Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 715427 times)

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Offline oohhboy

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #250 on: December 16, 2013, 09:11:05 AM »
World of Tanks. Played a couple hours. An alright time waster. Had a look at the money store. The prices were at the "Go get fucked level". A very expensive free to play game.
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Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #251 on: December 19, 2013, 03:26:52 AM »
Things i played last week or so.

World of Tanks (Xbox 360 version):
It's kinda shallow. Nothing really to it -- just a regular third person shooter of sorts with tanks of course.
It's alright i guess, but i don't see myself really getting into it.
Played Mii Force while in the lobby waiting for a game to start. Had a lot of streetpasses this weekend.

Scott Pilgrim (Xbox 360):
Got it for 2.5 bucks. Tried out online co-op mode. Super laggy. Whatever, it's more than worth it for singleplayer alone.

Also good if i will have friends over -- though just a demo was fine for that as is -- this demo is so long i never really went into demo limits playing for an hour or so with friends.

Super Mario 3d World (Wii U):
I finally gave in and check a few hints for stamp in 6-3. Finishing off last stars and stuff.

Assassin's Creed III (Wii U):
OMG. Had a marathon of playing it for most of my waking hours for four days straight.

Such a gargantuan game. So many things to do -- so many collectables and stuff. By the end had to consult internet constantly -- for collectables that are hidden or broken and for full sync requirements that i couldn't figure out.

Finished the story and it's not good. Just like in all other Assassin's Creed games, i guess (except probably Revelations). Chapter with father and son was the best probably and that chapter 3 twist was really good. But apart from that -- very dull.

I didn't do any naval missions until almost the end and then did them all in a matter of few hours with full sync. Ironically the tutorial naval mission was the hardest one to full sync. There was also another one later which had another stupid full sync requirement but it wasn't super bad.

Other than that all other naval missions went in a matter of minutes. Which was probably why people liked them so much. Oh and rogue waves:

Homestead mission were another good part. I actually liked them: they were basic enough and you felt like you're making a difference of sorts. I even liked missions where i had to stalk these people while examining their daily routine: it had that feel of chill country life to it. Though Norris did annoyed me somewhat with his laziness and refusal to do anything of note.

Around 90% and 40+ hours into the game i discovered that the game actually has a notebook where you can look up your progress on missions. Stuff i found there made really depressed...

I think doing these missions objectives and collecting stuff took the overwhelming majority of the entire playtime. Delivery requests, hunting map (oh god), feathers, pivots, underground map, chests (including that last one that is hidden and not depicted on any map)...

And i am still 1% away from 100%!

I need to finish thief missions and the last frontiersman objective that requires me to reveal all the maps. And by this point i just don't i know if i have it in me to do it. Because i did and collected everything else by this point i can't even combine activities and basically i have to run all over the cities and frontier to uncover all gray areas. And i just don't know...

I don't like how B makes horse rear because i constantly keep pressing it.

Checked out multiplayer. It became so cluttered, there so much stuff, social and so many modes compared to Brotherhood's multiplayer which was kinda empty.
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Offline shingi_70

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #252 on: December 19, 2013, 11:36:12 AM »
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Etrian Odyessy IV
Denpamen 2
Space Harrier 3D
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #253 on: December 20, 2013, 08:54:21 PM »
Some new games to wash out the blang blang I've caught up on already during my PS3 foster parenting:

This was on sale on the PSN store so I thought I'd give it a shot. It looks/sounds very good, and is scratching the Metroid-style game itch, probably moreso than it would otherwise given the drought of titles like this. I like the chicken and dead world switching mechanics, very smooth, with some tricky platforming. The game seems very short, though, and relies too much on gauntlet rooms as padding. The controls also feel a little bit loose to me, but not a huge deal. So far I'd say this succeeds on style over core gameplay, sort of the opposite of Shadow Complex. Mostly it has me aching for a new 2.5 Metroid picking up after Fusion. 

Heavy Rain:
My first David Cage game since Indigo Prophecy, which I thought was pretty terrible outside of its atmosphere. So far Heavy Rain is super dopey and slow paced, but has a lot of camp value in the stilted dialogue and melodrama. I have a weird hate/love thing for this kind of game, but will assuredly finish it. I'm trying to turn it into a sociopathic behavior simulator to see if I can affect events at all. My favorite run was as the private detective: I forced my way into that prostitute's apartment, asked her no questions as she shouted at me to leave, had an asthma attack, and then walked away as some guy attacked her.

The Wolf Among Us:
I've read the comics up to current issues, so it's weirding me out how they're deviating in some very fundamental ways from the source material while using some of the major characters. This version of the Fable-verse is very grimy and noirish, lots of cursing and wife-beating type violence. Not digging it so much, but will play the next chapter. As always with Telltale, gameplay is meh, but remains weirdly compelling and runs on my shitty old laptop.

Offline magicpixie

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #254 on: December 21, 2013, 10:44:40 PM »
Finally picked up Tearaway during the PSN sale for $17.  The game is full of charm and personality, and I can see why so many people have fallen in love with it.  The creation aspect of the game is integrated really well, and is actually a lot of fun.  At first, I didn't think I'd care for it, but it's quickly become my favourite part of the game.  The camera integration hasn't done much for me, though, but maybe that changes later in the game.  I've heard a lot of praise for the rear touchpad integration, but to me, it's a bit inconsistent.  Maybe it's my Vita, but I'm having trouble getting it to consistently register my touches, especially on inputs that require me to press and hold the touchpad.  The actual gameplay, so far, is ok/good at best.  I don't feel all that connected to the gameworld, and I'm having some difficulty feeling the motivation to keep moving forward.  The levels are mostly seamless, but they feel disjointed, and somehow just disparate.  To me, the creation system is where I've had the most fun.  It feels like a system that becomes more rewarding as you put more effort into it.  Penis-snowflakes are great and all, but as soon as you step out of your twelve year-old self, seeing your imagination rewarded so immediately is a great joy.

Offline Adrock

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #255 on: December 23, 2013, 05:56:27 PM »
As stated in another thread, I just received my Circle Pad Pro XL in the mail so I tried out Kid Icarus Uprising immediately. Right now, the controls are just a different kind of weird. Aiming is better, but moving Pit is now awkward. I heard the controls take some getting used to either way so I hope it's just a case of learning the controls rather than me being especially uncoordinated.

I've been getting through the game okay, but Pit looks like a drunk person while I'm fumbling with the controls. It's still fun though. The style and gameplay are certainly unique. The Circle Pad Pro XL can kind of fit on the 3DS stand, but it's not as sturdy. I just gave up and propped my arms on pillows.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #256 on: December 24, 2013, 12:14:03 AM »
^ Kid Icarus is one the games that use analog controls to distinguish walking and running. On top of that it also throws Sakurai's signature dashing mechanic which i never understood in any of his games.

It won't be much of a problem on earlier levels but in some later levels will require at least some precise positioning of yourself so it's better to get with the grips with it. And of course it's crucial in multiplayer.

As to what i played.

Super Hexagon:
After some fumbling with drivers (Seriously? THIS is the game that crashes unless i have newest video drivers installed? Out of all 70+ games i have on steam? This is the one? Installing new AMD drivers snowballed into installing some other crap i don't want, like .NET Framework 4.5 that surprisingly requires 3 Gb of free space on hard disk? That night was just a constant stream of "Seriously?").

It's mostly the same game as free flash game Cavanagh posted on his site. First "level" is virtually that -- same music and patterns + crazy tilting for extra confusion. Two later levels add more patterns and even more confusing effects. I can't survive for more that 2 seconds  on the hardest one that is available to me (Hexagonest).

I should probably play it with a keyboard -- trying to play it with bumpers on xbox controller just doesn't feel right and i constantly make mistakes. My record on flash version is 50 seconds and i can't do even half of that on Super Hexagon's first level -- maybe it's controls or extra confusion effects or slightly larger hitbox not sure.

Super Mario 3D World:
Beat "Blast Block Skyway" yesterday after whining about it on miiverse. I always had big problems with disappearing blocks (Mega Man's disappearing blocks are fine because they're very slow). The solution is to adapt to their fast rhythm and do small jumps to synchronize with the beat.

After unlocking the very last last last world i beat the last Toad level (pretty cool one) and played a bit of Champion Road. The beginning isn't too bad but then -- disappearing blocks again... I looked up the video walkthrough, but dude was using racoon suit which is kinda cheating. I want to beat it with regular Mario like i did with final secret level of Super Mario 3d Land.

With final world unlocked i am going into the phase where i start replaying levels with all characters. Thankfully i already beat a few of them with all characters already because i deliberately changed characters when replaying levels for stars or stamps. Some of the earlier easier level i obviously cleared with just one character i gather i am going to just breeze through them.

Some people consider it a chore but i don't think of it as one. I am still playing a videogame. Still having fun. I am thankful that the game gives me semi- meaningful reason to keep replaying levels. I do wish i didn't have to beat mystery houses with all characters too though.

Hotline: Miami
They updated it. Yay? Maybe they finally fixed all the bugs?.. Year after release?

Now the game shows me some configuration screen that isn't controller friendly...

My save is now gone. Well not a big deal but it's just yet another additional bug.

Even said configuration screen doesn't even work properly! I set the option to switch bumpers and triggers buttons and it did nothing. V-sync option also doesn't work.

On top of that when i restarted it, the game deleted save again and started from the beginning again.

What a piece of ****. If not for the soundtrack i wouldn't even bother.
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Offline magicpixie

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #257 on: December 24, 2013, 10:53:00 PM »
Gran Turismo 6
It's been a few weeks since I booted the game up, but the changes that PD made to the economy got me back in.  I'm happy to see the daily log-in boosts reinstated.  The game still feels really good, though I feel like the tire model is a bit spotty.  The AI is the weakest part of the game, still, and I hope that any future iterations work on that aspect of the game above adding new cars.  The AI has a tendency to be far too conservative when they're ahead, and far too aggressive when they're behind.  They seem to completely disregard me when they are trying to pass me, and I've often been plowed into by AI hell-bent on making the pass.  I've heard a few people in various podcasts describe the early game in the GT series as a perfect tutorial for beginner drivers, and I couldn't disagree more.  While the system is great for helping beginners come to grips with the handling model and the various physics systems, the short duration of the races, and the motivation to finish first is much more likely to teach beginners to be overly aggressive instead of proper race etiquette, imo.  The fact that they've gated online behind these early races just makes that more of an issue.  To me, I'm more interested in race strategy then in divebombing and sliding through corners.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
I've got a few days off work for the holiday season, and, as such, I've decided to clear out some of the games I started and never finished.  CoJ was one of those games since, at the time, my mouse was really crap and it really hindered my performance.  I jumped back in this morning, and I remembered just how awesome this game was.  For an ADS shooter, the gunplay is remarkably crisp and satisfying.  The game is fast-paced, and the scoring system is rewarding.  I think I'm close to the end, since it's starting to feel repetitive, and from all accounts, the game doesn't overstay its welcome.

Offline Adrock

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #258 on: December 26, 2013, 09:56:52 PM »
I've revisited Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. My goodness, trying to get an S on some of those stages is ridic. I would prefer to unlock everything by playing through the game, but I may just use up Play Coins since I'm not really using the Play Coins for anything else. Right now I have 299 and I'm completely finished Find Mii I and II.

I also played some Resident Evil: Revelaitons on Wii U. I'm still in the middle of Trench difficulty in Raid Mode. I feel like it's more difficult to upgrade than on 3DS. One, you can't use Play Coins to buy weapons. Two, the cost of upgrading things might be higher though it's been a while so I may be imagining things. I've never actually played the Wii U version online. That could make things easier. I don't remember having this much trouble on some of the stages in the 3DS version and I didn't have the Circle Pad Pro.

Also, I've put Kid Icarus Uprising on hold. I haven't had the urge to continue playing even though I know I have to I'm order to get used to the controls.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #259 on: December 26, 2013, 10:41:11 PM »
Super Mario 3D World, Rayman Legends (Wii U), Battlefield 4 (PS4).
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #260 on: December 26, 2013, 11:56:18 PM »
I've been playing a lot of FIFA 14 and Madden 25 on PS4. I basically bought the console because of the convenience of remote play in sports games, and that's allowed me to sink a lot of time into them. I'm really enjoying both of them.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #261 on: December 27, 2013, 09:29:26 AM »
Bioshock (Steam sale), Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and Super Mario 3D World are my current Now Playing titles. I'm seriously impressed by the scope and atmosphere in Bioshock. It's groovy.
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Jet. Force. Gemini. 'Nuff said.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #262 on: December 27, 2013, 10:51:26 AM »
Insano, playing on the toilet much?
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #263 on: December 27, 2013, 05:30:04 PM »
Insano, playing on the toilet much?

No, mainly just in other parts of my house.
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Offline magicpixie

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #264 on: December 28, 2013, 04:35:49 PM »
Started playing a point-and-click adventure game called The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav.  The art style is beautiful, and the animation, while somewhat "incomplete", fits the art style once you get used to it.  The dialogue is fairly well-written, and the voice acting is mostly good.  I have encountered a few lines that don't really match the context of the game, but so far it has been a positive experience.

The puzzles are pretty well-integrated, with plenty of clues to point you in the right direction.  I've found myself stumped a few times, but that's nothing unusual for this genre.  I haven't played many "modern" p&c adventure games, but the increased graphical fidelity makes pixel-hunting much more of a chore.  I find myself just automatically hitting the "highlight everything you can interact with" button instead of just waving my cursor around aimlessly.

Offline Oblivion

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #265 on: December 28, 2013, 04:49:01 PM »
Been playing Skyrim: Legendary Edition and Tales of Xillia.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #266 on: December 28, 2013, 09:25:42 PM »
Been playing Mutant Mudds (3DS). That game gets a lot of love... but I'm not feeling any.

Difficulty is almost always of the "cheap" variety, with projectiles from off-screen enemies being one of my least favorite ways to die. Controls are ok, but have a bunch of little oddities (small extra height boost from jetpack, weird momentum) that makes everything feel slightly less natural and tight than I like in a platformer. Level design is more often boring than anything.

Feels like a throwback to the Commander Keen-type platformer, so maybe if you have nostalgia for old-school PC platformers it would be more appealing? Although they were fun back in the day, I have no interest in revisiting those games and now wish I had listened to my gut after playing the demo and skipped this game despite the strong reviews it had garnered from some corners.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #267 on: December 31, 2013, 02:59:02 AM »
While listening to old RFNs I got to the Super Metroid Retrospective episode (142) and after about 20 minutes of it I picked up the GamePad sitting next to me and started up a new file of the game. Every time I play this it strikes me how quickly it starts; you get the morph ball and two missile tanks before you hit the first save point. I've never actually completed this game, even though on my first ever playthrough on the Wii VC release I got all the way to the beginning of Tourian before drifting away from it.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #268 on: December 31, 2013, 08:24:32 AM »
Been playing Mutant Mudds (3DS). That game gets a lot of love... but I'm not feeling any.

Difficulty is almost always of the "cheap" variety, with projectiles from off-screen enemies being one of my least favorite ways to die. Controls are ok, but have a bunch of little oddities (small extra height boost from jetpack, weird momentum) that makes everything feel slightly less natural and tight than I like in a platformer. Level design is more often boring than anything.

Feels like a throwback to the Commander Keen-type platformer, so maybe if you have nostalgia for old-school PC platformers it would be more appealing? Although they were fun back in the day, I have no interest in revisiting those games and now wish I had listened to my gut after playing the demo and skipped this game despite the strong reviews it had garnered from some corners.

Agreed.  I did enjoy Mutant Mudds before the released all the extra levels - but the new stuff was so punishing and repetitive that, sadly, I never finished it and don't really intend to.  There's "I'm going to make this jump hard" challenging, then there's "I'm going to make this jump require pixel-perfect accuracy and missing it is going to delete your save file and make you start over" challenging. ;)
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #269 on: January 12, 2014, 09:31:47 PM »
I'm slowly working through Metal Gear Rising: Raidenvengeance. It's really good, although I'm having trouble getting the hang of blocking effectively. The TMNT2/Vanilla Ice reference in the sewer level made me laugh out loud.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #270 on: January 12, 2014, 10:57:12 PM »
Agreed.  I did enjoy Mutant Mudds before the released all the extra levels - but the new stuff was so punishing and repetitive that, sadly, I never finished it and don't really intend to.  There's "I'm going to make this jump hard" challenging, then there's "I'm going to make this jump require pixel-perfect accuracy and missing it is going to delete your save file and make you start over" challenging. ;)

Mega Man's one of my favorite all time franchises and I really felt the Mutant Mudds love.  I doubled up on the Wii U version when it was on sale and I got through it a 2nd time.  It was really challenging at points but I felt the controls were fair and I couldn't blame deaths on them.  If you are digging the game at all, but find it too challenging, pick up the Wii U version.  It's alot easier since it has mid-point saves within levels.  I breezed through it after working to get through some of the 3DS levels. 

I'm playing GT6 too.  I didn't start it until after Christmas but it does start slow and give few credits.  I really enjoy the game, but the AI is a sore point.  I just like all the great cars, great physics, and the challenges.  The online challenges really add alot since you can get some easy money and they are generally more fun than the early challenges I'm going through now.  I did find it amusing that the top cars cost $20M dollars and Sony is trying to sell DLC at $7M for $50.  So if I was trying to get 1 of the prestigious cars (not necessarily great cars), I could pay about $150 and download it.  Seriously would anyone do that? 

I actually jumped back into GT5 a little bit too.  I was trying to catch up on online races and try to get the last few trophies I had.  GT6 is really a minor step over GT5, but I have dozens of hours in 5 so I'm sure I'll get my monies worth in 6.

I'm playing NR2K3.  I'm in my 5th season of my career.  I love the customization of this game.  If you don't like the way the AI races, you have many tools to tweak it and get it to be near perfect.  The more seasons I get in the more tweaks I get in leading to a really challenging solid game.  I started my career in 1993 because Bobby Labonte and Jeff Gordon were rookies that year.  I won the championship in 1996 for my first championship, but after 18/32 races in 1997 I'm lagging in points tied for 3rd.  I'm just struggling with consistency this year.  My championship year I only had one DNF, I already have 4 this year (just blew up at Pocono) and I have a long road to try to get another championship this year.

Risk 2 - I really have fun playing the same time risk.  This is my typical time killer game if I don't want to get too involved in a game. 

Demon's Crest - Just picked it up, I've been looking for a decent price since I recently learned about this game.  I haven't played it much, but it seems really solid from what I've seen and I'm happy I tracked it down. 

Plants vs. Zombies 2 - This is really the first F2P game that I've liked.  Playing endless modes are an easy way to get additional coins to use to get by difficult levels.  The game in general is much more difficult than the first, but I thought the first was too easy.  I also appreciate all the gameplay elements that they've added.  I think they've done a great job.  I'm about a third of the way through, we'll see if I get annoyed by the F2P elements and change my mind. 

Ken Griffey Jr Baseball SNES- Just completed a season of winning the world Series with the Indians.  It was the best season I've had with it.  I started 18-0 before losing my 1st game.  I finished the regular season 24-2.  I rolled through the playoffs 11-1.  Had some really great games despite my stellar record.  I think this is still one of my favorite baseball game to date.  So easy to get into and still challenging to win.

NHL 97 Gen - I'm working through a season with the Bruins.  I'm 58-9-3 right now.  I'd love to get to 70 wins, we'll see.  This is a long term series, I generally cut off my seasons and enter playoffs sooner, but I wanted to get through one complete season.  I went through a stretch of like 23 unbeaten games when I was playing it more regularly.  Now that I play only a couple of games a week, I'm more susceptible to losses. 

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #271 on: January 13, 2014, 01:52:43 AM »
Long holidays, not much work, so i'm playing loads of games.

Lots of depth with force usage -- you can keep it as Gradius style option as additional cannon, you can use it as a sort of melee weapon, throwing it back or forward, or if you attach it to your nose or tail it will be like a shield of sort. Really loving it though i am very easily overwhelmed against bullet spam and die a lot.

Kid Icarus: Uprising:
hit 50 hours, almost cleared out first achievement wall. Work is kinda slow these days, so i'm mostyl just sitting in the office playing it.

Wonderful 101:
Got platinums on entire normal row. Went through entire hard mode (didn't care for ranks, so it's mostly silver and even some consolation prizes -- but whatever). Started 101% hard and honestly it's not as hard as i expected.

Punch Out!! (Wii):
Got to Soda Popinski title defense. Absolutely impossible. Soda in his first fight had some pattern in attacks that was the only thing that allowed me to bring him down, now his attacks are more unpredictable and he hits almost instantaneous. Very hard. So far i'm just practicing for his fight and doing exhibition matches with previous fighters for achievements.

Swapper (PC):
No controller support, huh? Played for twenty minutes or so until it became uncomfortable to play on keyboard and mouse that are placed sideways from my TV. I really need some kinda of table in my room, so i could put keyboard and mouse in front of TV and play more PC games, especially shooters that i almost stopped playing after TF2.

As to game itself: really like the look. Though spaceman running backwards looks kinda silly. My friend played this game and really loved puzzles in this game for how ingenious they were. I wasn't impressed when he showed me one. That's probably my main reason to play it: so i could compare my experience with his and with Toki Tori 2 which is an AMAZING puzzle platformer and one of the best games of 2013 for me.

Papers Please:
It's probably the first thing that was made in the west that treats this subject right. For someone who grew up in Soviet Union i know this stuff all too well: absurd bureaucracy, power abuse, complete dehumanization of the system. I might even say it's still very much there.

The music and sound effects remind me of Kin Dza Dza (caught it on TV last week, rewatched it for like hundredth time, absolute masterpiece. Too bad it is completely inaccessible for most westerners).

What i appreciate the most about Papers Please is the humour: it really is the best thing to cope against the System. You could just paint an oppressive bleak painting but who'd ever want to play that?

Even the control system adds to the general feeling of clunkiness of the entire thing. All that papers cluttering your table and how you have to constantly move them around with your mouse.

By the way the best strategy is to keep your family hungry and give them food on each second day. That way you'll be able to save enough money for... for what passes in this game for a "good" ending.

Republia Times:
Precursor to Papers Please: simulator of newspaper editor. Has the same overall feeling and message. Also recommend it.

Hotline Miami:
"Beat" it, i guess. Played through entirety of the game with controller, which is probably not the preferred experience but whatever (it probably made bosses much harder that it should have been).

I mostly played with melee weapons: knifes, bats or just bare fists resorting to guns only when i had to -- against huge guys or if enemy placement just doesn't allow me to sneak in and kill him without anyone noticing. The only gun i liked to use was the one with silencer -- that way i could take almost anyone and no one raised an alarm.

Story is incomprehensible but who cares. Music is great, atmosphere is almost hypnotic and really puts into blood filled rush like nothing else.

Too bad about constant bugs, crashes, save losses, no steamworks support, no steam big picture support and other performance problems.

Hydroventure: Spin cycle (aka Fluidity: Spin cycle, 3DS):
First wiiware game was so, so good. When they made second one "better fit for handheld experience" dividing one interconnected world into many smaller levels they largely destroyed a lot what made the first game so good. Now to collect everything you have to replay same levels doing the same stuff over and over again, oh and also you have to be perfect about it so you can get five stars.
Year after i got it i barely got through second world -- replaying the same levels to collect stuff is just not fun at all D:
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #272 on: January 13, 2014, 01:19:15 PM »

Hydroventure: Spin cycle (aka Fluidity: Spin cycle, 3DS):
First wiiware game was so, so good. When they made second one "better fit for handheld experience" dividing one interconnected world into many smaller levels they largely destroyed a lot what made the first game so good. Now to collect everything you have to replay same levels doing the same stuff over and over again, oh and also you have to be perfect about it so you can get five stars.
Year after i got it i barely got through second world -- replaying the same levels to collect stuff is just not fun at all D:

I know some people prefer the portable sequel, but I totally agree with your assessment. It's still a nice design and has some good ideas, but is just not particularly fun for me.

Replacing exploration and experimentation with time challenges, and forcing players to replay levels multiple times since they won't have necessary power-ups in some cases the first time, is a huge turn off. I much preferred the open world design from the original game - even though I ended up revisiting the same areas multiple times when searching for secrets.

Anyone looking for the best version of Fluidity/Hydroventure should really look to the WiiWare release.
NNID: ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #273 on: January 13, 2014, 02:58:36 PM »
Animal Crossing: New Leaf and pretty much only New Leaf. I now have 270 hours logged onto this sucker. You'd think I'd be near finished but nope, still have a lot to find and do. Waiting for Gracie to show up for one last fashion check so I can finally open up the final Nookling Shop upgrade. I do wish this game was faster at giving you the products you want. I've been buying Fortune Cookies for 4 months and still have not got a Super Star. I've gotten everything else two times over. How long must I keep buying these things to get it? C'mon already!

That said, I did pop in Donkey Kong Country Returns a couple weekends ago. I've been wanting to play this for months but put it off with other games and finally said, heck to it, just do it and went through the first couple worlds. Overall, I like what I've seen. The Time Trial challenges are nuts though. Holy! Talk about your hardcore gaming experience right there. Still, I'm loving the nostalgia factor that Retro has done with this game while incorporating their own spin on it. I'm even more pumped about Tropical Freeze even if I end up putting off playing it for a while like this game.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline magicpixie

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #274 on: January 19, 2014, 03:53:58 AM »
I downloaded Warframe on PC the other night, and gave that a quick shot.  The game is barely competent.  The jumps are typical MMO-floaty, and the targetting feels really loose.  Presentation is acceptable, but I don't really know what's going on.  As it stands, the game dropped me from a tutorial mission, into a mission, and I'm not exactly clear on what's going on.  So far, it seems like all I need to worry about is shooting at things that move.  I did notice the chatlog being spammed by WTS and WTB requests, so it felt just like any other MMO in that regard.  I think the devs really took advantage of teh F2P model, since the game already feels single-minded in its determination to get you attached to the loot-grinding system.  Not sure if I'll give this another shot, since I don't have anybody to play it with right now.

Kunos just released a new update for the Assetto Corsa early access, which, along with several tweaks to the gameplay, added a new BMW as well as some AI events.  In total, there are 4 races that have AI in them now, none of which you are able to change the options(number of laps, time of day, etc...) for, with the exception of AI difficulty of course.  I think the number of AI is limited to 11 as of now, but that may change in the future. 

The AI is, for the most part, ok.  At best, it doesn't match up to the best human drivers, but for a novice like myself, that isn't the biggest concern.  I prefer an AI that is more interested in providing a solid racing experience, and for me, that means they aren't perfect, and that they do follow some amount of racing etiquette(even if I don't).  So far, in that sense, the AI is on the right track.  I've seen AI opponents push too hard, and brake really late, locking up the wheels and sending smoke everywhere, losing precious time.  I've seen some AI miss an apex and hit kerbs hard enough to balance on two wheels for a few seconds before landing and continuing on their way.  I've tried to pass AI, and sometimes, it feels like they actually try to defend their positions.  I've even had the impression that some AI were actively making the effort to not send me into the wall(Shift 2 Unleashed, and the Gran Turismos are really bad for this).  All in all, there's plenty of room for improvement, but the potential is definitely there.

On top of those additions, the team at Kunos have added a new tire model, and it definitely feels like they've tweaked the FFB for wheels.  I also feel like the graphics have been further optimized, as I'm noticing less and less detail pop-in during replays.  The framerate also feels like it's more solid now than ever.