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Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:12:09 PM »
Is there any hope left for the gaming industry? Only the #PS4NoDRM knows.

When we last left our intrepid heroes, Donald was ready to ragequit the entire industry... could Nintendo or Sony save the day? After a recap of post-E3 Microsoft hilarity (most of which is now  invalid thanks to 8:1 preorder ratios and the United States armed forces), the crew dives into the Sony press event. Needless to say, one five minute period saved everything, but did another five minute period cost Sony some PS4 controller sales? And how many press conferences contain Tesla coil shotguns AND Octodad?

Before moving onto Nintendo, you'll hear from Nintendo World Report community manager JP Corboran on his E3 thoughts. Much money will be spent, and many copies of FIFA will be purchased. Also, if you don't like Mario 3D World, you're a communist and a fascist.

Finally, it comes to Nintendo, in a segment plagued with as many technical issues as the Nintendo Direct itself was. Megatons are discussed, tears are shed over Retro's choice to take another run at Donkey Kong instead of lowering themselves to Metroid (That's enough - Ed) and everyone loses their mind over X, except Stephen who, you can probably tell, was crazy by this section anyway. Nintendo couldn't win E3, but did they at least try for the silver?

The team will reconvene in a few days to get over their own E3 hangovers, and are looking forward to your comments - send them by email to or leave them here. Until next time, #DealWithIt.

This episode was edited by Austen Parken, Stephen Shook and Donald Theriault. All music contained in this episode is used in accordance with fair use provisions.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 11:15:08 PM »
For the record, my prediction that the "console wars were over" was based on the assumption that Microsoft would actually try to sell their DRM box to the public. They've since changed their policies to copy Sony's, so the war is now "on", not "over".  :P:   Nintendo, however, is still the loser between the three.  ;)
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Offline Sarail

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2013, 01:32:35 AM »
In your opinion. Let's get that straight first. Because Nintendo will profit both from console sales and, mainly, from software sales. It's been this way since the beginning of time for Nintendo. And this, in turn, makes them a winner.

Just because they ruffle your feathers ≠ "loser."

As far as general perception among Western core gamers concerning the Wii U and Nintendo...? Yeah, go jump off a cliff. The industry doesn't need any more shooty mcbang-bang "AAA" game development. Just die already.
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Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 10:02:01 PM »
Haven't listened yet (still catching up), but I assume I am mentioned at some point since I am mentioned more than anyone else, lol (almost every episode). Maybe at some point you can have me on for an actual discussion?
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 10:20:30 PM »
Haven't listened yet (still catching up), but I assume I am mentioned at some point since I am mentioned more than anyone else, lol (almost every episode). Maybe at some point you can have me on for an actual discussion?

We're recording a new episode Saturday night, but get in touch w/ us on PM or Twitter and I'm sure we can work something out for a future episode.
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Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 10:22:57 PM »
Def, would be pretty interesting (no matter the topic). Might be awhile if you record on Sat nights since the next 3 Saturdays I am working til 10PM ET.
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Offline azeke

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2013, 02:38:36 AM »
I kinda wanted to hear what main podcast team had to say about other E3 conferences, but i'll take what i can get.
While i can understand people's emotions, i don't think Sony announcing that they're not following MS lead can be considered as a major point to Sony.

You can't "win" by doing absolutely nothing. Well, Luigi can, but that's it.

Also them announcing that they're ALSO hiding online beyond paywall was a MAJOR turn off. They obviously timed this announcement to ride that MS hate wave to sneak this in.

I already have little to no reasons to buy PS4 or Xbox One considering i have good gaming PC and most projects will also be there.

Adding Driveclub to PS4 PS+ program makes sense, cause they have to have something, anything, considering none of the PS3 games won't work.

Be it Destiny or Titanfall -- both look meh to me, i also don't understand how MMOFPS gonna work. Wall running and jumping in Titanfall looks good though, reminds me of traversal tricks from UT2003/2004.

I mean i am just as easily dazzled by "grafix" as any dudebro and i love souped up visuals in new consoles, but i wish it was backed up by interesting gameplay rather than "console online-oriented dual stick auto-aim shooter with XP system to hang a carrot before your face" (basically every single word in this description is my personal turn-off). And again, i can also get this on PC even if i cared enough.

As to their other games:

Driveclub -- nope. Killzone -- ahaha, nope.

Knack -- i've watched like 40 minutes of the game, it just look so boring.

Dark Sorcerer -- a demo. I don't even know what it is. Movie making tool of sorts?

Order trailer -- cool setting, i guess.

Infamous -- i still haven't finished ACII on PC and still have Brotherhood and ACIII unplayed. I don't need another city roaming simulator.

Indie games -- might be cool. On my PC. Or even on my freaking Wii U.

Xbox, Ubisoft and even EA conference had more interesting games (as in more than zero). And even then most games even in Microsoft conference will be on PC.

On Nintendo's being safe with releases, this probably has to do with Iwata betting his head that he will make a sizable profit this year.

But i agree it's gonna be "interesting" in both bad and good ways when they will be out of their viable 5+ million selling franchises to milk. Good way would be going with B or new franchises and trying to elevate them, bad way would be going for second round on the same NSMB, Mario Kart and others sales monsters. Which they're admittedly already doing with Super Luigi...

On Mario Kart 8 hover mode, am i the only one who liked how wheels turned horizontal like Delorean did in BTTF 2? On the game itself -- looks great, lightning is amazing, but eh. Will probably skip it.

It's a shame that they're charging for Art Academy instruments for MiiVerse, i mean paying for possibility to draw with more colours than just b/w... I think this should be free, cause artists on MiiVerse are drawing absolutely mindblowing pieces everyday and they're promoting your system and now they're trying to get money from them to add more colored crayons and brushes. It's kinda low.

Wind Waker HD... Eh. I beat it last year and i am not keen on replaying it even if i LOVED it aside from usual Zelda puzzles crap.

And i still keep shaking my head everytime people say they think Retro is anywhere near with Nintendo's best studios.

On Bayonetta 2 i had a funny stupid thought if her hair is now short, her clothing is now made from hair from other places. She even has wing-like hair under her arm. Ew.

Talks about "winning" next-gen based on sales are stupid. Especially if you break your own rules in your "analysis" by excluding THE biggest factor turning your already flawed premise of measuring company e-peens into complete joke.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2013, 04:28:25 AM »
I kinda wanted to hear what main podcast team had to say about other E3 conferences, but i'll take what i can get.

That's what the half hour raw E3 Teaser was, which you can find here. Amusingly, that was actually meant to be our main E3 show, but due to technical difficulties we lost over half our audio (Sony & Nintendo). So when we recorded the 2nd show, it became the main show w/ Sony & Nintendo talk rather than a general recap.

I might get around to talking about the rest of that post when it's not 4:30 in the morning.  Suffice it to say we disagree on some things.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2013, 09:51:16 AM »


Also them announcing that they're ALSO hiding online beyond paywall was a MAJOR turn off. They obviously timed this announcement to ride that MS hate wave to sneak this in.


Be it Destiny or Titanfall -- both look meh to me, i also don't understand how MMOFPS gonna work. Wall running and jumping in Titanfall looks good though, reminds me of traversal tricks from UT2003/2004.


Knack -- i've watched like 40 minutes of the game, it just look so boring.

Dark Sorcerer -- a demo. I don't even know what it is. Movie making tool of sorts?

On Mario Kart 8 hover mode, am i the only one who liked how wheels turned horizontal like Delorean did in BTTF 2? On the game itself -- looks great, lightning is amazing, but eh. Will probably skip it.


It's a shame that they're charging for Art Academy instruments for MiiVerse, i mean paying for possibility to draw with more colours than just b/w... I think this should be free, cause artists on MiiVerse are drawing absolutely mindblowing pieces everyday and they're promoting your system and now they're trying to get money from them to add more colored crayons and brushes. It's kinda low.


Talks about "winning" next-gen based on sales are stupid. Especially if you break your own rules in your "analysis" by excluding THE biggest factor turning your already flawed premise of measuring company e-peens into complete joke.

Alright let's do this now that I have it trimmed a little.

On the PS+ Multi Pay wall I mention as much both times we recorded this segment, the lost and the published.  In general the feeling is that PS+ is such a good deal anyway you probably should have had it already.  I do agree that the PS3 version of PS+ is a good deal if you have the time and space but, that doesn't necessarily mean the PS4 one will be as good.  Now if you can do gaming as a subscription for ~$13 a month (WoW Subscription) that might be another story.

Yeah, there is a dynamic that just doesn't allow a lot of play for encounter designers when everyone has a ranged weapon.  Rift and SWTOR tried to do it.  I actually played their classes that attempted it.  Its interesting using a gun to heal someone but, very much only for a certain type of person.

Knack looks better in some of the later stuff but, I'm personally probably going to wait till it goes to the $30 or PS+ freebie level.  I want to play it but, by no stretch does it look like a $60 game to me.

Dark Sorcerer is just a tech Demo.  They wanted to see what the system could do.  Its amusing enough on its own.  Though it be more interesting if it was like Nintendo's Zelda demo from E3 2012 where you could move the camera in the scene and switch the lighting.

I do like that the wheels goes horizontal.  Though in general I don't like the Kart Designs since Mario Kart Wii.  They don't have the Whimsy that DS and before have.  Especially Double Dash.  I hope they use the extra time they have to get the karts back to fun rather then realistic like.

Artists, in general, are use to paying a premium for premium tools (see Copic Markers).  As long as Nintendo keeps the barrier to entry low I think it will help keep down people just doodling bloody drawings for the kicks of it.  I don't think $2-5 dollars is a bad price since it seems to have chalk and some different things like that as well.

Now to the last one.  What would you measure it by?  Seriously enough.  How do you quantify winning a generation?  From a Business Perspective its whoever made the most profit.  Nintendo, from the numbers we have, can enjoy Victory in most generation by that metric.

From a Gamer Perspective its who has the most content that appeals to you and the majority of other gamers.  Using that perspective it actually would not be very hard to argue Sony or Microsoft.

Is it the Legacy of the Console?  Using that metric I could argue that the Dreamcast won its generation.  It has a far reaching legacy.  (Obvious influence on the XBox controller for one.)

Sales is the most pure of the numbers for this.  Its just a count of how many units were sold and by rough extension how many people have the console in question.  It is the only number that we as a community have regular access to to make that determination.  On the flipside the Platform holders have much better numbers then we have.  They now how many are sold.  How many check in, make no mistake ALL the systems will check in at some point.  The numbers from things like Club Nintendo.  Even how much time people spent on different games.

As a community we feel the need to declare a winner.  Which as a community we really do by feel.  Sales numbers are just a way to back are guts interest.  Though Wii is the clear winner of this last generation.  Anyone argueing otherwise is in the Hardware level school of thinking for Generations.  Which if that is the case then GBA might have beat Super Nintendo, DS proabably beat Playstation, and 3Ds has a chance at dethroning the PS2.
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Offline azeke

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2013, 10:14:41 AM »
Yeah, there is a dynamic that just doesn't allow a lot of play for encounter designers when everyone has a ranged weapon.  Rift and SWTOR tried to do it.  I actually played their classes that attempted it.  Its interesting using a gun to heal someone but, very much only for a certain type of person.
Have you played Team Fortress 2? I honestly have never played a better shooter. It has it all: healing classes, melee oriented classes, range oriented classes. For a year or so it was all i played.

Too bad about hats though.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Nintendo Free Radio E3 2013 Main Event
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2013, 10:40:27 AM »
Yeah, there is a dynamic that just doesn't allow a lot of play for encounter designers when everyone has a ranged weapon.  Rift and SWTOR tried to do it.  I actually played their classes that attempted it.  Its interesting using a gun to heal someone but, very much only for a certain type of person.
Have you played Team Fortress 2? I honestly have never played a better shooter. It has it all: healing classes, melee oriented classes, range oriented classes. For a year or so it was all i played.

Too bad about hats though.
I have, though I haven't played since the new mode was introduced.  Team Fortress 2 I would not characterize as an MMO in the vein of WoW, Rift, SWTOR, FF:XI, etc.  The main difference is, at least till the new mode that I haven't played, its PvP.  Which has the opposite problem in its own way.  Its hard to make Melee relevant when you have any Range.

In PvE their are only certain encounter mechanics that really work when everyone has a viable range option.  Those being Boss Kiting between everyone and effectively dancing.  Positioning bosses and absorbing huge hits, tanks traditional role, are largely not overly useful with these mechanics.  They are also, in general, more sensitive to Lag spikes because the time factor is one of the few things you can really tweak on these.

Though they could just go the Monster Hunter route which ditches the traditional types and make everyone be able to be on equal footing.  The disadvantage of this is that you lose the Massive part.  Honestly MonHun wouldn't work with a party of hunters much above the 4.
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