On the whole streetpass mystery and theories, I've got something to share but maybe it is known whether this is fact or fiction already.
So, I've been stopping various McDonald's for a couple months and I've been racking up a lot of streetpasses and many times I was seeing familiar Mii's over and over again. This was great for giving me powered up Mii's for Find Mii and acquiring puzzle pieces. A couple weeks ago, I had one puzzle where I needed 3 pieces for it. I've still got like 10 other puzzles I'm working on but I was hoping to complete it and then have that puzzle out of rotation so that when I used my play coins to buy new pieces, there wouldn't be the chance of getting repeat pieces for that puzzle and wasting the coins. I stopped by various McDonald's like usual but was getting nothing. No streetpasses at all. I was wondering if maybe they'd shut off the service suddenly. I went to the movie theatre Tuesday and for the first time, I didn't get any streetpasses. I have no idea the last time that would have happened. So, this got me wondering what could be causing it.
I looked and saw I had 300 play coins. I spent 30 of them on puzzle pieces (including get more duplicate pieces for the one I'd hoped to finish). I then went to McDonald's the next day and got a couple streetpasses. However, since I only got 2 instead of the usual 5 or 6 and since the people tagged where brand new and not other Mii's I kept getting when visiting that store, I still wasn't sure if that was the problem or if there had been a reset on the streetpass servers.
This morning, I met up with someone at a McDonalds for breakfast and had my 3DS with me. After eating, I checked it and saw that there was no green light for streetpass occurances. I opened the 3DS and saw I was back at 300 play coins. I quickly spent 4, and the put the 3DS in sleep mode. I checked it after a minute and boom, the green light was on! But again, only had a couple streetpasses and from new people.
Anyone else know if the 300 play coins prevents streetpassing or not? Anyone else notice a change suddenly in relay stations?