Author Topic: "A single game saved the GB (Pokemon), it could save the Wii U too” Iwata said  (Read 69169 times)

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Offline Spak-Spang

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Actually, I wonder if it is possible for Nintendo to just dump its OS onto the Xbox One and tweak it to work?  I always thought using something like the Kinnect with the Wiimote would allow for a create motion based controller. 

I actually think Nintendo made a mistake not using the Wii U as a system to perfect motion controls.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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The only way for them to perfect motion controls is to have a camera track the wiimotes, and that means they would need a wiimote 2.0. Merge the idea of the wiimote with the PS Move. Have Bidirectional tracking. I'm sure there were too many obstacles to go that route thanks to Sony.

Offline Ceric

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The only way for them to perfect motion controls is to have a camera track the wiimotes, and that means they would need a wiimote 2.0. Merge the idea of the wiimote with the PS Move. Have Bidirectional tracking. I'm sure there were too many obstacles to go that route thanks to Sony.
Also the PS Move is relative junk.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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The only way for them to perfect motion controls is to have a camera track the wiimotes, and that means they would need a wiimote 2.0. Merge the idea of the wiimote with the PS Move. Have Bidirectional tracking. I'm sure there were too many obstacles to go that route thanks to Sony.
Also the PS Move is relative junk.

that's mostly because they couldn't use remote tracking the sensor for pin point accuracy when aiming. they had to rely on gyroscopic aiming thanks to Nintendo . ;)
I only used Move once or twice on demo units, but it seemed really floaty when it came to pointing, which made aiming at something specific a little more difficult.

I also drew up diagrams for this combined concept Wiimote 2.0 a long while ago if you all remember that. But unless NIntendo finds some patent loophole, or Sony & Nintendo decide to cross-license each other, it's not likely to ever happen, and thats a shame, because it could have been really cool once done properly.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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It's pretty impressive that Sony, in copying the Wii remote, managed to take the best-implemented and most-consistently-effective part of it and make it way, way worse.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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well, they did have to reverse engineer it and make it work almost opposite using the camera tech they had been developing since PS1.

If only we could combine the 2, and then bring in the Occulus Rift... OMG, that would be a First Person Gaming Revolution. That is the Tri-Force we need.

Offline Ceric

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There were times when Move worked very well.  Then it will mess up its calibration.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

I never tried PS move, but I felt that with Wii the motion controls were great at first but after a while the magic wore off. I had high hopes for that but in the end they released too many party games and mini game collections to really stay hyped for too long. I am seriously considering a Wii U but I understand the motion controls are no longer a major part of that which I think is part of why it is selling so poorly, nobody knows what to make of it. Sure the people who complain about the waggle were excited for a more "traditional" controller but what about the people who bought into the Wii because of motion controls? It's like Nintendo has this amazing industry changing idea and instead of shaking things up all it does is turns the world on it's side and turns everyone into bitter enemies.

I would like to see what Nintendo could do with improved motion controls and virtual reality headsets like everyone is talking about, that would be great. Maybe scrap the Wii remote and build an improved motion scheme into a tiny glove you wear no not a power glove but something that just gives you full motion tracking like with Wii but is in your finger tips and if you want to hold a virtual controller no big deal that can be programmed in. why can't they do something like that make everybody happy?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Redefining the definition of video games consoles will take approximately 2 year....

New hardware in 2016 is what it sounds like to me.
Q: The company has set multiple measures for its mid-term future, but I think that sometimes it is necessary to make a big investment while maintaining a sound revenue-expenses balance. From this perspective, I would like to know whether you have set any priorities.

Iwata: While I believe that increasing the long-term corporate value of the company is naturally our most important task, as it is impossible to make that our sole priority without regard to the short-term revenue-expenses balance on an annual basis, I think it is necessary to make investments while maintaining a certain balance of revenue and expenses. However, in terms of when we will be able to regain Nintendo-like profits, I would ask you to give us a bit more time and see how we do in the following two years.

As for our focus, we are already going to utilize, for example, our character IP from this fiscal year in ways that I described in my presentation today, so it is perhaps easier to see relatively early on the actual content of this new business endeavor and understand more clearly what we are going to do with it. Also, regarding what I mentioned at the Corporate Management Policy Briefing in January about our efforts to go into a new business area, namely our platform business that seeks to enrich people’s QOL (Quality of Life) in enjoyable ways, I would like to talk more specifically about the kind of business we have in mind within this year, and the current time frame we are working on puts the actual deployment of the initiative in the next fiscal year, with contributions to our profitability to follow in the following fiscal year. Moreover, I feel that we will be able to further stimulate our platform business by taking advantage of smart devices, and I think that we will be able to provide detailed information on this as well as some concrete results between the current and the next fiscal years. Also, the idea I mentioned about redefining the definition of video game platforms will also require approximately two years. This is how we would like to talk more about our mid-term measures and lead them to actual results. However, we will not be able to create a good environment for the company unless projects are undertaken simultaneously, so this is the kind of timeframe that we have in mind.

So who who wants to take those odds against the "Hybrid" handheld/console and/or the entertainment smart companion box console and it's companion handheld?.

Mixed with the original OP quote, sounds like Nintendo will finally produce an all encompassing OS that will span hardware, universal accts, VC carries over, on the go or up on the TV, doesn't matter.
Get that Andriod/iOS-like functionality going forward. everything is forward/backward compatible, no more software shortages. etc etc.

Too bad Nintendo isn't more forward thinking and looking beyong their little bubble, otherwise they may have picked up on this early in the Wii's life cycle and implemented it with the Wii U (or even with the Wii had they not had that ill-thought out ios setup).

Offline Ian Sane

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New hardware in 2016 would be a pretty reasonable timeframe for a Wii U replacement.  I still would replace it today if I had a half-decent launch lineup ready to go but 2016 might be the earliest you could pull that off.

"Redefining the definition of video game platforms" isn't really what I'm interested in though.  I guess I just don't trust Nintendo to do such a thing in a way I would actually like.  What I really want is a glorified PS4 with Nintendo games on it, preferrably with Nintendo also making the hardware because they make durable stuff.  Like Nintendo is just thinking too damn hard on this stuff.  You increase the specs each generation and that makes a bigger sandbox to play in so you can make games you couldn't before.  It's simple.  If you don't think that can inspire new gameplay ideas it just means you don't have any new ideas.

I do however like the idea of your handheld and your console being the same thing.  Why can't I plug my 3DS into a TV?  It seems arbitrary that I can't.  You look at these touchscreens and Wiimotes and the whole thing seems to be an excuse to make things proprietary.  If you had a console that came with a dualshock style controller, a keyboard and a mouse you could port like 90% of all game ever made to it.  Obviously stuff like DDR or Duck Hunt needs a peripheral but the standardized stuff that goofs it all up is the Iwata era Nintendo systems.

So when I think of something like a handheld-console hybrid or a gaming OS stuff like the Wii and DS mess all that up.  I can't imagine the company that saw need to shoehorn in control gimmicks as the company to offer something like that because it needs things to be very standardized and universal.  More likely "redefining" in Nintendo's world means a new gimmick.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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If you had a console that came with a dualshock style controller, a keyboard and a mouse you could port like 90% of all game ever made to it.  Obviously stuff like DDR or Duck Hunt needs a peripheral but the standardized stuff that goofs it all up is the Iwata era Nintendo systems.

I think that if they standardized a detachable controller that doubles and the wiimote/nunchuck combo, a keyboard and mouse, then allowed things like the balance board, light gun, and even the gamepad/handhled to be a controller, there is practically no game that the system couldn't handle.
Throw in a some Move tracking and a motion camera, and I think we have 99% of everything covered.

So when I think of something like a handheld-console hybrid or a gaming OS stuff like the Wii and DS mess all that up.  I can't imagine the company that saw need to shoehorn in control gimmicks as the company to offer something like that because it needs things to be very standardized and universal.  More likely "redefining" in Nintendo's world means a new gimmick.

I think your skepticism is justified, but remember what else Iwata recently said:
"Next OS to absorb Wii U architecture and be more like iOS & Android” Iwata said

In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems.

Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform. To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future.

So a unified OS and development platform is what they are aiming for.
Should they do this, and I hope they work with someone like Google to get this done, then that alone would address quite a few of the complaints we have about Nintendo and their output.
No longer will they need to negotiate licensing for handheld separately from console, and then tweak each version independently.
No longer will they need to develop separately for handheld and console, they can make one game that scales to the strengths of the platform like a PC, for big screen play of portable on the go.
Universal accounts should be a given, which would mean VC bought once and played on all platforms, from now till death do you part.

So even though your skepticism is justified, Iwata has addressed this before, so I legitimately hope he's not just playing lip service and has actually opened his eyes to see the actual problem and recognized the the need actual solutions, not gimmicky distractions hoping we forgot or never really cared all that much to begin with.

I'm calling myself cautiously optimistic even if I am setting myself up for disappointment.
I just like it when Nintendo gives me something to hope for... which has been lacking for a long while now.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 04:41:31 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Now Iwata thinks a single game could resuccitate the Wii U before it the console doctors call its time of death

"In order to recreate momentum and sell 5 million or 10 million units of hardware annually, there are indeed challenges that we must overcome," he said. "The fate of a video game system is often influenced greatly by the introduction of a single title."

For example, he says, many critics said that the original Game Boy was done for before Pokemon came along and single-handedly changed the playing field.

"We do not believe that this year's estimate of 3.6 million units of Wii U hardware will be the peak of its lifecycle," Iwata added, "and we would like to work hard to make sure that we give sufficient momentum to the system so that we can expect good results in and after the next fiscal year, too."

and before anyone says it, I'm not implying that Pokemon is coming to Wii U.... even if it should.

Iwata also stated that they will be showing games in various stages of development at E3 this year, which reverses a trend of only showing things coming out in the 6 coming months that Nintendo adopted some 4-6 or so years ago.
As to whether our philosophy has changed or not, the basic idea that consumers reluctantly purchase hardware only because they want to play with appealing software remains unchanged. I only mentioned the Wii U software “Mario Kart 8” and “Super Smash Bros. for Wii U” today, but of course, we are going to talk about other Wii U titles at E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) in Los Angeles in June. Also, our internal software development teams directed by Shigeru Miyamoto (Senior Managing Director and General Manager of Entertainment Analysis & Development Division) are committed to developing several titles that focus on offering unique experiences only made possible with the Wii U GamePad in order for a large number of people to understand the Wii U GamePad’s significance. The titles we are preparing to show you at E3 vary from being nearly complete to still in the early phases of development but with the core of its appeal noticeable. Therefore, our strategy of focusing on software has not changed.

It's about time they reversed this too, as we like to know whats coming down the pipeline, and it also helps Nintendo gauge what to focus on and what to fix/drop.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 09:40:01 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Soren

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and before anyone says it, I'm not implying that Pokemon is coming to Wii U.... even if it should.

I hear Monolith Soft might have some free time on their hands after this year...
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Offline Stogi

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What they really need to do is make a compelling argument why the WiiTablet is any better than a standard controller. As it stands right now, the only reason to own one is to not use your TV. Which is cool, but hardly a stand out feature.

It needs something like Zombi U but even more "Oh wow, what?" It's come to the point where I don't think good ideas can even be used. We've come up with several ourselves and none of them have even been hinted at.

Obviously Pokemon would fit the bill. But if it's something else, it really has to be spectacular. There is no doubt in my mind that someday I will own a Wii U. There are several games that I want to play. But as of right now, there isn't really anything that makes me want to go out and buy it today. I'd rather wait and pick one up online for cheap along with several of the games (like Pikmin and World). So Nintendo? What do you have for me? How can you get a long time fan excited?
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Offline Spak-Spang

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I think what we are seeing is Nintendo experimenting more and more.  I think Nintendo made a miscalculation with the Wii U.  They expected it to sell better.  But at the same time, I think the Wii U was a stepping block towards their next big thing. 

A hybrid is coming.  Nintendo's rhetoric isn't even hiding this fact.  Nintendo wants a unified OS.  Nintendo probably wants to go completely digital as well.  And you see Nintendo moving ever so closer to this goal.  The question is will Nintendo actually do this properly, or will they stumble like they always seem to stumble.  I don't know. 

Though, I also do not see this hybrid system as a single system. Instead, I believe it be 2 different systems...that can play the same games.  Although the games may be scalable  to some degree.  I am curious to see what happens...and in 2 years, I might be willing to get back into the gaming world if Nintendo does something amazing.  I have really been wanting a new handheld system.

Offline Caterkiller

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An established franchise isn't going to turn things around. Well Mario Kart is like the one franchise that could give a significant boost but it will take a new Nintendogs and Brain Age to get the Wii U selling like mad. I don't mean it has to be a casual type of affair either. Just something new, that is done in a way that just makes people go gaga over it. Easier said than done and obviously they aren't just banking on one game they are making, I'm sure they are making a bunch of different games with "new" experiences and hoping at least one takes off.

I just want Metroid Blast from Nintendoland as a new IP made with all the modern day bells and whistles for 3rd person shooters. Give it super fun and competitive multiplayer and that would make me super happy.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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There are several established franchises that can help, but a single one...probably not.  Nintendo releasing Smash and Kart the same year is a start.  But I feel they need yet another middle game in that for fun multiplayer...something truly unique and different like Battalion Wars online.  If Nintendo could get 4 compelling online exclusive games out this year, I think it would be able to have a come back.  Specially, with the exclusives it has already that are interesting and fun.  They may never get 3rd party support, but if you give players 4 games a year for the system to play people could buy it and support it.  Specially if they were top of the line exclusive games.

Offline Ceric

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IF Nintendo is really planning on The Hybrid coming out in 2016 then I would consider all the WiiU software there making being eyed for fodder for it.  They do there job right and it's just a matter of offering every game that licensing will allow them too on The Hybrid day one from the WiiU at about a $20-$30 price.

With the low sells of the WiiU there will be a lot of New to You deals there.
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Offline Ian Sane

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The proper full 3D Pokemon RPG we've all wanted since 1998 that absolutely should have been made for the Gamecube is the one title I can think of that could turn the Wii U around singlehandedly.  That's the only established IP that I figure can do it.

I'm glad Nintendo is going back to showing titles that are further off in the pipeline.  Though the cynic in me is coming to the conclusion that Nintendo is only doing that because the Wii U lineup is so damn thin that they'll show anything they can to make it look more substancial.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I'm glad Nintendo is going back to showing titles that are further off in the pipeline.  Though the cynic in me is coming to the conclusion that Nintendo is only doing that because the Wii U lineup is so damn thin that they'll show anything they can to make it look more substancial.

But whatever it takes to finally see beyond the next 6 months again.
Nintendo always so paranoid that someone will steal a game idea before they can release it, well, who care, it's not always about who released it first, but ultimately who did it best.

Offline Khushrenada

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Iwata's right and it's something a lot of people have stated before. Pokemon gave the GB a huge boost and has basically been the main selling force for all Nintendo handhelds from that point. Super Mario 64 was the system seller for Nintendo 64. Final Fantasy 7 was the game that got the PS1 rolling on to win. Halo was Xbox's killer app and system seller. Nintendogs was the game that finally sold the concept of the DS and caused it's sales to surge so that it did become a money printer. Wii Sports was the game that sold the Wii concept with people buying the system for that game.

Not surprisingly, most of the games I mentioned were brand new IP's or else a big change in an established IP. Established IP's are great for keeping the consumer base happy and providing more of an experience customers want but they often fail to reach the heights and mania they may have first had on subsequent releases. I hope that Nintendo has come up with something special for the Wii U or thinks they might have. Why make the gamepad if you've got no ideas for it? When Nintendogs came out, it was called the game that the DS was designed around because if validated that platform and showed what it could do. Nintendo still needs something to do that for the gamepad as Nintendoland obviously couldn't do it and it is clear no 3rd party is going to step up and deliver such a game. However, I would think that if Nintendo had such a game, they'd have gone back to a live E3 show instead of streaming video again. Time to start the E3 speculation!
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Offline Luigi Dude

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However, I would think that if Nintendo had such a game, they'd have gone back to a live E3 show instead of streaming video again. Time to start the E3 speculation!

The game will still be playable for all at E3 so it's not like the lack of a live conference means they couldn't have a major game changer ready to show.  It just means they still feel the Nintendo Direct video's are a better way to reveal them.
I’m gonna have you play every inch of this game! - Masahiro Sakurai

I am not so sure Hyrule Warriors won't be a system seller. I know the mainline Zelda games sell great and die hard Zelda fans love the same old same old, but I know a lot of people, myself included, who love Zelda games but have gotten tired of the same old formula and are liking the idea of a new type of Zelda game. Obviously it would need a major ad campaign to be that game but the consensus among Zelda fans is it will suck but I am not so sure.

On the topic of revealing a game early I don't think that is a new thing or a good thing in itself, they have shown games in the past that got people hyped up that never materialized, remember Project HAMMER, or Super Mario 128? As for E3, I am still not convinced their new strategy is the best but I don't think it will kill them I think if anything it is just a sign they are pinching their pennies instead of throwing money around like MS or Sony would do. I think that is smart for a small company losing money and feeling the pressure to diversify their portfolio.

I am also super excited for any new console that/hand held that can unify their entire game division under one platform, I have been wanting that for a long time. It always bothers me how their handhelds get the games and the attention their consoles deserve so if this will bring everything together I am in. I am not sure about the rest of the world but between the Hyrule Warriors, the new figurines, and Mega Man in Smash Bros and if true Pac-Man being in the game too would help build up some hype.

Actually for me personally I have been on the fence for a while but after watching some ACGN videos recently on the Wii U covering NES Remix and a couple other videos I am starting to think I might be getting one sooner than I planned now that I have a second job.

Trying to be a better person, honest.

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As retardedly unlikely and impractical as it is, if Nintendo merged with Valve I think I'd drink myself into a coma in celebration

Offline EasyCure

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I think what we are seeing is Nintendo experimenting more and more.  I think Nintendo made a miscalculation with the Wii U.  They expected it to sell better.  But at the same time, I think the Wii U was a stepping block towards their next big thing. 

A hybrid is coming.  Nintendo's rhetoric isn't even hiding this fact.  Nintendo wants a unified OS.  Nintendo probably wants to go completely digital as well.  And you see Nintendo moving ever so closer to this goal.  The question is will Nintendo actually do this properly, or will they stumble like they always seem to stumble.  I don't know. 

Though, I also do not see this hybrid system as a single system. Instead, I believe it be 2 different systems...that can play the same games.  Although the games may be scalable  to some degree.  I am curious to see what happens...and in 2 years, I might be willing to get back into the gaming world if Nintendo does something amazing.  I have really been wanting a new handheld system.

I remember talking about a hybrid system back in the Wii days, and if that really is Nintendo's goal for the next consoles, I'm ready. I can see it being multiple systems, as in: a home console and a handheld sold separately, but have the ability the share the same purchased game. I would invest in that in a minute. It seems odd because I'm not usually a hand-held gamer (it's 2014 and I still don't own a 3DS, and only have about 10 DS games...) but there have been countless times that I wish I could just pause my console game and take it on the go with me. Not some streaming in the next room (gamepad) or buying a different version of it (handhelds in general) but load up the same game from where I left off and call it a day. This is the future of gaming I believe, and the technology is getting there.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.