Re-applying for Skell Insurance.
What happens if your Skell is destroyed a fifth time, sixth time, or even an eighth time? Skell Insurance allows your destroyed Skell to be fixed for free up to three times. However, the insurance won’t be valid after the fourth time, and you will have to pay an expensive fee to get it fixed.
After you have paid the expensive fee to get your Skell fixed from being destroyed a fourth time, do you then have new Skell insurance on it, or do you have the option to choose to purchase new Skell Insurance on it that would cover you for another three repairs? If either of these is the case, then you would not have to pay an expensive fee to get it repaired again until the eighth time that it is destroyed. Then, the cycle would start over again with new Skell Insurance for another three free fixes after the twelfth, sixteenth, twentieth, etc… times.
Otherwise, after the third time that your Skell gets destroyed, will there be no more Skell Insurance at all? If this is the case, then from then on, every time your Skell is destroyed (fourth, fifth, sixth, etc…), then you would have to pay another expensive fee right away in order to get it fixed again.