Author Topic: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions  (Read 3776 times)

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Offline Yoshi-EGGS

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Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:35:13 AM »

Here's Yoshi-EGGS' first mailbag. Feel free to ask him more questions.

Here’s Yoshi-EGGS’ first mailbag. The wily Yoshi just dropped this off to me this morning with a note saying “Post these or become an egg.” So, I’ll gladly oblige him and do so. Don’t forget to feed him questions so I don’t become an egg.

rcontra writes:

I have 55 games on my Wii U and I noticed that I have 25 spaces left. Do you think Nintendo will ever do a system update that can provide folders for each space like they did with the 3DS?

In the past, Nintendo has demonstrated an exquisite sense of timing in how it drags its feet on issues like this one; just when you’ve finally made peace with the idea that the improvement you’ve been waiting for may never materialize, Iwata announces the SD Card Channel for Wii at his 2009 GDC keynote speech.

Ergo, I do expect that such an update will happen eventually, but I also advise you to give up hope for Wii U folders as soon as possible in order to expedite the process. I know this sounds paradoxical, but let’s face it, what else is Nintendo waiting for? Folders came to 3DS just over a year after launch, so Wii U is nearly a year behind that pace at this point.

The only other possibility is that Nintendo will begrudgingly make folders available once global Wii U digital software sales pass a super-secret threshold known only to NCL top brass and Sakurai’s cat. In which case: buy more games! Don’t worry, once you fill those 25 spaces you have left, the Wii U menu will spawn additional pages to hold more icons (who says Nintendo doesn’t learn from its mistakes?)

TurdFurgy writes:

I desperately want to know who decided to put that yellow line on the Wii U game cases. It just doesn't make sense to me and it really doesn't go with anything. Because of this I keep my Wii U game cases locked in a cabinet and was forced to go digital.There are a dozen other colors that would have done quite well. At the very least they could have went with the design that's on the actual discs. So, again, I want to know who is responsible for this and how can I shame them?

When Nintendo set out its plans for successors to the Nintendo DS and Wii platforms, it decided that the new systems would retain the brand identities that had been built up so successfully over the past hardware cycle.

However, Nintendo was sensitive to the fact that some people might be confused about how these new consoles would relate to the ones they already had, so it took clear steps to nip any such confusion squarely in the bud; 3DS software cases would have the console logo moved all the way over to the right side from the left side, and Wii U software cases would be blue with that fetching yellow line you so despise arcing down over the top of the cover art.

So you see, the yellow color was chosen precisely because it’s incongruous with the rest of the case design, in order to subconsciously inform the consumer that they’re looking at something distinctly new and unique. This should all make sense to you now, and thus I won’t be naming and shaming anyone who might be responsible for it…please understand.

TheXenocide writes:

I'm trapped in a room. There are no doors or windows or openings of any kind. The only things in the room with me are a mirror and a table. How do I escape?

Let me get this straight: you’re trapped in a room with only a mirror, a table, and access to the internet….and you seek help from someone who openly admits to being stuck in an oversized shoe? I suggest you take a long, hard look at yourself in that mirror and think about all the poor decisions that have led you into this predicament. Otherwise, maybe you can use that great wireless reception you’re getting inside the vault to stream all seven seasons of MacGyver on your phone—he’s bound to have escaped from this exact situation at least 15 times during that run.

Having said all that, I’m now wondering if you sent this question to me because it’s some sort of metaphor for Nintendo’s current struggles in the marketplace, where the table represents Nintendo’s reliance on its own hardware, and the mirror is how Nintendo uses its own image. Even in this scenario though, the Michael Pachters of the world would only offer the same advice as I’ve already given you: use your phone to get out.

Hope you enjoyed the first of hopefully many weekly mailbags from Yoshi-EGGS! Please send him more questions so he doesn’t sneak out of Kuribo’s Shoe and start wreaking havoc.

Offline TheXenocide

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Re: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 11:10:39 AM »
I somehow never noticed that obnoxious yellow line before. Now  I'll never not see it.

Offline TurdFurgy

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Re: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2014, 06:53:41 PM »
I'm sorry.

Offline ShyGuy

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Re: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2014, 09:27:30 PM »
I think Xenocide is in an interrogation room, so he just needs to smash the mirror to get to the observation room on the other side. Sell the table on Craigslist.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2014, 09:52:51 PM »
I'm surprised TheXenocide hasn't googled "Virtue's Last Reward walkthrough" 'cause that's what he's stuck in.

The answer involves a 9.
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Tutorial box out.

Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 10:00:12 PM »
Wait, so if you don't feed him questions he turns into an egg, but also wreaks havoc outside of Kuribo's shoe? I'm so confused now.
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Offline Seacor

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Re: Yoshi-EGGS Responds to Your Questions
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2014, 09:14:05 PM »
I do expect that such an update will happen eventually, but I also advise you to give up hope for Wii U folders as soon as possible in order to expedite the process.

Yoshi-EGGS! Wow! You are amazing! System Update 5.2.0 U has been released and includes support for FOLDERS!
"Do you expect me to talk?"
"No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die."