Author Topic: Cancelled Fire Emblem Wii RPG Design Documents Shown In 25th Anniversary Artbook  (Read 1887 times)

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Offline TOPHATANT123

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It was in development after Radient Dawn for the Wii was released to mediocre sales, and was an attempt to bring in a new audience by convaying the feel of Fire Emblem but have the gameplay of a JRPG. It was a cancelled due to lack of direction and they went on to make Fire Emblem 12 for DS that shook up the conventions of FE making it more appealing for a wider audience but still retaining the SRPG gameplay style. However for whatever reason Fire Emblem 12 was never released in the West.

I feel in retrospect cancelling it may have been the wrong decision considering the DS has many JRPG's whereas the Wii only has a handful. What was shown looks very ambitious and could have been a very unique addition to the library instead of the more conservative subsequent games. Now though we have #FE which isn't conservative in the slightest, of course it will most likely sell very poorly but I appreciate Nintendo throwing these niche games a bone.

Offline Luigi Dude

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It certainly would have been interesting to see but I can see why it was canceled because of lack of direction.  IS has still never made a true 3D game, and the 3D graphics they use in even their most recent Fire Emblem are still kind of primitive compared to what Nintendo's other studio's are putting out.  Their lack of 3D experience came back to bite them, which is why even something like #FE had to be outsourced to Atlus.

Of course I wouldn't be surprised if some of the idea's in this game might have made it into #FE.  IS and Atlus talked about how it took awhile to decide on the look and gameplay of #FE, so it makes sense IS probably showed Atlus a lot of the stuff they had planned on this canceled Fire Emblem.  And the direction IS wasn't able to figure out, Atlus filled in the blanks and the game is reborn.
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Offline Evan_B

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Looks really neat but a bit too similar to The Last Story in idea and mood. I'll always take another RPG and I'd rather they went all the way in that direction then the weird watered down Strategy with shallow character archetypes the series is slumping in now.
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