Author Topic: My personal review: Good but not brilliant  (Read 12891 times)

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Offline Harri

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My personal review: Good but not brilliant
« on: June 09, 2003, 10:31:57 AM »
WARNING: Contains spoilers of The Wind Waker and The Ocarina of Time!

Good but not brilliant

I don't know if it's me but somehow I expected more from the game. Okay, comparing to Star Fox Adventures it's superb. It may even be the best game yet released on Gamecube. I just think that the game lacks something.

First of all, it's too easy. Okay, I could have searched all the heart pieces (I only had 14 heart containers when I cleared the game) and clear all the side quests, but I didn't find that very interesting. Maybe I'll do that later. Anyway, the puzzles are too easy. The enemies are too easy. The bosses are too easy (Oh come on, it can't be that easy to beat Ganon.) The dungeons should have been as difficult as the water Temple was in The Ocarina of Time.

The game just wasn't as legendary/mythical as The Ocarina of Time. Take a look at the endings: I still get the chills when I enter Ganondorfs tower in The Ocarina of Time as Ganondorf plays the organs while the triforces react. After a fierce battle it's a race against clock as I flee from the crumbling tower with Zelda. After that there's STILL the final showdown against Ganon. The end of Wind Waker has a nice starts as Ganon sits by the sleeping princess, but then you have to fight against the puppets. Puppets. For God's sake, puppets!!!?? When you reach the rooftop it gets better but the final match is still too easy. The side characters aren't as interesting as Sheikh, the Owl, Saria and Epona.

Okay, it's not fair to compare any game with The Ocarina of Time, not even the Wind Waker. It has many advantages, like beautiful graphics(mind you, I didn't even notice the thing with Link's eyes, what a hype for nothing,)the fancy parry move, ability to pick up weapons and sound effects. I didn't even mind the sailing as much as other gamers who said it was boring.

It was a fantastic game but still a little disappointment. Did I expexct too much or am I just gettin too old to play video games?

Will there ever again be games like "A link to the past" and "The Ocarina of Time?"
Yours truly,
Hero of Time
Waker of Winds

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The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2003, 02:31:04 PM »
I liked this one tons more than OoT.  I tried playing it again recently, and this game just makes it look so damn boring.  And I loved that game.

It was a bit too easy, but it was still utterly awesome.  I loved everything about it.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline Grey Ninja

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The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2003, 09:49:49 AM »
That's it.  I am writing my own review later on.  I am WAY too tired to write anything coherent right now, but I might post it tomorrow.  Suffice to say that Wind Waker is the finest game I have EVER played.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Michael8983

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The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2003, 08:37:56 PM »
"The dungeons should have been as difficult as the water Temple was in The Ocarina of Time."

I don't think the Water Temple was difficult for any legitimate reason.
It was just difficult because you had to CONSTANTLY switch boots and SLOWLY sink and SLOWLY walk around underwater and SLOWLY rise to the top again. It was so tedious it frustrated people and broke their concentration. If it wasn't for how infuriating it was to navigate the water, the dungone would have been as easy as the others if not easier.

As for Wind Waker. The problem is, so many people played through the Master Quest immediately before it. Of course the game is going to seem really easy after that.
I'm sure the game would be difficult enough for people who either hadn't played Oot at all or played it very little and not recently.

Offline HiTmaN

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2003, 09:02:56 PM »
I think this combo battle system has to go, I want regular hack and slash old skool Link
Temptation why wont you leave me alone?

Offline Goron_Link

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The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2003, 09:12:46 PM »
I played Wind Waker before OOT/MQ and found WW way too easy.  OOT/MQ is much better in terms of storyline and has realistic-looking characters.

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2003, 01:51:23 PM »
I think that WW had a much better storyline than OoT.  But I played OoT so long ago maybe I'm forgetting some parts.  
Anyway, it would makes sense that OoT would have more realistic looking characters, because last time I checked WIND WAKER IS CEL-SHADED!!!
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2003, 05:05:30 PM »
Well, I had completely forgotten about this thread until now...    Anyways, here's my review in PGC style.

Zelda games have followed a similar pattern right from the first game.  You are a young boy who has a massive quest placed in front of him, and has to do some extraordinary things in a time of great darkness.  I remember when watching Gameheadz on TLC, it showed some clips of the forest where Miyamoto-sama grew up, and described the forest as the birth place of the original Legend of Zelda.  Shiggy would walk into the forest and imagine the great quest he was on to save the princess, and all the various creatures present in the Zelda games.

Ocarina of Time sort of marked a departure from this theme.  It was an upgrade from A Link to the Past, with 3D versions of things you knew well, but it had a darker style, and the game featured an adult Link for the first time.  It was a great game, and well worthy of recognition, but it had lost a great deal of the original vision.

With Wind Waker, Shiggy felt that he had to bring the series back to its roots before the enemies started leaving blood, Link started bleeding, and the game got a T rating or worse.  That was NOT what he had imagined all those years ago, and he knew it.  When he had done Zelda in the Ocarina of Time style on the GameCube, he was sort of unsettled by it.

The solution came with the introduction of Cel-Shading.  With Cel Shading, the game could feature the same bright colors as all the Zelda games before Ocarina of Time, and become a game about that young kid going out and doing great things while re-inventing the series at the same time.

To say that it worked would be a great understatement.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker features a VERY rich world that contains an extremely large amount of detail and graphics that will knock you flat on your back.  When I say detail, I am not talking just about the graphics, but in the underlying physics that govern the world.  There are blades of grass that rock in the wind, a great ocean that will change between night and day with time, and will sometimes feature bad weather.  There are birds and bugs all over the world, there are hundreds of NPCs, and there's nary a load screen in sight.  I have heard complaints of the depth blurring effect in the game, but it's never bothered me personally.  When things are in the distance, they seem blurry to me.  That's just a fact of life.

Grand Theft Auto achieved critical claim for creating a living breathing world, but I think that The Wind Waker did the job better.  When you start sailing, the background music will change with your actions, and when in combat, the music is styled to match the action.  But it's the sailing that I feel is the life blood of this game.  When you open up the sails and feel the wind at your back, you can almost feel the spray hitting your face.  I spent HOURS in this game just sailing aimlessly, and it's not like there wasn't plenty of sailing to actually do stuff in the game.  I would often sail right past the place I was going to, and then turn around and head back a while later just so I could sail for a little bit longer.  The thing I am trying to say is that while the game looks like a cartoon, it FEELS very real.  It's the most realistic game I have ever played.

The combat system of the game is an upgraded version of the combat system in Ocarina of Time.  I guess Nintendo felt that it didn't need fixing, and it did work well, but I sometimes wish that the game had a more dynamic combat system than pressing B all the time.  Also, life energy is generally taken from you in quarter hearts, making the game quite a bit easier than its predecessors, but it should also be mentioned that it's a fair bit harder to get heart pieces for the most part.

The game features connectivity in the form of a second person controlling Tingle, who has various functions, including the ability to drop bombs, heal the main character, and allow limited flight.  However, Tingle won't be able to do actions that would bypass puzzles in dungeons.  He will give advice on how to solve the puzzles however, if you are looking for that elusive solution.  The feature is quite a good addition to the game though, as it provides some more depth and some extra things to do in a game that already features a LOT of goodies to collect.

Speaking of goodies, rupees are actually useful in this game!  One thing that always irritated me about previous Zelda games is that after a while you would be collecting scads of money and throwing it away because you had already bought everything in the game, and didn't need any more money.  For some reason, I was always low on money pretty much throughout Wind Waker, making those nice buried treasures really useful in the game rather than some meaningless treasure you are hauling up from the bottom of the ocean.

Another thing that has recieved significant upgrades from previous games is the story.  While the graphics have been brightened from Ocarina of Time, the story has become a great deal more complex.  There are events in this game that actually brought a tear to my eye.  The story of this game is about equal in complexity and emotional value to the second half of Final Fantasy VI, if you have played the game.  I don't really want to spoil a lot about the story, as it is a very important part of the game this time around, but you won't be dissapointed once you start digging into the game.  It's got a lot in common with previous games, but the characters are not flat at all, and characters that you thought you knew well have been shown to have a whole larger side to them.

This whole game just reeked of perfection to me.  It's been a while since I have played a game that evoked a strong emotional response from me, and it's been a much longer time since I played a game for a straight week while skipping classes and important things like eating and sleeping.  The game CAN be finished in a fairly short period, but I never wanted it to end.  I would always find something else to do that would make the game last that much longer.  I was just having way too much fun for me to see the credits.  I wanted to know what happened next, but I wanted to keep playing the game even more.  Usually I am a no nonsense kind of gamer, so to see this reaction in me really surprised me.

You CANNOT go wrong with owning this game.


    All your favorite Zelda mythos back in a sleek new package.
    Simply gorgeous graphics making an interactive cartoon.
    Dynamic music effects.
    Storyline competing with the best of them.


    2 dungeons got axed from the game to make a quicker release date.
    Combat system essentially unchanged from Ocarina of Time.
    A little on the easy side.
    Playing the game can cause difficulty in real life due to excessive time spent playing it.

Graphics: 10.0

The game is easily recognizable as the game that The Legend of Zelda on NES was intended to be.  The graphics are simply breathtaking to see in motion.  Being a programmer, I was simply gasping for air watching fields of grass blow in the wind, and thousands of pieces of ash drop into a pond that was rippling from water drops falling in it...  I was watching the very artistic characters fill up the screen while each of them was looking every bit the work of art.  This is easily the best looking game I have ever seen.  Not just because of technical miracles, but because of the perfectly fine tuned style of the game.

Sound: 10.0

The dynamic music effects I mentioned earlier are about the most innovative thing I have ever seen in a video game's soundtrack.  The music in this game will draw you in and have you begging for more.  I was listening for days when PGC radio was broadcasting the soundtrack, and I would often leave the game running while doing other things just so I could hear the music and sound effects once I actually bought the game.  The sound effects are all extremely high quality, and make the game sound simply perfect.

Control: 10.0

Upgraded minorly from The Ocarina of Time, you will feel right at home with the controls.  Easy to learn, and easy to master.  Gets a perfect score from me because it works so well.

Gameplay: 10.0

The gameplay was so good I was deliberately prolonging the game that had the best story in any game I played since Xenogears.  There is so much to do in this game it just isn't funny.  The sense that you get while playing it is the freedom to do absolutely anything that you want, and that feeling will never leave you.  Whether you are hunting down a new treasure map, playing with the seagulls, attacking barnyard animals, or just watching the landscape through a telescope, you will feel very much the time that was spent in perfecting this game.

Lastability: 10.0

Like I said, this game has a LOT to do.  There's a mini-game in the game that has you scouring the world looking for... "things".  This is actually one of the best features for me.  It's like card collecting but not.  It's time consuming as hell, but it will keep you playing the game for a VERY long time.  I have figured that I will need to play through the game 3 times in order to get all the "things" that I want.  The game is just very fun to play, and it doesn't get boring on your second time through.

Final Score (Not an average): 10.0

This is simply the best game I have ever played.  Giving it anything less than a 10 would be something that I would never forgive myself for.  This game simply has it all.  Perfection has been a common theme in my review, and I find it only fits that I would give it a perfect score.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Ridley

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2003, 10:45:24 PM »
Here's my review.

Graphics: 10/10

When I play a game, graphics are the least on my mind. Unless I actually take a moment to think about them, I won't notice anything that doesn't stand out. But this game is an exception. I found myself being impressed by some detail every couple minutes. The way the grass waves around, that neat look for the water, the way the spiked vines wave, the Wind Temple boss, and so on. Everything looks so alive, and, unlike OoT, not once did I find myself having to close my blinds to get a better view of what I was doing.

Sound/Music: 9.5/10

I will never get tired of the theme for when you're sailing. The bosses all have their own battle them. The mini-boss theme is great. The music for the dungeons is fitting (though I don't if anyone has noticed this, but the Wind Temple's theme has a fair resemblence to Mizar's Palace in Jet Force Gemini). The only complaint I have is that when it turns night, or you reach one of the small islands, the music stops.

Gameplay/Difficulty: 8/10

The battles are mostly like OoT, but there's one useful addition: the parry. When a badguy does an attack that gets telegraphed (you can see it coming) and you have them targetted with you sword out, it will flash green. Press A, and Link with counter with one of his own attacks. Usually it's rolling under and attacking from behind, or jumping over nailing them in the head. The use of the parry can make enemies such as the darknut, a big sword-wielding knight, considerably easier, and it's fun to watch. Basically, the controls are simple, with minor addons, but they work perfectly.

Difficulty, unfortunately, is Wind Waker's biggest weakness. The bosses, for example, seemed to get progressively easier. The final battle wasn't even that tough. Even though enemies can actually gang up on you now, you take less damage than the previous games. I'd guess that it was an attempt to balance out the fact that you can be swarmed, but it didn't quite work out. Must've been one of those ideas that seemed better on paper, than in reality. Plus, the dungeons, even though I found the design to be terrific, were rather easy. There were only two points in the game were I actually had trouble in. The first was Shark Island, since inside there you have to waves of enemies. The second area, I can't remember where it was, but it involved battling Wizrobes that could summon other monsters.

Lastability: 9.5/10

The big thing about Wind Waker is how much there is to explore. There are a lot of small islands scattered around, at least one for each square on your sea chart, sea platforms, and submarines sticking out of the water. They each contain a minor challenge that results in a prize, usually rupees, heart piece, or a treasure chart. The treasure charts are for finding treasure in the see, usually lots of rupees or heart pieces. Just gathering these can take a fair amount of time. There's also several side-quests (requited/unrequited love seems to be theme among them) and the usual minigames. A Nintendo Gallery has been added where a sculptor will make figurines of people and monsters you that you've managed to get pictures of with the picto-box. There's also a second quest, but it's rather pointless unless you intend on completing the Nintendo Gallery or understanding the Hylian dialogue playing as Link in his pajamas. No added difficulty, sadly.

Overall: 10/10 (my opinion, not an average)

My favourite installment of my favourite series. I don't think I can go back OoT or MM for a long time after playing this game.
If the graphics are bad, I'll ignore them.
If the style's been used before, I won't care. I don't get sick of styles.
If the story is weak, I'll make up my own.
I only care about gameplay.

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2003, 05:51:14 AM »
I think all reviews that goes by an average should have a "Tilt" If you read Gamespot reviews you know what it is, but basically it's, well, a chance for the reveiwer to change the average of a game with, basically, a higher or lower number.  

Ridley, by an average, you would give WW a 9.25.  BUT, you wanted to give it a perfect score, so you would add a certain number to bring the average up to a 10.

I know you guys didn't go by an average, but I really like the idea and i think most reviews should add this.
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2003, 06:12:07 AM »
KnowsNothing, I really don't like the average idea when reviewing.  Oftentimes, the sum of the parts will be much less than the whole.  That's why we have a seperate category for overall.  For me, it's perfectly possible to give a game that has some serious flaws (Eternal Darkness), a perfect score anyways.  Eternal Darkness was a great game, and I give it a 10/10, but I did have a problem with the replayability, and some of the gameplay aspects.
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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2003, 06:31:36 AM »
Well, I don't know if you understood me, or maybe I don't understand you (NEVAH!), but that's where the "Tilt" comes in.  It gives the reviewers a chance to 'tilt" the score of the game to whatever he/she wants.

I sometimes think about what i would give games in a review.  i think about it, and i notice it would get low scores in many areas.  But the game was still extremely fun.   I can't explain why, but i would want to give the game a higher score because, well I had fun.  This happene with PSO.  Flaws in the graphics like HUGE popups annoyed me, and offline )and possibly online) there's too much repetitiveness (sp?).  But I had loads of fun playing with my friends, so I would tilt the score to bring it up.
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2003, 06:42:54 AM »
Well, rather than trying to figure out what the tilt value needs to be to bring up the average, I would rather just say how much fun I had playing the game.  
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2003, 07:50:57 AM »
Heh.  Your right.  I never thought of how complicated it would be to fiqure out the tilt value.

Me=not smart
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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2003, 10:57:39 AM »
I don't give an average score, since that would imply all the details are equal. But since I rank several being higher than others (like gameplay is means more to me than graphics), an average just wouldn't work for me. So for me, overall is how much fun I had with it.
If the graphics are bad, I'll ignore them.
If the style's been used before, I won't care. I don't get sick of styles.
If the story is weak, I'll make up my own.
I only care about gameplay.

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2003, 06:53:24 PM »
My opinion = Grey Ninja's opinion.  And both times I typed opinion just then I typed opnion first. . .

Hitman, unlike you, I love the combo system.  It feels much better to me than running randomly about in OoT, bopping people with swords.  And, unlike the other two 3-D Zeldas, the other items you have are actually useful in battle (like bombs, boomerang, even deku leaf).  In OoT and MM, they were relatively useless.  The fighting in this game is very dynamic, and if you killed the plot, the graphics, the music, the gameplay, and everything but the fighting, I'd still pay a full fifty bucks just for a bit of hack and slash
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline GoldShadow1

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2003, 11:02:10 PM »
Wind Waker was good, but the dungeon design didn't seem to be near as good as in Majora's Mask.  There were few very unique ideas (although the character-switching was pretty cool).  There simply wasn't any dungeon that could compare to the last two MM dungeons (upside-down! Brilliant!  altophobia!) or the better OOT dungeons (Forest, water, spirit, maybe shadow).  Yet the sense of exploration was awesome.  I loved sailing.  The map was too formulaic though - it takes some of the fun out of the exploration when each and every square is contains a single main island.  It seems to game-ish and unrealistic. I wish there was at least one continent, too.

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2003, 03:19:00 PM »

Originally posted by: GoldShadow1
Wind Waker was good, but the dungeon design didn't seem to be near as good as in Majora's Mask.  There were few very unique ideas (although the character-switching was pretty cool).  There simply wasn't any dungeon that could compare to the last two MM dungeons (upside-down! Brilliant!  altophobia!) or the better OOT dungeons (Forest, water, spirit, maybe shadow).  Yet the sense of exploration was awesome.  I loved sailing.  The map was too formulaic though - it takes some of the fun out of the exploration when each and every square is contains a single main island.  It seems to game-ish and unrealistic. I wish there was at least one continent, too.

Whoa, you read my mind.  Especially th part about Majora's Mask.
"You can't act like your opinion on something is the way it IS."-m_c

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2003, 03:29:24 PM »
All I want to say is that mirror puzzle in the Earth Temple was the best @#$%ing puzzle in a game ever. O_O It wasn't hard at all, but it was so friggin AWESOME. That's all.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2003, 09:57:44 PM »
Mouse - Uh... why?  What was so great about it?  The Spirit Temple in OoT did the used the exact same idea, except without the second character.  It was pretty good IMO, but I was hoping that it would zoom out and show that the beams of light are actually in the shape of the Triforce.  That would've been cool.

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2003, 01:54:31 PM »
No, the mirror puzzle was much more complicated and refined in WW.  It's been a while since I've played the Spirit Temple in OoT, but that one was definitely much less fun.  The puzzle itself was better than a lot of the parts in OoT, and all the two character cooperation did was improve it.  Fun puzzle.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2003, 02:45:44 PM »
The Spirit Temple was my favorite dungeon in OoT, but it's mirror puzzles were very simple and very small- Wind Waker took the same idea and expanded very heavily on it. The cooperation added a whole new level, as well. Like I said, the puzzle wasn't difficult at all, but it so damn rewarding I couldn't help but feel ecstatic upon completion.
"You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2003, 07:14:14 AM »
Earth temple was my favourite WW dungeon.  In fact, in OoT, it was the Spirit Temple and in MM it was the Stone Tower. So it's pretty obvious that light reflecting dungeons are my favourite kind, and the team with Medli, that was the best. I hope to see more like that in future Zelda games.
If the graphics are bad, I'll ignore them.
If the style's been used before, I won't care. I don't get sick of styles.
If the story is weak, I'll make up my own.
I only care about gameplay.

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RE:The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2003, 05:53:23 PM »
I prefer brighter levels. . . I'd say Tower of the Gods for WW, Dodongo's Cavern OoT, and topsy turvey place in MM.  Though that those are very hard decisions to make, and I should probably that my favorites change depending on my mood.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

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RE: The Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker : My personal review
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2003, 06:02:47 PM »
Heh.  My favorites in OoT and MM were the Spirit Temple and the Stone Tower Temple, respectively.  Reason being that I simply liked the music and atmosphere for both.

But yes, I think that the Earth Temple in Wind Waker was the best for similar reasons.  The mirror puzzle just ruled.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean