Author Topic: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii  (Read 53157 times)

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #100 on: April 26, 2014, 07:42:37 PM »
I feel as if you didn't read a word I wrote.
Everything you said was a good point, and a good post overall, but I feel like this is what's happening the most in this and a few other threads. There have been some real gross generalisations made about certain groups of people, and that feels like the result of just plain ignoring what people are actually saying, or ignoring the parts of it that go against the generalisations.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #101 on: April 26, 2014, 08:34:32 PM »
I wonder what kind of person you have to be in real life to write something so ill intentioned. It'd be great if you didn't take things so personally. Also, people are more important than a brand, don't forget.

Somehow I think I come across as taking it less personally than the people who post sputtery 2,000 word posts about how much Nintendo has failed them personally.


Thank you for posting a less "ill-intentioned[?]" version of what I meant.

It doesn't bother me that other opinions exist, a la Brood Wars trolling, but I am getting increasingly awed/irritated at the pathological regurgitation of the exact same same arguments for literally years. I have no idea what people are possibly getting out of it, and it certainly is doing nothing at this point to elevate the forum. At least Iansane, perhaps the most autistic poster of all, writes cleanly and coherently, unlike these new pop-ins.

What's really a shame here, aside from the now endemic thread de-railing, is that these conflicting viewpoints aren't about anything anymore. Actual game discussion threads are dead.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #102 on: April 26, 2014, 08:51:12 PM »
It doesn't bother me that other opinions exist, a la Brood Wars trolling, but I am getting increasingly awed/irritated at the pathological regurgitation of the exact same same arguments for literally years. I have no idea what people are possibly getting out of it, and it certainly is doing nothing at this point to elevate the forum. At least Iansane, perhaps the most autistic poster of all, writes cleanly and coherently, unlike these new pop-ins.

1. I don't "troll." "Trolling" infers I don't actually believe what I write and just write whatever I think will get a rise out of you. No, I just enjoy the sight of people who seeminglycan't think for themselves, which is what most fanboys are, writhing in despair. "Asshole" would be a more apt description.  ;)

2. And what "new pop-ins", would those be? I could probably count on one hand the number of notable new posters on this site in the last year. All of the longstanding Nintendo cynics like myself have been here at least since the start of the Wii years, if we weren't lurkers beforehand.

3. I believe someone here asked why people who have such issues with Nintendo would frequent a Nintendo-centric website. From my perspective, it's the same reason why so many people frequent Xbox Live despite its earned terrible reputation: because it's where their friends are. In NWR's case, it's also where my favorite podcasts are, which I can enjoy without being a Nintendo sycophant.  Likewise, it's also possible to be a fan of something in general without being fond of what they're currently doing. Nintendo's like that drug addict in the family in that regard, actually.
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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #103 on: April 26, 2014, 08:54:27 PM »
Once again, walls of confused and angry text from people who hated the Wii, hate the WiiU, want to see Nintendo crash and burn. I get it: you like Playstation! You've got that! You can get all the Gran Tristero, Gall of War, etc., to your heart's content! Follow your bliss! What I don't get is people repeating the same screeds over and over again. If Nintendo broke your heart with the Wii, so be it, but that was eight years ago. Nintendo's not doing what you want, and will continue to not do that. Let it go! Move on! Finally donate your dead kid's toys! As of now, you're just hurting yourself. Why not migrate to Sony World Report and speak to folks there about how much you love your deeper video game experiences on that platform? No amount of wailing here will ever get you a Zelder Scrolls or F-Forzero or Super Mario Online or whatever weird fantasy game that skins Nintendo properties onto the PS4/Xbone properties you already seem completely satisfied by.

because it is possible to WANT to like the Wii U and be dissapinted at the same time. because maybe I would prefer if Nintendo would actually TRY harder and make their machine worth owning, or maybe just maybe it is the WII U I have a problem with and  not their games or their company? Do I HAVE to worship Nintendo to be here? Is there some creed that says in order to be a FAN you have to be a blind loyalist who can't wish for them to do better? **** YOU! So what if I want to express MY reasons for why I am not getting a Wii U, I am still interested in the machine and the games, obviously I am waiting for a PRICE DROP I said that, at it's current price I am not interested, so I have as much a right to be here and to complain as the cheerleaders have to sit on the side lines and sing endless praises to Nintendo like some sort of weird cult.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #104 on: April 26, 2014, 09:17:20 PM »
Also I forgot to add that I actually LOVED the Game Cube damn it and I defended it to the death, I tried to do the same with Wii but I lost interest, and I gave examples of games from BEFORE Playstation that used to be on Nintendo systems WHY do current Nintendo fans FORGET that all those games you claim to hate started ON NINTENDO SYSTEMS. Because at one point I could buy a NINTENDO console and get every game I wanted, that changed and has been getting worse each generation, maybe I never wanted to get a Playstation before maybe I would rather JUST buy a Nintendo machine and be done with it, but as it currently stands I can't do that. IF I have to resort to making Wii U a second console, which HEY I might do at some point, I won't until they get more games and the price comes down. And just because I am not that interested in the machine does not mean I am not interested in some of the games. Like I said, if you would READ my post, my issue with Wii U, and 3DS, is they are too high priced for what you get, outdated tech. If they were priced right I would consider them like I had previously hey NEWS FLASH I BOUGHT A WII on launch day, before the craze and before the droughts kicked in just like YOU all bought Wii U. I did not buy a Wii U, I am not happy with the current offerings so I try to express my reasons not so much in hopes that Nintendo will notice, **** they could care less anyways they learned long ago they can survive off their die hard blind loyalists long ago they can lose market share, they can turn long standing fans into disinterested individuals.

I never said I HATE Nintendo or the Wii or the Wii U, ever. I said I have grown tired of these LAST two generations where games I would buy are not available, it was NOT that was before, to some extent on N64 and lesser extent Game Cube but not like now, not this bad. Also it should matter to you because instead of insulting me for LIKING Nintendo maybe try to calmly and rationally explain to me how DESPITE all their problems YOU can still be a fan. it makes less sense to LIKE Nintendo today than it does to wonder what happened to them.

I don't care about the company or the brand personally that make, or used to make, games I enjoy period. They stop making games I want I stop giving them money they start losing money they go out of business. It matters because I actually DID want a Wii U, but then as I remembered how bad things were last gen, how hard it was to stay loyal during the end of the Game Cube life anyways, and how bleak thinks look. Hey I NEVER Said I was wishing for their demise so don't just put words into my mouth because I disagree with you it means I share the exact same opinion as every other person you disagree with, maybe we might agree on some things but we will never know because all you can do is attack me for liking Nintendo? Don't you also LIKE Nintendo? I am still interested in a 3DS, I said that many times, but the machine is too expensive for me, I can't afford it and I refuse to pay that much for a toy, which is essentially what it is. Playstation has added value as an entertainment device and a game machine but Nintendo consoles are at their core just toys. The reason I don't go to playstation world report as you say is because I JUST got a Playstation last year, I had a Ps1 like MOST of you did too, and I got a PS2 years latter like MOST of you did too, because I am NOT a Nintendo fan I am a video game fan and I actually do like Nintendo games I just like OTHER games that I USED to be able to play on my Nintendo machine, I even pointed out examples of games on GAME CUBE that are missing from Wii/Wii U, so it is just the Wii brand Not Nintendo as a whole hell DS/3DS has ALL the games Wii/Wii U are missing so there is still a case to say Nintendo COULD be great but they are not, you should be worried because as an early adopter if Nintendo can not convince me, a gamer who has previously owned every major console to date, not to buy a Wii U, and their sales are as bad as they are, then there IS a very real chance it might get replaced sooner or latter, despite all the talk about war chests and crap Nintendo is not the type of company to sit on a failed product for too long, they were quick to drop several products when it became apparent they were losing them money. Game Cube was profitable, not successful but profitable Wii U is losing money Nintendo can afford to do so but won't. they NEED to win ME over, and those who like me USED to be like you, it's just we say the ice berg hitting the Titanic and got in the life boat while your sipping your champagne wondering where everybody went.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline Segnit BGS

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #105 on: April 26, 2014, 09:25:31 PM »
Complaining publicly is good. Sending direct messages of discontent through private means isn't a substitute for public discontent. You’re not actually suggesting that, therefore I must have misunderstood you. Apologies.

It is nevertheless a good suggestion that, in addition to public discontent on a not so random forum, sending emails directly to Nintendo is a positive. I’m sure some have done that already while others might do so on the back of your suggestion. For Nintendo, having fan emails that, upon closer inspection corroborate sentiments in the public domain (NWR) will undoubtedly have some impact.
As for the broken record remarks. Well complaining repeatedly is also a useful form of protest. Now we agree that all protest is not equal. Some are more tasteful than others, some more classy, while others might be downright abusive.

In this case, was it appropriate to regurgitate old criticisms under the article “Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii”? According to the context of article, the only answer which makes sense is a ‘yes’. Because omission from the discussion on what everyone’s best guesses are as to why Nintendo is currently in deep trouble with the Wii U, would be a massive oversight. Omission of the best reasons simply because they’ve been expressed ad nauseam in the past is nonsense. I don’t think anyone has suggested this so obviously I have misunderstood.

Bringing old but still valid points at appropriate times is the only way it can work.
At the end of the day, all of what I’ve said above is just beating around the bush. The heart of the matter is that criticism of Nintendo is not well received by some Nintendo fans who are happy with the status quo. This isn’t unique to NWR, Nintendo or gaming. It is a universal human trait. The solution is to not be excessively sensitive about it while still being sensitive enough that you can weed out bad arguments from the good ones.

However, what should be common and apparent to all here is that every single member here is asking for a better Nintendo. Some think that existing Nintendo is good enough as is. Ask Iwata and he would probably disagree with that notion himself.

Finally, those fans who’re happy with the Wii U but can sympathize with the other side. You are awesome!
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #106 on: April 26, 2014, 09:47:44 PM »
It's also worth noting that there really isn't any more point in complaining directly to Nintendo than there is complaining about them here. What few ****s Nintendo corporate gives about what its fans think extends only as far as Japan's border. They will NEVER care what their American or European fans think, as they have proven repeatedly in the past. Remember: the former President of NoA being moved to an even more quiet desk job in Japan was considered a step up by Nintendo corporate. What exactly would be the point in expressing our grievances to someone like Iwata in person? They don't care, and they never will so long as we're not Japanese.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #107 on: April 26, 2014, 10:18:25 PM »
It doesn't bother me that other opinions exist, a la Brood Wars trolling, but I am getting increasingly awed/irritated at the pathological regurgitation of the exact same same arguments for literally years. I have no idea what people are possibly getting out of it, and it certainly is doing nothing at this point to elevate the forum. At least Iansane, perhaps the most autistic poster of all, writes cleanly and coherently, unlike these new pop-ins.

1. I don't "troll." "Trolling" infers I don't actually believe what I write and just write whatever I think will get a rise out of you. No, I just enjoy the sight of people who seeminglycan't think for themselves, which is what most fanboys are, writhing in despair. "Asshole" would be a more apt description.  ;)

2. And what "new pop-ins", would those be? I could probably count on one hand the number of notable new posters on this site in the last year. All of the longstanding Nintendo cynics like myself have been here at least since the start of the Wii years, if we weren't lurkers beforehand.

3. I believe someone here asked why people who have such issues with Nintendo would frequent a Nintendo-centric website. From my perspective, it's the same reason why so many people frequent Xbox Live despite its earned terrible reputation: because it's where their friends are. In NWR's case, it's also where my favorite podcasts are, which I can enjoy without being a Nintendo sycophant.  Likewise, it's also possible to be a fan of something in general without being fond of what they're currently doing. Nintendo's like that drug addict in the family in that regard, actually.

(1.) Fair enough, I'm quitting smoking at the moment and probably am not coming across as the nicest guy in the universe myself. Though I don't think my postings on this website are evidentiary of a lack of self-determination.

(2.) Folks like Marvel Movie Fan, Segnit, and a few other near 0/0 who have swum into talkback threads in the last few weeks. Perhaps just ex-lurkers, but boy are they dropping walls.

(3.) That's the most coherent answer to the question I've seen. I'm not involved in the multiplayer/podcast community stuff so I'm probably missing part of the picture. The history is why I stick around too, despite the doldrums lately. I've been hanging around since the PlanetN2000 days, posting or not, and I really don't want to move.

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #108 on: April 26, 2014, 11:36:12 PM »
I am mostly a PC gamer at this point. I own a 3ds I will not pay $300 for a system with almost no games on it, and is over 10 to 15x weaker then my pc. I will be buying ssb4 for the 3ds. would I buy Mario, Zelda, and other Nintendo games for other platforms if they came out? yes I would, and so would most gamers. the issue is me, and allot of others want more then just Nintendo games. we want Mario, and Zelda, but we want bioschock, mass effect, fallout, and many other games that will never end up on a Nintendo system.

The next issue is online, and the piss poor online that they have. I do not live in the same area as my friends, and playing with them online should not be as annoying as it is on Nintendo systems. in addition to the not very developed online play, any eshop purchases are tied to the system and not the user. as someone who buys 90% of my games digitally, that is not acceptable.

On a side note, screw them for their anti YouTube policy. that policy is stupid, but if you do not believe me look at

Offline smallsharkbigbite

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #109 on: April 27, 2014, 08:24:26 AM »
You all either enjoy stroking yourselves to your own complaining, or you think every other forum member suffers from short-term memory loss thus requiring reiteration of these same complaints.

Adrock, I normally like reading your posts but this is pretty harsh.  I think both sides of the argument enjoy stroking themselves.  You said in your prior post that you could mount a defense based completely on old posts.  Both sides regurgitate the same arguments repeatedly.  Both sides could let this thread die and let it go.  Who cares whether the first or last post was pro/anti-Nintendo.  It's not either sides job to educate the other side. 
What you're doing is the equivalent of standing on a random street corner with a picket sign and a bullhorn.

If that's true, then the equivalent of defending Nintendo against said people is:
You are walking to work and someone is standing on the corner yelling things loudly that you don't like in an area that you frequent (the nerve).
So you get your own bullhorn and stand on the opposite side of the street yelling at them trying to cancel them out, yelling louder and stronger than them hoping to silence them. 
Neither thing is productive.  Attacking just one side of the argument isn't going to solve the problem. 
I also hate the personal attacks.  I get it's annoying when people come in and say "Nintendo sucks because x!", but do we really need to respond with "You suck because y!"?

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #110 on: April 27, 2014, 09:24:07 AM »
It's also worth noting that there really isn't any more point in complaining directly to Nintendo than there is complaining about them here.

This is true, in the sense that zero isn't more than zero.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #111 on: April 27, 2014, 10:34:20 AM »
the problem is growing though, I USED to be on the pro-Nintendo side where they could do no wrong, I woke up. The reason I am so vocal about it is not because I am trying to be heard, but I am trying to understand how anyone can still be pro-Nintendo these days. I guess you could take it as a challenge to win me back ;), as Nintendo themselves have failed to do. Also I would get a 3DS tomorrow for the same games I am not ever going to see released on Wii U, but I would really prefer a console I enjoy Nintendo games but I hate handhelds so that is where I am. IF they follow up with the proposed Hybrid or Tablet style gaming machine that does both, I might get it ina heartbeat. The Wii U is a massive flop there is no point in denying that now, but I am not saying it sucks I am saying that they need to make changes.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #112 on: April 27, 2014, 11:24:11 AM »
It's also worth noting that there really isn't any more point in complaining directly to Nintendo than there is complaining about them here.
Then why do it? If you aren't going to complain directly to Nintendo because you believe it's pointless, shouldn't you not complain here also because it's pointless?
Adrock, I normally like reading your posts but this is pretty harsh.  I think both sides of the argument enjoy stroking themselves.  You said in your prior post that you could mount a defense based completely on old posts.  Both sides regurgitate the same arguments repeatedly.  Both sides could let this thread die and let it go.  Who cares whether the first or last post was pro/anti-Nintendo.  It's not either sides job to educate the other side.
I think you're completely missing the point. One side specifically keeps bringing it up. There's no counterargument if the argument isn't rendered to begin with. Additionally, that discussion has had its day, many times in fact. I suppose the counterargument-crowd could take the high-road though I'm not terribly surprised that they don't as this is a Nintendo-centric website. My "random street corner" analogy wasn't entirely accurate. They're going to a specific and carefully chosen street corner with their picket signs and bullhorns, but it's still the wrong street corner.

We can't have normal discussions here because threads keep being steered toward things that have been discussed to death. I decided not to get involved in that collective nonsense this time and yet have been drawn into a different kind of nonsense though in my defense, I am responding now because you specifically called me out.
iAttacking just one side of the argument isn't going to solve the problem.
Targeting the source of the problem might.

Offline smallsharkbigbite

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #113 on: April 27, 2014, 02:19:27 PM »

I think you're completely missing the point. One side specifically keeps bringing it up.

The he started it argument.  That never went well with my parents.  They always countered with "Well, I'm ending it!"  I still think both sides like to get their jabs in when they can.  Either way, I don't think continuing a fight because someone else started it is a good idea. 

There's no counterargument if the argument isn't rendered to begin with. Additionally, that discussion has had its day, many times in fact. I suppose the counterargument-crowd could take the high-road though

I'm not sure their is a moral highground here, we are talking video games after all.  I mean is it morally wrong to suggest Nintendo isn't doing well?  Remember 5 years ago when everything turned into a it prints money thread?  Should we have banned those people?  Those Gifs were pretty awesome though.  Maybe somebody should make better Gifs for our current discussions.  The pro Nintendo group could photoshop Iwata on Arnold from the terminator.  It could say "Those that doubt my leadership will be terminated."  The doomed group could have a Gif of a ship full of Wii Us going down over the Pacific with the caption "And nothing of value was lost."  Someone more creative could probably come up with better Gif ideas. 

You seem to not like these Nintendo is doomed discussions.  Am I right?  I'm more concerned about your sanity than moral highground.  The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and expecting new results.  What happens when you respond to these Nintendo is doomed threads?  Did they either clarify their argument, tell you that your counter arguments weren't valid, or bring up new reasons why Nintendo was failing?  Then did you feel the need to counter argument their counter argument?  Did your attempt to end the argument extend the argument several pages until someone grew tired of going in circles?  Nobody ever wins these arguments.  I mean, I guess I would say if you love these discussions, then yes, respond to every person who criticizes Nintendo and keep extending those threads.  Otherwise, just let it go, it's not worth getting riled up and similar to your argument above you can't change anything.  99.99% of the time nobody ever changes their opinion based on a forum reply. 

We can't have normal discussions here because threads keep being steered toward things that have been discussed to death. I decided not to get involved in that collective nonsense this time and yet have been drawn into a different kind of nonsense though in my defense, I am responding now because you specifically called me out.
iAttacking just one side of the argument isn't going to solve the problem.
Targeting the source of the problem might.

I disagree.  Based on the title of this thread I knew it would devolve into this, but far from every post does.  I ignore posts and topics all the time that I simply don't care to discuss.  I don't want to sound too negative, but is it possible that forum discussions are suffering around here because Nintendo is not bringing many new games to the market to discuss?  It seems to me you can only do so many Final Four of the last 15 years, or what's the best Zelda topics before people get tired of that as well.  But as I said above, I don't think you targeting individuals is going to solve anything but increase these thread counts.  You could message forum moderators and try to get them to lock these discussions and ban repeat offenders.  But that puts NWR in a tough spot too because these threads always end up being the most popular and either way they act could send a portion of their userbase looking for new forums. 

Offline broodwars

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #114 on: April 27, 2014, 02:54:04 PM »
It's also worth noting that there really isn't any more point in complaining directly to Nintendo than there is complaining about them here.
Then why do it? If you aren't going to complain directly to Nintendo because you believe it's pointless, shouldn't you not complain here also because it's pointless?

Because while, in the end, it might be"pointless", at least on forums like this one we can have the discussion. Nintendo isn't interested in discussing anything. They dictate and expect everyone to just fall in line, with the occasional lip service paid to their Japanese investors once or twice a year.
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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #115 on: April 27, 2014, 03:37:34 PM »
It's also worth noting that there really isn't any more point in complaining directly to Nintendo than there is complaining about them here.
Then why do it? If you aren't going to complain directly to Nintendo because you believe it's pointless, shouldn't you not complain here also because it's pointless?

Because while, in the end, it might be"pointless", at least on forums like this one we can have the discussion. Nintendo isn't interested in discussing anything. They dictate and expect everyone to just fall in line, with the occasional lip service paid to their Japanese investors once or twice a year.
I'd say this is more 'echochamber' then discussion.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #116 on: April 27, 2014, 04:01:41 PM »
It's also worth noting that there really isn't any more point in complaining directly to Nintendo than there is complaining about them here.
Then why do it? If you aren't going to complain directly to Nintendo because you believe it's pointless, shouldn't you not complain here also because it's pointless?

Because while, in the end, it might be"pointless", at least on forums like this one we can have the discussion. Nintendo isn't interested in discussing anything. They dictate and expect everyone to just fall in line, with the occasional lip service paid to their Japanese investors once or twice a year.
I'd say this is more 'echochamber' then discussion.

It's only an "echo chamber" if the people providing the counter argument suck at arguing their point.  :P: ;)
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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #117 on: April 27, 2014, 04:04:35 PM »
Or gave up a long time ago...
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #118 on: April 27, 2014, 04:33:10 PM »
What I think is interesting is that Sony is "winning" right now by using Nintendo's playbook. That being, "provide games that appeal to everyone".  Nintendo's various decisions have pretty much backed them into the corner of their systems appealing to existing Nintendo fans and few others (with the sales numbers backing that up).

Sony, meanwhile, has pretty much pulled a SNES on the industry:

- Nicely-powered system for the price
- Easy to develop for
- Lots of third-party support

I'm not even pretending like I'm saying something new and novel here. But after reading through this mega-thread it makes me realize how difficult Nintendo makes things sometimes. Their problems are entirely created by themselves, and I have no idea why. It's like they purposely want to limit the appeal of their console to both developers and gamers, for some unknown reason.  I get that they're all about unique hardware, but with Wii U they aren't even using it so who cares? It's really baffling.

Use a PC-based architecture, make it as powerful as a PS4 or better, pack in a Pro Controller, and go from there. Pack-in weird controllers with games instead. It's not difficult.  People act like nobody would want a PS4 with Nintendo's games. Correction: EVERYBODY would want that.  "Oh but Nintendo hardware is unique and that's what I love about them if they did that they would be just like everybody else" WRONG.  Nintendo's games are what always set them apart, not their wacky gimmicky controllers. They only went that route because they didn't want to get into the console graphics arms race and needed another type of differentiator.  They need to come back to the fold a bit and accept that their controllers aren't really THAT much of a selling point any more, especially since the novelty of motion control has faded (see: Kinect not being a system-seller for XB1, Sony's move controller not having much of an impact on the market).
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 04:37:50 PM by NWR_Lindy »
Jon Lindemann
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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #119 on: April 27, 2014, 04:37:08 PM »
Either way, I don't think continuing a fight because someone else started it is a good idea.
I'm not necessarily condoning it, but I understand why people would defend Nintendo given that this is a Nintendo-centric website. I understand that more than people going to said website with an ax to grind.
I'm not sure their is a moral highground here, we are talking video games after all.
Of course there is. Take video games out of it if it makes this easier. By "take the high-road," I meant the counterargument crowd could decide not to argue back. At the same time, people could just not start fights to begin with which prevents the problem entirely.
You seem to not like these Nintendo is doomed discussions.  Am I right?  I'm more concerned about your sanity than moral highground.
First, you claimed in a previous post to hate personal insults then you personally insult me here by questioning my sanity. Nice.

Second, while I don't particularly enjoy those discussions, I'm specfically opposing the repetition of those discussions rather than their content. It comes up way more frequently than any other topic, often in completely unrelated threads. Entire discussions are halted which is what I find most disappointing.
Nobody ever wins these arguments.  I mean, I guess I would say if you love these discussions, then yes, respond to every person who criticizes Nintendo and keep extending those threads.  Otherwise, just let it go, it's not worth getting riled up and similar to your argument above you can't change anything.  99.99% of the time nobody ever changes their opinion based on a forum reply.
This is the second time you've brought this up and I don't understand why you're specifically addressing this to me when I have not directly participated in this latest anti-Nintendo/pro-Nintendo argument, nor have I ever tried to change anyone's opinion in the past. My responses in previous discussions have referred specifically to something that didn't make sense to me, rather than an attempt to persuade them otherwise. My contribution to this thread, however, can be summed up with: Why are we even talking about this again?

Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #120 on: April 27, 2014, 04:40:59 PM »
Or gave up a long time ago...

I gave MY Reasons why I think the Wii U sucks, NONE of the other 'side' can give a single reason why the Wii U is supposedly so great they just repeat they love Nintendo, I love Nintendo too but not enough to just buy their crap when it isn't up to their usual standard. Why is it an argument, because someone says what they don't like about the system, what might change their mind, and all the pro camp does is say wait till this comes out or wait till next year, fine if wait till next year is the best you got then fine until then as of RIGHT NOW the selection sucks sure there are games promised that might change things but why should anyone be expected to buy an over -priced last gen machine with an extremely limited game selection?

I want Mop it Up, Uncle Bob and Adrock to back up their side, you love the wii u> WHY? Explain it to me why it is so great, I already gave my reasons why it's not. Maybe there is something you know about it I don't fine convince me that paying $300 to play FIVE games is intelligent? As of right now that is all I know about, if there are more games inform me, what are they? As of right now all I ever hear is wait till X comes out then when it does wait till Y comes out then it does wait till Z comes out, there isn't much else to get excited for, so unless I am missing something there is not sane reason so own a Wii U right now. If there is please enlighten me.

YES I like Nintendo games, so do most of us, but I don't have to like every game they make, it sounds to me like some of you just buy every game they make no matter what because THEY made it, if that is not true then explain yourself WHY is the Wii U not a piece of ****?
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline smallsharkbigbite

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #121 on: April 27, 2014, 04:50:51 PM »
You seem to not like these Nintendo is doomed discussions.  Am I right?  I'm more concerned about your sanity than moral highground.
First, you claimed in a previous post to hate personal insults then you personally insult me here by questioning my sanity. Nice.

I was thinking if you do a you'll get c when you really want b which would make you go crazy.  If you took it as me explicitly saying you were crazy me inferring you were crazy I'm sorry.  I've used this metaphor lots of times and I'm not sure any ones questioned me as personally attacking them but I'll watch using it in the future. 

This is the second time you've brought this up and I don't understand why you're specifically addressing this to me when I have not directly participated in this latest anti-Nintendo/pro-Nintendo argument, nor have I ever tried to change anyone's opinion in the past. My responses in previous discussions have referred specifically to something that didn't make sense to me, rather than an attempt to persuade them otherwise. My contribution to this thread, however, can be summed up with: Why are we even talking about this again?

Something, something motion controls. Something, something last generation hardware. Something, something sequels.

I'm pretty sure I just saved at least five people several paragraphs of ranting, but they'll probably write them anyway.

Did you get your clarification on that?

Offline broodwars

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #122 on: April 27, 2014, 05:01:07 PM »
I'm perfectly happy with people liking the Wii U. That's one of the reasons why I leave most of the threads on this site alone and just let people enjoy talking about Nintendo. There are aspects of the Wii U I genuinely enjoy, for all my many, MANY problems with it and modern Nintendo in general. Just yesterday, I was enjoying Yoshi's Island on the thing, which looks astonishingly great for a GBA port played blown-up on an HD system (with the smoothing filter on, at least). Likewise, I love my Vita, and it's sold worse than the Wii U. Where I take issue is with where this all started: someone complaining that writers for this site don't routinely kiss up to Nintendo and pretend everything's rainbows and butterflies just because it's a Nintendo website.

I don't feel that people are obligated to "defend" the Wii U just because other people don't like it. I just take issue with the "HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE NINTENDO ON A NINTENDO-CENTRIC WEBSITE" attitude.
There was a Signature here. It's gone now.

Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #123 on: April 27, 2014, 05:09:08 PM »
That is what I am asking, I don't care if they like it but they act like me not liking it is a crime, I gave my defense. If it matters to them why I can't like it why can't it matter to me why they do? I am genuinely curious I don't follow the news much I just read the forums lately. As pointed out most of the news is negative so if there is a reason to like it I am seriously curious, I mean I did like every past console so maybe there is something about Wii U am not educated on? I remember when Game Cube was slowing down people were quick to offer reasons why it was worth owning, I did the same I defended the Game Cube, which is funny because that machine used to get so much hate not it's being regarded as a success mainly because of the Wii U failing so hard.

Let me phrase it this way, Mop it Up asked for specifics, I gave mine then their posts delved into fine go away and play Playstation, i already said I did that but that should not be the attitude it should be hey here is a guy who USED to love Nintendo , Wii U is struggling, lets get him excited for it instead of making him not only turn to hate Nintendo but also anyone who would like Nintendo.

I am not sorry for my attitude I grew bitter BECAUSE I defended Nintendo when they didn't deserve it and I got tired of being hated for liking Nintendo.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Comparing Wii U's Sales to GameCube, Wii
« Reply #124 on: April 27, 2014, 05:25:32 PM »
I like my Wii U. I own a ton of games for it and will continue buying them as long as they come and have really enjoyed my time with the system. I am also not interested in the slightest in trying to convince anyone who thinks otherwise to change their mind. This is a subjective thing here, and if your position were weak enough to be defeated in this setting it wouldn't be strong enough for you to raise it in the first place. This whole unending debate is pointless.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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