Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1187717 times)

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Offline shingi_70

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Once again I like to point out this is comics and there's nothing wrong in with the Fox Quicksilver in terms of the characters relation to the universe he's in.  I see what singer was going for which is the non costume costume like the one scarlet witch above is wearing. The problem is that you have to design his costume in the limitations of 70s fashion.

Now taking the costume for what it is its terrible but I have no real ill toward the fox character himself. Part due to I just just really give no fucks about the Fox X-men at this point, and one I see this as an esleworlds title, to supplement the real MCU version.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Fox's Quicksilver is all wrong, regardless of what generational time frame they were going for.

even looking back at the comics from the 70's I don't think Quicksilver ever looked anything remotely like that (I could be wrong, as I didn't go back and look, but feel free to prove me wrong). What's on his "utility belt!? a walkman?
What makes it look worse is the stupid Empire Mag cover art. His hair isn't even blown back, he has no emotion on his face when running, and the blur looks stupid. A lot of the covers they did for  X-Men: DoFP look absolutely horrible. Maybe it will all look better in the actual movie.

The only thing Marvel's interpretation is missing is the white hair, but maybe they will give him that later. Maybe he stresses himself by pushing too hard to accomplish something and comes out of it with silver streak, eventually leading to a head full of white hair.

Offline shingi_70

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Well Fox's take is only wrong if your one of those dumbasses that believe **** should be 1:1 with the comics, and that's not even taking into account all the thousands alternate universes and what not.

I think Fox Quicksilver looks terrible but its not any less of Valid take on the character than the marvel one.

If were going to complain that we should be shitting up the thread with why Jarvis is a computer program instead of a butler, or why is MCU Stark's personality based more upon his ultimate universe take at the time than his 616 counterpart.

AT the end of the days these charcaters aren't static by rule of dumb so as stupid as it looks i'm cool with it.
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Offline Ceric

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There is plenty of precedence for Jarvis being a computer as well.

Anyway, more practical matters at hand.  My problem with Fox's Quicksilver, and any speed hero in this scenario, is all the raw loosely attached junk he has on him.  It be impractical with his abilities.  The goggles make since and are cool I'll even give them most the outfit.  The Extraneous junk on him I just don't like.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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The following judgement of Quicksilver come almost exclusively from the Empire Mag cover.

he looks stupid. Everything about that picture is wrong. As I said, maybe in the context of the movie it all looks better, but starting at his look, to his blurred look, it's all wrong. Let's just forget that he doesn't follow traditional Quicksilver look, he still looks bad as a generic speedster or a general character of any kind.

Hair = horrible - Grey hair... fine. Long hair... fine. Still hair while moving!? WTF that's lazy. I''ll assume that was a magazine photo shoot thing (the ear buds don't even look the same)

Outfit = horrible - they want to literally dress him in metallic silver, then fine, but dress him better, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be wearing a jacket (wind resistance/aerodynamics seem kinda important to someone moving at those speeds).

accessories = WTF? I get the goggles and the earphones attached to them (hard to see or hear with wind in your face and ears), but everything else on that belt...!?

As far as why Jarvis is a computer... he's that way in the cartoon and I've never read an Ironman comic, so I don't know what else he was supposed to be. But it would make sense to have him be an A.I. to show Stark's genius level I.Q. to even be able to create something like that for his personal use and then to have them be able to interact with his suits. It all makes sense. It's well thought out and executed.

Why does Tony act more like his Ultimate self verse his 616 self....? why does it matter which version of the character the took more influence from if it makes sense in the world they are creating? They needed a Tony that audiences can relate to even though he is a billionaire genius playboy that flies around in iron suit.. It works, and it makes sense in the context of the created universe.
That is not something that I can say about Fox's Quicksilver based on the image up above.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Patton Oswalt get recruited to Agents of SHIELD
“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” has recruited yet another special guest star with fan-favorite actor/comedian Patton Oswalt, who will join the cast as Agent Eric Koenig in an upcoming episode of the hit series.

Quote from: Patton
“When they first told me the character’s name, I’ll admit the first thing I did is I went on Wikipedia and looked up the M.O.D.O.K. character to see if Koenig was maybe his name before he became M.O.D.O.K., but it wasn’t,” laughs Oswalt. “They keep on talking about the Clairvoyant in the show and I’m like, ‘is that M.O.D.O.K.? Am I M.O.D.O.K.?”

Koenig, who first appeared in SGT. FURY AND HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS #27, was a part of Fury’s original team of World War II soldiers in the comics. Oswalt, perhaps best known for his roles in “King of Queens,” “Ratatouille” and countless other films and TV series, came onto “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” in perhaps the most straightforward way possible—he was simply asked.

This should be interesting.

Offline shingi_70

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Eh there was a story line where Tony Stark was killed and replaced with his time traveled teenage self.

I'm of the mind he doesn't have to be like the comicbook cause at the end of the day I view these movies as a Elseworlds or What if.

Patton Oswald seems like a goof fit for Marvel. Kind of wish he was the leader or Modok.

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Offline UncleBob

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I wish they'd go more Elseworlds/What-If with the comic movies.  Instead of trying to be true to the source material while still making the story open for all audiences, they should just go crazy with an Elseworlds-type Batman story.  Like Batman + Pirates.

Two tickets please.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Early screening reviews of The Winter Soldier are online, spoilers are everywhere, so be careful of which reviews you read.
Verdict = Awesome.
Summary = Best of Phase 2 so far, possibly Best of MCU to date.

And since I'm here, there's another poster floating around

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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There is an article regarding the Iron Fist show coming up, stating that Danny Rand should be played by an Asian-American.

Danny Rand is traditionally played by a white guy, who is raised in a fictional Asian City in the Sky type place. From what I've read about him, he is supposed to be the pepper in the salt kind of character, as in he is not like everyone else around him... he is "Tom Cruise as The Last Samurai" out of place.

So haveing that thought in my head, why can't he be played by someone of mixed origin.
Sure an Half White/Half Asian mix would work, as long as he looked predominately white over asian (like Skye on AoS), but what if we just add a little more color to the pot instead of having all these super powered white people, Blue & Green Alien people and a few Black People to the mix.
Danny Rand could be a obvious outsider as an Asian american amongst a bunch of Asian Asians, but what if we just mixed it up completely and went with a Half Black/Half White "Bruce Leeroy" instead?

What I'm getting at here is that Caterkiller should try out for Danny "Iron Fist" Rand.

I'm not sure how well you can act, but you have the personality & sense of humor, the dedication to the art, and the martial art skills to fill the role.

and if you could also tell M. Jai White to stop wasting his time and talent on Arrow and go out for the role of Power-man, I'm sure you two could have fun on the show(s).

Offline BranDonk Kong

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if they kept Jarvis as Tony Stark's butler, then Iron Man would be Batman.
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Offline Caterkiller

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There is an article regarding the Iron Fist show coming up, stating that Danny Rand should be played by an Asian-American.

Danny Rand is traditionally played by a white guy, who is raised in a fictional Asian City in the Sky type place. From what I've read about him, he is supposed to be the pepper in the salt kind of character, as in he is not like everyone else around him... he is "Tom Cruise as The Last Samurai" out of place.

So haveing that thought in my head, why can't he be played by someone of mixed origin.
Sure an Half White/Half Asian mix would work, as long as he looked predominately white over asian (like Skye on AoS), but what if we just add a little more color to the pot instead of having all these super powered white people, Blue & Green Alien people and a few Black People to the mix.
Danny Rand could be a obvious outsider as an Asian american amongst a bunch of Asian Asians, but what if we just mixed it up completely and went with a Half Black/Half White "Bruce Leeroy" instead?

What I'm getting at here is that Caterkiller should try out for Danny "Iron Fist" Rand.

I'm not sure how well you can act, but you have the personality & sense of humor, the dedication to the art, and the martial art skills to fill the role.

and if you could also tell M. Jai White to stop wasting his time and talent on Arrow and go out for the role of Power-man, I'm sure you two could have fun on the show(s).

Thanks for the heads up, I'm all for the Dany Rand being played by an Asian actor or someone like myself, hopefully myself. I need to bring this to the attention of my agent. I guess you guys have already discussed black Johny Storm huh? 

I will speak to Mr White about Power Man, hahaha. Every time I talk to him I go "a friend of mind asked..." Sooner or later he's gonna say "can I meet this so called 'friend?'" and you'll get a special phone call.

Nintendo players and One Piece readers, just better people.


Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Thanks for the heads up, I'm all for the Dany Rand being played by an Asian actor or someone like myself, hopefully myself. I need to bring this to the attention of my agent. I guess you guys have already discussed black Johny Storm huh? 

I will speak to Mr White about Power Man, hahaha. Every time I talk to him I go "a friend of mind asked..." Sooner or later he's gonna say "can I meet this so called 'friend?'" and you'll get a special phone call.

And I'll be making my way down to LA for another visit. And hopefully a behind the scenes tour of whatever he's working on (ahem*arrow*) and quick acting lesson and a part as a background extra or something.

And Fox's casting choices for the F4 reboot was talked about in the other thread... and I don't think there was a problem with a Black Johnny Storm, but more an issue that his sister is white, and that Ben Grimm & Mr. Fantastic look horribly miscast or something. Then there were rumors that Fox was looking to dump the director and possibly the script, and they had been shopping around for a new director... then Fox announced a release date for Fantastic Four 2.... so who knows what's going on with that movie. It will probably be terrible anyway. Hopefully it just lapses and goes back to Marvel, but I'm not holding my breath.

edit: And for those that bother to check, I just did an update for the OP.
updated the known lineup pic and added a section for Movie Trailers.
also edited the info on F4 too.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 02:35:08 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline MysticGohan

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Maybe FF will go back to marvel, one can hope, much like daredevil and elektra.
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I could go into a Wendy's res

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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And another poster:

Offline shingi_70

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Based Palo Rivera

Yo BnM you have a GAF account.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I do, under the same name as here too.

Agents of SHIELD: Uprising Promo
shows: Deathlok in action & a shot of The Clairvoiyant?

It looks good, a continuation of the improvements that we've seen since the 2nd half started.

edit: the promo poster does nothing for me... I think it may do more harm than good.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 03:13:10 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Age of Ultron Production Photos
« Reply #417 on: March 24, 2014, 03:48:54 PM »
Age of Ultron Production Photos:


Scarlet Witch & Hawkeye:

Scarlet Witch:


and last but not least..........  Ultron!?

p.s. We've seen more action out of Marvel's Quicksilver already than we have of Fox's Quicksilver, and Marvel's Quicksilver just started shooting.... Fox's is practically done.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 05:06:11 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Ceric

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You know in those pictures she looks too much like a mix between Drew Barrymore and my sister...

I'm sort of curious if they are going to indicate the Scarlet Witch is using her powers or if highly improbable things will just happen.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline shingi_70

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mmm best Olsen.

I am wondering what her powers will be because i'm not even sure what she does other than be dues ex machina. I'm still saying that Wanda and Pietro will be inhumans even if we don't find out in AOU.

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Offline Ceric

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Her power is probability unless they've change it.  *looks on Wikipedia* Still Probability even when its Chaos Magic but, they seem to be taking from Ultimate so she need to do Math to use her powers.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Another pic of Ultron:

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Loving Ultron's shoes.  Really fits in with the rest of his costume.

Offline shingi_70

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Daredevil will start filming in July. After that we get Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage,and then the defenders.

Iw wonder if this will be pre or post AOU. Thinking about it Age of Ultron has the potential to be really big on the Cameo scale.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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More Ultron:

Sad Ultron:

Scarlet Witch (  )(  ) shot - is this why Ultron was sad?

And Iron Man (is that a new suit!?)