Author Topic: What is your most recent gaming purchase?  (Read 776838 times)

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Offline Mop it up

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2075 on: May 05, 2017, 07:18:39 PM »
So by that logic, Wii and DS prizes are set to rise in a few years for sure? Makes sense I guess.
This is what I'm expecting to happen yeah, if history holds true. If there are any more Wii games you want, there's no time like the present. Some games have already started to rise in price, for example it was only a couple of years ago that Dokapon Kingdom was worth $20-30, and now it routinely sells for over $100.

1. Donkey Konga 2 (with Bongos) thereby giving me 4 sets of Bongos and completing the multiplayer potential that will probably never be realized.
2. Hello Kitty Roller Rescue
3. Mario Power Tennis
4. P.N.03
5. Pacman VS
6. Superman: Shadows of Apokolips
7. Shadow the Hedgehog
This is certainly an interesting list. I'd be curious about the reason for the ones not 1.

I actually have P.N.03, I think I bought it many years ago for $3. Now, if only I had played it...

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2076 on: May 05, 2017, 10:28:51 PM »
Okey-dokey! Everyone's always curious about Khushrenada.

Hello Kitty Roller Rescue

I mean, c'mon. It just looks cute. You get to play as these cute animals and whack space aliens with a magic wand in a colorful world reminiscent of Kirby. It might be a kids game and simple but sometimes its nice to just to play a pleasant little distraction like a videogame cupcake or confection. Nothing too complicated or overly fancy like a big meal or dessert but a simple bite size snack of quick sweetness that may not keep you satisfied for long but you enjoy it while you have it / play it.

Mario Power Tennis

At one point, I was looking for all the remaining Mario sports games on GC but then I recently managed to pick up Strikers and Baseball for a good price just leaving Tennis as the odd one out. Admittedly, I'm not a big Tennis fan. I don't watch or play it. But I've like the Mario Golf series and the Mario Tennis series seems to be the second biggest Mario sports entry after it unless you consider Mario Kart as part of the sport series. The only Mario Tennis game I own so far though is the 3DS version because I was able to pick it up for $12.00 new at Target one time. (Thank you Fatty the Hutt for posting that deal.) So, I'm not sure how into I'd be but the Wii U Tennis seems to be awful and I'm not really interested in going to the N64 or GBA versions and the GC version seemed to be good enough for Nintendo to re-release it on the Wii with motion controls added so I'm optimistic about the quality of this title. But I see it as $15 - $20 game which may be why I haven't snagged a copy yet since it often seems to sell a bit above that.


With the terrible name and bland title, I never thought much about looking into this game when I saw it on store shelves but sometime after the GC ended and into the Wii era, there were some articles talking about the previous generation of GC and overlooked titles worth checking out and some stuff on the Capcom 5 games. It was from articles like these that I finally started getting some info on P.N.03 which made it sound a bit like an odd Metroid Prime re-imagining. It also seemed to be getting a slightly positive vibe and recommendation as being worth checking out so I kind of made a mental note to start remembering it and looking for it but I'm still pretty vague on what it is like or about and haven't considered it a top priority of tracking down. Looking it up on eBay, it's price seems to be going up from what some of you have paid and seems to be selling for about what it sold when it was brand new and I'm not sure if it is worth it not but it did get a reaction from 2 members here of all the things on my list so it's definitely peaking my curiosity again.

Pacman VS

I've heard this game is supposed to be a pretty neat game if you can get the GBA and Link cable for it and is one of the better proof of concepts of GC/GBA connectivity. I've been slowly trying to get myself set up for a Four Swords play though at some point having bought the game and a couple GBAs and link cables. If I do finish getting a couple more for the full 4 player experience, I'd like to have this game as another way of justifying the endeavor. I hear Crystal Chronicles is supposed to be worth it too but I've never played a Final Fantasy game so I've got no connection with the series and it just always felt like a big escort mission based on the description of the game whereas PacMan VS seems like it could be a lot of fun in strategy and as a party game. It did re-release on the 3DS, I think (or else it was the DS) but I'd like to play it as it was intended on the GC.

Superman Shadows of Apokolips

Can't say I have any big expectations for this game. I didn't even know it existed until maybe 5 years ago when I was in a Used Games shop and saw it. I was only aware of the Superman 64 bomb. I liked the Animated Series so I'm interested in revisiting it through videogame form. When the GameCube when first came out, one of the early games I rented for it was Batman: Vengence because I liked the animated series and the Batman & Robin SNES did a good job of adapting that series into a game. I remember being amazed at the jump in quality of graphics from 64 to GC and how well the game seemed to resemble the Animated Series. The game was short but I enjoyed it. I finally bought Batman Vengence a few years ago and replayed it. It's definitely aged and rather sparse and wonky. That said, the game had still had some moments fun and a couple neat concepts/levels I'd forgotten bout so I thought it was worth the $10.00 or so dollars I paid for it.  My hope is Shadows of Apokolips can deliver the same experience as Batman Vengence. I'm not expecting a greatly polished game but competent enough that I can play through it without much trouble and they throw in a couple fun levels.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Part of getting this game is because I am curious how bad it is from the reviews of it many years ago. Having followed the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic for a few decades I'm curious what elements and story this game provided Shadow and would have been used to influence that property. Also, I liked Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow. From his introduction in that game, I still think he's kind of a neat foil and Sega thought he was popular enough at that time to get his game so they did something right about him. The whole idea of Shadow running around with guns though just seems so insane even now that I really do want to play it to just to see what Sega was thinking when they came up with this title. Since I mostly liked Sonic Adventure 2 and didn't have too much of an issue with Sonic Heroes when it came out, I've always thought I may be able to enjoy Shadow the Hedgehog even though everyone just wanted to pile on the Sonic franchise at that point (and the bashing has continued to this day) so I'd like to form my own informed opinion of the game by actually playing it also. I found with Sonic Adventure 2 that when you practiced and got good at a level to get an A rank, it could make for a pretty exciting and interesting level (provided you hit some elements just right and didn't glitch). Unlike the Sonic games of the GC era, to my knowledge, there are no other side characters you control in Shadow the Hedgehog meaning all the levels should be of the race from one end to the other variety. My expectation is to either have some fun flying through some levels at top speed or just shaking my head in amazement at the poor quality. Either way, I expect it to be memorable in some way.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2077 on: May 06, 2017, 01:35:03 AM »
Khush, if you ever want to do a weekend marathon of Four Swords and Chrystal Chronicles I would be willing to put together a road trip to go marathon them with you. I got at least one person that would be willing to go with me.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2078 on: May 06, 2017, 02:07:11 AM »
Hmmm. An interesting proposal. It's a shame ShyGuy has to be so far away in Spokane or maybe he could get in on the action too. I suppose we could always do the unthinkable and invite Ian Sane into the mix. Nah. Too crazy. Khushrenada, Stratos, ShyGuy, Ian Sane. Could you imagine? The forums would implode.

I do fear that a meeting in person may destroy your imagined notion of who I am in real life. They say never to meet your hero and that's why I won't even talk to myself or look at myself in the mirror. ;) But maybe I should just let it be. Of course, there is PAX West at the start of September so we could always gather for that too. I'm thinking about going this year. I didn't even realize there was a PAX West and that it was so close until it was basically starting last year so now I'm debating about checking it out this year.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2079 on: May 06, 2017, 02:11:51 AM »
I'd seriously consider seconding that. Crystal Chronicles is one of the best multiplayer experiences of all time, and it's a shame it is such a damn hassle to get working, because there's nothing else like it. Some of the most fun I've ever had playing video games was in that mysterious, immersive world.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2080 on: May 06, 2017, 02:17:20 AM »
First I need to buy P.N.03 and play that. Now it's Crystal Chronicles. Well, which is it? Make up your mind!

Are you seconding in joining such a gathering or just about playing the game?
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2081 on: May 09, 2017, 03:07:47 AM »
Pac-Man Vs. Was awesome on GCN.  Totally get Wavebirds though.  The cord confusion is a mess after a few rounds. ;)

Four Swords Adventures is awesome.  However, you really need five TVs, five GCNs, 4 Game Boy players... that's the best way to play.  Pay for my airfare and short of TVs, I can bring everything needed.  We can even LAN some Mario Karting Double Dash. ;)

In spite of owning FFCC, I've never played it. :/

Not my collective most recent purchase, but....
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2082 on: May 09, 2017, 03:31:06 AM »
Pac-Man Vs. Was awesome on GCN.  Totally get Wavebirds though.  The cord confusion is a mess after a few rounds. ;)

Four Swords Adventures is awesome.  However, you really need five TVs, five GCNs, 4 Game Boy players... that's the best way to play.  Pay for my airfare and short of TVs, I can bring everything needed.

My NWR meet-up idea from a few years back is really sounding interesting now.

We can even LAN some Mario Karting Double Dash. ;)

Be still my beating heart. Screw this GBA Connectivity idea. This right here is the real reason to invite UncleBob and would probably be worth paying his plane ticket for. Double Dash - All Day, All Night.

In spite of owning FFCC, I've never played it. :/

Looks like someone else is part of the NWR Backlog club.

Not my collective most recent purchase, but....

I know Nintendo's advertising says "Collect them all" (since you show us some of the advertising in those pics) but you don't actually have to collect them all.... ;)

Funniest thing I just learned about by going through this pics is that there are different poses for the Copper and Booker Animal Crossing Amiibo cards and apparently Japan likes their Copper and Booker characters with a more distinct Nazi flavoring.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2083 on: May 09, 2017, 03:48:17 AM »
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2084 on: May 09, 2017, 04:14:19 AM »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2085 on: May 09, 2017, 04:17:56 AM »
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2086 on: May 09, 2017, 04:29:18 AM »

Sorry but I'm not going to play your game, UncleBob Barker! I'm not going to try and guess what and where the bonus is.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 04:32:04 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2088 on: May 10, 2017, 02:10:37 PM »
This is for Khushrenada in regards to P.N.03. As someone who bought the game several years ago in the twilight of the GC era I can say it is pretty decent and somewhat challenging.  The controls are somewhat like an early version of what RE4's controls are like in that your movements are similar but there as some slight differences.  The game is basically a game where you can go room to room and you try to string together the largest combo for that room by beating robots. See every time you beat a bot you get a certain amount of time added to your timer for the room and then you try and make it to the next bot and beat it to add more time till you get to the end of the room and you are awarded some points to use on different suits and various items. Speaking of Suits there is 3 types with 3 different variences. Fusion, Blazer and Guardian. Blazer is more offensive with the default firepower but less defensive, Guardian is more defensive but less starting firepower and Fusion is a mix of the two. Some suits when you start off you need to mash on the attack button to fire but others you can just hold the button and Vanessa will just attack. Also each suit has different energy drives which is basically different special attacks that drain the energy meter using different inputs on the controller.

The levels are more of a clean and sterile aesthetic and if you are going to each and every room it might be difficult to remember where you have gone so you kinda have to keep a mental map of the level and just keep that going in your head. Each main level after you beat it has trail missions which can net you more points for suit upgrades and these can be done as much as you want till you want to move on to the next main level and then a new set of trail missions open up.

Story is interesting to say the least so I won't delve into that.  I would just going into things on the idea of blasting robots and looking stylish dodging like a boss.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2089 on: May 10, 2017, 03:23:51 PM »
Plus, dat ass.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2090 on: May 11, 2017, 07:52:30 PM »
Got Twisted Metal Black on the PS Store since it was on sale. I liked Head-On on the PSP, as that was my first Twisted Metal, and Black is supposedly good. Excited to play it, but I have to cover some other games first.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2091 on: May 12, 2017, 10:02:56 AM »
Plus, dat ass.

The games magazine I was reading back then claimed that if you beat the game X amount of times it would unlock some sort of swimsuit version of the Aegis suit. Or maybe it was a Tomb Raider-esque outfit? Not sure if that was true or just another gaming rumour, I just used the default white one to match the iPod interiors. But then again, **** like BMX Triple X existed in that era as well so who knows. Some aspects of gaming are so embarassing.

Sidenote but I saw that Sega might be releasing Vanquish to Steam soon, in some ways that really looks like the spiritual sequel to P.N. 03. Hate the artstyle for Vanquish though, way too much clutter, and overdesigned mech-power suits for my liking. I guess P.N. 03 goes too far the other direction by having everything look samey and sterile. Maybe they just ran out of time though.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2092 on: May 12, 2017, 12:05:14 PM »
Vanquish is an incredible game.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2093 on: May 20, 2017, 07:41:51 PM »
Super glad to find a used DS Lite (purple+black, like new condition) together with Pokemon Pearl for $25 CAD.

My daughter wanted a Pokemon game she could play on her DSi, and I wanted a replacement system to play through my library of DS/3DS games. Her request is filled and mine is half-way met - considering it's backwards compatible for my GBA games and was very cheap, that seems like a steal to me.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 07:43:24 PM by ejamer »
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2094 on: May 21, 2017, 12:53:51 AM »
I guess it doesn't count as a purchase, but a friend from work gave me his "old" PC...which has an i5 4670K, 24GB RAM, 256GB SSD, and GTX 980Ti...this thing is a monster. He just upgraded to a 1080Ti, so I guess this one isn't good enough gets 175FPS in Doom (2016) at Ultra settings 1920x1200.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2095 on: May 21, 2017, 09:46:57 AM »
Holy crap I now have a gaming PC.  Intel i7-7700K, 16GB DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1070 8GB, 128GB NVMe SSD. I...I...don't know what I am doing please help.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2096 on: May 21, 2017, 03:26:04 PM »
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline Mop it up

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2097 on: May 22, 2017, 05:07:12 PM »
As in, Codename, or something else?

Okey-dokey! Everyone's always curious about Khushrenada.
Pfft, as if you don't enjoy the attention.

I think I actually do remember something about that Hello Kitty game when it came out and that it was actually good for a licence game.

I have both versions of Mario Power Tennis. You'll recognise the presentation of the game as much of the character models, animations, and sounds were recycled for Open on 3DS. If you didn't care for the Chance Shots in Open, Power doesn't have those so it's less like a game of whack-a-mole than Open is. Instead, it has power shots, one for offense and one for defense, which can be used after a meter fills up. They're a little gimmicky, and ultimately they don't add much to the game as the defensive power shot is often used to just stop the opponent's offensive power shot or vice-versa. But the base tennis game is pretty solid beyond that. There are also some gimmick courts to mix things up, and minigames and such. Best Mario Tennis? Probably, though it does still feel a little lacking, not quite a "full" game I guess. While I did enjoy the motion controls in the Wii version, they work best in multiplayer. The game was not re-balanced to compensate for how the motion control works, and so the CPU is more difficult as they can do some things you can't do, and the minigames also don't work as well since it's tougher to aim the ball.

I've also been curious about Shadow the Hedgehog despite what has been said about it. Like you, I may also be able to have some fun with it as I did enjoy some parts of other hated Sonic games like Secret Rings on Wii. Pac-Man Vs did seem like an interesting concept, but the hardware requirement kept me away from it. Same deal with Four Swords.

I actually do have Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and happen to have three GBAs, but I have none of the necessary cables. I couldn't add much to that meetup, but it would be quite epic indeed...

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2098 on: May 23, 2017, 05:19:21 PM »
I just bought Battle Sports Mekuru on Switch. It's currently only available on the Japanese eShop, but the game has full English support. I've played it a little bit so far and I like it. The description I saw of "Bomberman meets Splatoon" is a pretty accurate one. I can't wait to try this out with some friends.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #2099 on: May 23, 2017, 05:21:14 PM »
Is that the panel-flipping, ground-pounding one? That looked fun.
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