Author Topic: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Biggest Console Released This Gen!!  (Read 798894 times)

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Offline Chozo Ghost

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One thing Sony taught us with the PS3 and Nintendo taught us with the N64 is that no matter how popular or dominant your console was in the last generation, it will have little impact on the success of your current console. This also works the other way around too, because look how Nintendo was able to go from the Gamecube which sold only 20 million LTD to the Wii which has sold almost 100 million LTD.

Just because the X360 (or Wii, depending on how you look at it) was the most successful console this generation, that doesn't mean its successor is going to be the same way. Maybe after the beating Sony took they've learned a few things and adapted and maybe they will bounce back? Maybe Microsoft and Nintendo have become arrogant due to their success and have walked into some blunders that will cause them to do less well this time around? Who really knows. Aside from PS1-PS2 and arguable NES-SNES there has been no time in video game history where a successor was able to carry on with the dominance of its predecessor. Its happened, but its only happened once or twice, so its the exception rather than the rule.
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Offline shingi_70

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Eh I didn't like last year's version. Of metro that much but been playing around with the beta and its been really good thus far.  Though I'm also not the biggest fan of Nintendo and Sony's GUI'S either as they seem to have been an after though it the making. Wish vita would have stuck with XMB or went with android.

Also a. Company using shady tactics doesn't mean I wont use their products or that them have a compelling ecosystem is t tire. Apple has been abusing the patent system and Google mines users for ad data and Inever hear complaining about that (well I do with google) but that isn't going to stop me from using my ipod or Google+.

And I mean look at it this way

Windows 8
Windows RT
Windows Phone
Xbox Music and Video

Thats a pretty compelling ecosystem and not even all of it. Microsoft couldn't have some serious advantages going into next gen if they leverage Skydrive as the 720's cloud system. I have 25GB of cloud storgae that I use mostly for photos and documents if they allowed me too use my skydrive data that would be great and since Microsoft seems to be pushing connectivity and save transfer between their platforms it would make sense.

Same thing with leveraging skype. I remember seeing the miiverse video and honestly laughing at the video chat feature (mostly because of the weird put the controller down and use that implementation) seeing as how kinect 2.0 has a high chance of launching with the 720 having skype at launch would be a pretty big selling point.
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Offline MagicCow64

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I think you also have to take into account the cooling attitude of the "hardcore gamer" contingent against Microsoft. If you scan the comments sections on news stories on Gamespot you'll see a lot of people bitching about how Microsoft sold them out for the Kinect and multi-media functionality, and that they'd prefer to just go PC only at this point. Anecdotal evidence, but Microsoft really has shifted gears, and there was bound to be some blowback, though it's more surprising to me that anyone ever thought Microsoft was really was "down" with the core and not just sociopathically chasing market dominance.

Offline shingi_70

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See Microsoft "didn't abandon the core" they just decided to expand their customer base and it worked and they are probably going to end this Gen at #2. And its not like Sony didn't try this either with move. The only difference was move flopped and Sony quickly decided to become the company for the gamers. Personally I'm a big fan of all the media functions of the xbox and I probably spend more time on that stuff than gaming as of late.

Though how does one constitute how core a system is. While Sony has more retail exclusives microsoft has way more arcade exclusives. This year alone a good number of titles have come out for the system. But people tend to ignore xbla for somereason and kinect seasme street TV and Kinect neon vat TV wont count either.

Reminds me of the people on RPS and Gaf for shifting on the skulls of the shogun devs for going windows 8 exclusive instead of steam.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Move flopped because Sony quietly let it loose like a fart in the wind, and then nothing more was ever said about it or done with it. There was like one Kevin Butler commercial for a short time and that was it. Meanwhile, Microsoft has been pushing Kinect really hard, and that's why they've managed to carve out a market for it. Sony's problem with Move was they didn't try.
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Offline Ceric

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Or that move isn't as good as an original Wiimote most of the time in implementation.  At least from my experience.

Microsoft may lose the core to the PC according to that comment.  If you want to game you own a ... Windows PC.  You just shifting to something that does make MS less money per invested person but, still makes them money.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline SonofMrPeanut

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Move flopped because Sony quietly let it loose like a fart in the wind, and then nothing more was ever said about it or done with it. There was like one Kevin Butler commercial for a short time and that was it. Meanwhile, Microsoft has been pushing Kinect really hard, and that's why they've managed to carve out a market for it. Sony's problem with Move was they didn't try.

Which is really sad, considering they were sitting on the tech since 2000 when a prototype was demoed. 

Offline shingi_70

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Kind of related but here's some of the gaming stuff in windows 8 looks like

Played with a few of the features.

The play to is pretty cool. I can throw any video,audio,or photo file and it will playbon the xbox. Ot also works in apps as I used the CW app to test it. Oddly enough it didn't work with my podcast app :(. Coolest feature is that it doesnt have to go I to any special app to play. I threw a youtube video to the xbox and it played it in the xbox video player without having to go into the youtube app. You can set it to play whatever you want or don't play if your playing a game.

The xbox Video app uses the cloud to tell were your at. Started a movie on my xbox and paused went to my Win 8 Pc and started where the xbox was paused from. Also I noticed the xbox music app wasn't finished as it didn't have the playlist interface like the windows 8 version had.

Couldn't test the smartglass stuff as that it isn't in the Win 8 release preview. Did play with the companion app which is a very striped down smartglass and all it does is allow me to control the dashboard.

The Xbox Live app currently allows me to start games from windows 8 (clicking play on say fez will start it up on the xbox) as well as buy xbox live games for windows 8 as well as the xbox which will start a download on my console.  Also not expecting the spotlight to be filled with 360 games after win8 launches expect most of those to be xbox live metro games with maybe a tab for say halo 4.
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Offline Shaymin

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Wait, there were games in that giant wall of ads?
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.

Offline shingi_70

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What wall of ads?
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Offline ShyGuy

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Too bad major game developers hate Windows 8. Valve, Notch at Mojang, Blizzard.

Offline shingi_70

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Notch cleared up what he meant. He likes the OS but Bates the store.

I couldn't care less what Gabe or the Blizzard guy thinks and neither thankfully does the average consumer. Those guys are just rightfully trying to protect their storefronts which are now getting major competition from the Windows Store. That and I hear stuff from others talking about how win8 is being closed which is t true. But even if ot was I never hear complaints about Mac osx becoming more closed with the gate keeper set to defualt to only apple certified devs and Mac app store Content being downloaded in mountain lion.

And windows 8 will be a success. Vista was considered a failure and it still sold over 380 million copies and became hoar of the consumer space about a year after it goes out.

The only good this g to come os this os making vavle speed up the process o. Their Linux client. Now they just have to convince game makers and oems to develop for steam. While
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Offline oohhboy

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The Mac App store Sucks. I don't use it, it has nothing I want, it's a hassle, it's expensive and offers absolutely no benefit to me or the developer. It has all the weakness of the iOS store with none of the strengths. The vast majority of the apps on my computer is open sourced, something MAS forbids. Even a year on, the vast majority of Apps have no reviews and those that do have 1 ~ 3. MAS is only there to push Apple and large developer apps. When was the last time this happened on Steam? The MS store will suffer the same fate as GFWL which just happens to also suck.

Gatekeeper is an extension of the quarantine mode from at least 10.6 which is there to protect you from opening something that might have executable code. When I do upgrade to Mountain Lion the first thing I would do is to dial it down. While I am wary of the default policy for the individual user, it is a very useful tool to have in a large scale deployment situation where an admin can whitelist applications. It's really basically a more user friendly UAC. shingi, you basically completely misunderstood what Gatekeeper is. You now have the option to close it, but for most people there is no need to.

Since they can't lockdown the Mac without effectively fucking off every Mac user, just buy whatever direct from the developer. Apps on Mac uses the Sparkle framework for self updates so there is no need to attach it to a store for updates. For Mac Apps there is no reason to shop on MAS ever.

Windows continues to sell because as unfortunate as it is, large chunks of the world runs on it. Most companies can't move away from it due to size or is so far integrated into the day to day operations, you can't. Also for some places like banking it's so critical, they were still using computers from the 1960's in COBOL in the year of our lord 2011. Indiana Jones with an Ethernet cable whip would be fitting look working with those systems. Linux is slowly making inroads in the backend as servers, but like everything else it will take time.

Also, are you typing your posts on a phone? It's a complete mess. If I didn't know any better i would have thought you are a member of the 50 cent club.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline NWR_insanolord

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I haven't had any problems with the Mac App Store. I like that it's there, and have bought a lot of software from it. So long as it remains optional, I think it's a really nice component of the OS.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline Ceric

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I have constant problems with that store... Apple has somehow found a way to mess up my AppleID every time I try to use it.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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The one issue with it is the same as with the iOS App Store, and that's that it's not easy to find anything on it. Most everything I've bought on the store I bought after reading up on it elsewhere and going straight for it, often from a link in the review.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
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Offline oohhboy

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I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline shingi_70

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So the build website opened up today and it looks like the Xbox is going to be a big focus. Notice they don't say xbox 360 but just xbox. We also geta look at the new xbox logo along with the other logos.

Also more Smartglass screens

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xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline tendoboy1984

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So the build website opened up today and it looks like the Xbox is going to be a big focus. Notice they don't say xbox 360 but just xbox. We also geta look at the new xbox logo along with the other logos.

Why is TechDaily's site name plastered all over those pictures? And I don't see what's new about the Xbox logo, it looks the same as the current one.

EDIT: You know, I'm really warming up to that "Metro" interface. Microsoft is going for product integration, which will help them build a recognizeable brand. It's very similar to what Apple has been doing these past few years.

And I noticed that Google is somewhat copying "Metro's" clean, stylized look with their software. The Google Play web store looks very "Metro" inspired.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 10:40:18 AM by tendoboy1984 »
Nintendo Network: tendoboy1984
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Offline shingi_70

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Some dude name Daemon supposedly has a 720 devkit. Or at least built a Pc with the specs the dev kits are supposed to have and somehow got the XDK software on to it he's selling it on ebay and digital foundry seems to back up his claims that's its a real dev kit.

It's hard to tell whether the image is real, but one of our own sources says this is a genuine test sample. Microsoft is working with the Durango Xbox Development Kit (XDK) and the user interface is the same as shown in the picture, according to one person familiar with Microsoft's Durango work. Microsoft's testing involves a focus on depth and movement data, something shown in the picture.

Dude is taking a pretty big gamble by putting it on ebay. Dude could face a ton of legal issue but anything Microsoft does will confrim that the kit is indeed real.

There was also a job posting that was posted and delted this week alluding to the the next xbox being launched in late 2013.

Also some screens of the Windows 8 RTM

I mean the 720 has to be hitting next year. This has been a pretty good year for exclusives this year and it doesn't look like there is anything on tap for next year expect Gears Judgement and some arcade games.
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline Louieturkey

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Who knew the new Xbox would have more leaks than the PS4/Orbis?  Sony has always had a problem with info being leaked long before they want to announce it.  This time around, M$ is the one trying to dance around the leaks.

Offline Shaymin

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Perhaps Sony's got nothing to leak?
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.

Offline shingi_70

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So more rumors that's the xbox 720 will be running windows 8.

Also Windows 8 RTM went out yesterday and some new screens

Looks like the pinbsll game has been replaced by pinball FX. (Zen pinball for everyone else)

Also there is going to be a wiwindows phone 8 event the 5th. And it seems the Microsoft ecosystem supports cloud saves as well as minesweeper and friends are going to windows phone.


Also looks like EA already has next gen dev kits.
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline ShyGuy

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So that means Next Xbox will come with a touch screen?

Offline tendoboy1984

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See Microsoft "didn't abandon the core" they just decided to expand their customer base and it worked and they are probably going to end this Gen at #2.

So Microsoft pulled a Nintendo? Ironic.
Nintendo Network: tendoboy1984
PSN: PS_man1984
3DS: 2294-5830-5931