Author Topic: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos  (Read 19424 times)

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Offline azeke

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2015, 01:35:21 PM »
Someone hating on Super Mario 3 ( how does that happen!)
I have my own problems with SMB3 (never played it as a kid, so no nostalgia glasses) so i don't share the notion that someone even daring to criticize such a sacred cow is a blasphemy.

From what i remember Lindeman (i think it was him) clearly defined what were his problems when he replayed the game. I see no reason why one should balk at the gall of him daring to express his opinion instead of actually listening to what he is saying.

People may have different opinions than you or me. They also may also be either more shallow than you or much smarter than you. People may come from different cultural backgrounds. There are all kinds of them on the internet.

One can get angry about their "wrong-ness" which is fruitless, or try to embrace the diversity. Vive la difference.
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Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2015, 03:19:40 PM »
I'm kinda enjoying Kobeskillz's journey through the annals of RFN history. Dr. Metts has a loooooooong history with this site and Nintendo as a while, and he's usually not that negative. I am a Kirby nutcase (heck, I got a forum account JUST so i could do Kirby and the Amazing Mirror Retroactive) and Johnny being critical of Kirby Triple Deluxe by just hearing about what kind of game it is didn't phase me. the gameplay style, as with all games that bud from ideas of Masahiro Sakurai's, are very, VERY flawed, and some people don't get past that, even if the experience has become so polished.

The SMB3 discussion you're talking about was Lindy not being able to handle the game because of what he later discovered was the 3DS's buttons being tiny for his big old man hands.

I am waiting for when Kobeskillz goes back and listens to 106. or the Muscle March episode.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2015, 03:22:32 PM »
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain"

Offline Kobeskillz

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2015, 03:52:18 PM »
Someone hating on Super Mario 3 ( how does that happen!)
I have my own problems with SMB3 (never played it as a kid, so no nostalgia glasses) so i don't share the notion that someone even daring to criticize such a sacred cow is a blasphemy.

From what i remember Lindeman (i think it was him) clearly defined what were his problems when he replayed the game. I see no reason why one should balk at the gall of him daring to express his opinion instead of actually listening to what he is saying.

People may have different opinions than you or me. They also may also be either more shallow than you or much smarter than you. People may come from different cultural backgrounds. There are all kinds of them on the internet.

One can get angry about their "wrong-ness" which is fruitless, or try to embrace the diversity. Vive la difference.

Super Mario Bros 3!!!!
Yes I grew up with this game but man is hard to believe anyone not liking it. Anyone.
I remember that episode clearly and trust me it sounded really bad for him.
One of his things was that the game is hard. HARD!?
I actually like his options and commentaries but to say Mario 3 is hard is really ridiculous honestly. The NES has some really hard games but Mario 3 isn’t one of them. In fact is really easy. In fact if you know where the flutes are you can skip most of the game and the games gives you power ups galore.
If my then 4 year old self can pass the game then I’m sure a grown man can find a way. Maybe modern games has really soften him.
I do understand that if you didn’t play these games when they originally came out then it’s not the same and you might be more critical. My little brother in law doesn’t like the old starwars movies because he says the special effects suck and they are slow.

Offline Kobeskillz

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2015, 04:03:34 PM »
I'm kinda enjoying Kobeskillz's journey through the annals of RFN history. Dr. Metts has a loooooooong history with this site and Nintendo as a while, and he's usually not that negative. I am a Kirby nutcase (heck, I got a forum account JUST so i could do Kirby and the Amazing Mirror Retroactive) and Johnny being critical of Kirby Triple Deluxe by just hearing about what kind of game it is didn't phase me. the gameplay style, as with all games that bud from ideas of Masahiro Sakurai's, are very, VERY flawed, and some people don't get past that, even if the experience has become so polished.

The SMB3 discussion you're talking about was Lindy not being able to handle the game because of what he later discovered was the 3DS's buttons being tiny for his big old man hands.

I am waiting for when Kobeskillz goes back and listens to 106. or the Muscle March episode.
Ohhhhh that would make total sense!!!! These games are terrible on the 3DS. The control layout is just plain stupid. I can’t play them at all with that set up.
That makes more sense to me really if that’s the case.
Yeah it’s fun listening to all these classic episodes. Listening to the old ones and then the new ones gives me a nice contrast of how they were and how they are. I guess this stuff bugs me more since I listen to them back to back so closely together. Like the Kirby thing.
It’s been fun ride. I listen to about 3-4 a day at work!
I love the retroactives. Though is interesting to hear the criticism at times since I played all those games when they came out and I remember them much more fondly.
Super Mario RPG I remember when it came out it was lauded for it’s amazing graphics. I thought it looked stunning.
Perfect Dark single player I thought was amazing when I played it and never had issues in Chicago or any level. I passed them all in the hardest mode. Also my friends and I played co op and counter co op for days. It was all great. Interesting to see their take after all these years. Maybe playing them when they just come out in that context makes you look at them more fondly. 

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2015, 05:37:34 PM »
The James Jones backlash begins. Very interesting.

 :confused; I don't get it?
In this thread alone, we had you, eggface, nintendad and ClexYoshi all expressing frustration with James and his "ways". It's like someone finally saying it has empowered others.
I'm not saying James Jones is Bill Cosby here
I'm also not saying he isn't
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline Pandareus

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2015, 06:28:21 PM »
I just want to note that I have seeked help and I don't really jump over tables to assault people anymore.

Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2015, 06:57:43 PM »
If my then 4 year old self can pass the game then I’m sure a grown man can find a way. Maybe modern games has really soften him.
I do understand that if you didn’t play these games when they originally came out then it’s not the same and you might be more critical. My little brother in law doesn’t like the old starwars movies because he says the special effects suck and they are slow.

The reason SMB3 was such a pain in the ass was because I was playing it on the original 3DS with its terrible D-Pad, which introduces an intolerable amount of lag in your movements, which have to be extremely precise in that game. On a later episode I try it again using the Wii U's Gamepad and it's great. Still reasonably challenging as you'd expect but not outright impossible in parts thanks to a terrible D-Pad with zero responsiveness.

And if you think modern games have softened me, you apparently haven't come across the many episodes in which I sing the praises of Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts, one of my favorite games ever, or profess my love of competitive online play in first-person shooters that most consider "too hard" or "frustrating".
Jon Lindemann
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Offline Kobeskillz

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2015, 07:18:43 PM »
If my then 4 year old self can pass the game then I’m sure a grown man can find a way. Maybe modern games has really soften him.
I do understand that if you didn’t play these games when they originally came out then it’s not the same and you might be more critical. My little brother in law doesn’t like the old starwars movies because he says the special effects suck and they are slow.

The reason SMB3 was such a pain in the ass was because I was playing it on the original 3DS with its terrible D-Pad, which introduces an intolerable amount of lag in your movements, which have to be extremely precise in that game. On a later episode I try it again using the Wii U's Gamepad and it's great. Still reasonably challenging as you'd expect but not outright impossible in parts thanks to a terrible D-Pad with zero responsiveness.

And if you think modern games have softened me, you apparently haven't come across the many episodes in which I sing the praises of Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts, one of my favorite games ever, or profess my love of competitive online play in first-person shooters that most consider "too hard" or "frustrating".

Yeah someone mentioned that you were using the 3DS. No wonder man I played those games on the og NES and love them to death but can’t stand them on the 3DS. The buttons are all messed up and the dpad is terrible. With that said though taking that episode without having the context of the other episode where you explain why it still sounded pretty bad.
The soft comment was made because Mario 3 is really easy. I think that’s the general concession that it’s pretty easy. Super Mario Bros was actually much harder. Didn’t mean to offend just trying to find a reason why you found the game so hard which the 3DS controls definitely helps explain that.
The only way IMO to play old games like Super Mario Bros 3 is through an old TV where there is absolutely no lag. Those games weren't programmed with lag in mind and the smallest amount of lag even with Game mode on will completely throw off the controls.
It’s sad actually because people who didn't play them originally will have a skewed opinion on the games and their controls and not even realize it’s their TV’s, emulation, controls or all of the above.

Offline azeke

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2015, 11:57:15 PM »
The NES has some really hard games but Mario 3 isn’t one of them. In fact is really easy. In fact if you know where the flutes are you can skip most of the game and the games gives you power ups galore.
That was one of MY problem -- i don't use flutes and generally don't use power-ups. Why would i skip levels -- i payed for this game. And so i played through all levels of SMB3 mostly as small Mario. It was pretty miserable experience.
I do understand that if you didn’t play these games when they originally came out then it’s not the same and you might be more critical. My little brother in law doesn’t like the old starwars movies because he says the special effects suck and they are slow.
Here is yet another thing i never experienced as a child. You probably don't want to know what i think of it. ;p
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Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2015, 04:54:40 AM »
this thread kinda warms my heart and it's not even because of the podcast attached to it. <3

I would like to take this time to say that there are plenty of games that I palyed vanilla back in the day that I would play emulated on any day of the week because I like the crispness higher resolution brings to the pixels, or because I like the rginomics of more modern controllers or such.

Seriously though, Kobe. You -HAVE- to go and listen to episode 106 and then 107 and tell us what you think. those are the finest moments of this podcast.

Offline TheBigK

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2015, 05:13:04 PM »
James Jones is a god and Guillaume has **** taste. I'm actually 100% serious right now. James is the reason I keep tuning in every week!
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Offline Nintendad

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2015, 06:21:40 PM »
I'm going to be honest. I've listened to RFN for probably 5  years and it was my favorite podcast during most of that run. But I have not listened to the last two episodes and don't plan to listen to any more. James Jones is the reason. I even sent the crew an email a couple months back letting them know I felt James was becoming a problem. Johnny responded and I appreciated that. They even made a quick reference at the beginning of the next show about not yelling at each other which I know was a result of my email.

When Greg left the show, the balance was thrown off because James assumed a more prominent role. If people enjoy listening to him make snarky comments throughout the show, or yelling at others as they try to explain something, then great. I don't. I think it comes off rude and makes it painful to the listener. I hate it because Johnny is probably my favorite Nintendo podcaster out there and I like that Gui is always trying new games, almost always Nintendo related. But James just kills it for me and makes me not want to listen. There are plenty of Nintendo podcasts out there that keep it positive (without the Nintendo worship) that I enjoy much more.

One more thing. I've listened to RFN shows in which James is fine to listen to. You listen to any show in which there is a guest host of someone not from NWR, but the gaming industry, and James is a different person, much more respectful. However it seems on most shows he's intent on playing the role of a troll. The rest of the crew is apparently fine with him being that way because it continues. It's their show so that's cool. It's not for me anymore.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2015, 12:02:33 AM »
I'm going to be honest. I've listened to RFN for probably 5  years and it was my favorite podcast during most of that run. But I have not listened to the last two episodes and don't plan to listen to any more. James Jones is the reason. I even sent the crew an email a couple months back letting them know I felt James was becoming a problem. Johnny responded and I appreciated that. They even made a quick reference at the beginning of the next show about not yelling at each other which I know was a result of my email.

When Greg left the show, the balance was thrown off because James assumed a more prominent role. If people enjoy listening to him make snarky comments throughout the show, or yelling at others as they try to explain something, then great. I don't. I think it comes off rude and makes it painful to the listener. I hate it because Johnny is probably my favorite Nintendo podcaster out there and I like that Gui is always trying new games, almost always Nintendo related. But James just kills it for me and makes me not want to listen. There are plenty of Nintendo podcasts out there that keep it positive (without the Nintendo worship) that I enjoy much more.

One more thing. I've listened to RFN shows in which James is fine to listen to. You listen to any show in which there is a guest host of someone not from NWR, but the gaming industry, and James is a different person, much more respectful. However it seems on most shows he's intent on playing the role of a troll. The rest of the crew is apparently fine with him being that way because it continues. It's their show so that's cool. It's not for me anymore.

It's funny to see the contrast of opinions regarding the different RFN hosts.  There are times where James seems to be a bit manic in the over-the-top madness he discusses as he talks about the potpourri of unique games he covers in the "now playing", but I think his perspective when they discuss business topics in video games is priceless.  Him & Lindemann seem to have experience or innate knowledge of the business & economics sides of gaming, but he especially is able to communicate effectively some of the business complexities like no one else on the podcast, where the others have more of a "gamers/consumer" perspective to bring to the conversation.

I appreciate you see it as one of your favorite podcasts going down a path you no longer enjoy because of your perceived increased of James-mania, but I imagine it must be truly demoralizing to be given this kind of feedback for something that's a pretty big optional commitment.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2015, 12:41:27 AM »
We all have our favorites and those that are less so. It's just the nature of things. For instance, James is my favorite member of the podcast. He generally plays and likes the kind of games I like, and his snarky demeanor reminds me of my own. By contrast, I've never cared for Gui. He has a fondness for generic 2D platformers I've never understood, and he had the misfortune of following in the footsteps of one of the best & most memorable panelists this podcast ever had. By comparison, he can come off fairly bland IMO. However, he has his place on the show and I respect what he does and the group as a whole is excellent.
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Offline Kobeskillz

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2015, 02:03:24 AM »
this thread kinda warms my heart and it's not even because of the podcast attached to it. <3

I would like to take this time to say that there are plenty of games that I palyed vanilla back in the day that I would play emulated on any day of the week because I like the crispness higher resolution brings to the pixels, or because I like the rginomics of more modern controllers or such.

Seriously though, Kobe. You -HAVE- to go and listen to episode 106 and then 107 and tell us what you think. those are the finest moments of this podcast.

Ok I downloaded them. I'll listen to them on Monday at work. :  )

Offline Kobeskillz

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2015, 02:08:43 AM »
I'm going to be honest. I've listened to RFN for probably 5  years and it was my favorite podcast during most of that run. But I have not listened to the last two episodes and don't plan to listen to any more. James Jones is the reason. I even sent the crew an email a couple months back letting them know I felt James was becoming a problem. Johnny responded and I appreciated that. They even made a quick reference at the beginning of the next show about not yelling at each other which I know was a result of my email.

When Greg left the show, the balance was thrown off because James assumed a more prominent role. If people enjoy listening to him make snarky comments throughout the show, or yelling at others as they try to explain something, then great. I don't. I think it comes off rude and makes it painful to the listener. I hate it because Johnny is probably my favorite Nintendo podcaster out there and I like that Gui is always trying new games, almost always Nintendo related. But James just kills it for me and makes me not want to listen. There are plenty of Nintendo podcasts out there that keep it positive (without the Nintendo worship) that I enjoy much more.

One more thing. I've listened to RFN shows in which James is fine to listen to. You listen to any show in which there is a guest host of someone not from NWR, but the gaming industry, and James is a different person, much more respectful. However it seems on most shows he's intent on playing the role of a troll. The rest of the crew is apparently fine with him being that way because it continues. It's their show so that's cool. It's not for me anymore.

Man you nailed it on the head. James jones is nails on a chalk board to me!!!! I've gone back and listen  to a lot of old episodes and he was fine before. Controlled and insightful. Greg really kept him in check. Now he's loud, rude, disrespectful and by far not funny. I mean he's funny 1 out of 20 times probably.

For instance on the last podcast I was so siked that my favorite podcast was reading my email for the first time. Then this bafoon kept interrupting the email. I mean I'm a new listener that's a huge fan and for me getting my emailed read is a big deal. So this idiot should realize that before being a jerk and interrupting and basically saying ok done moving on.

I get he's young and for his age he's played a lot of stuff and he's insightful but he acts like only things he likes are good and everything else is "garbage".

I don't know I'm honestly enjoying all the old episodes far far more. Two reasons. Greg and less jones.

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2015, 02:15:17 AM »
The New 3DS XL's topscreen was changed from a TN to IPS LCD, while the New 3DS' topscreen was not. It actually does make a pretty big difference; I noticed right out of the box that the top display looked much better on my New 3DS XL (I only found out about the specifics of the switch later). So I think it's got a pretty legitimate claim to best designed 3DS over its smaller variant.

what advantages do those changes bring.

The thing that stood out to me right away was that the colours looked a lot more "rich" and vivid. There's also a pretty stark difference in how the display (and colours) hold up when you're looking at the screen from an angle. Words don't really do it justice though. Here are a couple pics from a neogaf user:

Those are both the New 3DS XL, so evidently not every XL came with an IPS screen for some reason. Seems very strange and I'm not sure why this hasn't gotten more attention.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2015, 02:28:23 AM »
Seriously though, Kobe. You -HAVE- to go and listen to episode 103 and tell us what you think. those are the finest moments of this podcast

Fixed that for you.  :P:
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Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2015, 04:13:08 AM »
Seriously though, Kobe. You -HAVE- to go and listen to episode 103 and tell us what you think. those are the finest moments of this podcast

Fixed that for you.  :P: :

Oh ****, you're right! I've derped! X___X yeah, you can't edit posts on talkback forums. Kobe, I meant 103 and 104

Geh, I can't believe i messed that up. yeah. 103.

Offline Nintendad

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2015, 08:41:17 AM »

but I think his perspective when they discuss business topics in video games is priceless.  Him & Lindemann seem to have experience or innate knowledge of the business & economics sides of gaming, but he especially is able to communicate effectively some of the business complexities like no one else on the podcast, where the others have more of a "gamers/consumer" perspective to bring to the conversation.

I appreciate you see it as one of your favorite podcasts going down a path you no longer enjoy because of your perceived increased of James-mania, but I imagine it must be truly demoralizing to be given this kind of feedback for something that's a pretty big optional commitment.

I couldn't agree more with that point. If James is talking about something he seems to enjoy, the business side of games, Xenoblade, or Ogre Battle, he's an excellent podcaster and is a joy to listen to. It's when the conversation turns to things he doesn't care about such as amiibo, or unfortunately 95% of the games out there it seems, that the snarky, rude James comes out.

I think my kind of feedback does have an effect on James but it's not demoralizing. As a matter of fact I think he thrives on it. My take is that he's putting on a show when podcasting. He, and the whole crew, know there are many people that feel the same way I do and it just encourages him to keep it up. As mentioned earlier, take him out of his comfort zone (podcasting with Johnny, Gui, Jon) and he doesn't play that part. Watch/listen to the E3 podcasts where he with different people and again, you get a different James.

I think the crew really needs to read Kobeskillz comment about taking the time to send an email and then how he felt as it was read on air after James being James trashed it. (I didn't listen to the episode but it's not hard to imagine what happened.) Why would Kobeskillz ever want to send another email? I know I wouldn't. I mean one of the crew or an emailer brings up something we all know James doesn't like (such as Metroid) and on cue, it's on. Here comes the groan, the snarky comment to the effect the podcaster/emailer doesn't know what good games are, and then the interrupting/yelling until the topic turns to something else.

I miss the old show which is why I'm posting here. Obviously, I care about the show or I wouldn't even bother with this. I mentioned that in my email to the crew awhile back. I don't mind people going off every once in awhile, it happens to all of us. But it shouldn't be happening each and every show, imo.

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2015, 12:49:16 PM »
I personally welcome all feedback, positive or negative. We put RFN out there for public consumption so naturally people are going to have opinions good and bad, and have topics/features/hosts/guests they like and don't like.  Even non-constructive trolling usually has a grain of truth to it.

I'll just have to start using the cattle prod on James again.
Jon Lindemann
Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2015, 08:51:00 PM »
I just want to note that I have seeked help and I don't really jump over tables to assault people anymore.

Now you just go through tables!!

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2015, 10:58:26 AM »
I personally welcome all feedback, positive or negative. We put RFN out there for public consumption so naturally people are going to have opinions good and bad, and have topics/features/hosts/guests they like and don't like.  Even non-constructive trolling usually has a grain of truth to it.
Right. Although I wonder how much of the distaste some of the people here are expressing rather rudely at some of us individually is just confirmation bias. One of us says one thing one person doesn't like and all of a sudden, that person is an asshole forever. Maybe try to be more impartial as a listener?

I record the podcast, I edit it, and I listen to it afterwards. James has a fairly different personnality from mine, and yet I honestly don't understand how he could get under your skins like that. Yes, bring up Ubisoft, Sega, Sonic or Metroid and you might hear from him, but it's usually one line in a two hour podcast. And in a lot of cases, like when we're discussing "Metroidvania" games during New Business, he's not saying anything at all. So I dunno. Sure, we can all try to not rely on the same jokes over and over again, in order to be a more entertaining, better podcast. But sometimes running jokes work, too, as long as they don't take over the show. I think we're doing fine.

Taking the opportunity to defend myself: in the last 20 episodes, I spoke about 7 2D platformers. Cloudberry Kingdom, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Wario Land 3, Chariot, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Xeodrifter, DK King of Swing. Of those, I'm not sure which ones I'd consider "generic", as they all have something unique going on. And while I know we all like to joke that I love platformers unconditionally, I also know that I was critical of all of these.

That's seven games since November. If that's too much for you: tough. This is a Nintendo podcast. You're gonna have to hear about some 2D platformers.

We record weekly, so there is some pressure to have something new to discuss every week. 2D platformers are usually short, easy to get into, plentiful on the eShop, often have couch co-op, and I like playing them so yeah, I'm gonna talk about them critically. I record this show for myself, and for people who actually like Nintendo games, after all. If others don't care for it, then I'm probably doing something right.

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Re: Episode 426: Connoisseur of Chaos
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2015, 05:06:34 PM »
I personally welcome all feedback, positive or negative. We put RFN out there for public consumption so naturally people are going to have opinions good and bad, and have topics/features/hosts/guests they like and don't like.  Even non-constructive trolling usually has a grain of truth to it.
Right. Although I wonder how much of the distaste some of the people here are expressing rather rudely at some of us individually is just confirmation bias. One of us says one thing one person doesn't like and all of a sudden, that person is an asshole forever. Maybe try to be more impartial as a listener?

I record the podcast, I edit it, and I listen to it afterwards. James has a fairly different personnality from mine, and yet I honestly don't understand how he could get under your skins like that. Yes, bring up Ubisoft, Sega, Sonic or Metroid and you might hear from him, but it's usually one line in a two hour podcast. And in a lot of cases, like when we're discussing "Metroidvania" games during New Business, he's not saying anything at all. So I dunno. Sure, we can all try to not rely on the same jokes over and over again, in order to be a more entertaining, better podcast. But sometimes running jokes work, too, as long as they don't take over the show. I think we're doing fine.

Taking the opportunity to defend myself: in the last 20 episodes, I spoke about 7 2D platformers. Cloudberry Kingdom, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Wario Land 3, Chariot, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Xeodrifter, DK King of Swing. Of those, I'm not sure which ones I'd consider "generic", as they all have something unique going on. And while I know we all like to joke that I love platformers unconditionally, I also know that I was critical of all of these.

That's seven games since November. If that's too much for you: tough. This is a Nintendo podcast. You're gonna have to hear about some 2D platformers.

We record weekly, so there is some pressure to have something new to discuss every week. 2D platformers are usually short, easy to get into, plentiful on the eShop, often have couch co-op, and I like playing them so yeah, I'm gonna talk about them critically. I record this show for myself, and for people who actually like Nintendo games, after all. If others don't care for it, then I'm probably doing something right.

I personally love the podcast or else I wouldn’t be here and I like all of you as a group and I think you all have great chemistry. But when some try break free a bit from that group chemistry is when imo it becomes worse.
I could care less about james hating sonic or Metroid or this or that but his rude dismissive and loud personally can just be very off putting. I’m not the only one that feels this way either.
I’m listening to episode 103/104 right now and where is that dude!!! He was funny and great to listen to in that episode. Sure he was snarky before but now he’s extreme.
He’s like the Simpsons. He’s become an extreme parody of himself at this point.
 Oh and I actually like the platformers talk. Besides the DK64 game I generally agree with your point of views and taste