Crazy predictions for Wii U:
Kid Icarus for the Wii U: a return to its platforming origins, KI:U is a kind of vertical 3-D platformer where Pit must traverse soaring towers and foreboding, uh, pits. Some puzzling/strategy is involved to reach new sections and he'll often use Glide to cross the void. Think LoZ, but ALL dungeon.
Mario Paint(ball) for Wii U: Nintendo jumps into the much-touted FPS market with Mario Paint(ball). A hodge-podge of Characters from the Mario Universe (another Wii U game I want to see, btw) wield various paint projectiles and items to shoot (Nintendo will say "tag" and avoid red paint) opponents in battle mode or work together to complete campaign-mode objectives. DLC maps from the get-go, online rankings and some sort of voice chat. Imagine playing a 12-person online match on, say, Bob-Omb Battlefield (HD'ified, of course)!!!!
Pokemon MMORPG for Wii U: if Nintendo wants Wii U sales to blow up overnight, THIS is the game it must do (though they could just save it for the next console and make it an instant sales giant...). I've never played a Pokemon game and I've never played an MMORPG, but this concept, and this one alone, would change that. Players could do dungeon crawls, missions, achievements in the form of "badges." At a certain level, players could even build their own gyms and accept challengers. This game would be a huge deal...
Mike from StarTropics announced as playable Smash character: Which leads to...
New StarTropics game announced for Wii U: 3D and/or side-scrolling game with expanded ocean exploration (both above and below). Those aliens took his uncle again and Mike has to save him! Just don't submerge your Gamepad in water to reveal the secret message...