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Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:30:35 PM »
Let us consider something for a moment shall we? Here's a break down of all the first-party software currently on, organized by release date.
August 2012: New Super Mario Bros 2
Holiday 2012: Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros U, Wii U Panorama View
Wii U Launch Window (Reggie defined as launch and the following 3-4 months): Pikmin 3, Wii Fit U, Project P-100, Game & Wario
I think Nintendo is sending us a message this year. "We are sick of having to show our hand one or two or three years before anything is ready. Here's what we have for this year. We appreciate your excitement. Now be grateful for what you have, and tune in for another awkward, overly Japanese Nintendo Direct announcement every quarter so we can update you on things we want you to focus on that are coming up."
Furthermore, I think Nintendo has really taken a page out of Sony and Microsoft's books in there press conferences. I have a feeling that they are really going to make a bigger effort to pimp 3rd party games. In fact, considering the state they are in at the moment, they NEED to have both the support and sales of 3rd parties. Unlike the other two consoles, Nintendo has represented a huge competition to 3rd party software makers. Most people bought a Wii, as well as the 1st party titles that looked good, but didn't buy anything else. They can't afford to spend time talking about an Animal Crossing game that is 6 months away, or a Zelda or Metroid game that is a year or two away. They need people to buy software ASAP. You could argue that this is a sign that Nintendo is in slight damage-control mode, and be a bit more responsible with their money.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 06:16:51 PM »
"We are sick of having to show our hand one or two or three years before anything is ready. Here's what we have for this year. We appreciate your excitement. Now be grateful for what you have, and tune in for another awkward, overly Japanese Nintendo Direct announcement every quarter so we can update you on things we want you to focus on that are coming up."

Actually, Nintendo pretty much said this like 2 or 2 years ago when they said they are gonna stop showing games that are not close to completion. I can't blame them, I don't really want to see a game that won't be out for like 2 years.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2012, 07:42:52 AM »
Actually, Nintendo pretty much said this like 2 or 2 years ago when they said they are gonna stop showing games that are not close to completion. I can't blame them, I don't really want to see a game that won't be out for like 2 years.

They should have applied that same policy towards their hardware, instead of unveiling the Wii U over a year ago and thus giving the competition ample time to start ripping it off. If the Wii U isn't coming out until 2012 then it shouldn't have been revealed until 2012.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2012, 09:30:44 AM »
I came away from the press conference a bit disappointed because my expectation was that Nintendo would just show off tons of games, even if they were years away based on previous E3 press conferences where they did just that. If the expectation now is that they only how titles that will be out in the next say, 4-8 months, that's fine. In fact, I prefer that. I just hope they stay consistent with that. Don't show me the next Zelda or even tell me it exists unless it's being released soon. As long as they're consistent with their announcement/release schedule, I don't see this as a problem. Some people might because they like the hype but if there's always something on the horizon, there's always something to look forward to. They just come in shorter bursts.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2012, 10:20:52 AM »
Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3:  "F--k off! We only care about the casual market these days"

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Offline Ceric

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2012, 10:33:56 AM »
Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3:  "F--k off! We only care about the casual market these days"

They don't.  Where is all the Multimedia features and Angry Birds then?
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2012, 10:42:26 AM »
What worries me isn't Nintendo's message to fans... but what message they might get in return from gamers and developers.

Maybe Wii U will be a great console with a well-rounded library of games and satisfied fans.  Maybe not. Based only on what was shown at E3, I'd put my money on the latter.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2012, 05:45:59 PM »
we've been burned by third parties so many times i just expect it to become a minigame box again -_-
Sure, i'm very confident that nintendo will come out with good first party games, but the tone they set for this year is "this is the wii all over again". I'll take the wait and see approach but right now I'm not brimming with confidence.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 06:50:04 PM »
Nintendo's message to the fans is that they're going to keep down the same path.  Whether that's good or bad is up to the individual fan.  It really seems like the 3DS and Wii U are going to be incremental upgrades to the DS and Wii without any real change in approach.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 06:59:54 PM »
Nintendo's message to the fans is that they're going to keep down the same path.  Whether that's good or bad is up to the individual fan.  It really seems like the 3DS and Wii U are going to be incremental upgrades to the DS and Wii without any real change in approach.

It also doesn't help that the Wii U looks almost exactly the same as the Wii, and the name is also certainly very similar. I know there's the saying that "looks can be deceiving", but aside from the Wii U being HD and having a new fangled controller is it really any different?  Nintendo made the product so deceptively similar in name and appearance that consumers are going to be confused about this actually being a new product. They will look at the controller and recognize that as something different, but they will probably assume its just a peripheral to the Wii that they already own.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2012, 07:17:59 PM »
I believe CNN already did an article on the new Wii U Gamepad controller... for the Wii.  D'oh! ;)

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2012, 07:34:45 PM »
Every single member of this site knows a new Nintendo console is coming out later this year, but how many in the general population know that? How many soccer moms or grandparents know there is a new Nintendo console this year? They know the Wii because its become a household name, and they may own it themselves... but they don't follow gaming news or watch E3 like we do.

I predict what will happen is during the holidays they will walk into their local retailer and see these new Wii games such as "New Super Mario Bros. U", "Nintendo Land", "Pikmin 3", etc. And they'll be thinking "hey, this will make a great Christmas gift for little Billy!" So they buy the game, and on Christmas day Billy tries to play the game on his Wii but it doesn't work.

I expect Nintendo is going to receive a **** storm of backlash for having made this new product so confusingly similar to their last. The thing is, there's no way this could have been an accident. They had to have deliberately intended for it to look and sound the same as the Wii. Even the logo is pretty much the same... the only different being that little blue {U} thing that will be easy to miss or over look.

My question is how does this benefit Nintendo? The uncanny similarities couldn't be anything but intentional. But why? What does it gain them by confusing non-gamers? I can understand the desire to retain a popular brand name, but why make the console look identical and be the same color? Why make the logo almost the same? Why make the cover art of the game cases look similar? None of that gains Nintendo anything. It only confuses non-gamers who won't know any better, and it will blow up in a public relations nightmare. That's what I predict is going to happen.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 07:41:11 PM by Chozo Ghost »
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Offline Caterkiller

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2012, 08:39:39 PM »
I predict what will happen is during the holidays they will walk into their local retailer and see these new Wii games such as "New Super Mario Bros. U", "Nintendo Land", "Pikmin 3", etc. And they'll be thinking "hey, this will make a great Christmas gift for little Billy!" So they buy the game, and on Christmas day Billy tries to play the game on his Wii but it doesn't work.

I expect Nintendo is going to receive a **** storm of backlash for having made this new product so confusingly similar to their last. The thing is, there's no way this could have been an accident. They had to have deliberately intended for it to look and sound the same as the Wii. Even the logo is pretty much the same... the only different being that little blue {U} thing that will be easy to miss or over look.

If the 3DS can get beyond this the WiiU certainly will.

We got Pikmin 3 and MarioU certainly looks like a next gen Mario. Good and major 3rd party games were announced like Tekken, Assassin's Creed, and P-100(brand new) along with other major titles that have already come out. Alien's, Assassin's Creed, and a few other multiplats look sharper on the Wii U. We might actually get a good version of Ninja Gaiden as well.

What surprises do you want? Star Fox, F-Zero, and Smash Bros? Even if these games were announced how surprising would it be considering all the rumors? We know all the usual Nintendo devs are working on something, so quit whining. We know they aren't going to show much beyond the launch window anyway, so what is coming out at the launch window is great!

Nintendo Land is a fun and decent solution to Wii Play and Wii Sports. It basically has a version of Pac Man VS, that's enough for me, especially if it's a pack in. The games are fun, control perfectly, and they are Nintendo themed. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

That panorama view is so epic and could mean some amazing things in the future. Not dropping the Wiimote plus means we may get more games like Skyward Sword. The super social online network looks and sounds fantastic, even with a 30 min delay from random strangers. The main controller has sticks, is so light, pretty comfortable, and is essentially classic controller.

We got good stuff and because we didn't see everything possible, it's immediate doom and gloom. You all need to just work extra hours and buy all systems, other wise shut up. I'm glad to finally be able to get the real Tekken, Batman, Mass Effect, and Assassin's Creed to go along with my MarioU and Pikmin.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2012, 08:55:05 PM »
Listening to the newest episode of Weekend Confirmed (ep. 116), and yep, the Wii U is a joke to those guys.

Nintendo, way to spread that message out and about of catering to the core crowd of gamers... o_O
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2012, 09:34:28 PM »
If the 3DS can get beyond this the WiiU certainly will.

The thing is, its difficult to fully measure how much market confusion played into the 3DS' slow start. There was also the matter of the price and the lack of games, so there's no single explanation for it, but rather a combination of all of them. Sure, the lack of games effected the 3DS, and so did the price, and maybe those reasons were more significant than market confusion, but we can't say market confusion wasn't a factor at all, because it probably was... we just don't know how much it mattered because there's no hard data on that.

Also, you say the 3DS got "beyond that", but who knows if it fully has? There's no doubt its selling a lot better now thanks to the price cut and more games, but I wouldn't doubt there are still a lot of uninformed consumers who would assume its just a mere DS revision ala DSi or lite. Sales are doing well know, but who can really say that market confusion still isn't a factor? Maybe even though sales right now are good, they would be even better if it was clearer that the 3DS was more than a mere revision? Again, there's no hard data one way or the other so the best we could go on is anecdotal evidence. What do average people on the streets think? If they aren't informed gamers odds they won't know.

And also when you say the 3DS "got beyond that", keep in mind the drastic measure Nintendo had to take in order for that to happen. Is that something they can afford to do again with the Wii U so soon after launch? The current Wii is $149 if I'm not mistaken. Isn't the Wii U's price supposed to be $349? It will probably something around that.

That said, the Wii U will cost $100-$200 more than the Wii, yet it looks exactly the same as the Wii and has almost the same name. What will casuals think when they see both side by side on store shelves? Wouldn't they just assume the tablet thing is the only difference? A $200 tablet controller and maybe HD output? Yeah, I'm thinking sales are going to be adversely effected by market confusion. I don't know what Nintendo was thinking, but I don't think this is going to work out very well for them.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2012, 10:06:30 PM »
Listening to the newest episode of Weekend Confirmed (ep. 116), and yep, the Wii U is a joke to those guys.

Nintendo, way to spread that message out and about of catering to the core crowd of gamers... o_O

if you skip to about the 15 minute mark of this episode of Invisible walls, they basically tear Nintendo apart. It was brutal.

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2012, 11:09:15 PM »
Every single member of this site knows a new Nintendo console is coming out later this year, but how many in the general population know that? How many soccer moms or grandparents know there is a new Nintendo console this year? They know the Wii because its become a household name, and they may own it themselves... but they don't follow gaming news or watch E3 like we do.

I predict what will happen is during the holidays they will walk into their local retailer and see these new Wii games such as "New Super Mario Bros. U", "Nintendo Land", "Pikmin 3", etc. And they'll be thinking "hey, this will make a great Christmas gift for little Billy!" So they buy the game, and on Christmas day Billy tries to play the game on his Wii but it doesn't work.

I expect Nintendo is going to receive a **** storm of backlash for having made this new product so confusingly similar to their last. The thing is, there's no way this could have been an accident. They had to have deliberately intended for it to look and sound the same as the Wii. Even the logo is pretty much the same... the only different being that little blue {U} thing that will be easy to miss or over look.

My question is how does this benefit Nintendo? The uncanny similarities couldn't be anything but intentional. But why? What does it gain them by confusing non-gamers? I can understand the desire to retain a popular brand name, but why make the console look identical and be the same color? Why make the logo almost the same? Why make the cover art of the game cases look similar? None of that gains Nintendo anything. It only confuses non-gamers who won't know any better, and it will blow up in a public relations nightmare. That's what I predict is going to happen.

Did Sony have that problem when they made the PS2 and PS3? Their consoles all have "PlayStation" in the name, so there must have been some confusion there, right?  ::)   And I bet the same situation happened with Microsoft and their Xbox brand...  ::)
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2012, 11:32:31 PM »
Did Sony have that problem when they made the PS2 and PS3?

Of course not, because the PS2 looks VERY different than the PS1, and the PS3 looks very different than the PS2.

Also, having the console numbered sequentially is a very clear indicator that its a successor and not just a mere revision. Your analogy is bullshit because Sony didn't make the PS2 look exactly like the PS1, nor did they name it "PS U" and then. If Nintendo made the Wii U look different, as well as naming it "Wii 2" then there would be no problem with confusion.

So don't roll your eyes at me. I think Ooohboy was right about you.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2012, 12:04:24 AM »
I believe this delightful post will tell you everything you need to know about Tendoboy.
I wouldn't be surprised if since HD development is more complicated any of their previous systems, any game that Nintendo can't guarantee will be out within the launch window they don't want to risk showing. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if because of new more complex HD development Nintendo fears that some of their delays will end up much longer then delays for Wii and 3DS were so if they were to show games they can't guarantee will be ready for early 2013 now, they could end up being delayed until late 2014 which would give them another Twilight Princess PR situation which I'm sure they never want again.
The only "difficulty" of developing for an HD resolution is making all the textures sharper. That's all HD is, a resolution. I could play an N64 game in HD, and it would still be an HD game.

I didn't call him on it at the time since the thread had moved on from it without breaking a step and I didn't want to break the flow. Second, I was too busy trying to breathe through my hands as I face palmed myself into unconsciousness only to have gravity save my life. His statement is so wrong on so many levels, there is no limit as to the depth as to how one could explain how wrong he is. His ignorance is superhuman. It is his superpower and I weep.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2012, 12:39:46 AM »
Did Sony have that problem when they made the PS2 and PS3?

Of course not, because the PS2 looks VERY different than the PS1, and the PS3 looks very different than the PS2.

Also, having the console numbered sequentially is a very clear indicator that its a successor and not just a mere revision. Your analogy is bullshit because Sony didn't make the PS2 look exactly like the PS1, nor did they name it "PS U" and then. If Nintendo made the Wii U look different, as well as naming it "Wii 2" then there would be no problem with confusion.

So don't roll your eyes at me. I think Ooohboy was right about you.

Remember when the Game Boy Color came out? People thought they could play GBC games on their monochrome Game Boys, but that misconception solved itself. Nintendo knows how to differentiate their consoles.

People are just too stupid to know the difference.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2012, 12:55:42 AM »
The responsibility is Nintendo's to make sure people understand this. If they don't, Nintendo will make less money. Yes, at least some of it is because people are stupid, but Nintendo has to be the one to make them understand.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2012, 03:01:20 AM »
Another factor to think about is the cases that the software will be distributed in. Nintendo would be making a catastrophic mistake if they stick to white. If the cases are a different colour and the writing on the spines are in a different font most people would understand that these are games for a new console.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2012, 03:14:48 PM »
I just believe the significance of E3 has been greatly reduced. A lot of companies didn't even bother showing up this year, and I wouldn't be surprised to see more remove themselves from E3 next year. Why bother when you can create your own event on your own time and dime and not have to compete with 100s of other games from competitors for time and mind share?

The days of E3 being Christmas for gamers are pretty much over.
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Online Evan_B

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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2012, 09:33:44 PM »
CHOZO! Stop being such a grouch!

Nintendo's message was: we're tightening up our announcements because we want to keep people continuously interested in our lineup. Here's what's coming out before the end of the year though!

I felt kinda gypped that our top two 3DS titles were announced at last E3 and covered again this year- they probably don't want to annoy people like that again.
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Re: Nintendo's Message to the Fans This E3
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2012, 08:52:20 AM »
Nintendo's messaging coming out of E3 was definitely subdued for both platforms. Unintentionally. I hope.

3DS fans can take heart however...the bulk of that system's support will come out of Japan this year, and Japan has its own show for video games. Unlike with the Wii U (seemingly), those developers have that platform's back, and a hearty thanks to Capcom for that :p

Additionally, Nintendo is likely to have their own 3DS and Wii U events later in the summer/early fall as it works to kickstart the hype machine heading into the holidays. I do feel we actually have a lot of games to look forward the question is why doesn't Nintendo...  :confused;