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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Disney buying Lucasfilm, Star Wars 7 in 2015
« Reply #300 on: January 07, 2015, 05:39:27 AM »
Star Wars, sucking since 19:5:1999
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Re: Disney buying Lucasfilm, Star Wars 7 in 2015
« Reply #301 on: January 07, 2015, 10:07:05 AM »
"Sadly, not another thread about Khushrenada"
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Disney buying Lucasfilm, Star Wars 7 in 2015
« Reply #302 on: January 07, 2015, 06:32:54 PM »
Khushrenada, sucking since 5:19:1999

"Sadly, not another thread about Khushrenada"

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #303 on: January 09, 2015, 01:26:03 AM »
I want the next Star Wars to have light saber battles!! Like, the force awakens the light sabers and they start battling each other wwzzzshhhmm! bzzt! wwzzzshhhmm! bzzt! wwzzzshhhmm! bzzt! for the last 45 minutes of the movie. That's all the ideas I have for right now.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #304 on: January 09, 2015, 11:54:06 AM »
I want the next Star Wars to have light saber battles!! Like, the force awakens the light sabers and they start battling each other wwzzzshhhmm! bzzt! wwzzzshhhmm! bzzt! wwzzzshhhmm! bzzt! for the last 45 minutes of the movie. That's all the ideas I have for right now.
You know what let's take Star Wars to 11.  No more Biological.  We all know the Droids had the most personality in the Universe anyway.  Movie about Droids, Spaceships, and Light Sabers that are themselves Jedi and able to fight each other and collect limbs from Droids and Spaceships.  We will call it Star Wars-E
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #305 on: January 09, 2015, 01:38:35 PM »
ahaha. all the droids are still cleaning up Alderran sector 30 years later.
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Offline shingi_70

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #306 on: January 09, 2015, 03:55:28 PM »
Jedi Ewoks is something needed.

Star Wars #1 from Marvel is out next week.

The cover to Star Wars Dark Disciple.

It takes place a bit after Ventress ending clone wars arc and is about her and Voss.

Last month we got a few of the character names for Force Awakens.

Dasiy Ridley is Rey
John Boyega is Fin
Oscar Issac is Poe Dameron
and the lightsaber dude is Kylo Ren

no last name for out heroes sort of go along with them being related to charcters from the past. Rey is probably Solo and Fin is either Lando's son or Kenobi's grandson.
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #307 on: January 09, 2015, 05:14:43 PM »
Rey Skywalker (still Han's kid but took her mothers name since she hates her dad)

Fin (where's jake?) Calrissian

That's all for now!

Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #308 on: January 10, 2015, 03:29:00 PM »
Since this is now less than a year away and they are pretty much ignoring the EU altogether I would like to actually get serious with some predictions and hopes for this movie.

I used to subscribe to Star Wars Insider religiously before the prequels and I signed up for the news latter and posted quite often in the forums, in fact that was my first online community following the demise of usenet.

I am older now and a lot has changed but I am really trying to muster some hype for this new trilogy. I enjoyed Phantom Menace, sure the kid annoyed me and Jar Jar, I hated him too, but the movie wasn't that bad.

What would I like to see, what would I dread seeing and what would make this movie perfect beyond words?

Aside from as many of the original cast as they can reasonably get, I want only minimal familiar locations, Corrucant, Tatooine, and maybe Endor but that would be it from the previous films I want all new locations. I would love to revisit Hoth it was my absolute favorite location in the original films next to Tatooine which I still enjoy and don't get all the hate, its a staple it has to be in this first film, they need to anchor it in as much nostalgia as they can muster without over doing it.

Story, plot I don't care I expect it to be convoluted and will take three films to unfold so as long as the characters are likeable and the setting at least fits in with what came before I will be fine. I understand there will be a rise in Jedi/Sith conflict and a new remnant of the Empire this is somewhat exciting as a tech geek the Empire had some of the coolest stuff around. I loved their military might in Empire man that was awesome seeing those previously menacing Star Destroyers dwarfed to mere shuttles compared to the Executor. I want more stuff like that.

Lots of big explosions, light saber battles and laser fights, make it look like this could be mistaken for a Michael Bay film and I will be happy. Also get him to do Part 8 or 9 or at least one of the spin offs.

I wanna see little Leia in mommies gold bikini even if it is for a joke scene maybe she is a teen rebelling against the fashions or whatever but bring it back its what we all want no sense denying it.

I want to see more of the Hutts, especially as space-pirates I want to see the main villain having ties to Jabba and seeking some vendetta, if this doesn't happen it is wasted opportunity. Also bring back Bobba Fett come one make it happen.

Also have Greedo show up as an old "man" and confront Han over a drink how they fooled everyone into thinking he really killed his pal and then go back and re-edit A New Hope one last time to change the black smoke to yellow or something that gives it away as a hoax. YES I am dead serious make that happen.

I want to see as much of the good old Falcon as they can get into this film but I DO want to see it put to rest for good, in a blaze of glory with Chewy at the controls sacrificing his life for Han or Han's family in a real heroes glory not that lame ass **** they pulled in the books that almost turned me into a hater.

I want this film on par with Phantom Menace in tone, light hearted with some looming dread a touch of comedy but not too much, and maybe a nod to Jar Jar just as a fan service to those who actually love the prequels but no speaking lines.

I want to see new monsters, new aliens, new ships and new droids we haven't seen before. The more new stuff the better but also make it look entirely different than what we are used to, make it look like progress not backwards like the prequels that were more advanced than the ones set in the future.

I want to have an intimate moment where Han confesses his love to his wife right before they both die in tragic moment saving one of their kids or whoever the hero of destiny turns out to be.

Yes there will be a hero of destiny so expect that device to be hammered home it wouldn't be Star Wars without it.

I want something shocking, not PG-13 shocking but something that really pushes the edge of PG, unless this entire trilogy shoots for a pure PG-13 vibe through and through then make it as shocking as PG-13 can be but I want as much blood as you can get away with in at least one scene, something more gory than a bloody arm in A New Hope but not so bloody it gets an R Rating.

I want to see the new villain survive to the end, none of that kill him off and get a new bad guy EACH film that was lame. Even the originals did it they killed Tarkin and Vader took over, sure Vader didn't die but he took a backseat to Palpatine that was kind of lame but not as lame as "this is the most scariest guy in the universe, oops a kid in training killed him sorry *this* is the really real most scary guy, oops died  like a chump, sorry no wait *this* lamo is the really for reals bad guy" that was bullshit.

I want to see an empire in shambles but being rebuilt from the outside by some fringe force. I want to see a threat on the level of Thrawn but NOT Thrawn. If they are going to do him give him his own film either a spin off or something that comes elsewhere in the timeline. No nevermind forget about him leave him out of it entirely unless this is a true adaptation of his trilogy which won't happen so no Thrawn.

BUT use those creepy Vader worshipers that become the Princesses elite body guards that would be okay.

NO Mara Jade none at all pretend she never existed I hate her more than I hate yes Jar Jar, I can't stand her she ruined the books for me it was real hard to fit her into my version of Star Wars.

No more doomsday machines the Death Star was fine, the first time, the second time it was oh great another one. Nothing like that. Maybe something mystical that gives this new Sith threat more power than the Jedi are prepared for at first. Until the hero of destiny finds his calling and over comes it with whatever deus ex machina they come up with.

Get John Williams to core THIS film only and train his successor lets not take chances the dude is getting old he might not make it to part 9. And do this soon so we don't end up with Danny Elfman.

Get Seth Green to cameo in this somebitch please for all things holy and sacred to geeks.

Reveal a new mystery about the Force that sort of helps explain some of the plot holes and inconsistencies in previous films. Something that makes the Force entirely different than previously expected. Hey the precedent has been set, first it was a mystical energy force, then it was micro bacteria, something needs to come along that makes it bigger and even more amazing than before, there was a Crystal or something in one of the books, something along those lines make it bigger than we previously thought but different too, blow our minds and shatter our childhood dreams.

what else, let me see do something new with R2-D2, give him a voice box that would be unexpected but welcomed. OR better yet a love interest, maybe a pink house droid or dishwasher or something fun like that.

And let C-3PO die saving R2 in the second or third film.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #309 on: January 10, 2015, 07:00:07 PM »
That is the most awful movie I have ever read. Its nothing but disjointed fanservice without basic movie framework at all. Your idea of what is a good movie is just beyond bad.

Also **** Tatooine and **** lightsabres. Tatooine is a barren wasteland, why do we have to go back there again. I rather they have no lightsabers than get flashy with them, keep them relatively subtle like in the OT.

What I want is a proper movie like they use to make and rarely do now. A film with dignity and respect for the audience. That touch of magic as it were. Not this vapid vibrating flash we get now.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #310 on: January 11, 2015, 10:12:56 AM »
That is the most awful movie I have ever read. Its nothing but disjointed fanservice without basic movie framework at all. Your idea of what is a good movie is just beyond bad.

Also **** Tatooine and **** lightsabres. Tatooine is a barren wasteland, why do we have to go back there again. I rather they have no lightsabers than get flashy with them, keep them relatively subtle like in the OT.

What I want is a proper movie like they use to make and rarely do now. A film with dignity and respect for the audience. That touch of magic as it were. Not this vapid vibrating flash we get now.

I will enjoy the movie they make, you will hate it no matter what so I win, thanks for playing.
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #311 on: January 11, 2015, 02:48:35 PM »
Blood in StarWars, what madness is this? In truth that post was far too long and my non-porn internet time is far too valuable to not be looking at cheeks!

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #312 on: January 11, 2015, 04:01:53 PM »
I agree with some of your thoughts, Marvel.

I do hope they give us some form of tribute to the EU. Bring in some of the characters and elements but remix them to fit the film's vision for this new era. I would love to see Thrawn being the one to rebuild the Empire. I liked Mara before she married Luke. Though I did enjoy her conflict with Jason Solo and though that was a fitting ending to the character.

Jason was one of my favorite characters in the EU and would love to see the "spirit" of his character return. Buy that I mean show us a Jedi who is doubting the force, goes off on a grand journey and learns exotic force powers from other "faiths" similar to the Jedi. He then realizes he is the only one who can bring balance to the force and must become the Dark Lord of the Sith to bring about this balance.

I had the impression he came the closest to having true power and wisdom in balance. Now the films have a shot at exploring this concept to the fullest.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #313 on: January 11, 2015, 10:24:53 PM »
I will enjoy the movie they make, you will hate it no matter what so I win, thanks for playing.
You just admitted if they feed you a movie equivalent of a **** sandwich you would eat and enjoy it.

What you wrote is just godawful and I doubt even Bay would go that low, well actually he might. It might be great fanservice if you're making an action figure diorama and not a movie.

What I expect with JJ at the helm is a movie that overloads you so your initial impression is good ala Mission Impossible 3, but find that moment that you think about it it starts breaking down rapidly and completely. If it is like both Star Treks it with start breaking down before the movie finishes. If it is anything like Alias it would be nonsensical but ok since it was its own show.

Will it be better than the prequels? Almost a sure thing given how low that bar is. Will it be a classic like the OT? I highly doubt it. He has yet to make a film that can be considered a classic and I don't think he is capable of doing so given his track record. There is no way he is going to touch ESB.

If this was a Nolan/Alfonso Cuarón/Doug Liman(Edge of Tomorrow) film I would expect better. Joss could work even if he is somewhat a little on the predicable side. Pete Travis from Dredd if I wanted Star Wars turned into an awesome bloodbath that isn't what Star Wars is about.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #314 on: January 12, 2015, 08:10:22 AM »
I really don't think Chris Nolan or those guys would be a good fit for Star Wars. Star Wars shouldn't take itself as seriously as is their style.
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J.P. Corbran
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #315 on: January 12, 2015, 12:22:41 PM »
You're right in that Nolan would lay it a bit thick with the gravitas, but it would be a proper movie with good foundations to build on even if he only did the first. Its something Star Wars needs a bit of to break away from the awfulness of the prequels and bring it more in line with the OT. Doug Liman would be a closest out of the box fit. He has done a bit of everything and has shown he knows how to direct a effects driven sci-fi without being too serious.
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #316 on: January 12, 2015, 12:31:52 PM »
Wait... Mission Impossible 3 is bad now? Or maybe I missed your meaning. And I'd argue that Star Trek 09 was almost a classic in the sense that if it wasn't named Star Trek(I also enjoyed into darkness)

 I'd like a solid level of whimsy in new star wars films so please keep C.Nolan far away from it. Joss , Zack Snyder, Spielberg and even Brad Bird I wouldn't mind as they seem to have the type of balance star wars needs.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 06:33:00 PM by Nile Boogie Returns »

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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #317 on: January 12, 2015, 01:19:06 PM »
And I'd argue that Star Trek 09 was almost a classic in the since that if it wasn't named Star Trek(I also enjoyed into darkness)

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Abrams' Star Trek movies may not be good Star Trek movies, but they're good movies if you remove that context. I'm not sure there's any established director short of maybe Joss Whedon who I think would have a better feeling for what Star Wars is, and expecting a mainline Star Wars movie to come from some unknown creator, as appealing as it may be, would be incredibly unrealistic.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #318 on: January 12, 2015, 01:34:26 PM »
Mission Impossible 3 was a collection of Alias action sequences that JJ couldn't shoot on a TV budget. As individual scenes they are pretty good, but as a coherent movie no. While its not bad, its not good like the first movie but light years ahead compared to cluster **** that is MI2. In some ways John Woo and JJ have a lot in common but JJ appears to knows about the critical flaws but instead of fixing them he covers them up of plaster.

JJ has yet a make anything that is structurally sound. Its his style to cover up the lack of proper basic movie making with flash/lens flares in hopes you wouldn't notice the whole thing coming apart before the end of the movie. If your movie disintegrates with the most casual of inspections it isn't a good movie at all.

Both new Star Treks failed for me as it insulted my senses to try to hide insulting my intelligence and the abuse on my suspension of disbelief. He committed character assassinations on the main cast that only had name and rank in common with the characters of old. The only good thing to come out of it was Karl Urban. ST:ITD had me on "WTF is this" from the opening sequence and it just gets worse from there.

I am not sure removing Star Trek from Star Trek would have helped. If you couldn't make a good Star Trek movie then it wasn't a good movie in the first place.

JJ could be a better director but he doesn't want to grow as one.

Spielberg I would say no. He doesn't seem to care anymore, with it went the quality control and magic he is known for.

Brad Bird would be the superior choice over JJ and I would be happy to take him over Nolan for SW.

Joss is another I would take over JJ.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #319 on: January 12, 2015, 02:07:20 PM »
If you couldn't make a good Star Trek movie then it wasn't a good movie in the first place.

I disagree with this. Being Star Trek brings with it certain expectations that I don't think those films met, but I can see how coming at it without that baggage would mean enjoying them a lot more. Honestly, they felt a lot more like Star Wars movies than Star Trek ones.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #320 on: January 12, 2015, 02:26:15 PM »
If you can't handle the baggage comes with an established franchise then maybe you should stop working on them or maybe you are just a bad director. A better director would have handled the baggage, a superior one would have turned potential baggage into assets.*Points to the good Star trek films*.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #321 on: January 12, 2015, 03:15:46 PM »
Well I like Michael Bay, and I liked the Prequels and I liked Star Trek 09, so yes I want an AWESOME movie that fits into that style, I don't want a dated snore fest that only holds up because of the social impact it had. Star Wars is a great film but as a franchise it has evolved from a mere film THIRTY YEARS AGO, there is not going back so stop expecting that because it will never happen. You have to accept that this movie is not going to please everybody, it is going to have to appeal to both the OT only nuts and the PT fans are more flexible *AND* try to bring in new fans at the same time, obviously that is a tall order and not everyone is going to like it.

MAYBE what I described is **** in your opinion, maybe I am being realistic if the movie is at least as good as if not better than the Prequels I will be happy, BECAUSE yes the PT set the bar low, I never expected any movie, ever, to match the original Star Wars, hell even Star Wars couldn't do that with any sequels Empire came the closest and even that film divided the fanbase and took on a life of its own. I am just being realistic I would LOVE a great film, I really would but I will not set my expectations so high this movies disappoints despite the flaws I still enjoyed the prequels because they were Star Wars, I also like the video games and the EU stuff so my bar is already low so to speak because to me it IS more than just a movie so I don't want JUST a mediocre movie. I want a spectacle that is so great it makes me forget or at least overlook the flaws upon first viewing, just like the Prequels did. If it is a bad movie I don't want to find that out up front I want it to be shiny enough to fool me that first viewing after that it can be giant pile of **** like Attack of the Clones, I will then move past it and anxiously await the next movie. Knowing that I don't have high or unrealistic expectations because I learned over two decades ago not to have when it comes to this franchise. 
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #322 on: January 12, 2015, 03:51:22 PM »
Is there something about Star Wars that make a good or even great movie impossible? Demanding anything Star Wars and lowering ones bar so low is a disservice to yourself and Star Wars especially if you are a fan. Its a spousal abuse cycle. You don't demand better because you are afraid of moving on despite how abusive the relationship is. You fell down the stairs or ran into a door. You continue to make excuses when you can and should have better.

ESB achieved what few others have, the better squeal.

What I expect with the coming movies are films that fail as art. There is no doubt it will make money, but they will be products, devoid of soul and magic or be coherent. It will be the butt of jokes to come or worse forgotten about as it kills Star Wars for good and maybe for the better.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #323 on: January 12, 2015, 03:59:33 PM »
On some level I don't think it's possible at this point to make a Star Wars movie that anyone who's a long time fan will really enjoy. The originals are built up so much in people's minds that it's practically impossible to live up to. A similar example in gaming would be if we actually got a Half Life 3 or Beyond Good and Evil 2, or if The Last Guardian ever comes out. No matter how good they'd be, they'd never live up to their legacy in the eyes of a lot of people.
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Re: Star Wars Funhouse, A wretched hive of vum and scilliany.
« Reply #324 on: January 12, 2015, 05:13:52 PM »
Counter example. Mainline Mario or Zelda games. Technology played a big part in this but what is astonishing is how they have managed keep the level of quality so high.

Maybe getting lighting to strike again is too much, but I don't think getting close to the OT is a big ask instead of tacking towards the PT. If you're going to take on baggage, you're better off taking the better of it than to try to take it all or selecting the worse of it. Given JJs history the outlook is grim for a quality movie let alone a good Star Wars movie.

Speaking of something that is better than PT, this gem.

I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?