get into a more temperate region again, I'll switch it off but the weather and time of day is pretty handy.

Pft! Just look for your breath and body temp to change, or just run around with the warm doublet so you never have t worry about the cold.

And the sun is there to tel you the time of day! Gotta live off the land a little! The only HUD element I miss is the compass, but I've learned to deal without it. Don't think I'll ever put the full HUD back up.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #434 on: March 12, 2017, 12:07:43 PM »
In case anyone had wondered what happened to me after March 3... blame Zelda. I'm headed back to playing now.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #435 on: March 12, 2017, 01:38:23 PM »
Gotta come up for air from time-to-time!
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #436 on: March 12, 2017, 10:46:55 PM »
OK. I might not beat this game till late spring. I'm having too much fun doing nothing.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #437 on: March 12, 2017, 10:51:30 PM »
In case anyone had wondered what happened to me after March 3... blame Zelda. I'm headed back to playing now.

We missed you, Agent-X! :) But have fun!
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Offline Soren

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #438 on: March 12, 2017, 11:26:11 PM »
I legit waited around 20 minutes for rain to stop because I wanted to scale a mountain, only to look like a fool when the rain was a story beat for the Zora dungeon and it wasn't going to stop until I talk to the annoying Prince and continue the story. When this game wants to be terribly annoying it can do so in an instant.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #439 on: March 13, 2017, 07:32:35 AM »
I have had so much fun with this game.  Still though when I got to Eventide  Island.

I was doing so well there on the island for a long time.   Then I ended up about dead with no food to really restore most hearts.   I had some stuff worth cooking but not really worth eating raw.   I worked my way through this monster camp to use their cooking pot.   I'm on the last guy and I have about half a heart of health.

 BAM!  Blood Moon.   I almost died laughing as I ran from the camp in fear as they all respawned.  Only to have to rework my assault on the camp slowly to get back to that precious cooking pot.  Loved every minute of it! 

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #440 on: March 13, 2017, 02:13:53 PM »
"I deem his stream to be supreme and highly esteem his Fortnite team!" - The Doritos Pope and his Mountain Dew Crew.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #441 on: March 13, 2017, 06:53:52 PM »
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I recently noticed the game rubber bands enemy difficulty. As you get farther into the story, stronger enemies start appearing in areas where they didn't exist before and even low level weapons start getting added bonuses like long throw, critical hit and extra attack power.

These late-game grinds are ridiculous. Right now, I'm working on 10,000 rupees to open up the last Great Fairy Fountain.. I know that there's a save scum exploit with a certain mini-game or I could grind another certain mini-game, but like... that's a drag. in addition, I don't want to sell off stuff just yet because it happens to get used in a lot of the armor upgrade recipesand so I'm left with the sparingly short number of treasure chest around the world that are lucrative.

Do the side quests if you haven't, many of them pay out hundreds of rupees. Also there's a guy at a near by stable that will give you 500 rupees just to visit the last great fat fairy.

I legit waited around 20 minutes for rain to stop because I wanted to scale a mountain, only to look like a fool when the rain was a story beat for the Zora dungeon and it wasn't going to stop until I talk to the annoying Prince and continue the story. When this game wants to be terribly annoying it can do so in an instant.

Yeah, happened to me too. If you see the same weather forecast three times in a row then it's usually a safe assumption that it's permanent in that area or caused by a side quest/event/wizzrobe.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 06:55:34 PM by stevey »
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #442 on: March 13, 2017, 07:43:44 PM »
I have had so much fun with this game.  Still though when I got to Eventide  Island.

I was doing so well there on the island for a long time.   Then I ended up about dead with no food to really restore most hearts.   I had some stuff worth cooking but not really worth eating raw.   I worked my way through this monster camp to use their cooking pot.   I'm on the last guy and I have about half a heart of health.

 BAM!  Blood Moon.   I almost died laughing as I ran from the camp in fear as they all respawned.  Only to have to rework my assault on the camp slowly to get back to that precious cooking pot.  Loved every minute of it! 

Wow. I was fortunate enough to not have to go through that but it still took me 3 tries to finish that challenge. I've mentioned it earlier in this thread but this area is still a big highlight for me and I'm sort of disappointed now that I discovered it so early on but I'm still hoping for another surprise or two like it. At the time I completed it, I was pretty much ready to declare this game a masterpiece and 10/10 score.

Going to talk some more about the game now. While I will mention names of regions and places, I'm going to try and keep things pretty spoiler free and don't think a name really spoils too much. It's about seeing what's behind the name.

For myself, I've been meandering a bit in the game again. I've spent so much time in the Gerudo region but there's been so much to do for exploring and quests and equipment. I've ended up with some good equipment to counter a lot of elements and terrain. Ironically, the one thing I've been trying to earn which are some sand shoes to be able to walk in desert areas at the same speed as normal land are the one thing I've been unable to acquire because of a sidequest I've yet to finish. I'd like to get those so I can speed up and finish searching through that area.

For now, I decided I'd done enough there and with my new equipment it was time to start exploring elsewhere and filling in my map. The sidequest for sand shoes led me to one region and then after exploring, I saw it tower close enough that I thought I'd go to it and add to my map. Filling that in has shown me where the Rito village is but I haven't travelled to it yet. Instead, I headed back to Hatero and then up north to Mount Lanayru which I could now explore without freezing or needing hot food. Finished a couple shrine quests there and helped an animal in need. Then I went further north in my quest to try and find Robbie and his lab. Ended up on a mountain where I battled my second Hinox. Not as scary as my first battle now that I'm better equipped. No longer scared of those guys. However, it kept raining a lot on this mountain. I went down from it to a shrine. Wandering around this area, I got closer to a tower and wanted to cross a valley with a river below it but whenever I got to the other side it would be raining making it impossible to climb. I'd wait but the weather showed nothing but rain coming. Cross back over and suddenly the weather was clear. I thought to myself it was either a rainy region or the game does have some barriers despite it's going anywhere at anytime theme. Reading Soren's post, I know now why that is the case. I guess it's a story element.

Anyways, climbing the tower led me to my first Zora in the game and I now could tell where the Zora village will be. But rather than go that way yet, I decided to start heading to the interior of Hyrule Field and some of the shrines I could see around it. Working my way from one shrine to another, I discovered the Woodlands stable where the Shalaka-laka Korok was that you all were trying to help me find. Got some more weapon slots and a couple extra shield spots before that ended. Wonder where he'll turn up next. I've still got 70 Korok seeds to use.

Headed towards a tower close by and added that region to my map. That was my Saturday. On Sunday, since I seemed to be close to Hyrule Castle and Castle Town and was curious to see what would happen when I got close and if I could find a memory that was supposed to be near by, I started venturing towards it. Plus, Triforce Hermit mentioned making a couple raids on the area so I wanted to see how much sneaking around I could do. As I was coming up to a bridge, the music started turning dangerous and suddenly a Guardian appeared. I said no thank you and started running but unlike a couple previous encounters where I climbed back down the edge of a cliff a bit, there was no end to the land here and the blasted thing kept following me. I couldn't outrun it. It blasted me good and took me out except I had 4 fairies on me so I was brought back to life. Realizing I couldn't outrun it and could only warp away, I decided to just go for it and ran to me it and start wacking away at. There were a couple times I landed some good blows on it and seemed to knock it out of its senses before it readjusted itself but it blasted me a few more times. After a messy battle in which I used up all 4 fairies I finally delivered the final blow and blew it up collecting a bounty of ancient parts. I had done it! I beat my first Guardian. It was a brutal fight and I hadn't been prepared for it but I had prevailed. Thinking over the battle and the lessons learned, I knew there were things I could do better next time and equipment/armor I should have used.

So, I had a choice. Turn back or venture forward a little bit more. I put on my sneaking outfit and went forward. Without getting into too much detail, I kept pushing myself more and more around the area. It was a really tense time with danger on all sides but a lot of hiding places to stay out of sight and survive. I still probably died another 10 times but I kept pressing forward finding treasure chests and trying to locate a memory. I even hit up Hyrule Castle and started exploring it. It felt like a real thrill knowing I was quite underpowered for the area still yet being successful in slipping away from danger. I'm pretty sure I got to the point where if I had taken a few steps more I'd have triggered a fight with Ganon but I wasn't ready for that yet so turned away. The fact that I could get there now makes me want to replay this game over and see if I can go from Shrine of Resurrection to Ganon right away. All the sneaking is pretty invigorating. At the same time, I do want to come back there fully powered now and just smash all enemies to bits. Sneaking time is over!

In the end, I fought another Guardian and did way better in that battle and had no fairies to save me. However, I thought to use my shield to ward off its blast this time which helped and took it down pretty quickly. I used an ancient arrow on a half buried Guardian and now that I see their power, I want more and really need to find this Robbie. While I'm still going to steer clear of Guardians a bit longer, I'm no longer that scared of them. The whole thing has really emboldened me in my conquest of the game. At this point, there is only one enemy that I still fear and am afraid of: The Lynel. (If I spelled that right.) Not to be too spoilerific but I've seen a couple of them on the map and stayed far away. However, at one point, I ended up trapped with one in my raid. I entered a room and was suddenly locked in it. Went forward a bit and started scanning the room by moving the camera around only to find a Lynel behind me. It was a real "Oh crap!" moment. I decided to try and face it but one quick blow and I was done. Should have upped my hearts first but I wasn't thinking about my health at the time. I'm not sure yet how to fight these guys since they are so big and their weapon is so large it seems to have a pretty big swath to try and run from. I'm getting more powerful but I still have to keep on my toes.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #443 on: March 13, 2017, 08:37:20 PM »
You can't go from the Shrine of Resurrection directly to Ganon, because you first have to get the runes and the glider. That would also allow you to get one heart container or stamina vessel if you wanted one. As I said before though, I am curious what a speed run would look like, but I don't think beating it under an hour would be possible with all the Great Plateau stuff. Two hours, maybe...

It's weird, I think Lynel is the toughest enemy I've seen that wasn't a full-on boss, and yet it doesn't have the health meter or special music like, say, the Hinox. Odd stuff.

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #444 on: March 13, 2017, 09:59:40 PM »
Do you need the runes though? I've been thinking about it and maybe if you can cook yourself something to give a stamina boost for the start, you can climb down from the great plateau at enough of a distance to maybe even jump into Lake Hylia and survive to head on towards Ganon. It could be interesting and I can't wait to see if someone accomplishes the feat.

I'm surprised the Lynel isn't considered a boss also but then neither are the Guardians and I think they are close to the same HP level.
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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #445 on: March 13, 2017, 10:15:50 PM »
I'm totally lost in the Lost Woods

I made it by following the torches to the first checkpoint with the pair of torches and the chest in the tree, but when I go off the from there, I seem to eventually get enveloped by the fog. Is there a trick to this?

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #446 on: March 13, 2017, 10:46:31 PM »
You can't go from the Shrine of Resurrection directly to Ganon, because you first have to get the runes and the glider. That would also allow you to get one heart container or stamina vessel if you wanted one. As I said before though, I am curious what a speed run would look like, but I don't think beating it under an hour would be possible with all the Great Plateau stuff. Two hours, maybe...

It's weird, I think Lynel is the toughest enemy I've seen that wasn't a full-on boss, and yet it doesn't have the health meter or special music like, say, the Hinox. Odd stuff.

I actually got pretty efficient at killing Lynels since their parts were used for all Barbarian Armor upgrades. by the way, the armor set bonus for that makes Large weapons crazy since you can just have link beyblade around and shred life bars that way.

As for speed runs, a big part of that will be routing paths to bare essentials like peppers and hitting up the tower and all the shrines. cutscene skipping is a big part of that.

what IS unfortunate is the fact that without a stock of Guardian++ weapons or... really, any armor or hearts (no sane person would take the heart because it wouldn't matter in hyrule castle with the damage outpoot), the only way to deal with guardian type enemies is to Parry laser shots which is doable, but effectively a loss of time if you have to deal with a guardian due to the nature of Waiting and being Z-targeted onto the enemy so you can properly bounce the laser back. This is also true for Calamity Ganon, who pretty much requires abuse of Flurry Rush and parrying lasers to open him up for any real sort of damage. Thankfully, there IS an armory in Hyrule Castle that is around the back of the castle that sports a full set of Royal equipment. weather running and grabbing that stuff is worth it to speed up the chip through Calamity Ganon's health bar is up to runners, though.

Obviously, if I'm talking about this stuff, that means I'm done. or at least... partially so. I'll still come back to chip at quests, do korok seeds, finish off getting pieces of armor... but I did at least get all shrines, the reward for getting all shrines, and got Pieces of armor that mattered to me to level ****

I'll have thoughts when I have a chance to decompress and maybe get some sleep.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #447 on: March 13, 2017, 11:56:04 PM »
Do you need the runes though? I've been thinking about it and maybe if you can cook yourself something to give a stamina boost for the start, you can climb down from the great plateau at enough of a distance to maybe even jump into Lake Hylia and survive to head on towards Ganon. It could be interesting and I can't wait to see if someone accomplishes the feat.
Until you get the glider, the game makes Link auto-fall down the cliff, so you can't climb down. It really is impossible and you need to beat that section first.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #448 on: March 14, 2017, 12:00:37 AM »
I'm totally lost in the Lost Woods

I made it by following the torches to the first checkpoint with the pair of torches and the chest in the tree, but when I go off the from there, I seem to eventually get enveloped by the fog. Is there a trick to this?
There is indeed a trick!

A hint: Look closely at your surroundings...

The solution: Follow the trees without any faces.

Whoops! I intended to modify, not double post.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 12:08:25 AM by Mop it up »

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch/Wii U) Out now!
« Reply #449 on: March 14, 2017, 12:14:31 AM »
Whoops! I intended to modify, not double post.

I see through your pretend excuses to inflate your post count on these forums.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.