Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1187460 times)

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Just saw the movie, probably the best of the Marvel movies to date.
It was gripping, everyone was involved,and the implications for the future of the MCU and AoS have me not thinking about GotG or Avengers 2, but Cap 3.

That's crazy, because I really want to see GotG & A2, but not nearly as much as I want to see Cap 3 right now (& the finale episodes of this season of AOS too).

Cap, Falcon & Widow make a great team, and there was so much going on that I didn't even stop to think... "Hey, where is Hawkeye right now?"

I also really want to know what the One-Shot related to Cap 2 will be when the GotG DVD releases.
Maybe we see what happened to Agent Sitwell after his little chat with Cap, Widow & Falcon or more likely, we get to see that Hawkguy short that needs to happen.

The reference to Dr. Stephen Strange by Sitwell, basically confirms to me that it's a Phase 3 movie for sure.

(Speculation)there was also a scene with the lab, just before Arnim Zola (I believe) that made me think it was going to show up in the Ant-man movie flashbacks with Pym... possibly also working on an AI program all his own? Is it possible that part of that AI is what becomes Ultron (The Zola & Pym AI's that is)? Also anyone think that Zola also uploaded himself somewhere else? maybe that has a chance at becoming a One-Shot - Zola uploading to his robot body.
I also wonder if Fury still be the one to Assemble the Avengers in A2? I also wonder if Falcon will be in A2 since he was sticking by Cap's side. IM & Falcon might make a good flying pair, as Hulk & Thor made a good smash & grab pair in The Avengers.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 07:40:08 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline nickmitch

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I haven't seen Cap 2 yet, but from what I hear, it has the feel of a political thriller.  Honestly, I want Marvel to try something similar with their other properties.  Basically make superhero movies that aren't superhero movies.  Like, a kung-fu movie with Iron Fist, a film noir with Dare Devil, or a blaxploitation film with Luke Cage (done tastefully, of course).  Genre defying could really open up a lot of possibilities.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Well, that's what they've been attempting to do by not making superhero movie a genre of it own, but making each Marvel movie explore different genres in themselves.

It's a very smart move that keeps things from getting stale.

Cap 2 is a political Thriller, and it was quite thrilling to say the least.
GotG will be a Space Opera
Iron Man was a science fiction action flick
I.Hulk was kinda a monster movie
Ant-Man will be a heist movie
Dr. Strange will probably be a mind bending supernatural film

I'm sure you can fit most of the movies into different genres from each other.

Offline UncleBob

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That's crazy, because I really want to see GotG & A2, but not nearly as much as I want to see Cap 3 right now (& the finale episodes of this season of AOS too).

I totally understand this.  Hyped about GotG.  Interested in A2, but not so much I can't wait for it.  AoS though... That's what has me going out of my way to read articles on the internets. :D
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Offline nickmitch

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Well, that's what they've been attempting to do by not making superhero movie a genre of it own, but making each Marvel movie explore different genres in themselves.

It's a very smart move that keeps things from getting stale.

Cap 2 is a political Thriller, and it was quite thrilling to say the least.
GotG will be a Space Opera
Iron Man was a science fiction action flick
I.Hulk was kinda a monster movie
Ant-Man will be a heist movie
Dr. Strange will probably be a mind bending supernatural film

I'm sure you can fit most of the movies into different genres from each other.

I think you're stretching it with Iron Man and Hulk.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I might be, but what genre would you assign to each existing Marvel MCU movie?
They all more or less fit in different boxes.

Offline nickmitch

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Superhero.  I mean, that is a genre.  There's a specific amount of action and certain plot elements that they all have in common.  It's not just that there's a specific type of source material (i.e., comic books) because that term (comic book movies) would have to apply to films films like Scott Pilgrim and 2 Guns.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Marvel worked pretty hard to not have them just classified as "superhero" movies by writing each movie with a subgenre in mind , i.e

Captain America: TFA being a war time period piece.
Captain America: TWS being a modern political thriller
Thor is a fantasy adventure
Ant-man will be a Heist movie
Guardians is a space opera
Think of the difference between Iron Man 1 & 3, very different movie genres.

So while they may all be "superhero" movies, they aren't just superhero movies.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Actually, I think all the Iron Man's fit into corporate drama subcategory.  Each one focuses on the business aspect of Iron Man, and the struggles of doing modern day business.

Even the 3rd movie still has this core concept.  I have really enjoyed the trilogy aspect of the movies, and how it appears each of the solo adventures are being written with a trilogy mindset...a beginning, middle, and end story arc. 

You can clearly see that the Thor movies' story arc includes the rivalry of brothers, and the struggles with accepting your destiny.  Loki's action set up into a third movie nicely...which will conclude that story arc, nicely.

Captain America has the political bent of the movies, but also focuses on identity, and our place in the world/society.  What are each person's responsibilities to society. 

With the introduction of Winter Soldier's character, this definitely becomes a bigger event and bigger deal.  As it goes to the core of our relationships and our responsibilities.  I can't wait to see and explore what will be taking place in the next chapter of the story.

Offline Plugabugz

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BNM do you think that somewhere halfway during Cap 2 it turned into a higher budget Person of Interest?.

I would REALLY love a battle between Black Widow and Root

Offline Ceric

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I know they won't but I'm hoping Thor 3 will be after a couple of Movies with Thor to really put some time into the timeline for Loki to get established.  Plus even though I like Loki as a character I'm ready for Thor to not have the Brother aspect for a couple movies.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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BNM do you think that somewhere halfway during Cap 2 it turned into a higher budget Person of Interest?.

I would REALLY love a battle between Black Widow and Root

If Hydra's "Machine" had gone online, there wouldn't have been a Black Widow or a Root to battle with. And in a straight up fight.... Widow would have a hard time getting in close or getting the drop on Root, but if she got in close enough, Root was done for.

I can also see the similarities between Zola's Algorithm & Finch's The Machine, but thank god we don't have anything like those helicarriers to enact the Evil "Machines" will.

I also loved the Pulp Fiction reference on Fury's Gravestone and the call back joke "On your left". Such a good movie.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Domestic = $96.2M
Overseas = $207.1M
Total Gross = $303.3M World Wide

This is an April Record besting Fast Five which previously held it at ~$84M


This is also the 5th best opening of the 9 MCU movies so far

Cap 2 fell just $2.4M behind Iron Man 1 in opening weekend numbers with actually making more per theater, but released in fewer theaters.

I'm also pretty sure this will be the #1 Political Thriller at the end of it's run:
It's at #10 after opening weekend, and has to beat Air Force One which sits at $173M (Domestically)

Hoping for a Top 10 "Superhero"/"Comicbook Adaptation" movie: (currently at #43 - MoS is at #10 w/ $291M)


And I always go to the theater on Sunday mornings, and even for Thor 2 opening weekend, which I believe I also watched on a Sunday morning, I've never seen this particular theater with this many people in it on any Sunday movie. It wasn't packed, but was maybe close to 45-50%, possibly more.

If this movie doesn't best Thor 2 by atleast 25% in B.O. I will be surprised. It has a better start, way more HYPE, higher review rating and is being touted as one of (if not) Marvel's best movies yet.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 11:44:15 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Ceric

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When I saw it Friday Night in 2D at 7:45 We were in the theater looking for seats at 7:25 and there was nigh one to be found.  We lucked out at the 3 we needed.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 12:04:56 PM by Ceric »
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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So, saw Cap2 last night.
Where the heck does AoS go from here?

My theory is (TWS Spoilers & AoS Speculation)Secret Avengers. I've never read the comics, but I remember it being about Fury finding out that SHIELD has been infiltrated by the Skrull at every level, so he ends up faking his own death and recruiting a select few SHIELD agents and some superheroes with the task of identifying and exposing all the Skrull operatives on earth - or something like that. so replace the Skrull with Hydra, insert Coulson and whatever is left of his team working with Agent 13, Maria Hill, Hawkguy  and whoever Fury had already pulled aside to all work on exposing Hydra and rebuild SHIELD from the ground up.
I also wouldn't be surprised if Arnim Zola turns up to be the Clairvoyant working from a much more modern and powerful computer, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Deathlok program is a way to test cybernetic parts for the creation of his robot body, and the creation of his robot body is what leads to the creation of Ultron.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Fury and Maria Hill show back up on the show before the season is over.
end speculation based on TWS Spoilers
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 01:14:45 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline shingi_70

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That's secret Warrior's and I've been saying it this whole time.  Secret Avengers is a Black Ops avengers team usually operated by shield.

Going to see Cap later on today so i'll post my impression later on today.

I watched all hail the king today and god was it good.

Matt Gerald who played white power bill in all hail the king been cast as one of the bad guys in Ant-man.

I hope the next one shot doesn't focus on shield but is more of a seed for Avengers 2 or decides to say **** it and pull a Agent Carter and just tell a story in the MCU.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I'm pretty sure the next One-Shot (on the Cap 2 DVD) will be Thor 2 related.
the one after that though (on the GotG DVD) will likely be Cap 2/SHIELD related.

but that's assuming the pattern continues.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Ceric:  There will be at least 2 years maybe 3 years worth of movies before Thor 3.  So that is quite a few movies.  Personally, I will beat 2 1/2 years before the next Thor and Captain America movies.  I hope they switch their order though, because I really want to see what happens with the Marvel Universe and Shield before I see Thor and Loki fight again. 

BnM:  Yes, I think bringing Hydra back gives AoS a good enemy, and can really push the spy aspect of the series.  It appears now the movies will introduce major changes or shake ups to the universe and Agents of Shield will explore those details more intimately. 

I predict Shield is not going away, but they are exposed…however what isn't exposed is Sword…and that could be interesting.  Hydra moves to Sword with similar resources to old Shield…and the team must take out an "invincible" organization from the inside out.  Have Nick Fury show up in the season finale, or a few episodes before it (giving their new objective and telling the team he is laying low and they are on their own.) 

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Cap 3 already has a release date.

May 16, 2016 - same date DC says they are releasing MoS2
and yes Cap 3 is coming before Thor 3, which isn't coming till at least 2017, probably paired with Doctor Strange.

and I really hope that SWORD is something that Fury set up outside of SHIELD if it's already established. Maybe related to that facility that Coulson & Co. blew up when they found the blue stuff.

and here are all the Easter Eggs found in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

TWS & AoS Spoiler
Fury to cameo on season finale of AoS
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 07:48:07 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline shingi_70

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Winter Solider is the best of the Phase II films thus far.
Looking forward to the rest of Agents of shield, plan to watch last weeks episode tomorrow.

Pretty sure shield isn't gone, I'm a bit surprised they didn't go the Dark Regin And bring in Hammer as a shield replacement, regardless stuff like shield doesn't die even if what we end up with is a non government related shield

Winter solider puts a nice spin on the events of phase I. Also the worst thing about AOS is that it didn't really have much of an impact on a post Avengers world. I was hoping at least one episode where we see an actual superhero.

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Offline UncleBob

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I have to say, I'm loving many of the theories that are coming out of Cap2.  In particular, everything dealing with Tony Stark's infiltration of SHIELD's computers in Avengers, Zola revealed to be an AI program in SHIELD's data banks in Cap2, and the idea that all of this somehow ties into the creation of Ultron in Avengers 2.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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If they are going to replace Shield, or the Shield leadership.  That won't happen until Captain America 3...or Avengers 2...which will probably have a shift of positive press for the heroes in the public eye.  I predict that stuff will happen in Avengers 2...making it the Empire Strikes Back of the series...everything goes very, very bad.

I see Shield being taken over by a hostile force (at least to the Avengers, and the beginnings of an Anti Avengers team forming. We won't see the fruits of that until Avengers 4.)

Offline shingi_70

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No need to wait when you have a TV series bases around the concept of shield.

At this point for the films shield is a non factor and it seems that Marvel is going for the whole Avengers world that's going around in the current 616 cosmic stuff.

Wouldn't be surprised if we see something similar to this at the start of A2.

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Winter Solider is the best of the Phase II films thus far.
Looking forward to the rest of Agents of shield, plan to watch last weeks episode tomorrow.

From what I heard, the 8pm slot will be last weeks episode and the new episode will air at 9pm instead. So if you DVR, remember to set your box to record at 9pm if you want the new episode.

Hail,Hydra  ;)

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Agents of SHIELD Spoiler post related to tonites episode (which is up on HULU right now*)

I bet hardly anyone guessed who the Clairvoyant is, but I'm sure that more than a few people have guessed who the traitor may be. There is a promotional pic for the next episode floating around since last week that may give hints.

Garrett is the Clairvoyant. Ward is the traitor. May selected the team and reports to Fury. Coulson was a guinea pig. The selected team was to take care of Coulson in anyway necessary, from healing to killing if necessary. So the crew was a mobile experiment meant to be off of SHIELD main grid with minimal contact to regular SHIELD activities. Insulated from prying eyes. This explains why the specific team was chosen, why they were put on such side missions early on, and why they had minimal contact with the rest of SHIELD up until now.
I'm also 100% sure now that Fury used that alien goo to heal himself during TWS, it's the only explanation as to how he was walking around the next day.

I also believe that Ward is conflicted right now as his feelings for Skye are real (being broken up over killing an innocent was an act), and he didn't actually kill agent Hand, just wounded her so she would go down and fired 2 more to make sure she stayed down.

The next few episodes are going to be SO GOOD.gif
still waiting on that official s2 renewal announcement Marvel.
also loved that exit graphic. Agents of HYDRA!!!

*this is brilliant of HULU, if you want me to use/pay for your service that still forces me to sit through  commercials, then you should release the episodes early, not a day later. This way you get even those that prefer to watch through other means not related to cable to tune in to a service that counts ratings. You might have just stumbled upon a value for your service that means something. *Not that it was on purpose.... Video was already taken down several hours ago.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 02:48:31 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »