Author Topic: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.  (Read 4569 times)

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Offline MaryJane

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The Rules Of The Game

What is the purpose of the game?

 If you are on the townie side, you want to vote out all those on the mafia side and the killer.

  If you are on the mafia side, you want to vote out all those on the townie side and the killer.

   If you are the killer, you want to vote out all other players.

  How do I vote? What is involved?

  Each day all players are allowed to vote for whomever they believe is mafia.  Since all roles remain anonymous, mafia members will vote along with the townies.

  Each day a new thread will be made and will open up with a narrative.  Each player then has the chance to vote off another player.  Simply type inBOLD for whom ever you wish to vote against. Example: Vote Maryjane. Although, that's a bad example. You'd never want to actually vote for me.J

     You may change your vote as much as you like, but any old votes must remain legible.  Simply edit the post, unbold the vote, and make a new post with the new vote. So, you're old vote should look something like this: un-Vote Khushrenada. That is a much better example of how to play the game.A vote out is worth 10 damage +the number of votes cast against.

 What is a mafia hit?

 Since the mafia is a small group of players, the mafia are able to make one hit every night and eliminate a player from the game. These are not based on calendar numbers, but rather on game days.  The only one who may contact the host with the kill is the current leader of the Usurpers.

   In addition, the Killer also is able to make a hit each night of their own choosing.

  How is a winner determined?

  For the townies to win, they need to eliminate all mafia members and the killer from the game.

  For the mafia to win, they only need to tie the game. I.E., there are two townies left and two mafia members left. However, they must also eliminate the killer role as well. They cannot win by a tie if one of the other roles is the killer.

   The killer wins either by eliminating all other players so that they are the only player left in the game or it is the killer and 1 townie left standing at the end. The killer must eliminate all mafia members.

  What happens if the vote is a tie?

  In the event of a tied vote, there will be an overtime, sudden death voting period of 30 minutes.  The only vote that may be cast is for one of the players who were tied at the end of voting.

  As soon as a vote is cast that breaks the tie, the day vote is immediately ended and the player with the majority is eliminated regardless of how much time is left in the sudden death period. The vote that is cast can either be from a player that hasn't voted yet that day or from a player changing his vote from earlier in the day.

  If the tie is unresolved after 30 minutes, then the vote is nullified and both players will live to see another day.

Unlike Khushrenada’s game, I do not have a failsafe planned if people start publicly revealing their abilities, therefore I must make it against the rules to do so. Neither can you reveal how much hp you have. You are allowed to publicly say that you’re losing health or things of that nature, however. In private messages, it’s all fair game, but publicly, let’s keep things a mystery. There’s the potential that King Zaden will be revealed to everyone, but that’s the nature of this game.

What is the .5 damage effect?

The .5 damage effect will only be used in the case of repeat attacks for a single attack. For example, if you have 10hp and get hit for 2.5 by Jamisson’s Sword of Beauty, you will have 8hp, but if you get hit by the sword again, you will only have 5hp. If you have 10hp and get hit by Jamisso’s Sword of beauty, you will have 8hp, but if you then get hit by a Magic Dagger, you be at 7hp. I’ve devised a very simple method of keeping track of all of this, so it will be easy to keep things straight.

Item Rules

Items will be selected by those casters who successfully vote someone out, ala Mafia LIV, but on a first come first serve basis. There are only two items that can cure poison, but Conflagration is healed by any item, and .5 damages will also be removed by any item. There will also be two magic enhancement items, and one item of a damaging effect. As well as filling health, hp replenishing items will also add health to those who aren’t down any. In addition, usurpers can give their health items to either Globin Demon or Gero, and any items received by the two regal guard knights automatically go to King Zaden unless the guards have received damage. If King Zaden is exposed, any of the council (townies) may give him their items.


 Fire Whip
– Does 2 damage on the first attack, but any repeat attacks will result in 2.5 damage.
   Whirlwind – Does 1 damage but will also steal the victim's ability and give them whirlwind as their power. Using this ability on someone with a role will replace their ability with whirlwind until they use it, but they neither get to steal the next users ability, nor does the one who used it against them get the role player’s ability, they will instead get an unused ability.

    Magic Dagger - This gives 3 throwing blades worth 1.5 damage point each. The player can choose to target one player with them or spread out the damage. He can throw all 3 each day.

      Hail - This player can cast 2 hail balls worth 2 damage points each. He can choose to target one player with them or spread out the damage. He can throw both of them each day. 

   Wild Magic- Uncontrollable spell that is worth 1-5 damage points against any player of the user's choosing. Every day, the damage amount will be randomly chosen , and if it’s 5 the caster will also receive 2 damage.

     Ice - This spell allows the user 2 damage points against any player of their choosing each day. In addition, that chosen player's vote is nullified and not counted at the end of the vote tally.

     Melee - This allows the user 2 damage points against any player of their choosing each day. In addition, they are so stunned from the beating, they cannot use their ability that day.

    Stone - This ability protects the user's hit points from any other player's ability attack against him Except whirlwind. The user can also cast a stone to do .5 damage a day.

 Malicious Potion
- If used every day, it is worth 1 damage point against the user's chosen victim. But if the user decides to keep brewing, the damage will increase every day by the Fibonacci sequence. So, 1,2,3,5,8,13… You get the idea. Once the user has attacked somebody, the counter will start up again the next day. Yes, I did skip over the second 1 in the Fibonacci sequence, but I figure it’ll make things more interesting.

     Mirror - The user can target any player of their choosing and give them a damage of 1 to their hit points every day. The real benefit from the mirror ability comes from the fact that anyone who uses an ability on this player ends up taking the same amount of damage themselves. The mirror users will only suffer half the damage themselves. Neither Globin Demon’s poison ability nor Malicious Potion are affected by Mirror.

      Needle - Same as the Mirror ability except any attacker on the needle user suffers an automatic 4 points of damage themselves. Needle user still suffers the damage given them by the attack. Can shoot their needles for 2.5 damage, but will lose the ability to damage an attacker. Will not protect from poison or potion.

     Tornado - This user is able to direct any attack against himself to another player of his choosing. He, in effect, sidesteps the attack and puts someone else in his place. The stress of this spell only allows it to be used every other day, and is useless against Globin Demon’s poison.
   Weakening - This spell halves the damage of one players ability for the day. It can also halve another player’s ability on the same day, but the user then suffers .5 damage which can be applied to any other .5 damage they receive.

     Ultima - This ability is worth 4.5 damage points and can be used each day but will be used consecutively against the same player until the target is dead.

     Grey Mist - This spell nullifies everyone else's abilities for the day. It does not prevent hits from occuring or stop voting but no other actions will occur that day. It can only be used once every three days, but in the interim it will randomly identify a player, except Globin Demon and King Zaden.

     Confusion - This giant explosion changes every vote case that day except for the user of this ability. A player will be chosen at random to take his place. It is a one-use only ability.

     Sleep – Spell puts one player to sleep, and nullifies their vote and all actions.

   Gooey – Spell shares damage received with another player. Target of spell is chosen by player, but that player is then forever linked to your damage.


– Heals 2hp and can cure poison.

Seven Leaf – Heals 3hp and can cure poison.

Red Potion – Heals 2hp.

Green Potion – Adds 1.5 damage to ability and will repeat the .5 damage on a repeat attack of the ability it is used with. This works even for non-damaging abilities and will give 2 additional damage to their partner, if ingested by the person with Gooey. There are only two green potions in the castle.

Dragon’s Heartstring – Adds 3 damage to an ability attack.

Stale Water – Only removes conflagration and .5 damage effects.

Pomegranate Seeds – Heals 1hp.

Double-Edged Elixir – Heals for 2hp but will also randomly heal one of your enemies for 2hp.

Blessed Gruel – Heals 2hp and will protect against the first .5 damage received, but will not remove any previous .5 damages.

Processed Foods – Does 2.5 damage to hp, and the .5 damage will apply to any previous or future attacks. Only one of these corrupt meals exists in the castle.

Everyday only 5 of these 10 items will be up for grabs; they will be chosen at random.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 09:31:41 AM by MaryJane »
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 05:35:44 PM »
I will be choosing roles by pulling players names out of a bowl or whatever is closest to me Sunday night, and to assign abilities I will be pulling the ability names out of the same object. However, Whirlwind will be an assigned ability because I just think it will make things more interesting, and I thought I should be upfront about this. Items will be randomly chosen on the first day, but then will be available as two separate groups on alternating days. If both Green Potions and the Processed Foods meal get used up, I will add two more items, but only if BOTH are gone.
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 07:53:08 AM »
If you have any questions about the game, this would be the place to post them.
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 10:16:22 AM »
To abilities start the day they are used or the next day?
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 12:04:58 PM »
Day they are used.
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2011, 09:27:34 AM »
Are we at least getting Day 4's end story...  I want to know who I can talk with this weekend for Monday...
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Silenced

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2011, 11:13:22 AM »
Dem cliffhangers.

Offline apdude

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2011, 12:17:55 PM »
I posted twice I'm probably dead!

Offline Ceric

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2011, 02:23:03 PM »
I posted twice I'm probably dead!
You Mutli-Poster.

Seriously enough.  Only scenarios that could have happened is that something kept the Mafia to Townie+Killer ratio right.

I'm betting 2M 2T 1K

With the Killer getting a Mafia member.  I can guarantee you that at least 1 Mafia member has died or no one died yesterday.  Any other way the numbers wouldn't work.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Silenced

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2011, 05:01:59 PM »
I'm gonna bet your wrong. 2m 1t 1k with the mafia taking the win.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Mafia LV: Mage's Mystery. Players List, Rules, Abilities, and Items.
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2011, 05:08:33 PM »
I'm gonna bet your wrong. 2m 1t 1k with the mafia taking the win.
That can't happen because MaryJane has stated that:

I was going to break after today anyway, but Monday is probably going to be the decisive day, and obviously there is still hope for the townies because of the way ability uses went last night.

There wouldn't be another day to play.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.