Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 711332 times)

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Offline oohhboy

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #150 on: September 24, 2013, 10:49:56 AM »
Desktop Dungeons is still not gold?! I played that a couple years ago when it was free and it was pretty nice, burned a couple hours. It was pretty much fully featured at the time. I couple more classes, maps etc, it would be ready to sell for real money. But 4 fucking years? The hell are they doing?

Playing Ace Combat 3DS. 44 hours in, all planes unlocked, not all weapons and colors. Some of the medals are really obtuse and I have no idea how to get them without looking it up. Nice game to whip oprn and play a quick session before closing the lid.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #151 on: September 24, 2013, 11:36:24 AM »
^ i'm just noting that you consider game with initial playthrough worth of 15+ hours as «short», yet at the very same time think of 15 hour 100% playthrough of Eternal Darkness as significant timesink.
No. I didn't. And I would appreciate if you would stop putting words in my mouth in an attempt to make me sound like a hypocrite.

Looking at the link you provided, I made no claim that Eternal Darkness was a "timesink." I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion when that wasn't even that point of that post* and no comment was made on the matter. However, to address that, I wouldn't consider 15 hours to be a "timesink." Even in 2013 when I don't have oodles of free time to spend playing video games, I think I can set aside enough hours within 12 days or so to complete The Wonderful 101 (and Mutant Mudds Deluxe). That's the entire point which I addressed in the post you originally quoted yet seemingly did not read entirely.

More importantly, I'm not really sure why you're so focused on me saying I heard the game was short (and bear in mind 15 hours to complete The Wonderful 101 is your estimate, not mine as I have yet to complete the game). Regardless, a game being short is not inherently a negative comment about its quality. My favorite game is Super Metroid. I originally beat it in around seven hours. I have beaten it in less than two and a half. I consider all that time to be the best hours I've spent with any video game.

*I remarked that I didn't believe Precursor Games' estimated completion time using my actual completion time of Eternal Darkness put up against the estimated completion time by some of the same people
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 11:41:53 AM by Adrock »

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #152 on: September 28, 2013, 12:40:10 PM »
Viewtiful Joe
I ordered GC version about the same time i started playing W101. I finally received it this morning.

Only managed to beat first boss. That helicopter gave me quite a beating. At the start VFX meter isn't very big, so i didn't have enough slo–mo to dodge through its bullets.

You definitely can see the foundations for later Platinum Games stuff in here: timing based dodge mechanics, shop for upgrades, combos and rankings for each enemy encounter.

I also tried Devolution on Wii U with this game and it works great. But i will still probably keep playing it on Wii, because Gamecube controller feels slightly better for this game (if only GC had workable d-pad then it'd be perfect).

Beat City
What a weird game. First minute i started the game i had no idea what's going on. It was like, cutscene then loading screen (loading in DS game?!..), then another cutscene, then another loading, then another cutscene. What was that?..

Actual game, once you finally get to it, is a Rhythm Heaven clone. Music isn't as catchy, it's just rather generic electronic beats.
Instead of of showing us some animation to go along with song, Beat City shows pulse-like line like in more traditional rhythm games.

lt's a poor man's Rhythm Heaven, but it's more than fine by me, considering i did get it on poor man's price new.

Kid Icarus: Uprising
Trying to beat level 2 on 9th (hardest) difficulty. «Nothing harder» is right. You need to pick your gear and upgrades very meticulously, if you want to get through.

Flying section is the easiest part - spheres will help to get through the most spammy sections where you get about five or so enemies at the same time and at this difficulty even the weakest eyeball-like enemy emits up to five bullets.
The hardest sections are the fight when you meet Magnus and after that - boss battle with Gaol. My latest strategy is to use Trade-off ability when you sacrifice all your health toward increased attack and speed right before the boss. Then i restore all my health back with drink of the gods that is always there right before the boss room and still have a few minutes with upgraded stats.

Wonderful 101
Achievement hunt! Did the one where i had to do no damage run on maglev section. It had one neat gotcha moment, where right after cutscene ends, a rocket is flying right at you and you need to react in a fraction of second. Last part of maglev segment is especially overwhelming with all rocket spam you need to avoid while reflecting occasional laser beams.
The other achievement was kinda BS. I understood from the name that it's something to do with rides on 2–B. What i didn't get was that i am supposed to enter last after all my team on both rides. Fidgety Unite Build also doesn't help.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 12:45:48 PM by azeke »
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Offline magicpixie

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #153 on: September 29, 2013, 01:23:27 PM »
Started playing Shadow Warrior today.  It's pretty fun and looks great.  I got a kick out of Lo Wang's cheesy wisecracks, and the old-school healthkit gameplay is a nice switch from regenerating shields that FPS games seem to be unable to stray from these days.  I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out what to set the FOV at, as everything I do seems to warp the edges of the screen when I move, and it's making me feel a bit queasy.  Also, the controls feel a bit floaty which seems at odds with the old-school nature of the game, though, that could just be my keyboard acting up on me.

Melee combat is satisfying, which you can't always say in first-person games.  I've unlocked a few combos so far, and they work as intended.  I don't know why, but there was an option in my menu to swap out the normal katana for the Saint's Row purple dildo bat, which I obviously used.  It's stupidly fun to decapitate enemies with that.

Offline shingi_70

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #154 on: September 29, 2013, 01:32:26 PM »
Halo Combat evolved anniversary, Ascend Hand of Kul, and Temple Run. 
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #155 on: September 29, 2013, 01:50:24 PM »
After recently finishing Saints Row 4, I'm playing Lost Planet 3's actually pretty good, if you can look past basically how uninspiring the gunplay is. I really like what they've done with the story and characterization, and the world has a very "lived in" feel to it that clicks with me. Plus, it puts me in the cockpit of a giant mech within the first 30 minutes of play.  :P:
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #156 on: October 02, 2013, 01:39:30 AM »
Listening to Radio Free Nintendo episodes 351 and 352 inspired me to try:

Ninja Gaiden (NES):
Are people calling this game one of the hardest games of all time serious? After Ghost'n'Goblins this game is a breeze. You have something like 15 freaking health points, with that the game might as well play itself for you.
I got to third level's boss on my first try. Of course i died like four or five times but never ran out of continues (from GameCenter CX footage i vaguely remember that continues are limited).
Of course it's tricky and constant enemy spam is cheap in this game. But hey so is your Sonic like move where you jump spinning with your sword. Half of the "hard" platforming sequences with instant death i just ran through not stopping for nothing.
I didn't even used any of my power-ups, simply didn't figured out how to use them.

Still, i liked this game a lot. Even comparable easiness of the game is rather enjoyable because you feel like unstoppable robot with infinite health just powering through everything.

Also, on somewhat related note, after discovering a wonderful genre of 3d beat-em-ups with Bayonetta and W101, i'm thinking of getting Ninja Gaiden Black from 360 marketplace. Which is really stupid of me considering i'm already drowning in games across seven platforms (GBA, DS, 3DS, GC, Wii, Wii U, PC).

Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands (Wii):
It was the first Wii game i tried on Wii U's Gamepad. Playing it like that with Gamepad on my bed and me sitting nearby crouching with wiimote and nunchuck was one of the weirdest gaming experience i had in a while.
Door puzzle where i needed to connect dots on rotating disc was a great test for Gamepad's built-in sensor bar. It worked great.
As for the game: i beat last tower of the god and i think i am at the final boss.
These two last temples were seriously gorgeous looking. Broken camera or not.

Ghost'n'Goblins: Arcade:
This made a nice contrast with somehwat easy Ninja Gaiden earlier. Good ol' GnG, you hate me so much. By now i figured out strategies and routes how to get to level 4 reliably and i once got to level 5.
And yeah, playing it on a gamepad on my lap with classic controller in my hands was just as weird.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #157 on: October 02, 2013, 11:20:07 AM »
Final Fantasy XIV. I'm actually surprised about how much fun I'm having. I'm a Cat-Girl Lancer. :)

Offline magicpixie

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #158 on: October 02, 2013, 05:32:56 PM »
I've been on a break from FFXIV lately, just so I can get to some of the other games that are releasing now.  This next little period is insane, and it looks like it'll just get worse.  I know some people who are already burning out on the endgame in XIV, and some people are getting sick of the "elitists", so it'll be nice to hide away from some of that for a while.  I took my Bard to 50, and I haven't yet completed the main story, but it has been great so far.  I've seen people say that XIV is this gen's best FF, and I can't really object to that(though, with XIII and XIII-2, that really isn't saying much).

I've shelved GTA V for now.  The game is technically a marvel.  Yes, there are framerate issues and such, but I think the game looks incredible for the systems it it on.  After playing Saint's Row IV, travelling between missions feels like such a chore in GTA and even being able to swap between characters doesn't really help all that much.  I was surprised by how much I liked the dialog and the over-the-top characterizations of all the side-characters.  I still hate the driving controls, and the PS3 controller isn't helping much there.

I got a chance to try out both this year's PES and FIFA games for the PC.  I liked last year's PES game more than FIFA, but felt FIFA's overall presentation was far superioir to PES's.  This season, both games are actually quite different.  FIFA feels like it's taken a step toward PES territory, with the way the players move and feel, imo, while still keeping the advantage in presentation.  It was really quite jarring to go from one to the other and see just the differences in presentation and how much more polished FIFA is.  That said, I think both are great games, it's a shame that Konami didn't make PES easily available via digital download on PC(still not on Steam afaik).

Offline Sarail

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #159 on: October 02, 2013, 06:07:29 PM »
Final Fantasy XIV. I'm actually surprised about how much fun I'm having. I'm a Cat-Girl Lancer. :)
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #160 on: October 02, 2013, 06:21:38 PM »
I'm in Mateus. :( I'd have to create a completely new character to join up with you, right?

Offline Stogi

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #161 on: October 02, 2013, 06:53:53 PM »
Beat the living **** out of XCOM. Lost two countries because they're pansies. Ended up with a full team of psychic ballers but lost all but three during the final stage. Double tap for the win though!

Great game. I got lucky plenty of times until eventually I couldn't be stopped (sans the last level). Murdering aliens with my mind powers.

One thing I hated though, was that I couldn't discontinue my mind-meld with an enemy. So if I didn't get them killed in four turns, they would turn against me. So I pretty much I had to use them as a suicide bomber, which is fine, but when they're the last dude on the map, it's just an inconvenience.
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Offline Sarail

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #162 on: October 03, 2013, 12:30:58 PM »
I'm in Mateus. :( I'd have to create a completely new character to join up with you, right?
Nope. In a few days, the World Transfer service is going to open up, and for the first five days, it'll be free to transfer over one character of your choosing. Go for it. We have a blast on Hyperion!
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #163 on: October 03, 2013, 02:59:23 PM »
Okay, cool. I'll be sure to join you when that goes live.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #164 on: October 03, 2013, 05:00:59 PM »
That actually reminds me.  Is Hyperion stable yet?  Is it past the initial MMO launch rush?
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #165 on: October 04, 2013, 12:25:00 AM »
Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands (Wii)

Wow, that ending went all Majora's Mask on me. Really creepy and weird. I didn't even understand what exactly happened and had to read the description on Wikipedia.

Final boss turned out to be a mess. It's quite apparent they just stopped caring by the end of the game -- lots of unpolished moments. I basically had to do three same actions and each time they showed me the same cutscene. There were very slight variations, but it just felt extremely lazy.

I remember listening to rather lengthy discussion of this game on one of the podcasts, but now i can't find it here. Forgotten Sands isn't even in the database and my Google skills are failing me.

Can anyone help me out or i am imagining things?

Oh and i still can't unlock anything, no developer diary, no art, and most importantly -- no original game. What's up with that? What am i supposed to do there?

I also tried additional "secret maps", hoping beating them will unlock me original game.

Damn that speedrun challenge is absolutely brutal. Also it's funny how little they cared about this post game stuff, because this particular speedrun challenge looks unfinished, looking almost like Portal or Mirror's Edge with it's sterile environments with no textures on them.

These levels feature pure 2d and 3d platforming which was always my favourite parts of both Prince of Persia and it's sister series Assassin's Creed.

There is no way i am going through main game again, achievements or not. But i think i will spend a few more days trying to beat these "secret map" levels.

Prince of Persia: Rival Swords (aka Two Thrones, Wii version)
I am not sure if i will start the game proper right after finishing another PoP. I just checked if the disc was working after getting the game.

First of all, yesh, this game looks rough. Models are almost PS1 level. I remember playing Two Thrones on my PC, and i think it was rather a beautiful game for its time. Also apparently this game only support 4:3 aspect ratio (or it could be a glitch in the latest firmware update that changed a lot in Wii mode).

Controls feels surprisingly great though. Even better than in later Forgotten Sands. My main problem with PoP: FS controls was that prince was too eager to run up the wall -- basically if you just run into it, he will start doing that wallrun thing. In Rival Swords, prince is doing wall run only when you hold B button and it feels much better for me.

Surprisingly, camera also feels better, even with wii controls. When you twist wiimote, camera rotates left and right, which is great because it's quick and doesn't interfere with any other buttons. You can run and jump and control camera at the same time. Feels so much better than camera control in Forgotten Sands where you had to stop and then work with unwieldy and slow pointer controlled camera.

I never finished that game on PC so now i am looking forward to beating it properly. Sometime next year...

Donkey Kong Country Returns (3DS)
That Donkey is a huge bulking monster with lots of momentum. This game is even more momentum based than recent Rayman games. I don't remember him having THAT much weight in the first DKC game...

Speaking of old DKC games, i probably shouldn't have started this game, and should have tried to beat DKC2 and DKC3 on GBA first...

Controls are kinda weird: default scheme with circle pad is workable but it doesn't let you control the game with D-Pad. Why. Alternate control scheme with D-Pad changes all the button layout and now you have to use shoulder buttons to stomp and stuff. Again, why? After playing a bit i got used to playing with circle pad, but i wish i could use d-pad with normal button layout.

Still a great game, lots of secrets. Time attacks are very challenging and basically are made for you to break the game's system's apart -- just like with Rayman, only in time attack i started to get platforming in this game.
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Offline Sarail

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #166 on: October 04, 2013, 09:22:24 AM »
That actually reminds me.  Is Hyperion stable yet?  Is it past the initial MMO launch rush?
Yes, absolutely. I mean, sure, there's going to be maintenance to all servers in time. But as far as the initial instability and login errors are's all fantastic now.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #167 on: October 04, 2013, 08:39:30 PM »
The Wind Waker HD
I barely remember anything about this game. It's practically brand new to me. Granted, I only completed the GameCube original once because I was in college at the time (I started it again once or twice, but never got far), but I figured something would jog my memory. I spent like an hour running around Windfall Island because I didn't know where anything was (and I was trying to find all four Killer Bees).

And goodness, this game's art just really pops in HD. I'm not one to gush over graphics especially since I've had a PS3 for over four years. It's definitely Wind Waker's art. I want to pop in the GameCube version just to compare.

The music is just amazing. I was a bit worried that my memories of the game wouldn't hold up and my favorable opinion of the game was mostly nostalgia, but I'm digging it and I've mostly just been putzing around. I was supposed to rush to find Tetra, but I gathered some pigs and literally threw them in a pigpen instead.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #168 on: October 04, 2013, 09:03:40 PM »
I'm not one to gush over graphics especially since I've had a PS3 for over four years.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #169 on: October 04, 2013, 10:28:09 PM »
HD is just part of gaming now. I look back at the progression of graphics from a few pixels to the HD era. We've come a long way, but the longer you're exposed to something, the less you appreciate it. However, great art design, to me, can be timeless. The Wind Waker definitely has that appeal. We've all seen HD collections of PS2 games. They don't hold up as well as The Wind Waker. Update Twilight Princess (and possibly Skyward Sword), it wouldn't look as good.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #170 on: October 04, 2013, 11:00:31 PM »
My "heh" was more to the fact that a seven year old console is what got you used to "good" graphics.

And you must not have seen TP or SS running on the Dolphin. Far more stunning than WW, imo.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #171 on: October 05, 2013, 12:30:18 AM »
I don't play games on PC though I've watched my brother game on PC for the last two years or so. I've mostly been exposed to PS3 which still look good to me. PC games look better, but they don't make PS3 games looks bad. Mainly, I've just gotten used to seeing games beyond standard 480p be it on PS3 or PC and I find myself less impressed by graphics. I know that makes me sound spoiled, but it's also helped me appreciate art design more. It's just far more important to a game's look. Something like Wind Waker still holds up even for a 10 year old game.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #172 on: October 05, 2013, 11:33:35 AM »

Just started playing through Dead Space: Extraction (Wii).

It's not a proper Dead Space which is a disappointment in many regards but it looks good (enough), plays well, and tells a fun story (so far). Shame this game took so much flak on release. Maybe on-rails shooters aren't for everyone, but I think it's turning into a pretty fantastic experience.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #173 on: October 05, 2013, 09:59:13 PM »
HD is just part of gaming now. I look back at the progression of graphics from a few pixels to the HD era. We've come a long way, but the longer you're exposed to something, the less you appreciate it. However, great art design, to me, can be timeless. The Wind Waker definitely has that appeal. We've all seen HD collections of PS2 games. They don't hold up as well as The Wind Waker. Update Twilight Princess (and possibly Skyward Sword), it wouldn't look as good.

I'd actually argue the Sly Cooper games hold up as well, and for much the same reason: they used very similar cartoony art styles that hold up well over time.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #174 on: October 06, 2013, 09:31:08 AM »
I'll take your word for it as I didn't know about the Sly Cooper collection. I was specifically referring to the collections with more realistic, non-cel shaded stuff like God of War, Devil May Cry, and Metal Gear Solid. That's also why I brought up Twilight Princess as a point of comparison.