Author Topic: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1  (Read 416298 times)

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #50 on: June 26, 2011, 10:46:29 AM »
Xbox and PS3 aren't selling that well.  The last NPD numbers have the Xbox barely beating the Wii (24k) and the Wii beat the PS3 by 59K.  If that is enough for Nintendo to release a new console with their massive install base it sure as hell should make MS and Sony want to release new consoles.  Nintendo stops selling record high levels and just about matches the others and I hear "Release a new console, no one is buying yours."  Xbox and PS3 continue to sell at the level the Wii is now and its "They're doing great, no new console necessary."
Aren't both PS3 and 360 selling better than they did last year? I consider that selling well, especially in their 5th and 6th year on the market. Nintendo needs to release new hardware because the Wii is basically 10 year old technology and no one is making games for the Wii anymore, not even Nintendo. Nintendo of America has all but given up on the Wii. I kind of feel like the only reason Skyward Sword is even still coming out on the Wii is because, unlike Twilight Princess, Nintendo can't just repackage the game with different controls on WiiU; they would have to rebuild the entire game in HD.

On PS3 and 360, the hardware is selling steadily and the games keep coming. They don't have to launch new hardware even though they probably will sooner rather than later. My point is that Nintendo launching next year doesn't and shouldn't really affect what Sony and MS are doing. They're still going to get all the 3rd party support while Nintendo caters to their segment of the market.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2011, 03:41:02 PM »
they would have to rebuild the entire game in HD.

They may do that anyway somewhere down the line. It probably wouldn't be a WiiU launch title the way Twilight Princess was on the Wii, but it could happen a year or two down the road. Lots of old games have been taken and remastered in HD, so its definitely not without precedent.
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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2011, 03:42:48 PM »
I actually do have plans for making portable Xbox 360 consoles. Well, not so much portable as just installing TFT LCDs into the casing so you can play them with or without a TV.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #53 on: June 26, 2011, 07:45:28 PM »
They may do that anyway somewhere down the line. It probably wouldn't be a WiiU launch title the way Twilight Princess was on the Wii, but it could happen a year or two down the road. Lots of old games have been taken and remastered in HD, so its definitely not without precedent.
I meant, redo the graphics entirely so it wouldn't still look like a Wii game. Think more along the lines of Eternal Darkness from N64 to Gamecube than say God of War Collection.

And I'm not sure Nintendo would remaster Skyward Sword. The Wind Waker seemed like a perfect candidate for a New Play Control Wii game and that never materialized, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 07:47:25 PM by Adrock »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #54 on: June 27, 2011, 12:07:27 AM »
Wind Waker is the perfect candidate for a WiiU New Play Control title too.
HD and a tingle tuner in your hands... optional wiimote+ support too.

Offline Ceric

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #55 on: June 27, 2011, 12:16:15 PM »
Wind Waker is the perfect candidate for a WiiU New Play Control title too.
HD and a tingle tuner in someone elses hands... optional wiimote+ support too.
I actually like to play WW with Wiimote plus Nunchuck.   A lot of the time playing through I'm going, "If I could only Point to use this  Grapple, boomerange, etc."
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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2011, 09:44:34 PM »
Aren't both PS3 and 360 selling better than they did last year? I consider that selling well, especially in their 5th and 6th year on the market. Nintendo needs to release new hardware because the Wii is basically 10 year old technology and no one is making games for the Wii anymore, not even Nintendo.

Now you are judging the systems by entirely different standards.  Xbox and PS3 are selling a little better than last year but as of last month they are still doing about the same as the Wii.  Why are those numbers not so good with the Wii but great with the other systems?  They aren't.  Having an okay year that is on par with your competition's worst year doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement for not updating your product, especially when that opponent is.

Also the reason Nintendo isn't making as many games for the Wii anymore is because they are releasing a new sytem and are making games for it, not the other way around.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 09:52:59 PM by SixthAngel »

Offline Adrock

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #57 on: June 27, 2011, 10:40:07 PM »
Now you are judging the systems by entirely different standards.  Xbox and PS3 are selling a little better than last year but as of last month they are still doing about the same as the Wii.  Why are those numbers not so good with the Wii but great with the other systems?  They aren't.  Having an okay year that is on par with your competition's worst year doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement for not updating your product, especially when that opponent is.
The numbers are not good for the Wii and good for the competition because of how each company reached those numbers. Wii sales fell sharply and PS3/360 gained steadily. That means Wii sales aren't going to get better than they were and will likely keep falling, especially when there are few new games coming out. The Wii had an amazing run, better than anyone, even Nintendo, could have predicting. However, we're seeing signs of it ending. The competition's sales, on the other hand, are rising and seem poised to continue rising. Why, then, should they be in a rush to push out new hardware? Look, they're going to anyway. I know this and I never claimed otherwise. However, with sales getting better in years during a console cycle when they traditional don't and support showing no signs of waning, I'm simply asking "Why?" Because Nintendo is? That's ridiculous. If demand for PS3 and 360 has never been higher from consumers and 3rd parties, it makes less sense to drop them and start over with new hardware.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2011, 03:19:43 AM »
I'm simply asking "Why?" Because Nintendo is? That's ridiculous. If demand for PS3 and 360 has never been higher from consumers and 3rd parties, it makes less sense to drop them and start over with new hardware.

You better believe they do fear Nintendo's new system.  The Wii in it's prime was averaging over a million units around the world every month and just slaughtering the competition in every single territory.  If Nintendo is able to repeat the same thing with the Wii U, but with actual good third party support which the system looks like it might have this time that will keep a lot of people more interested in the system, that would be devastating to Microsoft and Sony.

Even though there's no guarantee the Wii U will be able to repeat the same success the Wii had, I doubt Microsoft and Sony are going to want to wait and see.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #59 on: June 28, 2011, 08:56:22 AM »
As a matter of fact, I don't believe they fear Nintendo or WiiU. Wii dominated hardware sales, but 3rd party software sales were far less impressive. Software is where these companies make a bulk of their money (in this industry). Even if WiiU gets 3rd party ports, PS3 and 360 still get those games. I don't know how many PS3/360 owners are going to drop their systems for WiiU. I don't think Sony and Microsoft are dismissing Nintendo and they certainly should not. However, I doubt they're shaking in their boots as the WiiU is far less radical than the Wii. Nintendo's primary audience for WiiU are Nintendo fans and if they can convince casual gamers to upgrade which I have my doubts. I think WiiU will be successful but I don't see a repeat performance. So, no, there's no need to panic or fear. Sony/MS can continue selling and supporting their current consoles without having to push for successors.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 08:59:46 AM by Adrock »

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #60 on: June 28, 2011, 03:17:48 PM »
As a matter of fact, I don't believe they fear Nintendo or WiiU. Wii dominated hardware sales, but 3rd party software sales were far less impressive. Software is where these companies make a bulk of their money (in this industry). Even if WiiU gets 3rd party ports, PS3 and 360 still get those games. I don't know how many PS3/360 owners are going to drop their systems for WiiU. I don't think Sony and Microsoft are dismissing Nintendo and they certainly should not. However, I doubt they're shaking in their boots as the WiiU is far less radical than the Wii. Nintendo's primary audience for WiiU are Nintendo fans and if they can convince casual gamers to upgrade which I have my doubts. I think WiiU will be successful but I don't see a repeat performance. So, no, there's no need to panic or fear. Sony/MS can continue selling and supporting their current consoles without having to push for successors.

Microsoft and Sony have made it very clear they want to get the casual family audience that Nintendo was so successful with on the Wii.  This is why Microsoft has spent so much money and advertising on Kinect so they can make themselves better known with that audience.  Even though there's no guarantee the Wii U will be able to get the Wii Sport/Fit crowd to upgrade, like I said before, I doubt Microsoft and Sony are going to want to wait and see, because doing so could allow this to happen again.

This is how big business work.  You never allow your biggest competition to have too much time unopposed on a market.  Microsoft and Sony both saw what happened when they ignored the family casual audience this gen and how the Wii was able to pick up the majority of that market, leading to the insane sales it got between mid 2008 to the end of 2009.  They're not going to make the same mistake this time.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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PS4 w/ Kinect-like Controls in 2012
« Reply #61 on: July 04, 2011, 12:40:56 PM »
Website with a very bad rumor track record reports "insider info" about PS4

PlayStation 4 to start production @ end of 2011
to also feature Kinect-like motion controls
Sony will have Taiwan-based partners begin production of PlayStation 4 (PS4) featuring body movement-based control like Kinect at the end of 2011 for launch in 2012, according to Taiwan-based component makers.

Foxconn and Pegatron Technology, assemblers of PS3, will undertake assembly of PS4 as well, the sources pointed out. The planned shipment volume of PS4 in 2012 is at least 20 million units, the sources indicated.

I have no doubts that Sony will push forward with their EyeToy motion control stuff that they've been doing since PS2, but I wonder if they are gonna double down on it and go for 3D cameras or something.
Combine it with move, and things start to get really interesting if you have ALOT of space to game with it.

but 20 million units by end of 2012!? I seriously doubt it.

Offline Ceric

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #62 on: July 04, 2011, 12:53:09 PM »
I could see Sony releasing a machine that is only a minor upgrade in power from the PS3 but, has fully integrated Kinect and Move together with dedicated hardware to their processing.
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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #63 on: July 05, 2011, 07:11:34 PM »
Would Sony benefit from such a half step just to have a new box alongside the Wii U?

A 2012 release for the Playstation 4 seems so stupid crazy with the Playstation 3 increasing its strides. I can't think of a good reason why Sony would want a new box out in 2012.

I doubt the time table of the rumor is true.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #64 on: July 05, 2011, 08:04:17 PM »
I can't think of a good reason why Sony would want a new box out in 2012.

Keeping up with the competition isn't a good enough reason for you?

Honestly, I don't think it will happen in 2012 because if it was going to happen we would have probably heard something at E3 about it. Maybe 2013 is more likely.
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Offline Enner

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #65 on: July 05, 2011, 09:54:47 PM »
I can't think of a good reason why Sony would want a new box out in 2012.

Keeping up with the competition isn't a good enough reason for you?

To be honest, I think they're ahead in the areas a new box can help. Or at least ahead enough to not need a new console in 2012. There are plenty more PS3s Sony can sell before they talk about a successor.

A 2012 timing for a PS4 or a Xbox3 just seems too early given all the news of sales and stuff. It seems that the PS3 and X360 have enough life in them for a good 1-2 years before the next upgrade. Then again, it does make some sense for Sony publicly to say they have a new console when Nintendo has one as well.

Offline Ceric

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #66 on: July 05, 2011, 10:26:49 PM »
*shrug* I think either one of them would do well enough if when the WiiU comes out they also time a universal price drop of $10 on their games.
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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #67 on: July 05, 2011, 11:25:08 PM »
*shrug* I think either one of them would do well enough if when the WiiU comes out they also time a universal price drop of $10 on their games.

That's a joke.  A game price drop will never happen.  Did you forget about the Game Industry Deathwatch thread?  The guys that are even making money now are doing it by pumping out sequels.  Which incidently is one reason why many companies want new consoles, they want to create new franchises.

A 2012 timing for a PS4 or a Xbox3 just seems too early given all the news of sales and stuff. It seems that the PS3 and X360 have enough life in them for a good 1-2 years before the next upgrade. Then again, it does make some sense for Sony publicly to say they have a new console when Nintendo has one as well.

On the last months sales chart Wii beat the PS3.  In 2010 Wii still outsold the competition in both Software and Hardware even in the US.
The "Wii is sucking and the hd consoles are doing awesome" meme just isn't true.
We have a situation where Wii has lapped their opponents and now that its reached them again it slowed down to about match their pace.  When the the opponent edges ahead of Wii slightly for a little while they aren't doing well.
The xbox and ps3 also aren't going to suddenly magically increase their sales every year now, especially when a new system comes out with apparently better graphics and a new hook.

I think PS4 is unlikely for 2012 simply because we haven't heard much about it and I don't think Sony is big on keeping secrets like Nintendo.  I expect PS4 to be out in 2013.

Edit: On a completely unrelated I don't want to start a new thread for, how reliable is the PS3 hardware?  I've been thinking about picking up a used console cheap and I'm avoiding old 360s for the obvious reason.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 11:35:10 PM by SixthAngel »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #68 on: July 06, 2011, 12:25:32 AM »
Edit: On a completely unrelated I don't want to start a new thread for, how reliable is the PS3 hardware?  I've been thinking about picking up a used console cheap and I'm avoiding old 360s for the obvious reason.

Make sure you get a slim model. The old model had problems with a yellow light of death, from what I understand.
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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #69 on: July 06, 2011, 12:43:34 AM »
Would Sony benefit from such a half step just to have a new box alongside the Wii U?

A 2012 release for the Playstation 4 seems so stupid crazy with the Playstation 3 increasing its strides. I can't think of a good reason why Sony would want a new box out in 2012.

Just changing their keys would be a fantastic reason. Doubling the graphics card abilities so they can pump out 3D 1080p X2 at 60fps with a moderate boost of ram is all they need to add to get away with it in the eye of their fanboys...
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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All 3 Next Gen Consoles to use AMD!?
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2011, 12:58:59 PM »
Rumor: All 3 Next Gen Consoles to use AMD GPU!
The Big GPU News

What looks to be a "done deal" at this point is that AMD will be the GPU choice on all three next generation consoles. Yes, all the big guns in the console world, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, are looking very much to be part of Team AMD for GPU. That is correct, NVIDIA, "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" But NVIDIA already knew this, now you do too.

That will make porting between consoles VERY Very easy.

MS & Sony may use AMD for the CPU too... but I doubt Sony would ditch Cell at this point.
The Big CPU News

Let's start with what we think is most solid on the CPU side of things. Nintendo looks to thoroughly entrenched in the IBM camp and using a new custom 45nm multi-core (most likely quad) processor. This one is fully cooked at this point.

It is highly likely that Microsoft's 3rd generation Xbox will be sporting a new IBM cell processor as well although it is slightly, ever so slightly possible, that this could change. It recent public statements Microsoft has also led us to believe that it may delay plans for the next generation Xbox for a an additional year or two due to the success of Kinect.

Looking towards the Sony PS4, we hear it is still unsettled between some kind of Bulldozer (would most likely be an APU) variant and a newer updated 32nm IBM cell processor. This one appears to have flip flopped back and forth a few times but it will likely firm up very soon.

Sony to use a Bulldozer APU & Cell Processor....!? that seems like a lot of processing power.

If MS was rumored to be using a Fusion APU but now also another cell variant, MS could be aiming for a lot of processing power too.

Now let's hope that Nintendo's Power7 variant is up to par and that their R770 variant can also keep up too.

Offline Ceric

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2011, 01:04:40 PM »
I can see Sony including a Cell processor for BC reasons but, would either of them really go with doubling the horses.  They are in a position where they could do a Wii Style upgrade and offload some of the accessory processing, Kinect and Move.  Maybe some of the Social items as well.  Be in fine shape.  No reason to jump super far ahead.
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Offline Enner

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2011, 02:59:26 PM »
All three home consoles with CPUs and GPUs from the same brands. One can wonder why there's three instead of one!

Kidding aside, this sounds like good news for AMD. nVidia is expanding in to the mobile market so it's nice for AMD to do something other than PC graphics cards. Granted, the only thing that has changed is getting Sony to use their chips.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #73 on: July 07, 2011, 04:10:07 PM »
The manufacturer may be the same, but that doesn't mean its going to be the same model and perhaps not even the same architecture.
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Re: PS4 - Officially Under Development (2014 release?)
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2011, 10:14:15 PM »
Sony going to an AMD processor would be a problem for their back-compat since they used nVidia on the PS3. Unless, of course, backwards compatibility is a last-gen feature.
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