Author Topic: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Biggest Console Released This Gen!!  (Read 800639 times)

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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2475 on: October 21, 2013, 09:23:00 PM »
But the question is...IF it can run Windows 8 easy will it be to hack and "jailbreak"?

Once that happens there is no stopping people from running any emulators they want.

Probably next to impossible, for a while at least. Being able to run Windows 8 apps (which come from the Windows Store) would not help you hack the console.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2476 on: October 22, 2013, 12:32:20 PM »
Windows Store? is that what they are calling it?

They missed a perfect opportunity to call it the WindowShop so people can Window Shop.
People love Window Shopping.

Offline Ceric

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2477 on: October 22, 2013, 12:32:35 PM »
its gonna be restricted, there is no way microsoft will let something like steam run on the xbone

steam isn't a window 8 app so the problem fixes itself.
Though I thought at one point Valve was going to make a Steam Windows App.  Not sure why really they do that.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2478 on: October 22, 2013, 01:56:43 PM »
There is Steam Center, but not full-on Steam. There probably never will be either.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline shingi_70

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2479 on: October 22, 2013, 06:34:09 PM »
This is pretty much the microsoft equal to the apple and google threads. So surface came out today and Nokia showed off the last of their pre microsoft product portfolito.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2480 on: October 28, 2013, 07:04:39 AM »
More **** might have just hit the (second) wind turbine.

Ok, first off: the origin of the rumor. I was contacted by someone claiming to be a dev. He told me a bunch of info. I had no idea if it was true or not. I know a lot of people really hate me currently so I was very weary that I was being trolled by a well-informed person. I was looking for other sources for hours. Nothing. And then I got partial verification from another dev (not that he/she disagreed with part, but only knew part and said it was 100% correct) and then at once I got verification by two people who have never wronged me. So this isn’t flimsy but I’m still filing it under rumor because, well, it is.  But it isn’t.
 I’m putting it all out on the line here. I enjoy breaking leaks but if this is wrong I’m fucked. I know this. This is how much I trust the people who have verified (and I hope for a CBoaT appearance).
 The short story is that Xbox Live and the OS, especially in functions that involve XBL, are a complete fucking mess. One source says we aren’t talking weeks until it works correctly but “months.” Things like parties dropping people when moving from one thing to another. Connectivity issues. Missed invites. Friend requests not working, etc.
 He then said “If all you are doing is running a game and that’s the only app things are fine.”
 So why do think things are going wrong?
 â€œThe system OS and network integration was written by a group of people who do not play games. They don’t understand why things were set up in the ways they were designed by J Allard back in ’05.”
 So… what changed?
 â€œLet me get into some technical detail regarding it – on 360, the OS handles all of the party and chat functionality. All you do is hook up the XBL VOiP OS API into your game, and it does most of the work for you. With it results in is a shared experience across multiple entertainment. If you’re watching movies or playing games, you can do it together. However, this system is entirely different on Xbox One. So, lets say me, you, and Thuway have xbox one’s that are online. We are signed in our profiles. Sitting at the home screen, we are considered to be in a “Xbox Party” on the server. There are no more ‘party leaders’. With that said if any one of us decide to start a game, the party is shifted over to that game’s party system. Each game now has their custom written VOIP.” (Pete note: shoutout to thuway!)
 â€œIn essence, it is almost EXACTLY how it was on the PS3, and it is in those API “handshakes” that is breaking the online experience.”
 I asked if could be fixed soon. He said that anything is possible and Microsoft is obviously working on it but he thinks it will be months, not weeks. Getting online launch games certified is taking so long that it’s pushing games after launch back.
 Talking to a different developer he says: “Yeah, getting anything online to work was a pain for months, barely worked at the very end of last month. Adding friends, sending game invites or even achievements’ toasts could be a nightmare. I don’t know that much outside of “my” project, but from what I saw in others, online was always a problem. No idea if this will still be an issue at launch though, I think it would be too much, but it looks like it won’t be flawless at all.”
 As of now the Xbox One OS and XBL (the name for the XBL side of Azure is “Thunderhead”) are having major issues. Maybe it will be fixed in time, maybe it won’t. The obvious question to me was does this have to do with Microsoft reversing the DRM and having to strip it out (Pete note: That would partially make it my fault and I wouldn’t like that at all)?
 â€œThis was happening either way. This was built into the OS long ago. The DRM-removal clogged their pipelines somewhat, but this blockage was always there. It’s just simply a way they setup the VOIP API and how it would be handled. It was an oversight, not just voip, all of parties and network connectivity really.”
 Ok, anything else?
 â€œBy the way, do not be surprised at the reaction you get from MS over this.”
 Yeah, I know.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2481 on: October 28, 2013, 09:45:23 AM »
Hey its the WoW problem.  Trying to fix something that was actually done the best way to begin with but looks broken from the outside.
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Offline shingi_70

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2482 on: October 28, 2013, 12:12:40 PM »
Sounds bad. I'm a bit confused about his posting. We knew the Xbox 360 VOIP API was being thrown out to build the OSs voice chat around Skype. With that said shouldn't things things still work the same since its being built upon a cross platform messaging system. The Party Chat even if it isn't on an OS level should still work the same with the Party Chat overriding any sort of per game chat.

The OS issues I can be see, but the PS4 won't have suspend/resume at launch which I find to be a bigger missing component. As long as everything goes smooth on the consumer side I'll be okay. We've seen achievements and the such working properly on Livestreams.

Still none of this is good and Microsoft is in the worse postion of the big two. I wouldn't reccomend getting a next gen console this year unless its the Wii U at this point[size=78%].[/size]
[/size][size=78%] [/size][/size]The Xbox website got updated a bit to lead up to Xbox One's launch. [size=78%]

[/size]It takes a more miminal UI and looks like the Outlook and Skydrive websites. It looks good but is pretty crappy functional since it no longer tells you anything. There's a drop down bar but the tickers don't seem to work at as of yet. (Bad timing with the recent news).[size=78%]

[/size]Last week Microsoft held their ID@Xbox Summit in seattle. They still have a ways to go to even get to where Nintendo is at in regards to indies but like the Retro City Rampage dude said its a start.[size=78%]

[/size]They're going to be holding one in London next month. [size=78%]


[/size]Games with Gold is now going to be a ongoing thing for xbox live. I could have told you this at E3 not sure why microsoft just didn't say this out right. [size=78%]

[/size]Xbox One gets a another game at launch called Kinect Sports Rivals preseasns [size=78%]

Kinect Sports Rivals Preseason will feature wake racing, one of the game's six activities. The trial version will also include exclusive in-game rewards and, through March 2014, monthly multiplayer challenges that unlock those rewards.[size=78%]

[/size]Xbox One owners who download the Preseason trial between Nov. 22 - 30 can unlock bonuses like a "Founder" player title, a Kinect Sports Rivals wetsuit and a wake racer. Also available to download on Nov. 22 will be the Kinect Sports Rivals Hub, where players can keep track of global competitive and local multiplayer challenges.

[/size]Think of it as the rayman Challange app with what will be the best game on the disc. [size=78%]

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2483 on: October 29, 2013, 12:51:37 PM »
Halo Spartan assault is dropping onto Xbox One and Xbox 360 this December.  Its a port featuring the first expansion and online co-op. The Co-op mode is a top down horde mode fighting the Flood.

Johnthan Ross has been hired by Microsoft as a Executive Producer for Microsoft Games Studio.  Dude is probably going to be helping with the entertainment studio stuff and probably reviving Inside Xbox in some form.
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Offline tendoboy1984

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2484 on: October 29, 2013, 05:31:46 PM »
More **** might have just hit the (second) wind turbine.

Ok, first off: the origin of the rumor. I was contacted by someone claiming to be a dev. He told me a bunch of info. I had no idea if it was true or not. I know a lot of people really hate me currently so I was very weary that I was being trolled by a well-informed person. I was looking for other sources for hours. Nothing. And then I got partial verification from another dev (not that he/she disagreed with part, but only knew part and said it was 100% correct) and then at once I got verification by two people who have never wronged me. So this isn’t flimsy but I’m still filing it under rumor because, well, it is.  But it isn’t.
 I’m putting it all out on the line here. I enjoy breaking leaks but if this is wrong I’m fucked. I know this. This is how much I trust the people who have verified (and I hope for a CBoaT appearance).
 The short story is that Xbox Live and the OS, especially in functions that involve XBL, are a complete fucking mess. One source says we aren’t talking weeks until it works correctly but “months.” Things like parties dropping people when moving from one thing to another. Connectivity issues. Missed invites. Friend requests not working, etc.
 He then said “If all you are doing is running a game and that’s the only app things are fine.”
 So why do think things are going wrong?
 â€œThe system OS and network integration was written by a group of people who do not play games. They don’t understand why things were set up in the ways they were designed by J Allard back in ’05.”
 So… what changed?
 â€œLet me get into some technical detail regarding it – on 360, the OS handles all of the party and chat functionality. All you do is hook up the XBL VOiP OS API into your game, and it does most of the work for you. With it results in is a shared experience across multiple entertainment. If you’re watching movies or playing games, you can do it together. However, this system is entirely different on Xbox One. So, lets say me, you, and Thuway have xbox one’s that are online. We are signed in our profiles. Sitting at the home screen, we are considered to be in a “Xbox Party” on the server. There are no more ‘party leaders’. With that said if any one of us decide to start a game, the party is shifted over to that game’s party system. Each game now has their custom written VOIP.” (Pete note: shoutout to thuway!)
 â€œIn essence, it is almost EXACTLY how it was on the PS3, and it is in those API “handshakes” that is breaking the online experience.”
 I asked if could be fixed soon. He said that anything is possible and Microsoft is obviously working on it but he thinks it will be months, not weeks. Getting online launch games certified is taking so long that it’s pushing games after launch back.
 Talking to a different developer he says: “Yeah, getting anything online to work was a pain for months, barely worked at the very end of last month. Adding friends, sending game invites or even achievements’ toasts could be a nightmare. I don’t know that much outside of “my” project, but from what I saw in others, online was always a problem. No idea if this will still be an issue at launch though, I think it would be too much, but it looks like it won’t be flawless at all.”
 As of now the Xbox One OS and XBL (the name for the XBL side of Azure is “Thunderhead”) are having major issues. Maybe it will be fixed in time, maybe it won’t. The obvious question to me was does this have to do with Microsoft reversing the DRM and having to strip it out (Pete note: That would partially make it my fault and I wouldn’t like that at all)?
 â€œThis was happening either way. This was built into the OS long ago. The DRM-removal clogged their pipelines somewhat, but this blockage was always there. It’s just simply a way they setup the VOIP API and how it would be handled. It was an oversight, not just voip, all of parties and network connectivity really.”
 Ok, anything else?
 â€œBy the way, do not be surprised at the reaction you get from MS over this.”
 Yeah, I know.

The Xbox division needs someone like Shuhei Yoshida or Satoru Iwata running things, someone with actual experience in the gaming industry. Microsoft has proven time and time again that they don't get the global gaming industry. They're too focused on one market (America), while they basically ignore the rest of the world (like Japan).
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Offline magicpixie

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2485 on: October 29, 2013, 06:30:23 PM »
So... how about that Titanfall exclusive?  Kotaku says that EA confirmed that Titanfall will be exclusive to Xbone, 360, and PC for the life of the title, however long that is.

Gaf pretty much exploded overnight with the comparisons between the Xbone and PS4 versions of Battlefield 4.  Xbone version is 720p, while the PS4 version runs at 900p.  PS4 also apparently has a slight FPS advantage and better AA.  It'll be interesting to see what kind of impact that kind of disparity will have on sales.

Offline tendoboy1984

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2486 on: October 29, 2013, 06:35:41 PM »
Sony finally learned their lessons from the PS3's hardware bottlenecks (thanks Mark Cerny!). Meanwhile, Microsoft's insistence on PC-like multitasking caused them to overlook the gaming capabilities of the console.

My how times have changed. You'd expect Microsoft to be more prepared for this stuff, since they're supposedly experts at PC software.

Speaking of Sony, they've made some very good decisions lately:
- Hiring Mark Cerny as the lead PS4 architect
- Refusing to copy Microsoft's old DRM policies
- Offering the PlayStation Camera as an optional accessory to keep the PS4 price low
- Pushing cloud gaming (Gaikai) as a truly innovative concept over TV multitasking
- Promoting Shuheu Yoshida as head of 1st-party development (the guy's basically Sony's version of Iwata)

It's good to be a PlayStation fan.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 06:41:09 PM by tendoboy1984 »
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Offline magicpixie

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2487 on: October 29, 2013, 07:13:03 PM »

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2488 on: October 29, 2013, 09:17:56 PM »
So we can pencil the Titanfall GOTY edition in for Q1 2015 on PS4, then?

Looks like the best mech game race is still on with X then.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2489 on: October 29, 2013, 10:05:02 PM »
Everyone knows how "Loyal" EA is. Its going to be nothing but laughs when it gets real.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2490 on: October 29, 2013, 10:35:13 PM »
Well, I wonder if Sony is having similar problems with their launch it just isn't as public.  Right now Microsoft has made themselves a huge target with Xbox One, and with console tradition the 3rd console seems to be the console companies make bad choices with.

Nintendo - Nintendo 64
Sony - PS3
Microsoft - Xbox One
Sega - Sega Saturn

I am not saying that these mistakes will not lead to a good console or will potentially call doom for that generation.  Just that the company got arrogant or looked at the market and made a bad choice in design/approach for the console.

I think this is Microsoft's turn...and people have been on alert with Microsoft ever since there unveiling of the system.  But, perhaps Sony isn't all perfect either.  Perhaps there are behind the scenes problems coming up that nobody is talking about.

At any rate, the launches for both of these systems are rapidly approaching and I am surprised we are not getting more media information, game information, and details.  Of course, perhaps we are and I just haven't seen it.

Offline broodwars

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2491 on: October 29, 2013, 11:18:33 PM »
At any rate, the launches for both of these systems are rapidly approaching and I am surprised we are not getting more media information, game information, and details.  Of course, perhaps we are and I just haven't seen it.

Well, Killzone 4 is already out on store shelves, and I have it. Knack is releasing on Saturday. The information is out there. People just can't poke at it yet.

I did find the GameTrailers Battlefield 4 video review rather hilarious, though, with how they came right out at the start of their review and said that Microsoft & EA wouldn't let them show footage of the Xbone version, so it was all PS4 & PC footage. Expect a lot of that at this launch as Microsoft tries to hide the inferior versions of the multiplatform games.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 11:24:26 PM by broodwars »
There was a Signature here. It's gone now.

Offline magicpixie

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2492 on: October 30, 2013, 03:55:51 PM »
Inferior multiplatform versions of games like Call of Duty: Ghosts?

...but wanted to confirm that for Xbox One we’re 1080p upscaled from 720p. And, we’re native 1080p on PS4.  We optimized each console to hit 60 FPS and the game looks great on both.

Offline shingi_70

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2493 on: October 30, 2013, 05:25:13 PM »
Sony finally learned their lessons from the PS3's hardware bottlenecks (thanks Mark Cerny!). Meanwhile, Microsoft's insistence on PC-like multitasking caused them to overlook the gaming capabilities of the console.

My how times have changed. You'd expect Microsoft to be more prepared for this stuff, since they're supposedly experts at PC software.

Speaking of Sony, they've made some very good decisions lately:
- Hiring Mark Cerny as the lead PS4 architect
- Refusing to copy Microsoft's old DRM policies
- Offering the PlayStation Camera as an optional accessory to keep the PS4 price low
- Pushing cloud gaming (Gaikai) as a truly innovative concept over TV multitasking
- Promoting Shuheu Yoshida as head of 1st-party development (the guy's basically Sony's version of Iwata)

It's good to be a PlayStation fan.

-Really wasn't much of a hiring rather than a continuation. Dude was the lead on the Vita.
-I still think Sony thought about it. Publicly saying **** that was great.
-I'd rather have the system come with the camera  to be honest. No point I having free play room if half the consumers can't play it right?
-Cloud gaming is still unviable to a vast majority of consumers though. Plus Microsoft is working on their own Rio could system.
-Eh Shu has more in common with Phil Spencer than Iwata tbh. I don't think Nintendo even has a head of first party development like the other two do.

A console isn't the same as a PC and all indications show that Microsoft planned to launch next year but accelerated their plans after the PS4 event. Everything about their roadmap just screms the project got pushed forward. They'd rather have some stumblings and fucks up that can be ignored or fixed instead of getting PS3'd which is even a worse situation.

Still expect it too do pretty well though. AT least better than the Wii U

Microsoft is doing a four part Ryse Mini series that will air on Machima.

Phil Spencer was on this week's podcast Unlocked and seems like a pretty good guy. Most important tidbits were

•Sunset Overdrive is something they're playing and planned for next fall (currently anyway). Will discuss other games for next year after launch - probably early 2014 I guess?
•D4/Kinect Sports Rivals are early 2014
•Gears has run its course in the current story. They’d need to consider a reboot with Epic but would want to do it
•PGR is a maybe but they’re full in the racing space atm (which suggests Forza Horizon 2?)
•Phil says he’s a big fan of Halo Wars and discusses it with 343 studio head but hasn't spoken to Robot Entertainment in a while so they probably wouldn't make it
•Said Rare has controller based games in their future, he doesn’t force them to do anything as he knows the staff will just leave and he’s been speaking to studio head at Rare over the summer about whats next. Heads have been (unsurprisingly turned) at Rare over the positive reaction to Killer Instinct, some interesting things brewing over there
•Phil said he has the green light to buy anyone he wants pretty much (developer wise) but he doesn’t for various reasons, e.g. Epic and Crytek are both in the engine business (didn’t say Epic/Crytek but he did say engine business) which is interesting. He said that having internal studios isn;t any cheaper to having an external studio work on a game so thats why he can buy if it makes sense for the developer and Microsoft
•Ryse was rebooted because they didn't think the quality was there in the Xbox 360 version and Crytek wanted to a launch title when MS approached them about it. They had it running at 720p/900p/1080p and looked at what was best for what they wanted to add going forward which was 900p
•He liked Kameo said PDZ was good not great, was disappointed it wasn't better and didn't do better
•Titanfall wasn't specifically ever really discussed for launch, thinks its coming out at a great time for them in March
•Harmonix are busy with the Fantasia game but they'd like to work with them again for another Dance Central

Going off that quote I think  Microsoft planned to **** over EA and buy respawn. The first game can't go to other consoles due to the contract and Respawn nor the IP is owned by EA.
Microsoft Studios twitch is livestreming the Ryse Multiplayer. Doesn't look as hot as the single player. Not sure if the game is Janky, the guys suck at the game, or both.
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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2494 on: October 31, 2013, 12:54:31 PM »
This month's Games for Gold are A world of Kelfings (coming to Wii U soon) and Iron Brigade. Yeah makes the decesion to go to sony even more easy.
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Offline tendoboy1984

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2495 on: October 31, 2013, 03:57:04 PM »
Phil Spencer is the head of the Xbox division, right? Did you really just say that Microsoft can just buy whatever developer they want?
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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2496 on: November 01, 2013, 11:40:02 AM »
Phil Spencer is the head of the Xbox division, right? Did you really just say that Microsoft can just buy whatever developer they want?

Dude said he has the green light to acquire whomever he wnated to but doesn't see the point when he can  cultivate strong second party relationships like he has with Remedy and Crytek or building internal studios.
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Offline tendoboy1984

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2497 on: November 01, 2013, 05:03:21 PM »
So can the Xbox One play MP3s and stream media from a PC? ;) Or is Microsoft going to force us to use Xbox Music?
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Offline Kytim89

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2498 on: November 01, 2013, 09:31:43 PM »
 (Not to troll): The Xbox One is working with technology that was made in 2001, so of course it is not going to operate the same as modern consoles.  :P:
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Offline shingi_70

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Re: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Check-In atleast once every 24hrs!
« Reply #2499 on: November 06, 2013, 03:52:30 PM »
Microsoft is taking a note out of nintendo;s playbook and giving Unity Pro for free with every Xbox One Devkit.

The season pass for Forza 5 will be $50 fucking dollars for 10 car packs up into may of next year.

Ryse son of rome season pass is $20 for mulitplayer maps and weapons

All Xbox One cards will include QR codes to read on kinect via a vine from Major Nelson.
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