Author Topic: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)  (Read 10814 times)

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Offline SonofMrPeanut

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Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« on: October 16, 2012, 05:24:14 PM »
In case you haven't heard, Best Buy, Reader and Gamestop have been getting Wii U Demo Stations.  The stations will be placed on a store-by-store basis, so be sure to call ahead and see if your store will have it in.

I started this topic so everyone could write their post-play impressions for the rest of us to enjoy.

UPDATE (10/30/2012):  I just got back from playing with Wii U for the first time.  Everything you've heard about the Gamepad from hands-on impressions are true.

It's surprisingly light and ergonomically satisfying for its size, yet it feels solid enough.  The sticks are essentially updated Nunchuck sticks, and they do their job well, but for a game like Rayman Legends I found myself using the D-Pad which was also well designed.  My only issue came with the mounted plug at the demo station pulling back on my controller, but I'll be very happy to hold the controller wirelessly on my couch for long periods.

For as big as the screen actually is, it seemed like a reasonable size given the controller it's on, and the image quality is very good.  It may only be SD, but it's fine SD!  The touchscreen is also as responsive as you've heard, though I'd definitely like to try another game like Arrow in Game and Wario to give it a true test.

As for Rayman Legends, I definitely had the most fun with Castle Rock.  Though the Murphy segments offered an interesting challenge, I did have a couple of times where Rayman decided to be a moron and jump into spikes (yes, I'm talking about the rotation puzzle).  I eventually found a way to solve the puzzle, but moments like that are an unnecessary AI nuisance I hope they smooth out more before release.  I also imagine those parts would be more fun with another person.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 07:54:50 PM by SonofMrPeanut »

Offline Razorkid

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 01:18:58 AM »
Went into my local Best Buy and got to play with the WiiU Station. It appears the only playable demo on hand is Rayman Legends.  All other software showcased was shown in either video form or (in the case of mature rated games) slideshows.  I'll give my impressions below in breakdown fashion.

The System
Very unobtrusive face like the Wii and appears to be about the same thickness as one, but almost twice as long in length. Could not get a look at the back where the I/O ports were due to the kiosk's setup. All in all, exactly what I wanted and expected from the physical look of the console as a device that I will have very little interaction with outside switching the occasional disc (going all digital for 1st party and 3rd when the option arrives) and sitting in my entertainment center.

The Game Pad

Shockingly light and a lot wider in person than I expected. I have big hands and they conformed lovingly around the base and trigger buttons with my thumbs resting naturally over the analog sticks. The analog sticks themselves felt tight and better than those on my PS3 DualShock 3. The D-pad felt great, not mushy but not super clicky either, better than that on my OG 3DS for certain.  The face buttons felt good, not mushy, and were bigger than those on my OG 3DS.  The Lz & Rz triggers felt good and my index fingers rested on them very comfortably. The regular shoulder buttons felt good and large. I transitioned my index fingers from the triggers to the shoulder buttons to get a feel of how far my fingers had to move or how awkward it may be and I was surprised to see that it wasn't bad at all. For a comparison, imagine holding onto an N64 controller by both of the lateral prongs and putting your index fingers on the shoulder buttons. I remember as a kid it being a somewhat awkward thing to do in game using those shoulder buttons because of the wideness of the controller.  For the WiiU Game Pad, despite its incredible width, the shoulder buttons felt fine to reach.  The stylus is non-retractable and fits in a slot on top of the controller like the OG 3DS. There is a volume slider on the top as well as inputs on the bottom. There's a camera in the top center above the screen. There's a dedicated home and tv button next to the off button (properly recessed of course to prevent accidental shutdowns) near the bottom of the controller under the face buttons.  It's a pretty slick controller and I can't say enough of how comfortable it felt in my hand. This has surpassed the Gamecube's controller for me in both comfort, weight and ergonomics, which is high praise in my book. 

The Screen

The screen is a lot wider and larger than I expected which was a pleasant surprise. There was no discernible lag between the screen and the tv in the Rayman demo I played.  Watching the game on the screen was noticeably lower in resolution than the tv (which of course is expected), but the game looked absolutely fantastic on the little screen, much better than what I expected.  For comparison I use the OG 3DS top screen in 2D mode for 2D and sprite games like Mighty Switch Force and the Rayman Origins demo. The game looked way better than both on the Game Pad screen with the colors being super vibrant and the play experience smooth.  I couldn't imagine the same game running on the 3DS, for example, and look like it did on the Game Pad.  Touch was responsive and I used my finger exclusively (the flat of my index pad, not my finger nails).  It felt more responsive than that of my OG 3DS, which was even more responsive than my DSi before that.  The only downside I found was the finger prints and smudge marks on the screen. It didn't interfere with control at all with me, but it did obscure my vision a bit in the glare of the store lights.  This certainly will not be the conditions with which I play at home, but I will definitely be getting a screen protector for it.  The gyroscope worked fine and was very responsive, almost granularly so, but wasn't overly sensitive.

The Demos

The only playable demo was Rayman Legends.  In the demo, you had a choice of jumping into 4 portraits with the onscreen character to see a demo movie, change the character you played, or play one of 2 stages. You could also choose the options from a sliding menu on the Game Pad.  The demo had multiplayer, but as I was alone I only played as such.  This game is absolutely stunning! I don't know what it was, the proximity to the large 40"+ HD television, the vibrant color palate, a use of different lighting techniques for the game, I have no idea.  I just know that this game definitely looks better than Origins, which is saying a lot.  For reference, I beat Origins on my custom gaming PC playing it in 3D using Nvidia 3Dvision at a rock solid 60 fps on a 27" 1920x1080p monitor sitting less than 2 ft away.  So i was thoroughly impressed that the game looked even better than it's predecessor on my machine.  It played well with the Game Pad and I got quickly into the game.  The two playable stages hosted different playing options.  On the first stage (a normal Rayman level) about a 1/4 of the way through, they force you to use Murphy and you play the remainder of that stage on the Game Pad screen.  It was a lot of fun, more so than I expected.  I had heard that a portion of the game was suppose to play as such and I can happily say that it was as fun as playing the platforming character themselves, just different.  The other character simply went along when the path was clear, or a platform was available to hop onto.  The challenge in the touch sections came from multitasking taking care of enemies and bringing platforms in reach of your partner as well as playing with the environment to direct them to secret lum stashes and hidden rooms. This last particularly excited me because finding all the secrets in a stage was a huge part of the fun for me in Origins and I had thought with the Murphy sections it would go away.  I'm ecstatic to say that it hasn't and you just have to be even more vigilant to not pass them by as you have no direct control over your partner and can't go back as a result of it. As for the touch control, it as exact, responsive, and I never had to push or mash my finger to perform a duty. Simple pokes and swipes were all that was necessary and I never experienced lag in the least.

The other stage was a running one like that of the (very tough but satisfying) tooth treasure chase in Origins except platformed to the beat of a song. It was significantly easier than the chases in Origins (how long they stay that way I know not) but still challenging and a lot of fun.  It was a rendition of Black Betty sung in Raymanese if you will, and the whole stage had a very 'How to Train Your Dragon' vibe to it (especially playing as the new girl viking character) which I dug immensely. After playing both stages and watching the game play video twice (once on the tv screen and again on the Game Pad), I am extremely excited to buy Legends when it releases day 1.

As for the other demo videos on the home screen, I watched NSMBU, Nintendo Land, Lego City, and Scribblenauts Unlimited. All looked good in HD (especially NSMBU, geez what a jump from the Wii).

Other Stuff 

The Home and TV (not tvii) button did nothing and the actually home screen, OS, or Miiverse was not present nor apparently accessible.  Again, the real attraction of this system is the controller and I can understand now why they presented it the way they did back at E3 2011.  Nintendo products (particularly in the last 10 years or so) are very hard to convey in words and showcase and presents strongest from personal experience.  The WiiU game pad is no different and with the right demo, I challenge the most hardened of naysayers to play with the controller and walk away unmoved by the potential it brings. 

As a PC enthusiast, a portable gamer 2nd, and console player distant third, I have long since stopped being excited for anything on the consoles despite owning all but a 360 and being a diehard Nintendo fan since the NES days. But incredibly, Nintendo has done it again and I am once more hyped to 'new Nintendo console'  levels of hypeness for their next machine. These next 4 weeks are gonna be interminable.
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Offline Mannypon

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 01:12:06 PM »
I guess I'll just cut and paste my post from the WiiU thread since its better suited here now. My quick initial impression of the system is that I'm in love. 
  • The controller felt great in my hands, I didn't really feel much of a difference in weight as compared to my 360 controller. 
  • The button layout was perfect and the analog sticks have to be the best ones I've ever used.  They just felt soooo smooth. 
  • The touch screen was good, nothing mind blowing but also not anything sh*tty.  Its touch responce was really good.  That was something I was afraid about coming in.  I figured it was one of those touch screens that required me to use my finger nail instead of the base of my finger.  Thank god it wasn't, it operated as smooth as I would expect a tablet screen would (although I'm not much of a tablet user so I can't really compare them to well)
  • The build quality was great.  Everything felt sturdy yet soft to the touch.
  • The only playable demo was Rayman which was Fing amazing.  I haven't played Rayman since the SNES days so I was floored by what was going on.  I particularly LOVED the Castle Rock stage.  The demo station was hooked up to what sounded like a really good audio system and the music was on blast so the whole stage was a complete rush.  The other demos were disappointing in that the few that I checked out didn't have videos and only had still images to look at.  I'm surprised trailers weren't up for each respective game.  Also, there was some serious loading when exiting the Rayman demo.

All in all, my experience was just great.  I'm even more excited now to get my WiiU on launch day.  My time with Rayman has me sold on the gameplay and it's shot up as a day one purchase when it releases.  Has anyone else ran into these demo stations in the wild yet?  I know Bestbuys are getting them but I'm not sure who else is yet.
PS.  One other thing I'll like to add since Razorkid brought it up, the shoulder buttons really are perfect.  If your the type to use your middle fingers with the gamepad then they all fit snuggly on the shoulder buttons.  When I played, I rested my index fingers on the initial L and R buttons and then had my middle fingers resting on the addition L and R buttons right under them.  Everything fit like a perfectly placed tetris block.  Its almost as if they used a mold of my hands when they made the gamepad.  I will also second Razorkid's opinion that its as good, if not better, than the comfort level of the Cube pad which is really saying alot. 

Offline shingi_70

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2012, 01:22:44 PM »
Going to Best Buy  tommorow and i'm hoping they have the demo unit up and running.
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Offline Louieturkey

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2012, 05:50:29 PM »
This has surpassed the Gamecube's controller for me in both comfort, weight and ergonomics, which is high praise in my book.
This right here excites me more than anything else.  The GC controller is still my favorite of all time because of the reasons you state.  If the gamepad surpasses it in all those areas, I'm probably going to be very happy.

Offline kraken613

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2012, 06:33:49 PM »
I went to Best Buy in Daytona Beach this morning. They had a demo station but....

The gamepad would not "sync" with the system so I was not able to do anything other than look at the actual Gamepad.

Looks cool, and was comfortable to hold. Hopefully get to play one soon.
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 09:49:47 PM »
I went to a Best Buy after an appointment, and I got to play the Rayman Legends demo. I had a problem with the bonus room where you tilt the GamePad to tilt the maze around. Rayman wouldn't move, and when he finally did he did a suicide dive into some spikes. I might not have gotten exactly what I needed to do there, so that might have been my fault.

I really enjoyed the system. I was in awe for a little moment. The controller is lightweight, and it wasn't marred by fingerprints like I was expecting. Then again, it was facing the back of the gaming department, so maybe it hasn't gotten a lot of attention. I don't really know or can hazard a guess.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2012, 10:46:30 PM »
Are you sure it wasn't set up for co-op? When I played those levels at E3 one player tilted the level and the other controlled Rayman with the Pro controller. That might explain why he didn't move.
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2012, 06:50:42 AM »
played it at a mall gamestop..wish there were more games to play, the controller seemed big and heavy at first, but i got used to it. I think most of the weight was from the cord tethering the wii u remote down.

I always like the song Black Betty too.

the wii u console kinda looked like a chode
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 07:04:23 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline Stogi

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2012, 09:28:47 AM »
I'm very surprised that Rayman is the game they decided to show. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a good game, a great game evven but they would rather show off that then say NSMBU?

I hope that Nintendo adds more games and more controllers. I really want to try out Zombi U and Pikmin 3.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2012, 10:06:46 AM »
Rayman Legends is one of the best looking launch titles. It's not a bad game to show off. Mario is all over the marketing materials for the Wii U and his games practically sell themselves. Nintendo could name the next game New Super Mario Bros.: Koopa Kids Kaper and it would sell millions.

Offline Razorkid

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2012, 10:20:59 AM »
I think Rayman Legends showcase the Game Pad better than NSMBU and any exposure that Legends can get is good in my book.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2012, 12:43:28 PM »
I'm still trying to find someplace in Tennessee that has a Demo Unit...
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2012, 12:45:27 PM »
Considering the other games had a blanked out spot for demos, I hope that they get more demos after the release.

Offline Mannypon

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2012, 12:59:48 PM »
Yeah, I think you'd have to pay people NOT to buy a Mario game at this point.  Rayman needs more of a push than anything else.  I would assume that Nintendo would like to have Rayman be a primary Nintendo mascot from here on out.  Would be nice to have Rayman in the next Smash Brothers. 
Also, Ubisoft has been very close with Nintendo ever since the Wii and they, out of all the 3rd parties, are actually throwing solid support towards the WiiU.  For this, I believe Nintendo wants to do Ubisoft a favor and push their software.  Nintendo software will sell regardless but they need to do whatever they can to break the stigma within 3rd parties that their games won't sell on Nintendo hardware when they have to compete with Nintendo software. 
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 01:03:02 PM by Mannypon »

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2012, 01:01:28 PM »
I just think it's funny that the game they're showing won't make launch.
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Starting 10/17)
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2012, 01:08:24 PM »
Are you sure it wasn't set up for co-op? When I played those levels at E3 one player tilted the level and the other controlled Rayman with the Pro controller. That might explain why he didn't move.

No, the AI worked everywhere else and was quite smart as I helped him through the stage, moving obstacles and tickling foes. The demo was set up for solo. I'm sure I just wasn't getting how to do the maze part correctly. edit: I'd like to try it again this weekend.
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2012, 08:59:22 PM »
Wife and I popped into the local Gamestop, and they had one!  Wii U controller and Wii remote+nunchuck were hooked up for co-op Rayman.

The tablet controller felt good in my hands, better than I expected, actually.  The screen on the controller looked a LOT better than I expected it to (I was honestly expecting something akin to DS quality graphics for some reason.  It looks like similar screen quality to the Nook tablets.).

I'll say this: I'm glad I pre-ordered a deluxe edition.  I'm not really digging the white console.

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2012, 06:21:20 PM »
Played Wii U at Best Buy with my brother today. It was amazing, the controller was light-weight and responsive. The demo was really fun and November 18th can't come fast enough. :D

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2012, 10:09:04 PM »
Finally got my hand on a Wii U demo.

Best Buy:  I went and they had set everything up and realized that Nnitendo Hadn't give them the actually console so got to just hold the controller.  The screen and controller was a little smaller then I thought.  Also I'm fairly sure that the cord holding the Gamepad to the Demo unit is heavier then the Gamepad itself.  I decided to go by my local Gamestop...

Gamestop:  They had the Demo unit fully setup here.  (Must had done it on Friday.)  Watched the Video and played the Rayman Demo with a couple different characters. 

The touch level is OK.  Thought the Level in the Demo that really sold me on this is...

The  Black Betty music level.  I do enjoy that song and I enjoy they put a rhythm level to it.
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2012, 10:21:05 PM »
I finally tracked down a demo unit. The GamePad was nice though using the shoulder buttons is going to take some getting used to with my baby hands. They felt a bit further away than other controllers though I have been using my 3DS a lot lately so maybe I'm just used to not stretching my index finger to far. That shouldn't be a problem; it was just something I noticed.

I lament the lack of analog triggers. The grips were appreciated, but were a bit on the small side. Nintendo has yet to match the comfort of the Gamecube controllers prongs (neither has Sony nor Microsoft) though the Classic Controller Pro came close. I thought it was odd that on the menu screen you couldn't press A or start to select a demo/video. I guess I'm just used to pressing physical buttons in menus.

Rayman Legends was pretty gorgeous. I was by myself so I didn't get to try co-op.

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2012, 10:39:55 PM »

« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 10:44:31 PM by tendoboy1984 »
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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2012, 09:30:36 AM »
The touch level is OK.  Thought the Level in the Demo that really sold me on this is...

The  Black Betty music level.  I do enjoy that song and I enjoy they put a rhythm level to it.

HELL. YES.  I had a big ****-eating grin playing that level.   ;D wife didn't know what the song was...

I have to say, I'm confused why they used Rayman as a demo.  Not to say that it didn't look and play great, but I'm surprised they didn't offer up a couple of the Nintendoland minigames.  The Rayman game just didn't utilize the touch screen in the same fashion I expect Nintendoland to.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2012, 10:03:39 AM »
... wife didn't know what the song was...

It must be a women thing.
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Offline Louieturkey

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Re: Wii U Demo Station Impressions (Stated on 10/17)
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2012, 03:46:56 PM »
I have to say, I'm confused why they used Rayman as a demo.  Not to say that it didn't look and play great, but I'm surprised they didn't offer up a couple of the Nintendoland minigames.  The Rayman game just didn't utilize the touch screen in the same fashion I expect Nintendoland to.
Maybe have surmised it was to give Ubisoft a boost since they are the #1 supporter of the Wii U, so they are giving them an extra boost in advertising this way.