Author Topic: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Biggest Console Released This Gen!!  (Read 805805 times)

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Offline shingi_70

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Video of a Presentation by AJ Grand-Scrutton CEO of Dlala Studios who is working inside of Microsoft's  Soho building (holds Lift London and Soho Productions) in an incubation process. Video is about ow the studio got started and how Microsoft is trying to help its image in the eyes of indie developers. So they're working in a situation similar to thatgamecompany had with Sony. They have a contact with Microsoft to work on a game for them (how many games wasn't disclosed) and Microsoft gets to keep the IP. In return Dlala is using space inside of the Soho building alongside Microsoft's two internal development studios. Dlala is paid as if they were normal Microsoft employees as well receive help from other studios and MS employees. By the time the game is complete Microsoft will have enough capital for Dlala to work as a completely independent studio and then go forward and go their separate ways. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft buys Dlala after the contract is up as a way to show independent devs that working on Microsoft platforms could have great benefits.
On that note i'm pretty surprised that Microsoft hasn't acquired signal studios yet as thye have worked on nothing but Microsoft platforms thus far.

So Microsoft being friendly with "indie" devs is them having an indie guy work in their office, be payed exactly like an MS employee and MS gets to keep all IP rights to what is created.

That sounds identical to working directly for MS, what is independent about any of that?

Because they have a contract with Microsoft an once that contract is complete they're free to do what they they want, That and they're a fourman studio.
Sony does the same thing letting indies (thatgamecompany and Giant Sparrow) use space within the Sony Santa Monica building. Sony also retained all IP in this case and Sony Apparently offered to buy them but they said no. (bad idea imo)
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Offline pokepal148

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Video of a Presentation by AJ Grand-Scrutton CEO of Dlala Studios who is working inside of Microsoft's  Soho building (holds Lift London and Soho Productions) in an incubation process. Video is about ow the studio got started and how Microsoft is trying to help its image in the eyes of indie developers. So they're working in a situation similar to thatgamecompany had with Sony. They have a contact with Microsoft to work on a game for them (how many games wasn't disclosed) and Microsoft gets to keep the IP. In return Dlala is using space inside of the Soho building alongside Microsoft's two internal development studios. Dlala is paid as if they were normal Microsoft employees as well receive help from other studios and MS employees. By the time the game is complete Microsoft will have enough capital for Dlala to work as a completely independent studio and then go forward and go their separate ways. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft buys Dlala after the contract is up as a way to show independent devs that working on Microsoft platforms could have great benefits.
On that note i'm pretty surprised that Microsoft hasn't acquired signal studios yet as thye have worked on nothing but Microsoft platforms thus far.

So Microsoft being friendly with "indie" devs is them having an indie guy work in their office, be payed exactly like an MS employee and MS gets to keep all IP rights to what is created.

That sounds identical to working directly for MS, what is independent about any of that?

Because they have a contract with Microsoft an once that contract is complete they're free to do what they they want, That and they're a fourman studio.
Sony does the same thing letting indies (thatgamecompany and Giant Sparrow) use space within the Sony Santa Monica building. Sony also retained all IP in this case and Sony Apparently offered to buy them but they said no. (bad idea imo)
many indies want to avoid exactly what sony would offer. a large budget studio and deadlines...
if EA offers they would get a more vulgar reply.

Offline shingi_70

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Well an  EA would screw you over but I could see why indies would get into a partnership with one of the big three. This could lead to being acquired by the bigger studios (Twisted Pixel by microsoft).

Apparently Tequillaworks posted a picture of what is probably a Durango Dev kit.

Also the sign ups for the ascend new gods beta has started.

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Offline pokepal148

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indie devs are exactly that, INDEPENDENT, and some of them may not want to lose that

Offline nickmitch

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Not everyone wants to be rich. I guess...
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline ShyGuy

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Looks like a cube PC with window.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Not everyone wants to be rich. I guess...

Nobody's getting rich making games, regardless of where they work. You can make more with a big company, maybe, but you lose creative freedom, and there's an appeal to the whole indie ideal for a lot of those guys.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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Offline pokepal148

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Not everyone wants to be rich. I guess...

Nobody's getting rich making games, regardless of where they work. You can make more with a big company, maybe, but you lose creative freedom, and there's an appeal to the whole indie ideal for a lot of those guys.
but at the same time you don't necessarily have to share with the publisher.

Offline shingi_70

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Well of course not everyone wants to join up with a big publishers. Its supposedly one of the reasons that the journey developer thatgamecompany lost people. The people who left were in favor of being being purchased by the company while quite a few people including Jenova Chen reportedly wanted to stay independent.

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Offline TJ Spyke

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I dont buy this for one second, but IGN is posting a YouTube video from some random guy who claims that a inside source he has (yeah, very sketchy and unreliable) that Activision is working on a new Call of Duty game called Call of Duty: Ghosts that will only be released on PC and next gen systems:
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Offline shingi_70

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Seems like a legit source to me.
So Microsoft has been updating all of their Windows 8 applications in preparation for windows blue and they updated the main Games application.
It previously looked like this

now it looks like this

Doesn't Look like Microsoft will be doing anything big publicly at GDC even though they have the usually Xbox space. The event they had at last year's GDC was press only and embargoed till after GDC iirc so anything could still happen. I personally think showing that not showing the nextbox at GDC is a bad move as your going to see Sony in a lot of the headlines for the next few days.
On that note I think I've found why Microsoft wpn't be showing anything until probably Late apirl-E3.  They announced today that Build 2013 will be taking place in June.

Now it makes sense that Microsoft would want to hold off for showing the xbox. They will have a small event before E3 followed by a bigger E3 showing for the consumer. Than at Build they show off and have workshops about all of the developer aimed stuff the regular consumer doesn't care about.  This will allow them to show the further expansion of thee one code base making stuff for all three platforms.
I liked what I watched of last year's build but hot damn if those aren't expensive tickets. I really don't understand why the tickets for Build and Apple's WWDC are so freaking expensive. I mean even counting the free swag going to Google I/o is only $900 and has a student option for $300.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 05:21:05 PM by shingi_70 »
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Offline Shaymin

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/b/ is meeting in San Francisco?

I'll get the poison, we'll be doing the internet a favour.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.

Offline shingi_70

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The build logo is nice looking but fails at explaining what's it for.

The apple wwdc logo stands for world wide developers confrence and it might get confused for womens wear daily but its in the claasic apple font.

Google i/o's logo us pretty simple google gives input and devs give output.

Now I understand the /B is a play on coding but it makes so much more sense when the whole word build is spell out.

Also Paul Thurrot seems to be sure the xbox unvielingis next month.
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Offline TJ Spyke

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What makes it seem legit? It's a random guy on YouTube claiming a friend told him about stuff. That could not be any more shady.
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Offline shingi_70

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Was joking.
Looks like throughut the rest of this GDC there's going to be zip coming from Microsoft. I'm honestly expecting invites for the Durango reveal to go out Friday at the earliest and possibly next week.
AT GDC however there was a bit of news. Microsoft had a a session dedicated to Smartglass development showing this is going to be apart of their eco system going forward.
Other than that there are a few Halo Post Mortems, and sessions pertaining too Windows 8 and WIndows  Phone development. I wish they would live stream these things like other developer conferences do. There's a small chance the Microsoft stuff will get put up on MSDN. But Nintendo realy should like streamed the Unity/GTML roundtables seeing as one of the annoucments was they would be accepting garage devs.
Twisted Pixel's past XBLA games are being bundled on xbla oddly enough.

3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline shingi_70

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So according to Paul Thurrot the rumored two model xbox sku (one a set top box and another one a full conolse) has been scrapped in favor of doing just one pure console,
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline Ceric

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Oh good.  He is in the know most of the time with MS.

On the streaming thing.  GDC probably doesn't allow to many streams because it would undervalue the conference and buying some of the sessions aftwards.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline shingi_70

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So according to Paul now the April xbox event has been moved to may 21st and apparently the time line will be.
Sometime in may- Initial Xbox Reveal
E3- The big blowout
Build- The developer story
Makes me a bit pessimistic despite Thurrot saying that its going to be big and great for gamers. I understand that the 360 followed a similar reveal and that Microsoft wants to go into three events with massive hype but right now the story on everyones lips is how awesome the PlayStation 4 is. Though at this point Microsoft could announce the literal second coming of Christ and it still would be considered a flop by a few gaming communites cough*gaf*cough.

Microsoft also announced a new Promo related to their Xbox Rewards program called Play to Earn.

Starting Monday, April 1, we’re launching an exclusive feature for Xbox LIVE Rewards Members, MyPunchcard, an exciting new way to get rewarded for doing what you love!  And this April, all the action is in arcade games with our exclusive Play To Earn offers, your passion for playing arcade games can pay off in a big way.
Only the most devoted Arcade fans have what it takes to black out all three Arcade Punchcards. Those who do will be guaranteed a spot in an upcoming VIP Exclusives. By simply playing your favorite arcade games and adding to your game collection, you can earn rewards in April. *Click READ MORE for all the details!*
Here’s the three ways you can earn rewards all month long:
> Play 20 hours of any combination of arcade games, receive a free avatar item
> Purchase any four arcade games for 400 Microsoft Points or more from Xbox LIVE, receive a one month Xbox LIVE Gold membership
> Spend 3200 Microsoft Points on arcade games, receive 800 Microsoft Points in return.
It’s easy and fun, you can earn for playing and or buying ANY arcade game from Xbox LIVE[/l]
They also gave a list of games coming out next month
Here’s a list of games launching in April:
  • BattleBlock Theater
  • Double Dragon II
  • Motocross Madness
  • Sacred Citadel
  • God Mode
  • [/l][/l]


3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
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Offline shingi_70

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So Kotaku is reporting the Controller that comes with Durango dev kits is covered in stripes and not that different from the Xbox 360 controller just a bit smaller and more refined. Not sure how much sock to take into this since early PS4 dev kits used the PlayStation 3 controller irrc.
Kotaku new site is horrid. It looks much better than the old one but article visibility is crap.
The CEO of Ubisoft Montreal is saying that the 720 is pretty similar to the PS4 (shocking news). He uses the words connected, interactive, social, and immersive to describe it.
The Gamestop  CEO is also pretty excited for the console which probably means the it blocks used games rumor is probably false.
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
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Offline shingi_70

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Another Kotaku about the system being have to be connected to play software.
"Unless something has changed recently," one of the sources told us over email, "Durango consumer units must have an active internet connection to be used."The Next Xbox Has Mandatory Kinect, Game-Swapping and New Controllers, According To Leaked InfoThe next-generation Xbox—the one that will follow the still-popular Xbox 360—will run multiple… Read…Durango is the codename for the next-gen Xbox.
"If there isn't a connection, no games or apps can be started," the source continued. "If the connection is interrupted then after a period of time--currently three minutes, if I remember correctly--the game/app is suspended and the network troubleshooter started."
Hmm on one hand kotaku is kotaku and they even say that multiple sources are saying different things. But this isn't the first rumor for anything like this.
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
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Offline TJ Spyke

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So they are just reiterating rumors that we already know.

If all these rumors are true, the Xbox 3 is DOA.
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Offline shingi_70

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So they are just reiterating rumors that we already know.

If all these rumors are true, the Xbox 3 is DOA.
With our powers combined I am a blanetly anti consumer product that will go on to make millions in at least the Americas.
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xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Seems like more than rumors now that the Creative Director at Microsoft Studios has chimed in on it.

Quote from: NeoGAF

Manveer is a game designer at Bioware.


Nothing stops this train:


Offline pokepal148

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and then they will make xbox live gold mandatory...
i think this alone makes the Wii U, arguably the most traditional console... no forced social/cloud stuff, no always online,
and if this is true used gaming may be at a huge risk

Offline shingi_70

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Dude used a flawed analogy but I don't really disagree. Personally I won't mind an always online based system or at least semi always online. Every other device I have is for the most part constantly connected online.
Its funny since my internet connection was messing up earlier today and I had to unplug it to get my 360 connected again.
Always online is annoying but not a deal breaker and i'm saying that right now but once I get to somewhere where I have n internet I'll probably start bitching.
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70