Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 712813 times)

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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1475 on: February 26, 2018, 02:27:04 AM »
Assassin's Creed: Original! (PC):

So I'd sworn off  this series after really disliking Unity, and as part of a general determination to not waste my time with these treadmill open world games. But I just got off a long work project and had a hard hankering for a big old bloated AAA western studio game, and Origins was really well received, and well . . .

I'm like 12 hours in. I kind of hate it and also find something deeply satisfying about fucking with a big checklist, quest marker-chasing game like this after having avoided it for two years.

-Positive: It looks really good on medium-high settings and runs shockingly well on my mid-range Acer laptop. I actually only pulled the trigger with the idea that it wouldn't even be playable. I think I've got it at 720, but my screen is two feet from my face and I don't even notice.

-Negative: The game isn't really fun to play on a moment-to-moment level. Everything basically works, though your character feels a bit like a hunk of meat you're throwing around, and the lack of a sprint function on either foot or camel gives things an overly sluggish feel, especially when the game in so massive and involves so much running back and forth between objectives.

-Positive: I was really not enjoying the opening sections, and I stopped to just ride a camel across most of the map, and there was something weirdly impressive and satisfying about it, and it kind of smoothed out the "come up" of engaging with the game.

-Negative: Egypt is kinda boring, predictably. Only a few small low-height urban areas, lots and lots of desert with absolutely nothing in it (realistic!), many copy-and-paste riverside farming areas, 95% stupid bandit camps and military forts.

-Positive: No more climbing futzing, which reached a nadir with Unity!

-Negative: They solved the climbing problem by basically just wrapping a climbing mesh on everything. Outside of the occasional pillar or unique object, the world feels like it's made of some chintzy sub-fabric that you can generically scramble around on. Nothing like the actual platforming and climbing puzzles of the Ezio games remains, and it really takes meat out of the experience.

-Positive: There's lots to do, and they manage to sift around sidequests and generally funnel progress in a way that takes you through most of the points of interest.

-Negative: There are very few types of activities. Investigations are a joke, and almost all missions end up killing bandits or otherwise engaging in combat.

-Positive: There's a cut-away with a rowing galley ship in the Aegian Sea that makes me wish I was playing a Mediterranean 0 BC Black Flag instead.

-Negative: Stealth options feel very gimped, and it feels futile to try to approach most situations this way given the general design and geography. So it's combat focused with all the weapons and everything, but it manages to feel very shallow and annoyingly resistive at the same time (a different mix from the equally bad Unity combat).

-Positive: They got rid of the awful Unity garter belts-and-wristband armor system and just reduced everything down to basic attributes like armor, attack strength, and quiver size.

-Negative: This involves an annoying crafting and loot system that I'd really rather just not have to pay attention to and earn upgrades through actual game tasks. But alas

« Last Edit: February 26, 2018, 02:34:46 AM by MagicCow64 »

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1476 on: March 16, 2018, 02:17:25 AM »
As promised:

Celeste (PC):

So I saw this get some heat and checked it out because I hadn't played a challenge platformer in a while. I found it complexly insufferable. On a handling level, it's technically okay. I think it mis-apprehends the sense of weight and precarity that made Super Meat Boy so good. The cling mechanic lends a weird constipation to the flow of the platforming. The centerpiece boost mechanic is I think fundamentally not a good core platforming tool. The directional inputs are too fiddly and the constant jolt of rigid movement (with its own timer) doesn't work for me in a twitchy context. Add to that, the levels are very long and uneven, with occasional grating gimmicks. And there's a super-cringy fadora-emo narrative that frequently intrudes. I kind of hate it.

The End is Nigh (PC):

Somehow despite loving Super Meat Boy I lost track of this one, until playing Celeste and wanting to cleanse my palate. It makes an intriguing decision to maintain the general feel and exhilarating air control of SMB, but takes away wall jumps. In the place of wall jumping there's an edge grip mechanic that facilitates different kinds of jumping and space engagement. It might sound minor in the abstract, but it leads to a significantly different experience, extenuated by a branching world-scoped level structure instead of the microshots of SMB. I would say it feels a bit "small" for some reason, but it plays like a dream and I managed to beat the final Nevermore chapter. Which was facilitated by a brilliant engagement system in the form of collectible tumors and carts. You can collect a tumor in every level, and it turns out that these are a life cap in the "dark world". The retro challenge carts, if you can beat them, give you a pool of lives on top of this for the crowning sequence. Plus there are some extra-dick hard cartridges you can do if you really want to hurt yourself. There's a pleasing sense of humanity to completing this game that wasn't present enough in SMB, in which Cotton Alley mocks, even if you beat the dark world version of the main game.

I can see complaints about the black and white art style of the game; I think it meshes with the irino-grim perspective and manages to communicate everything it needs to (and contrast is a significant element of the "hunting secrets" part of the game), but you know maybe some color wouldn't have hurt.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 02:28:18 AM by MagicCow64 »

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1477 on: March 16, 2018, 08:09:21 PM »

So I really enjoyed Boom Blox on Wii. It was simple, but well executed and felt like they packed in as much content as possible around the key concept of knocking over a tower of blocks.  So I was curious to see how Boom Blox Bash Party (also Wii) would improve on the formula since it received higher ratings.

Amusingly I just finished this up recently as well. We must have been the only people on Earth playing Boom Blox 2 in 2018 haha. Didn't do all of the bonus levels for basically the same reasons you named.

I never played the first one, but yeah didn't really like this one. It has that weird thing going on where it feels curiously MORE dated than many Gamecube releases. The presentation with its still images and low-tier animation are a bit on the lazy side and the whole thing just looks really rough and a bit garish.

I'm glad many people had fun with this series back in the Wii heydays, and I'll even admit the multiplayer was mildly amusing for half an hour. But on the whole it's a functional, but pretty flawed experience. Two stars.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1478 on: March 17, 2018, 12:19:43 AM »
Let's give a bit of an update, shall we?

I find Darksiders: Warmastered Edition to be painfully tedious. You know what would be neat? If the combo counter in the game meant anything. That would encourage me to play a lot more aggressive/careful instead of slapping on the life-leech enhancement onto the sword and going to town.

I got the Hookshot, which ended up contributing to the dungeon and boss battle that felt the best realized out of all those I've seen in the game so far. Most of the dungeons have a derelict, post-apocalyptic feel, but this one in particular is pretty different from the others in terms of aesthetic and design. There's a fair bit of backtracking in it, as well, although that doesn't necessarily mean dungeons are interconnected in any sort of non-linear fashion. I'll definitely get into this in a later, more wordy analysis, but for a combat-oriented, heavily linear Zelda-like, it's inoffensive, but it's just so bland and tedious that it's hard to get through.

So, in the meantime, I've returned to Code Name S.T.E.A.M.

I absolutely adore this game, although in reality, it's a far cry from a strategy game. Yes, you can experiment with your team setup and loadout in order to take on levels in different ways, but from a certain point in the narrative onward, it is pretty evident what members will be of most use to you. In truth, the game doesn't really let you play with options until you go out of your way to obtain all of the hidden gears in each level, as the last boiler that it unlocks adds incredible utility to any wearer that it really opens things up. Likewise, there is a steep currency grind in order to unlock all of the weapons, and it's unlikely that you'll be able to equip some of the support members with useful weaponry until you've put a fair dent into that amount.

Some people say that Code Name S.T.E.A.M. is too hard. Those people are dumb. The game is extremely generous with how it lets you deal with enemies, and the only area where I would say it gets relatively punishing is when it throws large amounts of overwatch-immune enemies at you. Which is like, in three maps. There's plenty of strategy to be found, but if you want to maximize your currency gain, you have to play the levels in a rather conservative manner, which the game doesn't appreciate. People seem to have an issue with how enemies continuously spawn in this game, but I don't understand why- they offer more currency, and often go down in a hit or two.

There's so many mechanics that are really fantastic, here: overwatch is nothing new, but it works well, the stun mechanics are great, the passive abilities are underrated (and a great way to buff your team for the skirmish), weapon types have great variety and utility, and movement is super fun. I wish more people had taken the time to check this game out, as it's hard to find anyone online, which is a whole other aspect of the title.

Oh yeah, and you pilot a train that transforms into a GIANT MECHANICAL ABRAHAM LINCOLN!
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1479 on: March 17, 2018, 07:00:17 PM »
I'm at the point in Toki Tori 2 where things really open up. It's a really good gane to have on the switch and just pick up before bed to chip away at.

Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1480 on: March 18, 2018, 11:16:45 AM »
I've been playing a ton of Nioh on the PS4 after the complete edition was on sale for about $25 on PSN a few weeks back. The game has some serious storytelling problems, but I'm finding the combat very satisfying. Like Bloodborne, the game really emphasizes aggressive combos & stance changes over defense & evasion. The level-based format also really allows the game to have wildly divergent locations without having to worry about how they all link up.

The big downside to all this, though, is that the game's sidequests largely re-use locations from the main campaign, in many cases multiple times. This can lead to the game feeling a bit repetitive. The game also focuses way more on loot acquisition & management than I care for in this type of game.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1481 on: March 21, 2018, 10:40:49 PM »
Since my job has moved back into our old building, old rules are back where we have a ban on devices that record or potentially connect to the internet. This leaves out my 3DS, but I dug out my GBA SP & since the jerk boss that banned that for no reason no longer works here, we're back in action! With only a 30min lunch, I've been leaving the deeper games at home. Still...

Metal Slug Advance- Apparently using actual controllers on Wii & PC have spoiled me because I'm struggling on the first boss of this game when I know I got further than this back when I first got it.

Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo- Still don't like the game, still suck at it, but until I can find where I put Kirby's Star Stacker...


Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1482 on: March 22, 2018, 08:44:19 AM »
... dug out my GBA ...

Nice!  GBA was such a sweet little console. I've still got my much-loved GBA Micro downstairs with the Final Fantasy ports and Atari Advance, just waiting for a good reason to bring it out again.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1483 on: March 23, 2018, 09:03:49 AM »
Monster Hunter: World is great.  You should play it.

Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1484 on: March 23, 2018, 10:55:23 AM »
Monster Hunter: World is great.  You should play it.

I would, but there's too much expensive other stuff coming out right now (No No Kuni 2 just came out, along with Burnout Paradise, and I still have My Hero Academia S2 & God of War in April). I probably won't be able to afford it till May, let alone have time for it.

Finished Nioh. That game gets super loot-grindy in New Game+ & the DLC in a way that really doesn't click with me. The game overall is excellent, though.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1485 on: March 23, 2018, 10:59:42 AM »
Monster Hunter: World is great.  You should play it.

I would, but there's too much expensive other stuff coming out right now (No No Kuni 2 just came out, along with Burnout Paradise, and I still have My Hero Academia S2 & God of War in April). I probably won't be able to afford it till May, let alone have time for it.

Understandable.  I'm waiting on Burnout Paradise til I can find it for $20.  Still undecided on God of War, but the gameplay trailers have looked better than I expected it to.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1486 on: April 18, 2018, 03:01:23 PM »
Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DSiWare) has been on my "should play" list for ages, but I never seemed to get more than an hour or two into the game before being interrupted and moving to something else.  Finally sat down long enough to get into the game, and kicking myself for not doing it earlier because I'm having lots of fun.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1487 on: April 20, 2018, 10:32:04 PM »
Monster Hunter: World is great.  You should play it.

I would, but there's too much expensive other stuff coming out right now (No No Kuni 2 just came out, along with Burnout Paradise, and I still have My Hero Academia S2 & God of War in April). I probably won't be able to afford it till May, let alone have time for it.

Understandable.  I'm waiting on Burnout Paradise til I can find it for $20.  Still undecided on God of War, but the gameplay trailers have looked better than I expected it to.

Put a few hours into God of War tonight before I had to put it down out of fatigue,'s excellent, and the press who rushed to put out spoiler-rific headlines on their websites & social media feeds to farm clicks (namely USGamer), can go **** themselves.

I've mainly been playing Ni No Kuni 2 &...yes, Monster Hunter World.

Ni No Kuni 2 is good, but it has no real surprises whatsoever. The plot plays out pretty much exactly as you think it would, the characters are so one-dimensional they make the cast from the first game look nuanced by comparison, and the game is incredibly...stupidly...easy. That said, it's a very comfortable game to play, something you can just throw in & relax with for a few hours. And while I have issues with how blurry the edges of the character models are, the game does have fantastic art direction.

As for Monster Hunter World, I've put over 40 hours into it, and it's really not my thing. The big weak point is the combat, which feels clumsy & random next to games like Bloodborne or Nioh. It doesn't help that the lock-on camera actually makes combat worse by not locking your character into a dueling stance. It feels like you spend 90% of your time chasing after a monster, you mash away at it and watch meaningless numbers fly by (because there's no indication of what kind of damage you're doing relative to the monster's health pool), the monster runs away, wash, rinse, repeat.

The setpiece battles are nice, and I feel like I could really get into this game if it wasn't so clunky.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1488 on: April 22, 2018, 03:34:44 AM »
Dammit ejamer now you got me doing it!

Shantae: Risky's Revenge(Director's Cut) - Steam

As fun as this game is, one part reaffirms my dislike of coffee. I know I have one of the sequels from the WiiU eshop. If I ever finish this, I should give that a go one of these days.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1489 on: April 22, 2018, 06:32:42 AM »
Dammit ejamer now you got me doing it!

Shantae: Risky's Revenge(Director's Cut) - Steam

As fun as this game is, one part reaffirms my dislike of coffee. I know I have one of the sequels from the WiiU eshop. If I ever finish this, I should give that a go one of these days.

Awesome!  I just finished Risky's Revenge, and definitely enjoyed it. It's a short experience, and only took about 6 hours playing at a very leisurely (and often interrupted) pace.

There are a couple of fetch-questy moments that could have been annoying, but didn't bother me at all. Maybe playing lots of retro games helped, since as I always seemed to find just what I was looking for without any trouble. In one case I even had all the golden MacGuffins before they were even requested.

Hope you enjoy the game as much as I did!
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1490 on: April 22, 2018, 08:58:14 AM »
Monster Hunter: World is great.  You should play it.

I would, but there's too much expensive other stuff coming out right now (No No Kuni 2 just came out, along with Burnout Paradise, and I still have My Hero Academia S2 & God of War in April). I probably won't be able to afford it till May, let alone have time for it.

Understandable.  I'm waiting on Burnout Paradise til I can find it for $20.  Still undecided on God of War, but the gameplay trailers have looked better than I expected it to.

As for Monster Hunter World, I've put over 40 hours into it, and it's really not my thing. The big weak point is the combat, which feels clumsy & random next to games like Bloodborne or Nioh. It doesn't help that the lock-on camera actually makes combat worse by not locking your character into a dueling stance. It feels like you spend 90% of your time chasing after a monster, you mash away at it and watch meaningless numbers fly by (because there's no indication of what kind of damage you're doing relative to the monster's health pool), the monster runs away, wash, rinse, repeat.

The setpiece battles are nice, and I feel like I could really get into this game if it wasn't so clunky.

Ah, sorry to hear that.  Yeah, the combat isn't as elegant as other series, but playing with friends, those set piece battles, and how your hunt can get entangled with other roaming beasts makes the game really feel fresh and dynamic in a way to me.  I actually thought this Monster Hunter game has a lot less time chasing down monsters than prior games I've played, but maybe it's just because each hunt's map isn't as segmented by load screens as prior games were.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1491 on: April 22, 2018, 10:34:34 AM »
I'm about maybe 6 hours into Nier:Automata (PS4), and I'm really liking where it's going so far.  Since most podcasts I heard last year made it sound like the early parts of the games were slow/boring, I'm really pumped to see where the story takes me as I get deeper into it.

The gameplay is broken up into different parts.  The majority of it plays out like the original Devil May Cry, 3rd person action game, chain combos to kill enemies and timing dodges.  BUT, there are sequences where you jump into a small mech and the gameplay suddenly changes into a side-scrolling shooter.  None of these gameplay sequences are incredibly deep, but I enjoy them enough to where it hasn't gotten grating so far. 

There's just also been clearly a lot of thought put into small details of this game I appreciate.  Part of how you level up is by using slots in a bar on your menu to add certain ability chips.  BUT, part of that bar includes things from your HUD (life bar, exp bar, mini-map, sonar) so if you want to be really chancey, you can remove those slots to add extra buffs or abilities.  A really funny thing I encountered is that you can remove your "OS" chip, and that automatically kills you and acts as one of the many "endings" you can get to in the game

There's just a lot of funny little details like that I'm really appreciating in this game.  Given the buzz this game had last year, I'm looking forward to diving deeper into it.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1492 on: April 23, 2018, 10:14:58 AM »

Just finished it & I did! Still some locked achievements, but I'm not worrying about all that.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 10:22:41 AM by GK »

Offline lolmonade

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1493 on: April 26, 2018, 12:18:03 PM »
I drilled down to ending A of Nier:Automata and started on story B this week.  Where you play as the android character 2B in the first run, you play as her partner 9S in the second.  Although you are playing through nearly the same story beats so far, his character has much different combat abilities, AND the player perspective of the actions you're taking through the game so far have shifted somewhat by the way his abilities interact with enemies and the additional snippets of information you're given through him. 

This game is sucking me in more than I anticipated, now i'm delaying progressing in the story further so I can seek out side quests, which so far from what I've seen also serve to flesh out some of the larger narratives as well (tried-and-true trope of "what makes us human", mostly).
« Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 01:39:10 PM by lolmonade »

Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1494 on: April 26, 2018, 01:26:37 PM »
Man, Ni No Kuni 2 has absolutely no ambitions towards taking a single creative risk. *sigh* In CH. 9 (the Final Chapter), and it's so lacking in compelling motivation.
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Offline lolmonade

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1495 on: April 27, 2018, 08:16:35 AM »
Man, Ni No Kuni 2 has absolutely no ambitions towards taking a single creative risk. *sigh* In CH. 9 (the Final Chapter), and it's so lacking in compelling motivation.

You speaking narratively, or gameplay-wise?

Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1496 on: April 27, 2018, 09:26:48 AM »
Man, Ni No Kuni 2 has absolutely no ambitions towards taking a single creative risk. *sigh* In CH. 9 (the Final Chapter), and it's so lacking in compelling motivation.

You speaking narratively, or gameplay-wise?

Both, really. The gameplay is bog-standard JRPG outside of the Little King's Story-style RTS sections that are largely optional.

Meanwhile, the story is a 40 hour Care Bears movie. No edge to it whatsoever. Fluffy & tasteless.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1497 on: April 28, 2018, 09:35:47 AM »
I've been playing the new God of War, or Dad of War, as people are calling it lol. What a fantastic game. They outdid themselves this time. It pushes the boundaries of single-player game experiences, I truly believe that.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1498 on: April 28, 2018, 08:52:18 PM »
I'm happy to see how well Dad of War turned out. Definitely planning to pick up a PS4 for non-Switch titles after I graduate and this sounds like a great one to add to the pile.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1499 on: April 30, 2018, 11:56:37 PM »
Outside of the "one-shot, no-cut camera" aspect, how exactly does Dad of War push any boundaries? I'm not trying to be snippy, because I haven't read a single review (save one, which was overly critical) that gives any other evidence outside of that.
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