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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2014, 12:16:53 PM »
I love it when people say "you get if for free, what are you complaining about" but we actually work to earn these "rewards".

We provide marketing feedback through product registration and feedback surveys. For the reward of more points we tell them what games we plan on purchasing ahead of time, which I'm sure lets them know which games they should put the marketing budgets toward and which ones they should just let fly under the radar. And we do all this, not so much for the "prizes" they offer year round online, but to hit that Gold and Platinum status so that we can get that "exclusive reward" for being a loyal and productive Club Nintendo Member and customer.

Now you coudl argue that they don't have to offer the points and the prizes, and that's true, but then we also don't have to register and provide feedback.... and buy our games new and around launch.
If they are going to go through all the effort of offering something, then the least they could do is offer something worth the effort to those that choose to participate.

These digital prizes of already available games just aren't doing it for most enthusiast.
eShop credit, a free Amiibo (or discount coupon towards one), an exclusive item or unreleased game would always be something an enthusiast would find worthwhile.

Offline Vahne

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2014, 12:44:38 PM »
Considering there's largely no value difference between the Gold and Platinum selection, Platinum members should be allowed to choose two. Anyway, these rewards are terrible. Not a good way to reward your most faithful fans anyway Nintendo. Club Nintendo's shutting down soon folks. NoA was reluctant to bring this service to America in the first place. Now they figured out a good way to get rid of it.

Offline ejamer

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2014, 01:02:45 PM »
These digital prizes of already available games just aren't doing it for most enthusiast.

I think this is my complaint too. These rewards are considerably less impressive for enthusiasts than for people who just barely scrape into Platinum status. Nothing is exclusive (or even limited) and nothing is new.

Selection looks good on paper and the overall value on offer seems generous. But there are problems: when giving digital games as rewards for buying games, it creates an awkward catch-22. The more games you buy, the less likely you are to find any of the rewards useful. The most dedicated Nintendo fans end up getting nothing (ie: they already own the games being offered as rewards) while anyone that actively buys games probably finds the number of choices considerably reduced.

It's still a nice gesture though, and getting offered something for free is always good.
The disappointment comes from knowing that Nintendo could do better though, even if sticking with purely digital rewards.
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Online Evan_B

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2014, 01:05:15 PM »
Excuse me, Adrock, for hearing my friend excitedly talk about getting the Majora's Mask OST for a Club reward and signing up for a Club account and being underwhelmed by a number of games that received middling reviews. Gold members pretty much get an "extended" month of Club rewards, because coins are not currency.

Call me insatiable or picky or whatever, but I already have Donkey Kong, and there's no way I will ever want Game and Wario, which are the two rewards that would give me the most bang for my buck. So now I'm forced to redeem a reward that's a lesser value, which feels cheap.
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2014, 01:06:42 PM »
Additionally, this actually rewards those who "cheat" the system (buying Club Nintendo codes via eBay, stealing them from GameStop, etc.) and buy few games vs. those who buy more games and earn the Elite status the legitimate way.

"Oh, you don't have this game? Here, have it for free!  Oh, you already have this game?  Here, have it for free again!"
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Adrock

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2014, 01:12:12 PM »
I love it when people say "you get if for free, what are you complaining about" but we actually work to earn these "rewards".
Calling product registration and survey participation "work" is absurd. You sit at a computer for a couple minutes and you don't even need to fill in the answers correctly if you can't be bothered to do so. I'm having a really hard time believing that the surveys are greatly affecting marketing budgets. I'm sure Nintendo looks at the results, but you're giving consumers way more credit than they deserve for this.

Honestly, I'm surprised and a little baffled that you still rush to register games at the deadline. Why are you doing this to yourself if you've been so disappointed? All this for not getting some trinket that you might glance at on your shelf once in a blue moon. Sure, fine.
The disappointment comes from knowing that Nintendo could do better though, even if sticking with purely digital rewards.
Where do they draw the line? Every year, regardless of the reward, someone somewhere is going to act like an entitled cry baby about what they didn't get. Ultimately, this is one of those no-win situations for Nintendo. This wasn't a problem when there was no Club Nintendo. Once Nintendo started offering rewards, people started complaining about them.

Offline jglonek

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2014, 01:14:42 PM »
I'm more confused by the range of games than anything else. You can choose 1 game, from $5 VC games to $30 retail games? Weird. They should have done "Choose 1 Retail Game or 2 Virtual Console games" or something. And yes, something more than just an extra set of games to choose from for Platinum members.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2014, 01:17:44 PM »
I have mixed feelings about this. I never felt like the physical rewards were terribly special, but I have used the playing cards, and all the other items make for a good display on my shelf and such. I can get these games anytime, but that stuff was exclusive.

Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain about free stuff. For me, it's a choice between Dr. Luigi and NES Remix. I'm leaning towards NES Remix since Dr. Luigi doesn't seem much different from Dr. Mario games.

Offline Eiksirf

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2014, 01:20:25 PM »
I looked at the list and figured I'd try Earthbound for the first time. Or, if I didn't reach Platinum, I'd pick Wario Land 2 or maybe Ice Climber. And that'd be nice, because it's free.

To me, a free game is always the best prize because the thing I enjoy the most about video games are, get this, the games.

So count me out of the complaining group. I can see if you've already got these that it's disappointing, but then you could spend your rewards points on other prizes instead.

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2014, 01:28:46 PM »
I'm having a really hard time believing that the surveys are greatly affecting marketing budgets. I'm sure Nintendo looks at the results, but you're giving consumers way more credit than they deserve for this.
I have to say, this is more Nintendo's fault than anything.  The surveys are horribly generic and no where near giving them the amount of marketing data they could be getting.

Quick example: Asking me if I bought a 3DS just to play the specific 3DS game I'm registering.  Hey, Nintendo - I registered my 3DS YEARS ago.  It's unlikely that I bought my 3DS just to play CrossworDS Plus.

Another quick example: Asking how likely I'd be to recommend a game to friends, then asking if I already have recommended it to friends.  How about asking me if I've recommended it first, and if I say "Yes", then not asking me how likely it is that I'd recommend it. :D

Where do they draw the line? Every year, regardless of the reward, someone somewhere is going to act like an entitled cry baby about what they didn't get. Ultimately, this is one of those no-win situations for Nintendo. This wasn't a problem when there was no Club Nintendo. Once Nintendo started offering rewards, people started complaining about them.

A.) That's blatantly untrue.  Before Club Nintendo opened in America, Americans were complaining about the lack of a rewards program on par with Japan's.
B.) Last year, Nintendo offered a selection of physical or digital rewards.  Sure, there were complaints about the choices - but I feel there was a lot less backlash last year than this.

I can see if you've already got these that it's disappointing, but then you could spend your rewards points on other prizes instead.

Err... I cannot spend my Elite coins on anything else?
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Adrock

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2014, 01:42:30 PM »
I have mixed feelings about this. I never felt like the physical rewards were terribly special, but I have used the playing cards, and all the other items make for a good display on my shelf and such. I can get these games anytime, but that stuff was exclusive.
I understand this sentiment. It's just disappointing seeing how many people are turning their nose up to something like this. Since the alternative was nothing, I'll keep taking these rewards as long as Nintendo keeps offering them.
A.) That's blatantly untrue.  Before Club Nintendo opened in America, Americans were complaining about the lack of a rewards program on par with Japan's.
B.) Last year, Nintendo offered a selection of physical or digital rewards.  Sure, there were complaints about the choices - but I feel there was a lot less backlash last year than this.
A. How so? I was referring to the time before there was any rewards program anywhere. If there was never a rewards program, no one would be the wiser.
B. The point is that there always was and always will be backlash. Nintendo can't please everyone. They offer a rewards program no other video game company offers and people can't appreciate for what it is.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2014, 01:49:32 PM »
On the one hand, these rewards are (as usual) incredibly lame and lazy compared to what Nintendo bestows upon their "chosen ones" in Japan.  I don't know why Nintendo seems to go out of their way to invite criticism.

On the other hand, I've always wanted to try Game & Wario, but I never wanted to spend my own money on it. Fair enough, Nintendo. At least I'll have some use for this reward, as opposed to the last few years.
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2014, 01:59:05 PM »
A) It's hard to remember back that far, since Club Nintendo started in 2003 in Japan and we didn't get it until five years later. :D  But sure, before Club Nintendo was a thing, people didn't complain about Club Nintendo.  That's like "Before indoor plumbing was a thing, people didn't complain about having to go to the outhouse to take a dump - they just did it."  Just because one option is better than the other option, it doesn't mean we can't dream and hope for a third option.  Even more so when it's something completely within Nintendo's power and would require virtually no additional effort (again, offering previously-released no-longer-offered rewards like Nintendo Video downloads, Donkey Kong: Original Edition, etc.)

B.) I've gotten 15 Mario Kart toys from Happy Meals.  When *I'M* complaining about free Nintendo stuff, something's wrong. ;)

This rewards program is supposed to be offering stuff to their biggest and most loyal fans.

This year's rewards don't do that.

If Nintendo wants to come out and say "You know what - it's just not cost-effective for Club Nintendo to offer physical rewards anymore.  From here on out, Club Nintendo will simply be a rewards program that offers digital downloads of previously released titles.", I'd be perfectly fine with that.  But don't promise me "members-only benefits" and give me stuff I already have and can be bought by anyone at any time.

If I promised you a free gourmet meal, then you drove over to my house and I sat down a plate with a half of a stale cookie manufactured by "Gourmet Brands, Inc.", would you thank me for the cookie or be bitter that I over-delivered my promise?
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2014, 02:07:27 PM »
The thing I find insulting about all this is that Nintendo continues to crap on their North American fans with Club Nintendo. When you look at the stuff that the Japanese Club Nintendo gets, it's clear we're barely even an afterthought, and that applies to more than just the Platinum rewards.  We're supposed to just accept it because it's "free", but it's clear that despite being Nintendo's biggest and most profitable market, Nintendo seems to go out of its way to show its contempt for us.
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2014, 02:12:08 PM »
Funny - they year they gave out virtually the exact same Pin collection that Japan got, didn't you even complain about that Broodwars? :D
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2014, 02:16:37 PM »
Funny - they year they gave out virtually the exact same Pin collection that Japan got, didn't you even complain about that Broodwars? :D

Yeah, I did. I think I gave that pin collection away to charity the day it arrived.  IIRC, we got that pin collection the year after Japan got them, just like the figurine.  But Club Nintendo Japan routinely gets soundtracks, exclusive games, etc. that we never get.  Club Nintendo Japan recently got Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, a game Japan never got. How wild would it be if NoA put up Fatal Frame 2 Wii as the Platinum Reward to help drum up interest in the upcoming Wii U Fatal Frame? Or Disaster Day of Crisis? Or even that Tingle rupees game?  Hell, if NoA still wants to exhibit minimal effort, how about offering those goddamn GBA Ambassador games they just refuse to sell to people?
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2014, 02:22:47 PM »
Oh, I don't disagree about offering the GBA Ambassador titles... but you've complained about the Elite reward virtually every year.  Have you ever been happy with it?

You're one of the people Adrock is talking about - the ones that will never be satisfied - so I don't think Nintendo should really even try.

I *can* be satisfied.  Hell, I flat out stated that I'd be happy with an exclusive offer to download a 3 minute video that I can watch on Youtube for free whenever I want.  I'm pretty easy to please.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2014, 02:24:33 PM »
My first thought was just "Donkey Kong 3?  Why does Nintendo think anyone would want that?" but I think the fact that to achieve platinum status one has to register a lot of the very games being offered for free is a legitimate complaint.  I didn't even think of it until others pointed it out since I'm pretty slack at registering Nintendo purchases.  Of course NOA probably didn't think of that either.

I don't think Nintendo is being lazy or screwing their American fans.  I think they're just being oblivious.  Offering the very games that someone would have registered and likely already own is just dumb.  It's "missing the point" dumb and that's pretty much the type of dumb Nintendo is really good at.

As for the idea that it's free and they don't have to offer it so we shouldn't complain... eh, if something is lame, it's lame.  Yeah if your Mom gets you a lousy Christmas present you don't want to hurt her feelings so you don't speak up but this is soulless corporation so there is no need for tact.  Obviously we want them to do Club Nintendo better, there's a huge flaw in their rewards here, so why not point it out and hope they improve it?  And they do offer better rewards in Japan and think NOA doing a shittier job than NCL at anything is a valid complaint.  Nintendo has rather stupidly offered an example of what Club Nintendo could be.  That's so embarassingly dumb I find it kind of amusing.  If I WANTED to craft a plan to screw up intentionally I couldn't come up with some of the things Nintendo actually does.  There's a part of me that's almost fascinated by it, like I'm getting some insight into the mind of crazy person.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2014, 02:27:33 PM »
Oh, I don't disagree about offering the GBA Ambassador titles... but you've complained about the Elite reward virtually every year.  Have you ever been happy with it?

1. I was very much satisfied with the Mario figurine, and I wanted the Doc Louis Punch Out but didn't reach Platinum status that year.

2. I just said in this very topic that Game & Wario for free was...acceptable, comparatively speaking.

You're one of the people Adrock is talking about - the ones that will never be satisfied - so I don't think Nintendo should really even try.

By that logic, Nintendo should never do anything that might make its fans happy, because somwhere out there someone won't like it.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2014, 02:31:31 PM »
A. I think there's a distinct difference between wanting and hoping for a third option and the "This is bullshit" attitude most people seem to have. I'm not including you in that lot. Of course, I would like more options, but I still appreciate the gesture. While not a 1:1 comparison, I got Pikmin 3 for free with Mario Kart 8. I didn't even really want the game and would have bought Mario Kart 8 anyway. **** it, I downloaded it anyway because why not? I didn't have to spend money on it and I get to play it.

B. Well, Nintendo didn't promise a gourmet meal. "Members-only benefits" still applies. Not having to pay money for a download is one of the benefits. I suppose, as you've said many times, "manage your expectations." Nintendo has been offering fewer physical rewards over the years. I'm not especially surprised it's download-only now. Would it be nice if all the prizes were fucking fantastic? Of course, but let's not pretend that we're not getting something for our participation just because it isn't better than we expected.

Offline UncleBob

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2014, 02:41:16 PM »
1. I was very much satisfied with the Mario figurine, and I wanted the Doc Louis Punch Out but didn't reach Platinum status that year.

Not what I wanted from Club Nintendo this year (I already have tons of figurines I don't have space to display, and I'd actually use soundtrack CDs), but I'll definitely take it over the Mario hat from last year.

Doesn't sound much like "satisfied" - "not what I wanted".  Then, you mention soundtracks and I seem to recall you poo-poo'd the soundtrack when they did offer it. ;)

By that logic, Nintendo should never do anything that might make its fans happy, because somwhere out there someone won't like it.

Not at all.  It's easy to recognize that you won't please all of the people all of the time - or even most of the people most of the time... but you can try to please the majority of the people the majority of the time.

In this case, offering a handful of games that a good chunk of Club Nintendo "Platinum" members either A.) Already Have or B.) Probably aren't interested in doesn't even come close to trying.

A. I think there's a distinct difference between wanting and hoping for a third option and the "This is bullshit" attitude most people seem to have. I'm not including you in that lot. Of course, I would like more options, but I still appreciate the gesture. While not a 1:1 comparison, I got Pikmin 3 for free with Mario Kart 8. I didn't even really want the game and would have bought Mario Kart 8 anyway. **** it, I downloaded it anyway because why not? I didn't have to spend money on it and I get to play it.
One could say that the difference between the Mario Kart 8 promo and this is that everyone had the ability to fully understand the offer being made with the Mario Kart promo: "Buy this game, get one of these games free!".  With the Club Nintendo promo, we have to do everything ahead of time and hope for the best (or, at least, *something*).  This goes to my earlier statement - if Nintendo wants to turn Club Nintendo into a program for nothing more than digital downloads of already offered titles - that's fine and dandy.  Just make it clear beforehand.

B. Well, Nintendo didn't promise a gourmet meal. "Members-only benefits" still applies. Not having to pay money for a download is one of the benefits. I suppose, as you've said many times, "manage your expectations." Nintendo has been offering fewer physical rewards over the years. I'm not especially surprised it's download-only now. Would it be nice if all the prizes were fucking fantastic? Of course, but let's not pretend that we're not getting something for our participation just because it isn't better than we expected.

I can say, the digital-only was a complete and total surprise to me.  I was expecting a dumb little trinket that I'd go crazy over for no reason other than it had Mario on it.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2014, 02:48:06 PM »
UncleBob, the post you cited was way back when they announced it. My impression of that figurine changed when it actually arrived and I saw how big and detailed it was.  As for the soundtrack CD comment, that was for the Majora's Mask soundtrack they put up last year...that I already owned because I got it as a Nintendo Power reward 15 years prior. I still chose that reward anyway just to get a more current printing of that soundtrack with a real jewel case. I still want soundtrack CDs up on the NoA CN. There's no reason Nintendo shouldn't let us use our coins on something like the 3D World Soundtrack, which they already printed for the Japanese Club Nintendo.

I'm not asking Nintendo for anything unreasonable, just stuff they already made. There's no reason in 2014 that there shouldn't be parity between the Club Nintendos except that Nintendo seems to think its Japanese fans are special little snowflakes.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #47 on: July 16, 2014, 03:03:13 PM »
There's no reason in 2014 that there shouldn't be parity between the Club Nintendos except that Nintendo seems to think its Japanese fans are special little snowflakes.

Considering that the console market in Japan is dying, maybe Japanese fans really are special.  A Japanese Wii U owner?  That's a dedicated fan.  ;)

Offline UncleBob

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #48 on: July 16, 2014, 03:09:35 PM »
UncleBob, the post you cited was way back when they announced it.
Which goes back to my original point - all you do is ***** about things.  I could be wrong though - perhaps you can show the post you made after the figure arrived in the mail where you praised the figure and thanked Nintendo for it?  I'll gladly read that post and rescind my comments about you just *****ing about things.
There's no reason in 2014 that there shouldn't be parity between the Club Nintendos except that Nintendo seems to think its Japanese fans are special little snowflakes.

Or, you know, the cost of shipping to a potential 313.9 million people across 3.7 million square miles vs. the cost of shipping to a potential 127.6 million people across 152 thousand square miles.

I can see pretty large reason there.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Club Nintendo Elite Status Gifts Now Available
« Reply #49 on: July 16, 2014, 03:16:01 PM »
UncleBob, the post you cited was way back when they announced it.
Which goes back to my original point - all you do is ***** about things.  I could be wrong though - perhaps you can show the post you made after the figure arrived in the mail where you praised the figure and thanked Nintendo for it?  I'll gladly read that post and rescind my comments about you just *****ing about things.

Not that I should be doing your homework for you, but here:

Very first post. And that's after 5 seconds on google. I'm sure if I could find a news story on NWR talking about the figurine arriving, I'd find more.
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