Author Topic: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author  (Read 4471 times)

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Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« on: May 29, 2015, 10:22:30 AM »

The NWR staff chats about the fourth wave of Amiibo.

Today is a big day for Nintendo fans as the fourth wave of Smash Bros. Amiibo figures are available in North America. If you’re lucky, you can go get Pac-Man, Charizard, Wario, Lucina, Robin, Greninja (only at Toys”R”Us), Jigglypuff (only at Target), Ness (only at GameStop), Inkling Boy, Inkling Girl, Squid, and Silver Mario. If you actually got all of those, pat yourself on the back. Maybe give your mom a call; you might not have been able to call her while you were waiting in front of your computer for pre-orders to crop up.

We decided to talk amongst the staff about our feeling about Amiibo. Enjoy!

Justin Berube: The Amiibo craze doesn't seem to be slowing down. I woke up very early this morning planning to head to my local Target to get a Silver Mario Amiibo and a Splatoon water pistol. Before I even showered, I checked online and saw that Silver Mario was available from . I quickly placed my order and secured one of the two remaining Amiibo I needed (Greninja being the other).

So I arrived at Target about an hour and a half early and ended up being 15th in line. I arrived at the same store a few months earlier for the Wave 3 launch and was fifth in line. Even though this line was mainly for Amiibo, I really only showed up for the Splatoon water gun.

So I went along for the ride and figured I'd secure myself an extra Jigglypuff in case I needed to trade for a Greninja since it's the only Wave 4 Amiibo I hadn't yet secured. Luckily I got one, but my Target didn't get a single Splatoon water pistol. So I really woke up for no good reason.

Luckily I have established an Amiibo support team. A friend of mine on the other side of the country told me his Target had a bucket full of the squirt guns. He snagged an extra for me while he was out on the Amiibo hunt. Also my father happened to be passing a Toys"R"Us on his way to an early lunch. Long story short, my Dad saved my ass and scored me a Greninja. I would have gone myself, but I actually had to be at work.

So is Amiibo hunting getting any better? I'd say no. It still takes extreme dedication, luck, and a team of trusted people helping out in order for anyone secure a complete set. It's a very frustrating thing, and as a collector I can't help but think it feels like a craze. Where were these fans when other Nintendo collectables were available?

In closing I'd just like to say good luck to everyone out there trying to get a full set. And as for Nintendo, they really need to do a better job at meeting the demand for these items. I shouldn't have to jump through hoops, stay up late refreshing retail sites, and waste gas traveling to countless places in search of these toys. It just makes for a poor fan experience.

Donald Theriault: I honestly thought at this point most people here had given up on Amiibo.I was lucky to have paid off my main Amiibo (Ness, Lucina and Robin) last night and was able to walk in and grab them this morning at the EB Games near my place. Amazingly, there was a Jigglypuff left at the nearby Walmart* that my roommate picked up on the way, but the last one my roommate’s brother wanted was Greninja. He got to Toys ‘R Us at about 20 minutes to the store opening and the line was already 80 people deep. The store had 90 in stock and they were gone within 45 minutes.

Clearly the thirst is still real, but I wonder how many of these were going to people who wanted them to use (Codename STEAM, $12.99 at EB Games!) and how many of them were scalpers. I guess we’ll never really know.

*Walmart got the exclusive on Jigglypuff in Canada because Target kind of had a critical existence failure

Neal Ronaghan: At this point, I think I’ve completed my regression from “crazy Amiibo collector” to “casual Amiibo collector.” I hope that, in due time, I can lower myself down another grade and stop feeling the need to swing by Targets and Best Buys when Amiibo come out.

Wario: Wah wah wah. All we hear about is what you have to say about Amiibo. What about how we, the Amiibo, feel about Amiibo? Enough about you; Now it’s about us.

Neal: But our audience isn’t Amiibo. It’s people who want to collect Amiibo. Or at the very least people who delight in the salty tears of those who want Amiibo.

Charizard: Grrrwwwwooooaaaaarrrrr! Graaaaaaaaawwwwrrrr!

Robin: That’s right on the mark, Charizard. Your audience would totally appreciate something from the point of view of a marginalized group. There aren’t a lot of us. We’re being sold on the black market. It’s a rough world for Amiibo.

Lucina: I mean, all I want is to be played with. I have legitimate functionality in a game other than Smash Bros. You can use me as a character in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. But so many will miss the chance to have Lucina join their party.

Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff jiggglypuff. Puff puff puff. Jigglypuff. Puff puff.

Robin: Dammit Jigglypuff! We know Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. didn’t sell well. You don’t need to rub it in. Maybe it would have sold well if people could actually buy the four Amiibo that add significant bonus content to the game?

Inkling Girl: You’re a kid now. You’re a squid now. You’re a kid you’re a squid you’reakidyou’reasquid.

Wario: Wahhhhh! Shut up, you squid freak!

Robin: The squid kid brings up a good point, though. You might actually be able to find her and the other Splatoon Amiibo in the wild, but if they’re hard to find, that’s added content in Splatoon that people can’t access. With the new Fire Emblem coming to 3DS in Japan next month, I hope you’re looking forward to hearing what cool things you can’t access if you don’t have me, Lucina, Marth, or Ike. It’ll likely be awesome.

Lucina: But if people can’t use us in game, what do we do? What is the point of us?

Neal: To be on display on a shelf?

Robin: To be a carrot dangled over an audience until the bubble bursts and we’re all worth nothing?

Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff jigglypuff?

Wario: To make a buttload of money until the bubble bursts?

Neal: Maybe that’s the ticket. Regardless, I spent my entire morning trying to find you out in the wild. I wasted a whole morning because of you.

Neal Ronaghan
Director, NWR

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 05:50:41 PM »

Lucina: I mean, all I want is to be played with.

Steven "WindyMan" Rodriguez
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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 06:09:01 PM »
Such good humour Donald. I had a good laugh, Target seemingly has had a critical Existence Failure, lol.

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 06:10:34 PM »

Lucina: I mean, all I want is to be played with.

Hey hands off my waifu, baka!

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2015, 06:13:54 PM »
When Amiibo was announced there was concern that this was basically less convenient DLC where you have to hunt around stores to find toys instead of just buying it through the eShop.  But the funny thing is that there wasn't really concern about Nintendo's ability to supply the stock.  It was just the annoyance of having to go find a physical store that carried the Amiibo you were looking for.  The idea that pretty much any Amiibo other than the most common characters like Mario would be near impossible for anyone to find at all wasn't thought of.  So Nintendo has taken an idea that had some annoying flaws to it and have bungled it in a way to maximize the negative impact of those flaws.  Codename S.T.E.A.M.'s "DLC" is essentially useless.  They may as well have never bothered developing it.  DLC is supposed to be an extra revenue generator but Nintendo has inadvertently transformed it into some sort of symbol of luxury.  S.T.E.A.M.'s Fire Emblem content is a status symbol to show off how lucky and ridiculous dedicated you are or how rich you are to buy it overpriced from scalpers.  Can you imagine how insane it would be if some company like EA had DLC on their games with artificial scarcity where the first 100 or so buyers got it and no one else could?  That's pretty much what Nintendo has done.

Since the worst concerns about Amiibo have come true I hope Nintendo's utter incompetence just sinks the whole thing dead and we pretend that artificially scarce DLC never was a thing.  The irony is that there appears to be demand for these things so it all could have been a major success.  I was hoping the market would reject the concept but they haven't.  Instead it is Nintendo's failure to capitalize on it that may kill the idea off.  Considering how against the concept I've been since the beginning I find that pretty hilarious.

Offline Adrock

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2015, 06:44:29 PM »
I don't think Nintendo realized what it had when it introduced Amiibo. Reminds me a bit of Wii and how even Nintendo was surprised by how popular it was. Then, 3DS got a positive reaction. Nintendo tried to capitalize, and it blew up in its face. Now, Amiibo is really popular. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is just more cautious now. It's probably trying to strike a balance. Scarcity isn't really helping Nintendo. It makes no money on resold Amiibo, but it also doesn't want to be stuck with a warehouse full of these things.

In any case, my friend scored me a Lucina. I wasn't able to get a Splatoon 3-pack, but I'm not sure I need it. If they all do the same thing, I might just get the girl Inkling.

Offline Phil

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 07:00:53 PM »
Lucina was available on Amazon for ten seconds. Ten seconds. Ten. Seconds.
And then it was sold out.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2015, 07:13:05 PM »
Something tells me Nintendo actually upped the allocation of Splatoon Amiibo today in comparison to their usual stock. Well, either they did that or people simply didn't want to buy the individuals because I was able to walk into my local GS today and just buy an Inkling Girl & Boy right off the shelf. I haven't been able to do that since the Mega Man restock, and apparently I was very lucky that day because I just happened to be at the store when the Nintendo rep was stocking them.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2015, 07:14:41 PM »
In any case, my friend scored me a Lucina. I wasn't able to get a Splatoon 3-pack, but I'm not sure I need it. If they all do the same thing, I might just get the girl Inkling.

They do similar things in Splatoon, but they don't do the same thing. Basically, it unlocks the ability to play through certain SP missions using different weapons: the roller for the Boy, and the charge rifle for the Girl. You unlock gear in the main game by completing those missions. I don't know weapon what the Inkling Squid unlocks.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2015, 07:22:55 PM »
Interesting. Looks like I'll go back to searching for it. Thanks for the info. If you happen to figure out what the squid unlocks, kindly let me know.

Offline fred13

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2015, 07:26:22 PM »
Your jokes pierce Neal, but only because I'm actually one of the few people that bought Codename Steam. I bought it at launch and I've been dying to get the fire emblem characters so that I can use them in the game. However, with all my work so far I'm completely empty handed. Today it was 2 Walmarts and Best Buy and half hour of refreshing Amazon's Lucina page and I'm still emptyhanded. In 1 more hour I'll have my last shot with refreshing Amazon's Robin page and I'M TIRED OF THIS NINTENDO!

Why is it when I hit up Best Buy this morning I was the 6th person in line and there was only 1 Robin and 1 Lucina??? There were multiples of everything else. I had my pick on all the other AMiibo you know like the Pacman and Wario that only work with Smash, but only 1 of each and everyone in front of me except 1 guy wanted the Fire Emblem ones the most. I'm tired of Nintendo not producing more.

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2015, 07:30:42 PM »
I don't think Nintendo realized what it had when it introduced Amiibo. Reminds me a bit of Wii and how even Nintendo was surprised by how popular it was. Then, 3DS got a positive reaction. Nintendo tried to capitalize, and it blew up in its face. Now, Amiibo is really popular. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is just more cautious now. It's probably trying to strike a balance. Scarcity isn't really helping Nintendo. It makes no money on resold Amiibo, but it also doesn't want to be stuck with a warehouse full of these things.

In any case, my friend scored me a Lucina. I wasn't able to get a Splatoon 3-pack, but I'm not sure I need it. If they all do the same thing, I might just get the girl Inkling.

I’ll trade you my Splatoon 3 pack for your Lucina.

Offline fred13

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2015, 07:32:39 PM »
Lucina was available on Amazon for ten seconds. Ten seconds. Ten. Seconds.
And then it was sold out.

No way it was 10 seconds. I was actively refreshing my amazon screen and I never saw any available. I had the live #amiibo twitter on my 2nd screen and when I saw people saying they got one I about lost it. Then I saw I wasn't the only one hitting refresh that somehow missed it.

Offline Oedo

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2015, 08:10:18 PM »
Seems like it's getting better in some instances, at least in Canada. The TRU near my work had 100 Greninja (which is a lot more Lucario than they got) and quite a few Charizard... but literally four Lucina and Robin. I was able to walk in 15 minutes after opening on my break and get Greninja/Charizard even with 50+ people lined up ahead of me, and they still had quite a few Greninja left. Nintendo also delivered pretty well with the Meta Knight restock. Seems like Best Buy's are getting a decent amount (upwards of 30 in some stores) and he's been online for close to an hour and counting now.

Still ridiculous that being online for a whole hour or walking in fifteen minutes after the damn thing hits the shelves (well that's not true, they don't even make it to the "shelves") and getting one is considered good, but at least it's getting easier for casual collectors like myself.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2015, 08:27:19 PM »
Addendum to my story for people who don't follow me on Twitter: The Greninja buyer also bought the last Charizard in that Toys r Us, and in the process made at least five children cry.
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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2015, 08:35:13 PM »
Got screwed out of both Robin and Lucina at Amazon. Got them into my cart then the disappeared. Not in a good mood right now. I am willing to bet the vast majority went to people who used bots and bought multiples.

I wonder if Nintendo realizes the damage they are doing to their own fan base? Between Amiibo and the MM LE debacle I have found myself caring very little about the company any more. I have not even opened my 3DS in over a month.

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2015, 11:38:56 PM »
I was awake for 31 hours straight, and didn't pee for something like 14 of those hours, but... yay!

I got everyone I needed today (which was everything except Wario and the Splatoon 3-Pack, which is coming from and Ness, which is coming from GameStop WIS)... and MARTH.  Sure, I already had Marth, but way back in November, TRU made a whoopsie and dropped the ball on my pre-order.  They managed to get me 11 of the 12 launch figures, but no Marth (which I ran to a Target 1+ hours away in the opposite direction the next day for).  Today, they got a small restock of Marth (it's almost like retailers were saving some of their restocks for May 29th... I swear I read that somewhere or something...) and they saved one for me!  Whoo!

I'm looking at organizing a give-away through my StreetPass group.  I think I'm going to set up a canned food drive/raffle. :D
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2015, 09:48:58 PM »
When Capcom pulled their on-disc DLC BS they were rightfully raked over the coals.  Nintendo is pretty much doing the same thing but the reaction isn't nearly as harsh. Interesting, that.

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2015, 12:02:50 AM »
When Capcom pulled their on-disc DLC BS they were rightfully raked over the coals.  Nintendo is pretty much doing the same thing but the reaction isn't nearly as harsh. Interesting, that.
I think it depends on the type of content. Splatoon Amiibo unlocks exclusive gear via challenges. Fine. I'd imagine most people can live without that. It isn't like Nintendo is keeping on-disc stages behind a pay-wall. I'd categorize most Amiibo Unlockable Content as largely inconsequential. Nice if you have Amiibo but nothing to write home about either way.

Capcom, on the other hand, kept 12 entire characters already on-disc behind a pay wall in the console versions of Street Fighter X Tekken. It should be noted that these characters were included free of charge on the Vita version though perhaps that was merely an incentive to buy a late port on a portable only insanolord and broodwars own. Capcom also has a history of nickel and diming consumers, as well as other weird anti-consumer decisions like not allowing save data to be erased in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D.

I fear that Amiibo may be setting a bad precedent leading to Nintendo eventually put content I actually care about behind Amiibo. Right now, I'm okay with it. I kind of want the Spinner in Hyrule Warriors for shits and giggles, but I only play the game when my brother is around. More importantly, Link is far from the best character in the game. Nintendo isn't withholding content that even remotely matters to me. I'll be sure to complain if it ever does.

Offline Oedo

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Re: Six Amiibo in Search of an Author
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2015, 10:52:38 AM »
The Splatoon amiibo functionality sounds superfluous to the point where I'm leaning towards returning the three pack when I get it on Monday, unless I end up really liking the figures. Which, yeah, is pretty much the case with ever single amiibo so far. For the time being, you're not missing anything if you weren't able to get one for a certain game.