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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2014, 10:25:39 PM »

Did you forget what the "greater-than" sign is used for, mate?

God, this whole argument is train a wreck.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2014, 10:56:22 PM »

Did you forget what the "greater-than" sign is used for, mate?

God, this whole argument is train a wreck.
I don't know how to train a wreck, do tell me more.

Just let it go.  Please, let it go.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2014, 12:50:43 AM »

Did you forget what the "greater-than" sign is used for, mate?

God, this whole argument is train a wreck.
I don't know how to train a wreck, do tell me more.

oh wow
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2014, 12:53:13 AM »
Everyone who's posted in this thread is now banned.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2014, 12:58:53 AM »
Not again.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2014, 01:52:49 AM »
How's Her?

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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2014, 07:36:12 AM »
It's fascinating to me how having a little distance from a movie can give you a different perspective. I walked out of American Hustle thinking it was a really good movie, but in the days that followed my opinion of it began to sour. On the other hand, I walked out of 'Inside Llewyn Davis' thinking it was a really good movie, and now I consider it to be a great one. The difference I feel is that the latter gave me more to dig into, more to think about. It's the same reason I keep returning to films like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, or There Will be Blood. They're films with enough depth to let you swim around in. Try to dive into a film like American Hustle though and you'll no doubt appreciate the performances, but you'll touch bottom pretty quickly.

Luckily I couldn't care less about the Oscars.
Gouge away.

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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2014, 01:51:33 PM »
How's Her?

I'd prefer people to go in fresh to this movie as I was basically able to. I'd read some reviews for it a few months back but had forgotten a lot of what was said when I finally saw. With this warning in place, I'll give you my thoughts on it and try to stay as spoiler free as possible but I will mention some things that occur in the movie. You've been warned.

First, it is such a unique film. I just can't figure out what to compare it with. At the same time, it is odd in that I'm not sure it really turns over any new ground. While the premise of the movie is a man falling in live with a computer or artificial intelligence and thus may seem to be about our ever increasing dependence on technology or communicating mainly through it, it is really an examination of love and how it affects a person. Yet in both those points mentioned, as I've thought about the movie since, I feel like these things have probably been done before. I mean there's plenty of movies that have focused on love. It is to the movie's credit that when watching it, it still feels so fresh and new as if this is the first time cinema has examined this subject.

I think it helps with the way the movie sort of floats along. I've been reading some criticisms people have of this movie. People feel it dragged or that it felt bland looking. Personally, I loved it. I found it gave the movie a bit of a dreamy quality. Most of the images and scens have light pastoral colors which I think are the best representation of how one sees the world when in love. The slower pace gives you more time to sort of go through the same emotions as the main character and also to react a bit to what you are watching.

The main character himself is a man lost and adrift. At one point, his new operating system, Samantha, starts organizing his computer and mentions he has a lot of contacts and must be pretty popular. Yet, we never really see that. By my count, I think he only talks to 7 other people throught the movie. He's a man who's become isolated and isn't sure who he is anymore or if life has passed him by. As he says to one character (which I'll try and paraphrase frm memory) he feels as if he has experienced every emotion he can to their fullest and all that is left for him is to keep experiencing those emotions but at a lesser amount. That was something that stuck with me since as one gets older, it is definitely something you start to wonder. Has the best in life already come and gone? It's another reason why I love the cinematography and pace of the movie because it just helps put us further into this characters mindset. Finally, as far as I'm concerned Joaquin Phoenix should win the Best Actor Oscar. However, he's not nominated which I think is the biggest error the Oscars made this year. No other performance impressed me more this year. The range of emotions he was able to express and make you feel alongside with him despite having a disembodied voice to work with as a partner is top notch. I'd compare it to Colin Firth in The King's Speech which was the last time I was so impressed by a performance after seeing a movie.

This is one of the few movies this year where the music stood out for me as well partly because it stops a couple times to focus on it and bring it to the forefront but it all blends in so well and helps keep you in the atmosphere of this film.

The biggest hurdle most people seem to have with this movie and maybe be its weakest link is in the artifical intelligece of Samantha. I've seen many people complain about how unreal it was and how advanced it had to be. I admit, when it first boots up and appears, I didn't expect it to be at the level it was. I thought the movie might take some time for it to adapt and keep learning about its human user. While some of that does happen, it starts out of the gate at being able to recognize human emotion in the sound of a person's voice. I guess you could compare it a bit to the H.A.L. 9000 unit. Regardless, after a few moments of disbelief about it, I just accepted it as being advanced from the get-go and just went back to following the main character's journey. That's why I say the movie is more about reflections of love and how we all can attach our emotions on to various things and how that affects us. However, other can see it differently.

While the Samantha system also has a journey from where she/it begins to the end, her journey is not as well fleshed out and, at times, I'm not sure you ever quite believe she is really feeling these emotions or understand her thinking. Nor may you care for how that journey ends. Maybe it is having watched Data on ST:TNG always try to understand human emotion but never able to (without his emotion chip) that it just seems hard to see an aritificial intelligence develop a consciousness so fast that it could be experiencing emotions so rapidly. Frankly, at some points, I just though of it all as a long-distance romance with the main character just on the phone with Samantha. That is probably what the film is going for anyways. To make us view Samantha as a real person like the main character does despite not being able to see her. As I watched the movie, I had a couple ideas of how I thought it might end and while it comes close to both of them a bit, it still ended in a different way than expected.

All in all, I loved the atmosphere, the tone, the main character's journey and the different points to ponder about life and love when it was over. While I'd like to bring up more of them, I am trying to keep from saying too much and spoil it for anyone. I would like to add a congratulations to Chris Pratt though for having now apppeared in an Oscar nominated Best Picture for 3 years in a row. I didn't know he was in this movie until he appeared onscreen. If anyone else watches Parks and Recreation, you should know how mindblowing that is if you know his character Andy and even a bit of how he is in real life. Not the sort of person you'd ever think of to have pulled off a rare feat like that. Probably helps that Best Picture nominations have gone from 5 to a potential 10 a year.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2014, 02:27:27 PM »
I don't know if anyone is particularly looking for them but as NWR's Preeminent Film Critic Top Blowhard, I'll give another review for one of these films. Since I posted what I had ranked as number 1, I'll talk abit about number 9, Dallas Buyer's Club. Warning: Spoilers to come.
This is a film that has some interesting ideas/points and yet doesn't do much much with them, leaves things unexplained and, even worse, undercuts them in the end.
First off, I went expecting to see Matthew McConaughey (called MM from now on) to be in full health and become the scraggly weight lost person you see in the ads. But he starts from the get-go in that condition. It left me wondering if the guy had always looked like that or had looked different in life. No character ever seems to say anything about his health or ask if he was alright despite the fact that you can't help but think he looks unhealthy from the beginning of the movie.
Anyways, the movie doesn't take too long to tell him he has AIDS and will die in a month. His first response seems to be hookers and crack which makes for an odd mixture of discomfort. How many people was he responsible for infecting? The guy clearly looked sick yet had avoided going to get a check-up until he was finally taken to the hospital and disgonosed in the start of the movie. But the movie glosses over that culpability. And while the character looks on at the prostitutes, he never does have sex with them but again, I can't help wonder if that was really true in real life especially since he's clearly drinking and using drugs which is going to lower his inhibitions and reasoning power. However, it does cause him to bring up to a friend how he was diagnosed with AIDS but thinks the doctors must have got it wrong. However, this secret spreads very fast and suddenly he is being rejected by everybody he knows because of the AIDS diagnosis.
MM does some reasearch on the matter, learns about a drug being tested to treat AIDS and wants it but is rejected by the hospital. He then finds a way to smuggle some out from the hospital and eventually is lead to Mexico as the place to find this drug freely available. In Mexico, he is told the drug being tested will make him worse and is given a different prescription. He goes back to the U.S. and starts selling that to other people affected by AIDS and starts fighting the U.S. FDA about their process for accepting drugs and being able to take whatever treatment he wants.
Now, there are some interesting things there that could make a really interesting movie but the film never handles them well. For instance, the whole Buyer's Club is set up to work around the legal system and supply these drugs to anybody without actually being a drug dealer. MM insists that anyone who joins the club must pay the required $400 membership fee. It then raised the question of where is the money going? Most I'd assume is going into the business of procuring more drugs and paying for the business expenses.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if MM's character was also profiting a bit on the side and if so, by how much and for whom or why? Along the way, he's shown some generosity by others but there's never really a big moment where he seems to pay it back as it were. Sure, he fights for the issue in court but it directly affects him. It's not like he's doing it because he's moved by someone else's plight. Near the end, someone can't afford the membership fee but he waves off the difference. That's about as close as I recall the film getting to him returning the generosity. There's no Schindler moment like when Oscar Schindler looks at all the money he has made and has the opportunity to take it and go but spends it all in order to save the lives of all the Jews he can. I suppose you can make the arguement that he does transform in the fact that he loses his prejudice towards the gay community and befriends them but the movie doesn't deliver that point much except for a couple scenes and he still seems to be treating most people as customers.

And now, big spoilers ahead, I guess. I want to talk about the biggest thing that sabatoges the film and why I rank it last. There's a drug being introduced by a drug company that needs testing in order to be approved by the FDA. So, this is done by the hospital and medical supervision. The drug is known to have some side effects and the drug company just seems to want to get it passed and sell it to the public as soon as possible. It is this drug that MM's character is told is harmful and he is rallying against. As he starts shipping in and adminstering other drugs to people through his DBC, the hospital starts waging a war on him to get him shut down since people aren't applying for the drug and to get tested. The FDA gets involved by banning some of the drugs he has so they can confiscate them and keep him from administering them to him. MM's character keeps fighting against the FDA approved drug and even gets Jennifer Garner's character to start joining him in the fight. The film raises the question then of why a dying man can't seek and have any treatment he wishes. After all, he will be dead one way or the way so what is the harm? In the end, the court rules against him and his ability to obtain unapproved sources of medication.

Then in the end credits when a few messages come up to sum up the rest of the tale such as the fact that MM's character lived 7 - 9 years later than his 1 month diagnosis, it then mentions that a much better treatment was found from the FDA appoved drug applied at a smaller dosage. The drug that he was fighting against the whole time is proved to be right? What is this movie now? A cautionary tale of uninformed individuals seeking their own medical treatments? Was he doing more harm than good in the end? If he hadn't been fighting against the FDA approved drug and presenting his own source of medical treatment, would that have sped up testing of the drug? Would it have led to better breakthroughs? In the end, the court seems to be fully justified in ruling against a dying person seeking out whatever medical treatment they wanted since it could create more situations like this.

A mess of a film. I never warmed up much to the main character. I found the rest of the characters uninteresting including Jared Leto's character. Nothing stands out musically. Uninspired cinematography. Aside from the beginning when MM's character receives what is a death sentence and the film has some immediacy with how he handles his changed circumstances, there's little to recommend. Bleh.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2014, 10:42:25 PM »
Wanted to update my list now that I've seen all the movies:

9. Captain Phillips
8. Nebraska
7. 12 Years a Slave
6. Dallas Buyers Club
5. American Hustle
4. Philomena
3. Gravity
2. Wolf of Wall Street
1. Her
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2014, 12:25:13 AM »
Interesting. We're both in agreement with Her and Gravity as top films. American Hustle is a close to the middle choice for us. I've got it 4 and you are directly middle with it at 5. I get why you would like Wolf of Wall Street. I fully admit it is an engrossing, high-energy movie and has a lot of crazy moments. You seem to like Philomena in the way I liked Nebraska and we are both down on 12 Years a Slave.

What I'm most curious about is why you rank DBC at 6 and have Phillips down at 9. My views on DBC are mostly posted here in my review. I'm curious to hear your take and opinion on these choices.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2014, 02:42:25 PM »
I like Captain Phillips.  I really do.  But the midway shift in the tone of the film is a bit harsh.  It's like a completely different movie.  I'm also not too sweet on the ending.  It was cool, but still felt sudden, even with all the suspense.  I just don't think it'll be a movie that sticks with me.  Going in to the movie, and knowing the premise, the build up to the actual meat of the movie takes too long.  Also, the accent is weird.  It sticks out through the entire movie.

Personally, I think you're way too harsh on DBC.  By your own admission, you say that the movie raises a lot of questions,  but that's part of the what makes the movie good.  The film is very critical of the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole.  It shows how the FDA blocks drugs that have been tested and proven safe from other countries and, instead, approves drugs that are harmful to its users because drug companies need to rush them out and earn profits. 

I don't know how you can't relate to MM's character.  I get that he's homophobic and very ignorant about HIV/AIDS, but almost nobody wasn't ignorant about it.  Was he really skinny before the diagnosis?  Yeah, but you also learn that he's a bit of a coke head.  In the scene you referred to with the prostitute, MM is clearly trying to come to terms with his condition, so he goes to his usual comforts: booze, drugs, and whores.  Then he decides not to have sex with them, admitting that he has the disease and that maybe he shouldn't spread it around.  Then he becomes a man who's essentially been betrayed by an industry that's supposed to make him well and instead tells him he's dying and that maybe he could maybe get a drug that could maybe help him maybe.

So, he takes the whole thing into his own hands and starts his Buyers Club.  You wanted to know where the money was going? Why?  That was pretty inconsequential to me.  I assumed he was paying rent on the place they were using, coercing people to buy in to his arrangement, and saving up to buy that house that he bought towards the end.  He also had a lawyer, so there's that. 

Going back to the morality, I don't think the movie could completely paint the system as completely corrupt and ineffective at its stated mission.  The epilogue showed, to me at least, how long the FDA approved drug would've taken just to get it down to not actually killing people.  I don't think the movie could get away with "Hey, breaking the law is right thing to do!" as its message, so there's ambiguity there.  Was he doing the right thing?  Well, he was doing what he had to to survive, and brought that opportunity to others.  The system worked eventually, but it's still obviously broken.

Also, Jared Leto was amazing.  You're soulless.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2014, 11:29:57 PM »
A reply to Nickmitch so, yes, there will probably be spoilerish elements about DBC here. You've been warned.

Ha ha ha. Soulless? Maybe in this instance. But I will counter with another movie. I'm not sure if you saw Rush yet but when it comes to supporting characters in a movie, Daniel Bruhl's character of Niki Lauda is probably the one that sticks with me the most this year and I think a far more moving person/character than Jared Leto's. When I think of the two, I have no problem saying he was unmemorable. His character seemed like any other character in a film who represents a person or group that a main character hates or dislikes but by their plucky attitude and spirit and helpfulness, they form a bond of friendship and help each other learn. Maybe. I'm not sure what Leto's character may have learned from MM's but I'm not too worried about that at this point.

The most memorable thing about Leto's character is when he dresses as a man to see his dad and how unnatural he looks after seeing him as a woman most of the movie. His admittance to his dad that he's dying is maybe the strongest moment for the character. And yet even from that, we know the dad gives Leto some money but that's it. He doesn't tell MM anything much about how he got it nor is there any family reconnection afterwards. Thinking about it, MM's character may have been able to help a bit in a reconciliation since he was working so much with Leto's character in helping people and was a straight guy who may have been better able to connect with Leto's father on life. But, as I've said before, the film just brings up and glosses over many things without doing many of them well.

I did connect with MM's character in thinking what if I had to go through that scary (and really even today it is still a scary situation) of contracting AIDS and being told you would die soon with no cure available. That said, I'm not a person who will turn to booze, drugs and hookers for solace or entertainment. So, maybe you can think of me as judgemental but when people are doing unhealthy things, especially when they know such things could further harm or kill them like drugs, it's hard to be sympathetic towards such ones. You can look at it as saying he's going to die anyways so if that's how he wants to go out, that's his business but, personally, if it was me, I wouldn't want to go out in a hazy, blurry, debouched stupor. I'd want my mind clear and able to focus and just appreciate all I can in that time. Obviously, MM's character does become a fighter and cleans up his act to save his life as long as he can but I guess the start of the movie just put me off from connecting with him right away. Then, like I say, the movie almost undercuts his whole fight in the end with it's final messages of the other drug actually working out fine.

Yes, I have no problem admitting that the movie raises good questions and yes, when I think of DBC, I think of those questions raised especially on the FDA. However, I don't think the movie painted it as entirely corrupt rather just how broken it is. I say that because, at the end, I had to agree with a couple things in the FDA's favor. You agree there's ambiguity so that is probably the reason why we have different takes on it. I have no issues with ambiguity in a movie. However, in this case, I think it springs about more from an unfocused story than anything deliberate on the parts of the filmmaker. And again, when I think of DBC, I just think of the issues it raised and posed but I don't think anything about the characters or people in it so I just don't think it that strong a movie.

The reasons I like movies so much and do see them as great art is that like a painting or a story, it can evoke a mood and make you think on things you might not consider, it can move you and can make you reflect on yourself. You might not have thought about the money but I guess I did because of the way I am and think. I'm not going to get hung up on that bit but I bring it up because it affected a bit of how I saw the movie. It didn't for you and it's another reason why we have a different stance on it. That's fine by me. It's why I like to discuss things like this and see what other people thought about it.

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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2014, 11:56:45 PM »
As for Captain Philips, it reminds me of Warhorse from a couple years ago. Warhorse was a movie that fit perfectly into my number 5 spot as well. It was a good movie and I could easily recommend it but it did drag in the middle but the start and ending were very well done. It's a movie I could see myself jumping in and watching on TV again one day but it also wasn't a movie I'd actively seek out again. That's much the same as how I felt about Captain Philips.

I personally found it more interesting when the pirates were first trying to and later succeeding at raiding the ship and there was some cloak and dagger stuff going on. Later with Philips in the escape boat, while it was a bit tenser since the noose was coming around the pirates, that part dragged on a bit and became a bit more clichéd. There were times where I just couldn't believe the pirates didn't realize they were being set-up like when the Navy would make sure Philips was still in seat 15. Still, that ending with Hanks in shock was one of the most powerful moments I'd seen in movies that year.
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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2014, 09:11:41 PM »
I loved Rush.  It made my top 5 for the year.  I find it hard to call Niki Lauda a supporting character when he narrates much of the film, which is about two characters.

I think going down the road of Leto's character reconciling with his dad would've have been tired and cliche.  Playing up his drug addiction a little more would've been cool.  I kept getting the feeling that he was in love with MM, but starting seeing that other guy towards the end to avoid dying alone.

As for MM, I get that it's not the rout that you would go on, but that's how MM was rolling there.  We all handle those situations differently, and that was his way.

Plus, wasn't this based on a true story?  I think you're looking for story elements that just aren't there and aren't supposed to be.  It just seems like you're faulting the film for not being something else, instead of judging it for was it is.
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Well, here's my picks for the night. For the most part, I'm going with what seems to be the general consensus on things but I'm breaking away from the pack on a couple choices as well. Guess we'll see how I do at the end.

Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave (Not the choice I'd make)
Best Director: Cuaron
Best Actor: McConaughey
Best Actress: Blanchett
Best Supporting Actor: Leto
Best Supporting Actress: Nyong'o
Best Animated Movie: Frozen
Best Foreign Film: The Great Beauty
Best Original Screenplay: Her
Best Adapted Screenplay: 12 Years A Slave
Best Costume Design: The Great Gatsby
Best Song: Let It Go
Best Score: Her
Best Documentary: 20 Feet From Stardom
Best Documentary Short: The Lady in Number 6
Best Make-up: Dallas Buyers Club (Although Jackass may actually be more deserving)
Best Production Design: The Great Gatsby
Best Film Editing: American Hustle
Best Cinematography: Gravity
Best Sound Editing: Gravity
Best Sound Mixing: Gravity
Best Visual Effects: Gravity
Best Animated Short: Get a Horse (Best thing about Frozen)
Best Short Film: The Voorman Problem

(Broke from the pack on the choices for Score, Costume Design and Editing.)
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Out of all the nominees the only movie I would be excited to watch again is The Wolf of Wall Street. What can I say? It's exactly what I want in a movie.
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Great show tonight.  I really enjoyed Ellen as the host.  I think all the awards were very well deserved, though I would've liked to see Leonardo DiCaprio win.
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Grownups 2 was robbed!

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Well, 20 out of 24 from the list I posted. Not bad but I actually did better against some friends I watched the show with last night. On the ballots we filled out, I did stick with Gravity for Best Editing and went with Helium as Best Live Short getting 22/24. A new personal best. That's what I get with trying to be clever on here though.

Can't believe Get a Horse didn't win. Everywhere I looked, it seemed to be a lock. Once in awhile, I'll post a list of movies that absolutely need to be seen in 3D and that little short is on my list. I thought it was absolutely fantastic and it is a shame the movie that followed after couldn't reach the same heights of cleverness as it. I also don't care for the Let It Go song and thought it was one of the weaker parts. Fast forwarded through that last night. (Although I fastforwarded through all the songs. It's a long show. Cut to cut down time somehow) Then again, the only song I really enjoyed was In Summer so maybe it is just my taste in music. A couple others were alright but nothing in the film was as catchy as pretty much any song in the Lion King.

One thing being talked about from the show is the retweeted Twitter picture of Ellen and a bunch of celebrities. If you were watching the show last night, I think the punchline to that set-up was sort of missed. It started with Ellen coming up to Meryl Streep to take a picture together on twitter and then she added another celebrity and another and then it became a big crowd. Ellen starts saying that she can't get everyone in the shot and then asks Meryl Streep if she can stand and take the picture. The joke being that she started with Meryl and now Meryl is the one out of the picture. However, Bradley Cooper just offers to take the picture and with his outstretched reach, gets most people in the shot. Thus, the joke just sort of gets lost in the shuffle and I don't think anyone realized that was part of it. Of course, I could just be reading the situation wrong but I think if anyone were to watch that part again, it is what part of the intended purpose was along with the idea of setting a record. That's what happens when you involve people not in on the joke. Also, Kevin Spacey has the perfect position and face in that photo, I think.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 05:07:16 PM by Khushrenada »
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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First - kudos on your epic predictions.

Second - you're reading way too much into the selfie thing. It was just a selfie. I don't worship anyone in Hollywood or anything, but it is a pretty awesome picture. Ellen did a really good job hosting.
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Offline Stogi

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haha I saw that too Khush. I was cracking up. But you can't force a joke. And the intended outcome was still the same even if it was less funny.


I might as well add what I thought of Ellen. While she wasn't cracking jokes and taking shots at celebrities she definitely made it more comfortable. Oscars tend to be up their own asshole. She made it less so.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 10:01:40 PM by Stogi »
black fairy tales are better at sports

Offline Plugabugz

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Any thoughts on the BAFTAs, seeing as that was a few weeks back?

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2017, 05:50:07 PM »
Any thoughts on the BAFTAs, seeing as that was a few weeks back?

No thoughts on the BAFTAs as I generally don't pay attention to them. Although they may have some crossover with the Oscars, they hew their own path with their choices and nominations just like the Golden Globes.

But that isn't the reason why I bumped this thread. Normally by the end of January, I'd have put up an Oscar thread (and I will be putting one up for the upcoming Oscars this Sunday), however, it wasn't until the first week of February before I was able to see all the nominated films this year which delayed my creating it. Plus, I wanted to take a look back at the past few threads I've created for the Oscars to see where things stand on the passing of time. Having had a chance to see more movies that were released for that year of the Oscars since the time I've created these threads made me curious how I'd rank them along with the Oscar nominated films.

Thus, over the course of the week, I'll be doing a look back at the past 3 years as well as then looking ahead to the upcoming Oscars for this year. So, I guess this is Oscars Week on NWR. Let's get your movie talk on. Perhaps it can help get that movie forum idea more credibility. One can dream, right?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: 2014 Oscars. Ranking the movies and your opinions on the 2014 movie scene.
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2017, 07:24:36 PM »
First up, the 2014 Oscars are actually for movies released in 2013. So, what movies have I seen from 2013? For those interested in contributing and joining in this movie talk, you can get a list of 2013 releases from IMDB here or the Movie Insider here which does a little bit better of a job in tracking documentaries and foreign films although I'm not sure it's a perfect list either. In any case, reviewing 2013, I come up the following list:

Oz: The Great and Powerful
Spring Breakers
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
To The Wonder
Iron Man 3
The Great Gatsby
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Before Midnight
Now You See Me
After Earth
Man of Steel
The Bling Ring
Monsters University
The Heat
The Lone Ranger
Pacific Rim
Fruitvale Station
Red 2
Blue Jasmine
The World's End
Enough Said
Battle of the Year
Captain Philips
12 Years a Slave
All is Lost
Thor: The Dark World
The Wolf of Wall Street
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Inside Llewyn Davis
Dallas Buyer's Club
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
American Hustle
Saving Mr. Banks
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
August: Osage County
From Up on Poppy Hill
Frances Ha
20 Feet From Stardom
The Great Beauty
The Hunt
The Act of Killing
In A World...
Short Term 12
I Give it a Year

Huh. Not sure if that's impressive or depressing. I didn't expect the list to get that big.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 06:22:35 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.