Yeah, this aggravates me on so many levels, especially since I was actually interested in this game because I'm not at shooter guy but I do love online modes.
Obviously NCL doesn't have much faith in violent shooters- I mean, the whole point of Splatoon was to market to an audience that never really got into shooters in a big way. Likewise, at least NoE is releasing this game in some form. If NoA thinks they don't need to pad out the Wii U's release schedule, they're fucking stupid, pardon my French. I would rather have a game of questionable quality that I enjoy rather than a gaping hole in the release schedule. Plus, it's exactly the kind of game Nintendo needs for their catalogue.
Of course, the reviews aren't out yet, and it's up in the air if it is REALLY bad, but I'm a bit surprised to see all these people ragging on it. Apparently Nintendo did some close work with Valhalla on it, so I can't imagine quality concerns snuck up on them...