Author Topic: Mafia XLII. Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Old Feuds. Day 3. Katie's visit!  (Read 21150 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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The next morning when the villagers got up, they were surprised to find another tent in the main square of the city. "Didn't Chip die yesterday?" asked one of the villagers. "This is not Chip's tent," said a voice from inside. Entering the tent, the villagers were surprised to see a cat sitting in front of a table with a crystal ball in front of her.

"I am Katrina and I can tell your future," she said. Gazing into the ball, she further spoke, "I see great doom and gloom for your village. Weeds everyone, trees barren with no fruit, the ground filled with pitfall seeds."

"What do we do?" cried out one villager in terror, "I already can't fish, catch bugs or do any simple tasks that would allow for my survival!"

The other villagers nodded their head in agreement at their uselessness.

"There is but one way to prevent this disaster. You must make me a store in which I can tell your future everyday as well as buy artwork from Crazy Redd's Art Gallery. You won't believe the prices and deals you'll find. And let's not forget some of the other fine travelling merchants who have such good items worth of purchase."

"Huh?!" asked the villagers, "We don't understand."

"Buy products from me," replied Katrina.

"We have no money," said the villagers, "Plus, we're hungry. Do you think you could pick us some fruit? I want an apple, he wants a perfect pear, she wants a coconut. They're all growing outside but we only like to shake trees that have nothing in them."

"Oh man, I'm hungry too," said a voice.

"Who said that?" asked one villager.

No one knew. "Hey, look. Someone is hiding behind that curtain," exclaimed a villager.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," came the voice but it was too late. The curtain was pulled back and everyone could see it was lolmonade, I mean, Antonio standing there and it was his voice they heard.

"Hey guys!," said Antonio, "I just thought I'd do some warm-up stretching. Want to join me?"

"You're not fooling us Antonio. We know it was you puppeteering Katrina and trying to get us to buy your cheap merchandise. We'll keep your junk to yourself. With that, someone threw the crystal ball from the table at Antonio's head. It shattered his skull and killed him instantly. The villagers left the tent unaffected. A rumour had spread that someone was calling the mayor Khushy and they all wanted to ask him if they could call him that too.

That night, Crazy Redd was still fuming over Katrina/Antonio's failure with the rest of his crew. "We gotta figure out a better way to get these saps to give us their bells for cheap merchandise. Why isn't our plan working?"

Saharah spoke up, "Harmony is peace. Peace is unity. Unity is harmony. I tell this to the Nook man. He tell me to leave."

Everyone stared at Saharah. "I'm going to tell you to leave if you don't start coming up with an actual useful idea," exclaimed Redd!

"Perhaps these villagers be overwhelmed by our exotic items," laughed Grams in a corner.

"Hmm. You might be on to something, cousin," said Redd, "These people are content to keep buying the same things over and over again. Why, let me tell you, I sold this one frog 3 different forgeries of the same picture. He never clued in on it, oh brother. I was beginning to wonder if he was as CRAZY as me! We need to get rid of the other familiar merchants so that we are the only ones left. I think I know just who to target. Meeting adjourned!"

With that, Crazy Redd hurried over to A.S.S. (Able Sisters Shop) and entered it finding just Sable working away at the sewing machine. Sable looked up at Crazy Redd. "Whoa! I'd say you've got eyes only for me," exclaimed Redd, "Well, I'd say I've got eyes only for you!" Sable just looked some more at Redd. "Really? Not going to say anything?" asked Redd. Sable turned back to her sewing. Redd came up to her. "Aren't you a fan of Marvel or 2012 movies?," he asked. Sable kept sewing. Redd looked around. No one was there. He grabbed Sable's apron and forced it into the sewing machine. "Would you mind? I'm quite busy," said Sable. Redd jumped back in fear. "Whoa! You can talk?" Sable didn't answer. She kept sewing. Redd watched in amazement as Sable did nothing to free herself but kept stitching away and pulling her further and further into the machine until she had contorted and stitched herself to death. Sable had finally achieved her dream of becoming the clothes she made. "I may have to change my name Sane Redd," said Crazy Redd after watching that. He looked into the dark street to make sure no one was around, then ran off into the night having accomplished his goal of shutting down the A.S.S.

Later Mable arrived back at the shop after having partied the night away at Club LOL. She turned on the lights to find her sister dead! "Oh Sable! Who could have done this to you?!" Mable cried out, heartbroken. "We were going to be bigger than Gracie Grace! You had such talent!" Mable broke down crying. After a few hours, her tears had subsided to rage. "I can't believe that you are dead, yet that imbecile Eugene is still alive. The man has no fashion sense! He's just a lot of hot air! He should be dead! Not you." With murderous rage in her heart, Mable went through her closet, selected her favorite outfit, the ClexYoshi design, and went out into the night in search of Eugene.

However, she ran into Blathers who was up and out for a stroll to Brewsters. "Why, Mable," exclaimed Blathers, "How good to see you. Why this is a most unexpected surprise. It reminds me of the time when I was just a young hatchling under my mother's wings..."

"No time to talk," said Mable curtly. But Blathers wasn't listening to her. He was too busy reciting childhood stories. Mable tried to ditch him but he didn't get the hint and kept walking with her talking away. Mable finally gave up and waited for Blathers to end his story. 3 hours later, Blathers suddenly remembered that he was supposed to check with Celeste about a new cage for the insects in the museum. "I hope you don't mind but I really must be going," said Blathers, and bowing he turned and left. But Mable never heard him. She had grown so bored with his story 2 hours ago, she had shot herself instead but Blathers was too busy telling the story to notice. She was discovered dead that morning.

Mable wasn't the only one stopped in her murderous intent. Tortimer had come back to town that night to get revenge on the citizens who ousted him. He set a trap with a pitfall seed and waited behind a tree. After awhile, Sable came along (wait, what, there's two Sable's? This story makes no sense) and fell into it. Tortimer was getting ready with his ax when Dr. Shrunk came up behind him. "Hey! Think you could get me some of the fruit?" he asked Tortimer, pointing the tree he was using to hide. Startled, Tortimer agreed and shook some of the fruit down and handed it to him. "Thanks for that! Tell you what? How about a joke?" said Shrunk. "That's alright, I'm busy," said Tortimer, watching Sable struggle to get out of the pitfall seed. But it was too late. Shrunk already had his jacket on and was telling his crying joke. Tortimer kept nodding politely waiting for him to get it over with and wondering if he should change offing Shrunk instead. Finally, Shrunk did his shuffle dance which, of course, he had to make Tortimer join in doing also and left. Tortimer turned back towards Sable but it was too late. She was gone and had mopped up the hole from the pitfall seeds. "Blast it!" said Tortimer, "Those things cost money!" He decided to just go home before anyone else spotted him around.

With that, the sun rose and 6:00 am rolled around and Shangri-La was ready for another day. Mayor Khushrenad went to check the bulletin board.

"Ooooooooo, those 'Coons are gonna pay! They make me so very angry," he declared. There was also an announcement about Chip's death from mercury and food poisoning but no one cared.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Bulletin Board


lolmonade - Katrina - Death by vote
marvel_moviefan_2012 - Sable - Death by Crazy Redd
ClexYoshi - Mable - Dead because of Sable's Death

Tortimer made a hit on Mop it up but it failed due to Dr. Shrunk's protection.
ClexYoshi made a hit on Pokepal148 in vengeance for Sable's death but it was nullified by Blathers.

Voting ends at midnight EST like usual. Today is a 'Coon hit day.

Your Animal Crossing comic for the day:


Your K.K. song for the day is Bubblegum K.K.!

Today's event is a visit from Katie.

Katie loves to visit the museum in other villages she goes to. If you can correctly guess Katie's favorite work of art, you'll receive a free protection from all of tonight's night actions.

Hint: The works of art to choose is from the selection sold by Crazy Redd in AC: New Leaf.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 12:09:16 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Hi, I'm Katie. I'm so happy to be able to visit Shangri-La for the first time. What do you guys recommend for fun around here?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Bulletin Board.


lolmonade - Katrina - Death by vote
marvel_moviefan_2012 - Sable - Death by Crazy Redd
ClexYoshi - Mable - Dead because of Sable's Death

Tortimer made a hit on Mop it up but it failed due to Dr. Shrunk's protection.
ClexYoshi made a hit on Pokepal148 in vengeance for Sable's death but it was nullified by Blathers.

That is one hell of a sequence of events.  Hits and misses all over the shop lol. 

Offline Spak-Spang

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Hmm…Blathers maybe bloody useless.  Back in my day we let vengeance rain down on those.

Whoever he is, he better have a good reason to vote against vengeance.

Right now, until I have a better reason, I am going to trust vengeance.

Vote: Pokepal148

Offline Dasmos

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It's all coo everyone.

I'm here finally.

Now who wants a cup of coffee with some "pigeon milk"?
Images are not allowed in signatures. That includes moving images (video).

Offline nickmitch

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Hey, Mr. Host Guy, could you add traditional role titles to the bulletin boards?  It'll help me not have to go back and forth between the roles thread.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline Khushrenada

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Sure thing. But I do not thing Blanca or Blathers have tradtional names. For your quick reference:


NWR_Isanolord, ShyGuy - Townies
Thatguy - Godfather of Mafia 1
lolmonade - Mafia Investigator of Mafia 2
Marvel_moviefan, Clex Yoshi - Brother/Sister
Mop it up was protected by the doctor from the killer's hit
Pokepal was protected by Doctor 2 from ClexYoshi's vengence hit.

That better?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Caterkiller

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Eek eek! Why did I ever move to this town? It's family friendly they said! Eek!

Poor ShyGuy and Insanolord. They never did nothin to no body... ooo ooo ah!
Nintendo players and One Piece readers, just better people.


Offline Khushrenada

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I love it. Animal Crossing avatars everywhere now.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline apdude

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It's all coo everyone.

I'm here finally.

Now who wants a cup of coffee with some "pigeon milk"?

I could sure use some after the morning I had...

I'm just minding my own busness then I see someone shoving this down my tunnels.  What a piece of junk.

I'm sure it was that T-Bone fellow.  He's always trying to wind me up...

Maybe you've heard the old wives' tale about moles never gettin' angry for anything? Yeah?
 Well them wives were off their rockers, 'cause this mole ain't takin' no guff from punk kids!


Offline Khushrenada

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Oh hello. You're name is Mr. Resetti? Nice to meet you. Uh, sure, that's a fine picture. Do I like it? Well, sure, I think it looks nice. No thank you, I don't want it. I don't like it that much. You can keep it. Um, Mr. Resetti, can you tell me what sort of tourist attractions there are here?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 01:15:31 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline noname2200

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Hi, I'm Katie. I'm so happy to be able to visit Shangri-La for the first time. What do you guys recommend for fun around here?

It's traditional for folks to go into the center of town and repeatedly scream "I know who the mafia is and I will tell everyone at dusk tonight!" at the top of their lungs. Make sure to tell everyone where you're staying too. Protip: the best shortcuts in town are in the dark, isolated alleys.

As for your favorite artwork, you look like a complete Philistine, so I know it isn't The Night Watch.

Offline apdude

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Um, Mr. Resetti, can you tell me what sort of tourist attractions there are here?

Well don't come up here much, but Brewsters coffee shop is the only place worth a damn.  The museum can be nice but the curator is dead now so that's probably closed for a while.  Just stay away from that general store I think it's a cover for some nefarious crime ring.

Offline pokepal148

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Hmm…Blathers maybe bloody useless.  Back in my day we let vengeance rain down on those.
Whoever he is, he better have a good reason to vote against vengeance.
Right now, until I have a better reason, I am going to trust vengeance.
Vote: Pokepal148
In fairness Clex was on my tail for quite a while 'yeah buddy' so him going after me isn't surprising.

*sigh* things weren't always like this... once I had a home in a little town called Fairview.

the mayor there and I became very good friends but for some reason he decided to abandon the town.... Isabelle somehow managed to hold the town together for a few months but eventually things just fell apart...

I miss that old town... we never had issues with any sort of crime ring or madman ex-mayor. Everyone could trust eachother but here... I'm alone... *sigh*

those were the days my friend
we thought they'd never end...

Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Kapp'n be disturbed by this turn of events,
Maybe it be time I packed up me tent.
Me wife she may wail, me wife she may sob,
but I'd rather get an earful than be hit by the mob.

*Revs the engine on the motorboat...

No! Upon second thought, Kapp'n won't be leavin',
At least not until these hoodlums cease breathin'.
So pick up a weapon, search da lost 'n' found,
It's time to rise up, time to take back this town!

Gouge away.

Offline pokepal148

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Kapp'n be disturbed by this turn of events,
Maybe it be time I packed up me tent.
Me wife she may wail, me wife she may sob,
but I'd rather get an earful than be hit by the mob.

*Revs the engine on the motorboat...

No! Upon second thought, Kapp'n won't be leavin',
At least not until these hoodlums cease breathin'.
So pick up a weapon, search da lost 'n' found,
It's time to rise up, time to take back this town!

*Steals motorboat and revs it up*

Woooohooooo so long suckers, 'yeah buddy' I am getting out of here.

Offline apdude

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Just been noticin' a lot of weeds are grown' round here.  A few folk are being anti-social or ain't doin' their civic duties in votin'.  Yeah I'm lookin' at you... Jrlibrarian, Luigi Dude, Oohhboy, Sundoulos.  You got some'in to hide, some'in to contribute...  huh!!! 

Then there's the folks that show up but don't say nothin'.  Don't think I didn't notice this moles got a mind like a steal trap and a nose for justice.  Noname, Silenced, Caterkiller, Dan Laser, Dasmos, Evan_B ... you guys them smooth operator types just coastin' along...  hmmm. Gonna have to keep an eye on this group.

I'm gonna try to stir the pot here a little and Vote Jrlibrarian cuz I've met his kind before you know the "who me" types... Yeah You!

Offline Khushrenada

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Hello Mr, Octupus. While I wouldn't call myself a philistine, I'm afraid you are right and that picture does nothing for me. I went to the museum. Is that seriously what you do for fun here? The place was so dead. Fortunately, I noticed a hip looking coffee joint here so I guess I'll go check it out right now.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Pixelated Pixies

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*Steals motorboat and revs it up*

Woooohooooo so long suckers, 'yeah buddy' I am getting out of here.

*looks off into the distance, then looks back at the voting booth.

Vote pokepal148

Gouge away.

Offline Mop it up

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...Excuse me, I'm concentrating on sewing here, please direct sales queries to Mabel...

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Vote Luigidude

Offline pokepal148

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...Excuse me, I'm concentrating on sewing here, please direct sales queries to Mabel...
She's dead.

And for the record the boats now on dock, mayor khush apparently set up a coastal blockade (don't you see? He's the real killer, keeping us all cooped up in here with redd and his ilk)

Offline pokepal148

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Vote Luigidude
Any particular reason for this choice in voting?

Offline Mop it up

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...Hey, w-what's this bump on my head? W-what happened last night? I was so tired after work it's a bit of a blur... Hm, I, uh, remember, I think I was walking home, and... hm... Oh! Yeah, I tripped on a hole in the ground. I think... Yeah, that happened. Wait, what? I f-feel like I remember an old turtle with an axe... no, really?... hm, yes, my memory's becoming clearer... S-s-s-someone tried to... tried to... what? I........ me...... who?.....


Oh, I can't even speak anymore, I'm too scared. Whatever shall I do...?