Author Topic: What is your most recent gaming purchase?  (Read 775222 times)

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Offline ymeegod

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #700 on: March 19, 2013, 11:46:26 AM »
Ended up getting an used Vita.  Came with 16GB card/case/ and three games for $170ish.  Already have PS+ and a few vita PSN titles purchased so that should last me awhile.

Also ended up snagging an used WII U PE with two additional games (Zombiu, NSMB2) for $250.  Not keeping the system since a friend of mine wanted one for her kid so I'm giving it to her minus Zombiu since her kid is only 8 anyhow. 

And lastly purchased X-com Enemy Unknown PS3 for $17.  Really enjoying the game but I'm only a few hours in at this point.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 11:48:28 AM by ymeegod »

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #701 on: March 19, 2013, 12:40:39 PM »
Found some Wii point cards marked down to 50% off, so ended up grabbing:
* Ys: Book I & II (TG16)
* Dragon's Curse (TG16)
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #702 on: March 19, 2013, 02:04:52 PM »
That's a great deal, getting double your money's worth of Wii Points. Where did you find the cards?
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #703 on: March 19, 2013, 03:15:42 PM »
I bought 'To the Moon' during a recent Steam sale. I had a pretty good idea of what kind of game I was getting into, and I deliberately held off on playing it until I had a lazy Sunday morning. In the aftermath of St Patrick's Day, last Sunday seemed as good a time as any to dive in. So I did.

I will admit from the outset that I really do find great comfort in stories like the one told in 'To the Moon'. Perhaps because I can relate to the characters, I always seem to derive a certain...relief(?) from those stories that concern people who are susceptible to emotional withdrawal and/or social anxiety. Although I've never been diagnosed with any type of Disorder, I have from a very young age exhibited several traits which could point towards a mild developmental disorder (I have difficulty relating to people and events, and having conversations, even with friends and family, can often be stressful).

'To the Moon' deals with several such issues, including developmental disorders, selfishness, regret, love, guilt, loneliness, longing, amongst other things. All of which sounds incredibly pretentious, lol. However, 'To the Moon' manages to use humour and real world references (from the Matrix to Animorphs) to poke fun at itself and deflate what might otherwise be a melodramatic moment. Not only is the game genuinely funny, these moments of comedy really make you care about the characters and their fates, and once you care about the characters you can't help but care about their needs, their desires and their deficiencies. Without the comedy, I really don't think the story would work.

The game can, however, be emotionally wrought, much of which has to do with the music. As has been discussed on RFN, in graphical terms 'To the Moon' most closely resembles a 16bit RPG (while it is better looking than those games in some ways, it is also less so in other respects). Much of it's impact, therefore, comes not from the animation, but rather from the music. Quite frankly, the music is beautiful. Delicate and sombre, but without being manipulative. It's fantastic.

The story also takes several interesting twists. You think you know where the narrative is headed, but then it shifts angle ever so slightly, and suddenly you a have completely different perspective on characters and their motivations. Admittedly, most of these revelations are due to the structure of the story and the deliberate choice by the developer to withhold information for maximum impact. While it is most certainly contrived, it somehow manages to avoid feeling stilted. Once again, it works because you actually care about what's going to happen to the characters.

Needless to say, I thought this game was fantastic. It's the best 4 hours I have spent with a game in quite some time. Or is it?! see, that's the thing. I'm not sure, in the strictest sense, it is a game. It certainly looks like one, but there really isn't any gameplay to speak of. There isn't much room for the player in this tale beyond what you take away from it. It's a very personal story, designed to be told in a very particular sequence and in a very particular way. The player has little to no initiative beyond deciding to play it or deciding not to play it. Even games as basic as Pong have more interactivity and player initiative. Personally, I don't have a problem with that. Your mileage might vary.

If you're looking for a recommendation though, here it is. Highly recommended.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 03:22:38 PM by Pixelated Pixies »
Gouge away.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #704 on: March 19, 2013, 03:57:04 PM »
That's a great deal, getting double your money's worth of Wii Points. Where did you find the cards?

The Source (Canada)

Was lucky to find a store within comfortable driving distance that still had a handful of cards in stock... but it was the only store left in my province with any and it looks like stock is extremely limited.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 04:01:22 PM by ejamer »
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Offline Ceric

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #705 on: March 19, 2013, 04:00:13 PM »
I bought StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm.  Yes I'm weak but, I enjoyed.
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Offline Louieturkey

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #706 on: March 19, 2013, 04:25:59 PM »
I bought StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm.  Yes I'm weak but, I enjoyed.
I picked it up too.  I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #707 on: March 19, 2013, 06:00:37 PM »
That's a great deal, getting double your money's worth of Wii Points. Where did you find the cards?

The Source (Canada)

Was lucky to find a store within comfortable driving distance that still had a handful of cards in stock... but it was the only store left in my province with any and it looks like stock is extremely limited.
Thanks for the link. I found one card, just one, within 100 kms. Fortunately, that one card is just a few blocks away. I will try and snag it after work today.
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline marty

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #708 on: March 19, 2013, 08:36:49 PM »
Picked up Red Steel 2 for $10 last week and feel a little ripped off.

I'm always a little sad when I get around to games I looked forward to playing long after any anticipation of playing it goes away.  I'd seen the reviews and heard about the long and frequent load times, the repetitive mission objectives, the inverse difficulty curve--the usual kiss of death stuff that ruins games for me--and played through RS2 anyways.  The game also had a reputation of being the best controlling Wii game--which is fair, I felt the game controlled reliably--which also makes the problems the game has all the more apparent. 

The inverse difficulty curve is the thing that is really unforgivable since the main goal of any game is essentially overcoming a challenge, ideally, as a player and character (but I'll settle for player).  When the challenge goes away, so does any incentive to play better (i grit my teeth on the first boss and had fun, I slept walk through the end, bored) as well as any stakes the story has raised (the story was garbage but you can skip it)--I was really disengaged by the end and had it not come so abruptly (bad pacing in the story as well as gameplay, naturally), I might never have made it there.  The other kicker is that the game DOES start off promising--challenging sword-fights interspersed too infrequently between wandering between mission objectives and fighting frequent loading screens--and it's when the combat becomes as tedious and pointless as the wandering and load-times that the sad feeling that the game isn't good anymore starts seeping into my soul.

Not to harp on the game too much (since it does start off promising, I assure you(which makes the disappointment all the more crushing, I assure you)) but I really wonder how the load time thing happens--since the game runs smooth, the geometry seems pretty utilitarian, and the cell-shaded thing makes me believe there aren't extravagant textures under that filter.  It's also a bit weird that there never seems to be more than 4 or so enemies anywhere at any given time and that they are invincible until you get close (making the rifle all the more redundant).  The little technical idiosyncrasies just seem out of place when other things run perfectly.

I do admit that "feeling ripped off" is a bit of hyperbole but that was my immediate reaction to putting the game on the shelf.  I guess when I buy an indie game or whatever for 10 bucks, I'm just buying a game that's supposed to be  $10.  RS2 was supposed to be a $50 game but it had too many problems, at least $40 worth as far as I'm concerned, maybe more.  I guess I'd rather have RS2 be a $50 game and pay that price than the game I ended up playing.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #709 on: March 20, 2013, 10:10:47 AM »
Just found out this week that you can purchase PSN funds using PayPal, and figured that was a good use for the $10 that had been sitting in my PayPal account for months.

Was considering Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded (PSP) but figured there is no rush since I've got other games I'm playing... but then the game went on sale half price this week. Ended up buying Reloaded and Remixed too. Love having the chance to revisit these old arcade classics - many that I remember playing back in the day. Playing on PSP Go is also nice since you can just slide the system shut to pause and resume whenever you want.

Can't say these purchases will appeal to everyone, but at $5 apiece they are worth considering for retro gamers.
NNID: ejamer

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #710 on: March 20, 2013, 12:22:33 PM »
Lego City Undercover! (through Wii U e-Shop)
Played first chapter last night. Fun and funny. Looking forward to more.

no co-op, long-ish load times (but really ,not as bad as you have read)

very funny; good voice acting;
And the fact that you can take any vehicle, any time, with impunity (cuz your a cop). The vehicles are varied enough to have different qualities so jumping from one to another is fun and worthwhile.
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #711 on: March 21, 2013, 01:06:24 PM »
I just played the Harmoknight demo which was released today. Man, that game looks and sounds good! It seems pretty standard as far rhythm games go in terms of how it plays (which as a lover of rhythm games is fine by me), but the polish and style of this game are what really makes we want to dive in. It's so damn pretty. It almost reminds me of a late 90's/early 00's cartoon network show. I'm very much looking forward to playing the full game when it's released next week.
Gouge away.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #712 on: March 21, 2013, 01:11:56 PM »
I just played the Harmoknight demo which was released today. Man, that game looks and sounds good! It seems pretty standard as far rhythm games go in terms of how it plays (which as a lover of rhythm games is fine by me), but the polish and style of this game are what really makes we want to dive in. It's so damn pretty. It almost reminds me of a late 90's/early 00's cartoon network show. I'm very much looking forward to playing the full game when it's released next week.
The PixPix Platform has come to the Consensus we like Rhythm Games.
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #713 on: March 21, 2013, 01:22:57 PM »
The PixPix Platform has come to the Consensus we like Rhythm Games.

"My running mate Ceric and myself have always had a huge admiration and respect for hard working rhythm games. A vote for PixPix is a vote for Rhythm Games!"
Gouge away.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #714 on: March 21, 2013, 04:15:07 PM »
The PixPix Platform has come to the Consensus we like Rhythm Games.

"My running mate Ceric and myself have always had a huge admiration and respect for hard working rhythm games. A vote for PixPix is a vote for Rhythm Games!"
"So Sign... Click Click Click... Pull... Pull... Vote Done Vote Done... Sticker Sticker... For the PC Candidates"
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #715 on: March 22, 2013, 08:20:06 AM »
Nano Assault EX.
I have to be honest guys, I was a little disappointed with this game. I wrote this whole diatribe and then realised no body is going to read it because it's far too long. I have, therefore, gone back in and added some spiffing headers so you can skip to the parts that interest you (which, given my inability to convey the simplest of concepts concisely, I suspect you'll just want to skip to the end and be done with it).
My first 'uh-oh' moment was when I realised just how slow the game is. Your ship, the enemies, the speed of projectiles, for a shooter everything just felt a little too sluggish (especially when contrasted with the music which can be hyper-energetic). Enemies passively float towards you, turret like enemies take what feels like forever to do one full rotation, and your ship just propels itself forward at...let's say a leisurely pace.
Not that there's anything inherently wrong with having a slower pace in a shooter, it's just not to my tastes necessarily.
I still enjoyed exploring the level's little planetoids, however, and liked finding all the little DNA strands.
A false sense of direction
Another gripe I have with the game is the map system. On one level I spent 5 - 10 minutes trying to get from one area to another and was constantly getting turned around (which is easy to do on spherical surfaces that curve back around on themselves) before I realised that the little ship icon on the map is not actually representative of which direction your ship is facing. It's not a huge problem, but why even have an avatar of the ship on the map at all if it's not actually representative of the direction you are facing? Just make it a dot or something instead.
...moving on.
It's so 3D that it punched through the space/time continuum and created a duplicate of itself...or is that just ghosting?
The game does look very pretty in spots, but I also found there to be entirely too much 'ghosting'. I would have loved to play this all the way through in 3D, but the ghosting (seeing two of everything) was so bad and the frame-rate took such a hit that I mostly played with the slider off (except those levels which scrolled forward, those looked great in 3D).
PixPix complains about controls...again.
I don't own a Circle Pad Pro and had suspected that the default control scheme would be where the game let me down. I'm happy to report that in those levels that make up the majority of the game, i.e. those which involve destroying all the enemies on a given planetoid, the controls were up to the task. The Circle Pad moves the ship, the face buttons allow you to shoot in up to 8 directions, and between those two inputs you can almost always find an angle from which to shoot enemies safely.
Then we come to perhaps my biggest disappointment with the game, which is that the control scheme does not fair as well in those levels which are on-rails and scrolling forward. The Circle Pad still moves the ship, but now it also moves the reticule, and sometimes even the angle of the camera. It really didn't work for me. Moving the Circle Pad just a little will move the reticule but it will also gradually drift the ship in the same direction. This becomes a particular problem when you want to move your ship one way to avoid enemy fire, but remain on target with the reticule.
There is of course another very famous series which opted to do scrolling shooter levels in the this way, and did so very successfully. That's right, Star Fox. The difference, however, is that the Arwing was generally more maneuverable and had the infamous Barrel Roll (which was in fact an Aileron Roll) to get you out of the way of enemy fire when things got hairy. The Ship in Nano Assault is both more sluggish and does not have any other means of avoiding fire beyond moving out of the way. The result is that, particularly in boss battles, you'll have to spend quite a lot of your time not pointed at things you want to be shooting at.
Again, there's nothing inherently wrong with tying the reticule to the movement of the ship. I love games like Star Fox and After Burner, both of which have a similar set-up, but the difference is that they do it much better.
A value proposition

My last complaint (given all my criticisms you probably think I hated the game, but I don't) is that this game was really short (according to my 3DS activity log it took me 4 hours). I paid £12 for this on eShop and I do question whether or not the amount of content justifies the price (I feel bad for people who probably paid even more at retail when this was released in NA). Especially when compared to games like Fluidity, Fallblox and Mutant Mudds, Nano Assault perhaps isn't the best value proposition. Hell, I spent more time with Mighty Switch Force (6 hours) than I did with Nano Assault.
Admittedly, the game also has other modes (Boss Rush, Arcade Mode, etc) but as far as I can tell these simply reuse the content from the Story Mode, which I'm not exactly eager to dive back in to.
Overall I thought Nano Assault was a decent game, with some good boss battles and a great look, but there are games out there that do everything Nano Assault does and they do it better. Nano Assault just doesn't offer what it is that I come to shooters for. I like 'em fast and I like to be constantly shooting at stuff and seeing things blow up every few seconds (think Sin & Punishment, Lords of Thunder, Geometry Wars, After Burner Climax, UN Squadron etc). Nano Assault, like the ship in the game, is just too reserved for it's own good.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 08:51:17 AM by Pixelated Pixies »
Gouge away.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #716 on: March 22, 2013, 09:28:15 AM »
I bought Monster Hunter last night and I recieved it this morning. 

Why do you ask did that happen?  Because Nintendo Really cheaped out on Bandwidth for their servers.

I have to say that having text boxes that look like warnings that should go away when their done that really need you to press A is not cool.
Finding the Chief is annoying.
Though starting with 1 of every weapon type is cool.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #717 on: March 22, 2013, 09:36:22 AM »
Though starting with 1 of every weapon type is cool.

Do you know what weapon type you'll be playing with?
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Offline Ceric

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #718 on: March 22, 2013, 10:54:15 AM »
Though starting with 1 of every weapon type is cool.
Do you know what weapon type you'll be playing with?
Hunting Horn.

I did Hammer, Great Sword, Lance (A ton of Lance actually Online), and I was doing Sword and Board at the end of Tri.

I wanted to do Dual Swords, loved dual daggers in PSO, but, I said whichever one I beat the bunny with first in the demo would be what I main was initially.  I went through a good amount of the weapons and ended up getting my first kill with the Hunting Horn so...  Hunting Horn it is.

I would love to try Guns for kicks but those are high level weapons aka have the support system for them.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #719 on: March 22, 2013, 12:20:05 PM »
Hunting horn looks ridiculous, in a good way. Isn't it largely a support weapon?  I'm a huge fan of bow and have spent a decent amount of time with guns too. Thinking that hammer might be a nice change of pace this time around.

I'll try to hold back so this thread get back on track... but am really excited to block off some time and start playing before long.
NNID: ejamer

Offline Drizzt

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #720 on: March 22, 2013, 12:33:17 PM »
Picked up Darksider II (Wii U) and Sin and Punishment Star Successor for $30 at Best Buy.

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #721 on: March 22, 2013, 01:47:09 PM »
Nano Assault EX.
+1 for your excellent review, Pix. Thanks.
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #722 on: March 22, 2013, 08:49:07 PM »
Thanks dude. It was an exercise in spilling my guts (a compulsion I often get after finishing a video game), but I'm very glad to hear that you found it remotely interesting.
Gouge away.

Offline azeke

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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #723 on: March 24, 2013, 03:30:36 PM »
Retro City Rampage on WiiWare.

It's kinda disappointing.

But whatever, i waited for this game like five years so i will do my darnedest to enjoy it.
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Re: What is your most recent gaming purchase?
« Reply #724 on: March 25, 2013, 04:39:17 PM »
Preloading Bioshock Infinite right now.  I tried to be strong, I really did.  If you're quick, Greenmangaming has a sweet deal for it.  59.99 gets you Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, XCom: Enemy Unknown, and your choice of: Civ 5, Spec Ops: The Line, Mafia 2, The Darkness 2(my choice since I have the others), or Bioshock 2.  Oh, and either $14 cash back or $15 GMG credit.  Can not wait to play this game.