Author Topic: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream  (Read 15643 times)

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Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2011, 09:48:42 PM »
I'd imagine so, because I don't plan on budging with my vote right now.

Edit: And for the record, we do have the full weekend, so if everyone doesn't participate right away, there's still quite a bit of time.

Offline Toruresu

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2011, 12:08:33 AM »
Vote Thatguy as well.

What do you mean by 'survivability reasons'?

At the time I wrote that I had 2 votes and you had one, so I voted for you to even it out.

My vote is really up for grabs, but why are we voting thatguy?

I voted stratos going by thatguy's logic that he missed day 2 (I believe) and that day, the story made it seem like there was no mafia attempt to hit. Stratos was, according to thatguy, the only person that missed the day.

I've been in contact with Maxi and thatguy since the game began, this of course, means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

That's basically all I know.
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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2011, 12:31:06 AM »
darn it, now I'm feeling less sure.

Offline apdude

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2011, 03:10:55 AM »
I guess I'll go first.  Highlights from my perspective.
Day 1 (Silenced silenced)
I save maxi by switching the vote I tell Thatguy and Jrlibrarian I'm switching the vote so if I come up dead they can go after maxi hoping they are not mafia.  I keep my vote for maxi so the mafia doesn't think I'm working with him unless Maxi is the mafia.  Vudu and Stratos were telling the truth about having 2 votes based on vote talleys.  Thatguy switches from Vudu to Dasmos
Day 2 (Opperation Maxi Muted)
PM'd Vudu and Stratos to form a townie alliance since I believe that they are telling the truth so its the best i've got to go on.  Vudu wants to Vote Maxi and I tell him I want to keep Maxi around because he owes me since I saved him.  Vudu, Thatguy swiches votes from bustin to maxi and Jrlibrarian vote for maxi.  Toruresu supposedly misses the vote.  Unclebob and Nickmitch vote for bustin.  Vudu eats a bomb. Thatguy claims to have had a redspace, and unfortuneately I Vudu didn't share wether or not he had a blue space that day to confirm this.

I investigated Shyguy, it comes back townie.
Day 3 (Bustin's Busted)
Stratos finally comes back and asks what's going on.  Tell him about the happenings and that supposedly bustin was investigated by Stevey and was mafia.  Stratos is the first to vote Bustin that day.  Bustin changes his vote from stevey to Stratos.  Bustin gets steamrolled.  Townies celebrate.
Day 4 (Toruresu's Tricks)
Stratos Stevey and I form an alliance.  I form a side alliance with shyguy.  We discuss who we think is mafia.  I throw out Jrlibrarian, and Stratos says he has to vote early that day and won't return till later.  I tell him that I have vote changing power that day so I can swich it if we decide something different later.  Jrlibrarian contacts me and says he investigated me and I'm a townie like him.  I didn't trust him at the time so I grilled him on who he though was mafia.  He said Stratos for missing the vote, I asked him other than stratos who else, he said Toruresu and thatguy who I also suspected.  so I switched my vote to Toruresu.  Stevey joined in.  I went to switch stratos vote after hours and I was nullified.  Toruresu aledgedly swaped the vote.
Why I don't think it's stratos...
He has been working with stevey and I, so why would the mafia try to hit stevey last night if stratos is already infiltrated our group? 
Bustin voted statos on the day he went out.
Who I think are Townies
Shyguy (investigated)
Stevey (was an investigator)
UncleBob (for not switching his day 2 vote)
Everyone else is a bit of a toss up now for townie #5
Will anyone other that Toruresu claim to have changed the vote yesterday?
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 01:24:38 PM by apdude »

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2011, 09:02:18 PM »
Day 1: I switched the vote after Maxi asked me if I'd be willing to target Dasmos over vudu. I said I'd be willing to, and I'd go ahead and do it first to show that.  That's what happened. I had a protection space.

Day 2: I had a red space, so technically I didn't have a vote.  Vudu and jrlibrarian both had blue spaces, oddly enough, double-negating my vote negating.  I still wanted to vote out vudu on this day, but then decided I'd vote out Maxi because of his picture-mongering ways.  I voted maxi after vudu placed his vote, but before jrlibrarian did.  No one else who had a vote against them seemed to have had lost any votes, so it looks like no one transferred votes away. No hit is made, message says the mafia, stunned at the loss of two people from the vote, did nothing.

Day 3: We vote out Bustin pretty resoundingly.  While what Maxi did was wrong, there's no arguing with the facts. I had a blue space here.

Day 4: I had a protection space, which now seems relevant.  I voted for Stratos for his Day 2 inactivity, which could mean he dropped the ball placing the day's hit.  Today we see a message that the mafia focused on trying to hit someone, but failed.

All the way, I've mostly only talked to Toruresu.  I've made it no secret I've been pretty busy this entire game, with a 5-page paper due in class and 3DS coverage to hammer out over at PixlBit.  Normally, I'd be more active, but reality just hasn't allowed for that.

Anyway, at this point, looking at the coverage and knowing both I and stevey had protection spaces yesterday, I can see something interesting. First off, only Toruresu swapped the votes yesterday.  That's a townie-only ability. No one has claimed otherwise.  At this point, suspecting Toruresu of anything other than making a move to save his own life is stupid.  Really stupid. Naturally, he voted against Jrlibrarian because he was saving his own skin.  If anyone comes forward and claims to have changed the vote yesterday, fine, I'll have doubt, but as far as I know, no one has.

Second, there's one person who claimed to have vote-changing power, but didn't do it for claim of being nullified yesterday. What I can't figure out is why the mafia would nullify his ability, but not nullify the protection of their target.  Since players have about a 1/6 chance of being protected and a 1/6 chance of outright blowing up, killing the mafia member who chose them as the target, it seems odd to me that the mafia would have nullified someone who wasn't their hit target over someone who was.  That doesn't make much sense to me. I don't see much reason for apdude to have a "side" alliance with ShyGuy, keeping him from talking with stevey much, given apdude claims to have investigated ShyGuy himself.

The point is, apdude's story doesn't seem to check out much.  I think the mafia didn't have any nullification abilities yesterday, or else they'd have nullified their target.  I also think the mafia targeted me, not stevey, because it sounds like it was relatively common knowledge that stevey had protection among PMs.  I mean, of course, if anyone else was nullified yesterday, it kind of spoils my idea, but if not, there's reason now to suspect apdude.

I'm keeping my vote on Stratos for the time being.  If anyone was nullified yesterday, please speak up, and we'll have more of an idea about apdude, but right now, I'm not buying his story.  There's a chance I'm wrong, so speak up if you're were nullified yesterday, so we know if the mafia is just a little dumb in choosing their targets or if apdude is just making his vote-switch story up outright.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2011, 10:01:40 PM »
I've played the game horribly across the board. I really half-assed the parts where I was paying any attention at all, which was not nearly all of the game.

I haven't done much in the way of PMs, mostly just apdude, plus one to Stratos because I felt really bad that he was getting targeted for missing time while I've pretty much missed the whole game.

So, yeah, I have no idea what's going on, which is usually the case with me in Mafia games, but then again I haven't really put any effort into it.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline apdude

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2011, 01:16:26 AM »
Maybe I can explain the side aliance thing.  It was actually to keep stratos from knowing I was working with shyguy after investigating him since I still have some doubts about stratos, and shyguy asked me not to divulge this but since this is pretty much the the last day if we get this wrong, so sorry shyguy.  Also if you think I'm mafia, how do you explain the day 1 vote change I did to save maxi (which I even PM'ed you that I was doing as an insurance policy)?  Also why would I make up getting nulified when trying to switch stratos vote to to Toruresu it doesn't buy me anything if I was mafia, I just told you this to be completely upfront.  I also PM'ed Stevey after yesterdays happenings telling him I was begining to doubt stratos.  He can varify this.

Now going by thatguys story, and combinding it with my reasoning above here is the list I have


This is one too many who doesn't belong?

Offline ShyGuy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2011, 02:28:31 AM »
So you're saying Stratos, Insanolord, and one other person are the remaining mafia? hmmm....

Offline apdude

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2011, 11:39:55 AM »
So you're saying Stratos, Insanolord, and one other person are the remaining mafia? hmmm....

That's what it's looking like.
Vote Insanolord

I'm voting this way because Stratos voulentered the fact he has a blue space today (at the begining of the day) which would mean he doesn't control the mafia hit today.  Although to be perfectly honest Insanolord claims to have a red space, but I believe him less.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 06:29:38 PM by apdude »

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2011, 12:03:55 PM »
You think we're both mafia, but you take his word for what he's got and not mine?
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline apdude

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2011, 03:00:02 PM »
The point is, apdude's story doesn't seem to check out much.  I think the mafia didn't have any nullification abilities yesterday, or else they'd have nullified their target.  I also think the mafia targeted me, not stevey, because it sounds like it was relatively common knowledge that stevey had protection among PMs.  I mean, of course, if anyone else was nullified yesterday, it kind of spoils my idea, but if not, there's reason now to suspect apdude.

So assuming Stratos was mafia and knew I had vote changing power yesterday, the votes at the end of the day were
JR - 2
Toru -3
Stratos - 1
Maybe Stratos thought I'd move a vote from Toru to him which could cause a chance for him to be voted out thus the nullification. 
Also I'm willing to change my vote to Stratos if we think that's the best course of action.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2011, 03:02:05 PM »
Yeah, I just double checked.  I completely forgot about the first day. Apdude definitely switched a vote to vudu.

Anyway, we've got insanolord and Stratos, and we believe both are mafia. One says he has a blue space, the other a red space.

So you're saying Stratos, Insanolord, and one other person are the remaining mafia? hmmm....

That's what it's looking like.
Vote Insanolord
I'm voting this way because Stratos voulentered the fact he has a blue space today (at the begining of the day) which would mean he doesn't control the mafia hit today.  Although to be perfectly honest Insanolord claims to have a red space, but I believe him less.

See, this is where I think you've been deceived.  If Stratos knows you're an influential townie and he has Toruresu, someone we know is a townie, set in your sight, it makes sense for Stratos to claim he's got a blue space. Chances are, he's just trying to start a bandwagon against Toruresu and end discussion of the game early, so we don't get to this point. ShyGuy's vote is still targeted at Toruresu for that matter.

Given Insanolord says he has a red space, it's worth noting he didn't jump on the Toruresu bandwagon right away, and he hasn't voted yet.  At least he's acting the part.

We've got one chance today to get it right, and I think Stratos is definitely mafia.  With Insanolord, I'm just not sure yet.  I don't think we can take the risk on Insanolord until we have an extra day of time, which I suppose will be tomorrow. Right now, though, we've got to go after the surer thing and target Stratos.

Offline apdude

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2011, 06:30:19 PM »

Vote Stratos
(Happy Birthday)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 10:41:32 PM by apdude »

Offline ShyGuy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2011, 09:59:22 PM »
Oh. snap. What's the tally?

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2011, 10:36:10 PM »
About... 90 minutes until the thread closes, and 2 hours until actions are due. Everyone get yours in soon!

Offline stevey

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2011, 10:48:41 PM »
I have a feeling the ones trying the hardest not the die are mafia

stratos 3
thatguy 1
toruresu 1

EDIT: anyone want to prove their townieness by admitting to who they voted for in the poll yesterday?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 11:22:26 PM by stevey »
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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2011, 11:24:35 PM »
I didn't realize there was a poll yesterday, so I'm fairly certain I didn't vote for anything.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #42 on: April 03, 2011, 11:27:28 PM »
I have a feeling the ones trying the hardest not the die are mafia

stratos 3
thatguy 1
toruresu 1

EDIT: anyone want to prove their townieness by admitting to who they voted for in the poll yesterday?

I voted against everyone, so I'd have a better chance of winning.

Edit: Weird.  I didn't realize the poll was up.  Regardless, it's clear no one else but me wanted me to win that thing. -_-

Offline UncleBob

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2011, 11:35:25 PM »
I too voted against everyone but me. :D
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline stevey

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #44 on: April 03, 2011, 11:39:03 PM »
Day 1: I switched the vote after Maxi asked me if I'd be willing to target Dasmos over vudu. I said I'd be willing to, and I'd go ahead and do it first to show that.  That's what happened. I had a protection space.

Day 2: I had a red space, so technically I didn't have a vote.  Vudu and jrlibrarian both had blue spaces, oddly enough, double-negating my vote negating.  I still wanted to vote out vudu on this day, but then decided I'd vote out Maxi because of his picture-mongering ways.  I voted maxi after vudu placed his vote, but before jrlibrarian did.  No one else who had a vote against them seemed to have had lost any votes, so it looks like no one transferred votes away. No hit is made, message says the mafia, stunned at the loss of two people from the vote, did nothing.

Day 3: We vote out Bustin pretty resoundingly.  While what Maxi did was wrong, there's no arguing with the facts. I had a blue space here.

Day 4: I had a protection space, which now seems relevant.  I voted for Stratos for his Day 2 inactivity, which could mean he dropped the ball placing the day's hit.  Today we see a message that the mafia focused on trying to hit someone, but failed.

All the way, I've mostly only talked to Toruresu.  I've made it no secret I've been pretty busy this entire game, with a 5-page paper due in class and 3DS coverage to hammer out over at PixlBit.  Normally, I'd be more active, but reality just hasn't allowed for that.

Anyway, at this point, looking at the coverage and knowing both I and stevey had protection spaces yesterday, I can see something interesting. First off, only Toruresu swapped the votes yesterday.  That's a townie-only ability. No one has claimed otherwise.  At this point, suspecting Toruresu of anything other than making a move to save his own life is stupid.  Really stupid. Naturally, he voted against Jrlibrarian because he was saving his own skin.  If anyone comes forward and claims to have changed the vote yesterday, fine, I'll have doubt, but as far as I know, no one has.

Second, there's one person who claimed to have vote-changing power, but didn't do it for claim of being nullified yesterday. What I can't figure out is why the mafia would nullify his ability, but not nullify the protection of their target.  Since players have about a 1/6 chance of being protected and a 1/6 chance of outright blowing up, killing the mafia member who chose them as the target, it seems odd to me that the mafia would have nullified someone who wasn't their hit target over someone who was.  That doesn't make much sense to me. I don't see much reason for apdude to have a "side" alliance with ShyGuy, keeping him from talking with stevey much, given apdude claims to have investigated ShyGuy himself.

The point is, apdude's story doesn't seem to check out much.  I think the mafia didn't have any nullification abilities yesterday, or else they'd have nullified their target.  I also think the mafia targeted me, not stevey, because it sounds like it was relatively common knowledge that stevey had protection among PMs.  I mean, of course, if anyone else was nullified yesterday, it kind of spoils my idea, but if not, there's reason now to suspect apdude.

I'm keeping my vote on Stratos for the time being.  If anyone was nullified yesterday, please speak up, and we'll have more of an idea about apdude, but right now, I'm not buying his story.  There's a chance I'm wrong, so speak up if you're were nullified yesterday, so we know if the mafia is just a little dumb in choosing their targets or if apdude is just making his vote-switch story up outright.

I don't see why the mafia would pick an absent townie verse the only confirm townie as their hit. Plus, no one knew about my protection space.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 11:58:28 PM by stevey »
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Offline Toruresu

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2011, 11:43:03 PM »
Stevey does have a point.
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Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #46 on: April 03, 2011, 11:56:16 PM »
Day 1: I switched the vote after Maxi asked me if I'd be willing to target Dasmos over vudu. I said I'd be willing to, and I'd go ahead and do it first to show that.  That's what happened. I had a protection space.

Day 2: I had a red space, so technically I didn't have a vote.  Vudu and jrlibrarian both had blue spaces, oddly enough, double-negating my vote negating.  I still wanted to vote out vudu on this day, but then decided I'd vote out Maxi because of his picture-mongering ways.  I voted maxi after vudu placed his vote, but before jrlibrarian did.  No one else who had a vote against them seemed to have had lost any votes, so it looks like no one transferred votes away. No hit is made, message says the mafia, stunned at the loss of two people from the vote, did nothing.

Day 3: We vote out Bustin pretty resoundingly.  While what Maxi did was wrong, there's no arguing with the facts. I had a blue space here.

Day 4: I had a protection space, which now seems relevant.  I voted for Stratos for his Day 2 inactivity, which could mean he dropped the ball placing the day's hit.  Today we see a message that the mafia focused on trying to hit someone, but failed.

All the way, I've mostly only talked to Toruresu.  I've made it no secret I've been pretty busy this entire game, with a 5-page paper due in class and 3DS coverage to hammer out over at PixlBit.  Normally, I'd be more active, but reality just hasn't allowed for that.

Anyway, at this point, looking at the coverage and knowing both I and stevey had protection spaces yesterday, I can see something interesting. First off, only Toruresu swapped the votes yesterday.  That's a townie-only ability. No one has claimed otherwise.  At this point, suspecting Toruresu of anything other than making a move to save his own life is stupid.  Really stupid. Naturally, he voted against Jrlibrarian because he was saving his own skin.  If anyone comes forward and claims to have changed the vote yesterday, fine, I'll have doubt, but as far as I know, no one has.

Second, there's one person who claimed to have vote-changing power, but didn't do it for claim of being nullified yesterday. What I can't figure out is why the mafia would nullify his ability, but not nullify the protection of their target.  Since players have about a 1/6 chance of being protected and a 1/6 chance of outright blowing up, killing the mafia member who chose them as the target, it seems odd to me that the mafia would have nullified someone who wasn't their hit target over someone who was.  That doesn't make much sense to me. I don't see much reason for apdude to have a "side" alliance with ShyGuy, keeping him from talking with stevey much, given apdude claims to have investigated ShyGuy himself.

The point is, apdude's story doesn't seem to check out much.  I think the mafia didn't have any nullification abilities yesterday, or else they'd have nullified their target.  I also think the mafia targeted me, not stevey, because it sounds like it was relatively common knowledge that stevey had protection among PMs.  I mean, of course, if anyone else was nullified yesterday, it kind of spoils my idea, but if not, there's reason now to suspect apdude.

I'm keeping my vote on Stratos for the time being.  If anyone was nullified yesterday, please speak up, and we'll have more of an idea about apdude, but right now, I'm not buying his story.  There's a chance I'm wrong, so speak up if you're were nullified yesterday, so we know if the mafia is just a little dumb in choosing their targets or if apdude is just making his vote-switch story up outright.

I don't see why the mafia would pick an absent townie verse the only confirm townie as their hit. Plus, no one knew about my blue space.

Wait, what blue space?  Apdude knew you had protection. I'm assuming stratos knew, too.  The mafia could have targeted you, too. I'm just suggesting it was possible they went after me. I figured they waited so long because I was so busy, is all.

Offline stevey

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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #47 on: April 03, 2011, 11:57:31 PM »
typo meant protection
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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2011, 11:58:08 PM »
Vote Stratos
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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Re: Mafia XLIX: Mafia Party II, Turn 5, Toy Dream
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2011, 11:59:36 PM »
typo meant protection

Then yeah, because I had forgotten about apdude's whole thing with the vote switch, so I thought he might be mafia.