Author Topic: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Biggest Console Released This Gen!!  (Read 797233 times)

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Offline Chozo Ghost

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There's a good chance the PS4 wont be BC with the PS3. Either.

Especially considering Sony seems to be dropping the whole cell processor thing and switching to the same PPC architecture that Nintendo and MS are using. I don't know how feasible PS3 emulation would be because the Cell processor is pretty complicated from what I understand about it. Maybe the only way it could be done is if Sony included Cell chips in the PS4 like they did with emotion chips in the early PS3s? But this would add to manufacturing costs, and would probably get pulled in a further revision.
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Offline tendoboy1984

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There's a good chance the PS4 wont be BC with the PS3. Either.

Especially considering Sony seems to be dropping the whole cell processor thing and switching to the same PPC architecture that Nintendo and MS are using. I don't know how feasible PS3 emulation would be because the Cell processor is pretty complicated from what I understand about it. Maybe the only way it could be done is if Sony included Cell chips in the PS4 like they did with emotion chips in the early PS3s? But this would add to manufacturing costs, and would probably get pulled in a further revision.

Do you have any proof that Sony is switching to PowerPC chips? Or is that all speculation?

Microsoft and Nintendo chose PowerPC because they are powerful and also resource efficient. Sony hasn't been making smart decisions lately, so I doubt they will follow what their competitors are doing.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Do you have any proof that Sony is switching to PowerPC chips? Or is that all speculation?

It was something I read in an article awhile back, but I'm not your caddy so I'm not going to bother looking it up. If you want to google it yourself, fine. If you don't and don't want to believe me that's fine too. I'm too lazy to care either way.

Microsoft and Nintendo chose PowerPC because they are powerful and also resource efficient. Sony hasn't been making smart decisions lately, so I doubt they will follow what their competitors are doing.

Carrying on with the Cell processor might have been the smarter choice, not only for the sake of backwards compatibility with the PS3, but also because its supposed to be more powerful and better than traditional processors. Sony invested a lot of money in it so it seems wasteful to just kick it to the curb.

Oh and as far as proof for them abandoning it goes, how about the Vita? They could have went with a cell processor for that, but they didn't. Guess they no longer think its as awesome as Kutaragi made it out to be back in 2006. That along with UMD, MiniDisc, Memory Sticks, Betamax, and a long line of other dead end Sony crap are now in the dustbin of history.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 08:04:12 PM by Chozo Ghost »
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Offline tendoboy1984

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Do you have any proof that Sony is switching to PowerPC chips? Or is that all speculation?

It was something I read in an article awhile back, but I'm not your caddy so I'm not going to bother looking it up. If you want to google it yourself, fine. If you don't and don't want to believe me that's fine too. I'm too lazy to care either way.

Microsoft and Nintendo chose PowerPC because they are powerful and also resource efficient. Sony hasn't been making smart decisions lately, so I doubt they will follow what their competitors are doing.

Carrying on with the Cell processor might have been the smarter choice, not only for the sake of backwards compatibility with the PS3, but also because its supposed to be more powerful and better than traditional processors. Sony invested a lot of money in it so it seems wasteful to just kick it to the curb.

Oh and as far as proof for them abandoning it goes, how about the Vita? They could have went with a cell processor for that, but they didn't. Guess they no longer think its as awesome as Kutaragi made it out to be back in 2006. That along with UMD, MiniDisc, Memory Sticks, Betamax, and a long line of other dead end Sony crap are now in the dustbin of history.

Betamax was over 30 years ago. No one cared about MiniDisc because CD's were far more popular. UMD was dead from the beginning because it sucked battery life and made the PSP more fragile if dropped.

Sony has had plenty of flops, but they've also had plenty of successful products:

Blu-Ray - They were the format's biggest supporter, and including it in the PS3 practically ensured that it would become successful.

CD and DVD - They helped design the CD and DVD with Philips.

PlayStation - Sony wouldn't be nearly as successful if they never made the PlayStation, which revolutionized gaming in the 1990's.

PlayStation 2 - The success of the PS1 carried over to the PS2. The hype was unstoppable.

PSP - The only major handheld that has successfully competed with Nintendo.

Walkman - The iPod of the 1980's, the Walkman created the portable music market.

Sony may be behind Samsung and LG in the technology forefront, but the Sony brand is still very valuable to many people.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 08:10:17 PM by tendoboy1984 »
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Offline TJ Spyke

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It's not really accurate to say Sony helped create the DVD format. What happened was Sony and Philips had one standard, Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and JVC backed another. When the Toshiba led group approached IBM for help, IBM and a group of companies (including Apple, Microsoft, and Sun MicroSystems) wanted to avoid a VHS/Betamax type of war and threatened to boycott both formats unless the two groups came together to create one format.
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Offline Louieturkey

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It's not really accurate to say Sony helped create the DVD format. What happened was Sony and Philips had one standard, Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and JVC backed another. When the Toshiba led group approached IBM for help, IBM and a group of companies (including Apple, Microsoft, and Sun MicroSystems) wanted to avoid a VHS/Betamax type of war and threatened to boycott both formats unless the two groups came together to create one format.
Too bad that didn't work for high definition disks.

Offline shingi_70

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Also  Was under the impression that the reason why Sony bought Gaikai was because lack of BC between PS3 and PS4. Being able to run all that software through the cloud would be a aorta of solution tl the problem.

Also I'm in the beta for the new xbox dashboard and I'd be happy happy if the 720 OS is a more refined version

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Offline Ceric

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Looks good but I wish it took up a lot more of the screen.  Metro really shines when it fully uses the space.
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Offline TJ Spyke

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That looks pretty much exactly like the current dashboard, which seams to be be universally hated by Xbox 360 owners (and for good reason, it's pretty terrible and slow).
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Offline nickmitch

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Hopefully they made it faster. It certainly looks like it's organized better. I think that's the biggest turn-off for me with 360 interface.
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Offline tendoboy1984

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There is no way Microsoft is going back to NVIDIA for the Xbox "720" GPU. If you read Dean Takahashi's "The Xbox Uncloaked", you'd learn that Microsoft and NVIDIA had a falling-out during the original Xbox's production that resulted in MS teaming up with ATI/AMD.

And Microsoft will probably design custom chips for the next Xbox, the same way they designed custom chips for the Xbox 360. They want to control how the chips are designed, manufactured, downsized, etc. Makes it much easier to plan a hardware price-drop when you can simply design a more efficient chip yourself.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 06:23:48 PM by tendoboy1984 »
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Offline shingi_70

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So Microsofts Build Conference has finally been dated for October 30th to November the 2nd.

There's a slight chance that we could see the new xbox there. With Microsoft dropping out of CES and wanting to control their own press it seems like the logical place to show off the new xbox along with the rest of microsofts product ecosystem.

Given its pretty obvious that the Nextbox will be running some varient of windows 8 it seems like ot would be pretty obvious to announce the next piece in the Microsoft family. During this years CES keynote Microsoft showed off thief three consumer facing branches (Windows 8,Windows phone and xbox)

While a good chunck of the first Keynote will be about Windows 8 (launching days before) and Windows phone 8 (launching sometime in November) that still probably isn't enough to fill pit the two hours that the first keynote is. From a timing Standpoint it could be a good move also. With Windows 8/Windows Phone 8 out the door you already have a solid base and with all of the xbox's fall lineup out save for Halo 4 out you don't have to worry about the canabalization of sales from people deciding to wait. You then get a pretty decent reveal frame like

Xbox 720 reveal at build-October 2012
First Xbox 720 game footage at spike VGAs- December 2012
Next big reveal at GDC/X12- March 2012
E3 720 blowout- June 2012
720 release date-November 2012

Seeing az how build is a developer eve t and last year's had a few xbox live sessions it seems that it would take advantve of tthe massive hype.
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Offline Ceric

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Microsoft will focus on Windows 8 and Windows Phone.  XBox is a large brand from them and will easily eat news of both of those.  Especially Windows Phone.  They don't need to compete with themselves.  The Last 3/4 of next year will be the Nexbox.
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Offline shingi_70

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You never know. We didn't know the surface was going to be announced wither.

And while Xbox may trumpet Windows phone I doubt it would overshadow windows 8. While most game blots would be over most tech sites would do one or two wrote ups on it and focus on windows.
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
xbl gamertag : Shingi the 70

Offline tendoboy1984

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You never know. We didn't know the surface was going to be announced wither.

And while Xbox may trumpet Windows phone I doubt it would overshadow windows 8. While most game blots would be over most tech sites would do one or two wrote ups on it and focus on windows.

I don't get you sometimes. You seem to be a huge fan of Microsoft, yet I also see you praising Sony and Nintendo.

So who do you like more? Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo?
Nintendo Network: tendoboy1984
PSN: PS_man1984
3DS: 2294-5830-5931

Offline bustin98

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Why does he have to like one over the others?

Offline ShyGuy

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I had an idea. What if MS made an Xbox720 lite version, that had no optical drive and a small ssd vs a hard drive? It would play XBLA games and being a streaming box to compete with Apple TV and Roku. They could sell it super cheap.

Offline Stogi

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It would still cost quite a bit of money because XBLA games can still take advantage of all of the processing power that disc-based games can. Unless XBLA games are forced to not take advantage of the superior hardware, then I do not see it being super-cheap.
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Offline shingi_70

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Eh I'd say it would be fair to say I lean towards Microsoft. But growing up nintendo I have a softspot for them. That and liking a company doesn't mean I think everything they do is perfect or I have to dislike others.

Though I have had my fanboy moments like proclaiming smartglass is better than the gamepad (I still sort of think so) and I think Microsoft is in the best shape going into next gen and have a way more compelling ecosystem than nintendo and Sony do.

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Offline ShyGuy

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If that's true then Windows 8 is the gulf oil spill.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Every Xbox 360 dasboard update is worse than the previous one. I understand they want to "keep it fresh," but it really gets worse every single time.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline TJ Spyke

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I think NXE was better than the the original dashboard. Metro is the first one that is actually worse.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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I think NXE was better than the the original dashboard. Metro is the first one that is actually worse.

I agree with you there, but would also say that none of them have been good, the NXE was just the least bad of the three.

I'd take Nintendo's overall menu interfaces on Wii and 3DS over anyone else's. The XMB, while not pretty, is effective at getting around if you know what you're looking for. I really hate the Vita menu, though.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Microsoft is in the best shape going into next gen and have a way more compelling ecosystem

A more compelling ecosystem? Dude, they killed off Netscape and a bunch of other competitors by being a monopoly and violating anti-trust laws. Saying Microsoft has a more compelling ecosystem is like saying Australia's ecosystem benefited from the introduction of the Fox. Its simply not true.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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That's an awful analogy, and the whole line of thinking is irrelevant to what he's saying.

I don't agree with shingi, however, because I don't think Microsoft is that well-liked by publishers. I think their main advantage is the sales lead they had over Sony, as well as the series of moneyhats they've given out. They were merely the least flawed of this generation of consoles, from a developer's point of view. If somebody else comes along with a compelling alternative, whether it's Nintendo or Sony or whomever, I don't expect to see that much loyalty to Microsoft outside of a few exceptions.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
NWR Community Manager and Soccer Correspondent