Author Topic: 3DS Pokemon VC Games  (Read 2806 times)

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Offline SupaKirb

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3DS Pokemon VC Games
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:55:26 AM »
Will we see the classic Pokemon on the 3DS? by Supa "Nathaniel" Kirb- 3/16/2011

I was thinking a little more about the 3DS today; and something I really was thinking hard about, was if Nintendo is willing to port the classic Pokemon franchise on the 3DS's virtual console. Now obviously I know we all expect this to happen, I mean, it's something we all would enjoy seeing. So I thought to myself, from a business standpoint, how couldn't they do it? But then I started to wonder, how would the trading process work? As you may recall, the first Pokemon games could connect to each other using a trading cable; and it was such an awesome thing back then, being able to battle + trade with friends. It's one of the features that made Pokemon so successful after all. And let's face it, if you want to have the full Pokemon experience, you need to have a friend with the game opposite of yours. That way you can, as Ash Ketchum would say, 'catch them all.' (Or you might have been a little smarty/rich kid, and bought both versions with multiple systems. But that is just sad to think about, and I imagine it takes away from the 'Poke-experience.')

Anyways, I guess my thinking here is, is Nintendo really going to bother with putting the classic Pokemon games on the 3DS? Knowing full well what fans would expect someway to trade and battle? I know they could probably just modify the games so that they could connect wirelessly via 3DS. But think about this for a second, they would have to do this to every single version. That means, Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver,  and Crystal. They would all have to be modified. I don't know, it almost seems like too much of a hassle for them. I think It also depends on how high they are going to be pricing game boy games. I don't believe they would be willing to go to all this trouble just to make 5 bucks a download. I for one wouldn't mind paying a little extra to play some classic Pokemon.
(Also, little side not here, if you couldn't guess, this has been my attempt to write an article. I want to gain some experience so I can write some reviews in the future.  I know I probably miss use some punctuation at times, and my wording isn't the best, so any tips/advice would be most appreciated.)

Offline Miyamoto

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Re: 3DS Pokemon VC Games
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 07:12:29 AM »
I expect we'll see the original and (eventually) the remade versions of Red and Blue on the 3DS VC although I don't know if I'd have the time and patience to go back and play through them again. I'll predict 600 points for the GB games and 1200 for the GBA games.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: 3DS Pokemon VC Games
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 05:12:44 PM »
Considering that Nintendo is going have 3D VC games (classic GB/GBC games 3D-ized) I doubt it would be too much of a hassle for them to add trading to games that were built for trading. I'm not a programmer, but that seems easier.

The games are so small, you might even be able to dual boot them and trade between your own games, that would be awesome.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: 3DS Pokemon VC Games
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 06:38:45 PM »
I think we'll get Red/Blue, and Gold/Silver. I doubt we'll see the third versions but it'd be nice. Because many VC games on the Wii had many of it's feature dropped, I'm predicting they won't create a way to trade between the old games. But hey, I could be wrong.