Author Topic: XboxOne ~News/Rumor/Speculation~ Biggest Console Released This Gen!!  (Read 800848 times)

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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NeXtBox & PS4 @ E3 2012!?
« Reply #325 on: January 06, 2012, 04:38:21 AM »
MCV says: Next Xbox AND PS4 set for biggest ever E3
But who didn't expect them to crash NIntendo's party?
Both the Xbox 360 successor AND a follow up to the PS3 will be shown at E3 2012.

The LA show tease will come as Wii U launch details are locked in – and should ensure no ground is lost between competing consoles.

It will mark the very first time in the show’s 17-year history that three fresh, rival console formats will be so directly comparable.

Microsoft has long been rumoured to detail its next-gen plans at E3 2012, and recently signalled to partners this will happen, MCV has been told.

The 360 is one of the longest-serving games consoles in history. But the real surprise is an  early move from Sony. Execs at the PlayStation firm have made it clear to third-parties that they will not be left behind this time.

Execs aren’t expecting price or launch details for the new Xbox or PlayStation. But their unveiling could be a perfect spoiler to the pre-Christmas launch date and price that will be revealed for Wii U in June.

I'm not so sure they will be "comparable" @ E3 2012 since I don't expect Sony nor MS to have playable demos nor near final hardware with locked in specs to actually show what their real machines will be capable of. All I'm expecting out of those two is some pre-rendered trailers meant to deflate Wii U HYPE before it can even get off the ground.
The one flaw in this plan though is that Nintendo shows their hand last and will have playable demos with real games and actual hardware that everyone will not only be able to play on the show floor, but have in their livingrooms sometime within the 6 months prior.

And since all 3 will be producing 1080p visuals, I'm really interested to see what they will show (especially Sony) to differentiate themselves and crash Nintendo's party since graphics likely won't be the spoiler this time around.

MCV's Editor says
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 01:45:26 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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It will be interesting to see how much of Nintendo's innovations presented as last year's E3 have been blatantly ripped off and repackaged by the competition this year.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Some developer expects Xbox720 & maybe PS4 this Xmas...
Xbox 720 or PS4 by the end of this year? It could happen, according to a developer source IndustryGamers spoke with. After MCV reported that this is going to be the first E3 where all three platform holders would show three new consoles, we chatted with a well connected source who told us that Christmas 2012 has been his expectation for some time now - and it stems from the chip makers.

"The 'trick' to these rumors is not the console manufacturers themselves, but rather the chip makers. All indications from them are that things change significantly (ie next generation) come November of this year. As such, it has been my presumption since the middle of this past year that we would see new boxes in the market for Christmas of 2012," our source commented.

I don't believe this, but let the flood gates open!! The rumor well has been kinda dry lately, so details of new systems should easily fill the void between now and E3 2012.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Gamespot says: NeXtBox to be TABLET based....
let's all hop in the touch screen train!! choo choo
If the rumors are to be believed, the guts of the new Xbox, presumably some kind of insane multicore CPU and crazy powerful graphics chipset, will be teased nice and early as part of Microsoft's final showing at the Consumer Electronics Show this year. Expect it to be properly revealed, with a name and everything, at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in early June. If that timing is accurate, it seems likely that we'll see it in stores by the 2013 holiday season.

But what of the box itself? Given Microsoft's recent efforts at unification across its Windows, Mobile, and Xbox product lines, it seems clear that the 720 or whatever they end up calling it (surely not that) will be the ultimate personification of that strategy. There are strong signs suggesting that, like with Nintendo's Wii U, a tablet component figures heavily into the new design. That saucy Windows 8 Metro interface (now also seen on the Xbox Dashboard) just begs to be touched. Speculation as to the form it will take has been rife for the past few months, with some even suggesting that the core of the new platform will be akin to a tablet PC that wirelessly connects to a base station, which in turn plugs into your TV. If this is the case, a premium Xbox Next setup could feasibly include a base station, a tablet, a conventional controller of some kind, and the recently discussed high-def evolution of the Kinect. Thank goodness for wireless connections if that's the case; otherwise, we're in for one hell of a mess of cables.

If they don't integrate the tablet into the conventional controller like Nintendo did... then that is just too many things sitting in front of me to worry about. But I have my doubts about this being true anyway.

Could you just imagine the next Halo 4.5 with that setup?

Control your character with the conventional controller, dual analogs
Manage your inventory in realtime, touchscreen tablet
voice chat with friends, mic (headset or Kinect)
Melee your enemies for massive damage, Kinect

I could never do it.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 08:12:30 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Kytim89

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Here is something that you may not know.

MS was developing a pretty sweet looking tablet called the Courier. It opened like a book and had touch screens on both sides. I was looking forward to it being released even if I have no need or plans to purchase a tablet.
The Courier got cancelled and the Courier team got moved into the Xbox Division.

Many many months later you have this rumor of an XBox tablet...
It doesn't really surprise me if it should turn out to be true, but I still don't see it happening... It might be good if they do it just like the uPad, otherwise it will be a cumbersome and cluttered experience for Xbox gamers next gen.

Offline Kytim89

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Here is something that you may not know.

MS was developing a pretty sweet looking tablet called the Courier. It opened like a book and had touch screens on both sides. I was looking forward to it being released even if I have no need or plans to purchase a tablet.
The Courier got cancelled and the Courier team got moved into the Xbox Division.

Many many months later you have this rumor of an XBox tablet...
It doesn't really surprise me if it should turn out to be true, but I still don't see it happening... It might be good if they do it just like the uPad, otherwise it will be a cumbersome and cluttered experience for Xbox gamers next gen.

Could Sony or Microsoft reveal their tablet controllers this E3 and have them on shelves for the PS3 and 360 this holiday season to compete with the Wii U? They obviously have a head start in terms of having an HD console on the market, but Nintendo has market share with the Wii, so I assume they would release a tablet controller to try and keep their loyal fanbase on their current systems rather than lose them with the Wii U and then have the trouble of recapturing them with the PS4 and 720.
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Offline nickmitch

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The best Sony can do is push support for Vita connectivity. MS would be MUCH better off waiting on that until they launch a new system.

Personally, this is something I DON'T wanna see. I just got a PS3, so now I own all three systems. Repeating this next gen means having 3 tablet controllers lying around, though I'm unlikely to buy a PS4 (haven't even turned on the PS3 yet).
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Offline Kytim89

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During the enxt console cycle, Microsoft might create two SKUs of the Xbox 720. One will lack a disc drive and will be fully DLC only. The second SKU will be the same as the first but with an actual disc drive. Microsft has caught wind that digital distribution is taken hold of the gaming industry and is going to cash in on it. The reason for two different SKUs is so that people with poor internet connection can still own their system and play their games. Lastly, the download only system would help Microsft solve the issue of what optical format the 720 will use once it hits the market.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Lastly, the download only system would help Microsft solve the issue of what optical format the 720 will use once it hits the market.

I'm pretty sure they will use Bluray. Also, while I'm sure there will be different xbox Skus available one without an optical drive is unlikely. Look at the PSP Go for an example of how well that idea pans out.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Actually, no disc drive isn't as crazy as you think.

When was the last time you stuck a disc into your PC other than to burn something?
How did you purchase and install the last 20 games you bought a played on your PC?
How did you purchase and install the last 20 anything you put on your computer?

With the X720 being a stationary platform like a PC, being online and download only might not be that crazy. It doesn't work with a portable system since you would need a constant internet connection and wifi isn't that wide spread (and neither is cellphone tethering), but if it works for your PC (see Steam) then it could work for your console too.

Offline Ian Sane

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No disc drive only works if EVERY game is available for download.  Sony tried that **** with the PSP Go but it was ridiculous because the majority of PSP games were only available in disc format.

I personally wouldn't like it because you can't possibly buy used games for it.  I can see the obvious advantage to the videogame companies in that but not one for the customer.

Offline Kytim89

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Lastly, the download only system would help Microsft solve the issue of what optical format the 720 will use once it hits the market.

I'm pretty sure they will use Bluray. Also, while I'm sure there will be different xbox Skus available one without an optical drive is unlikely. Look at the PSP Go for an example of how well that idea pans out.

And yet digital downloading still persists. Look at all the online services that are available for all the major consoles and smartphones. The era of digital downloading is on the horizon, it is only a matter of time.
I am curious to know what the energy requirements for maintainign a optical disc drive inside a console versus purely chip based storage. How much heat is created for each system? Microsoft is going to avoid another RROD situation like the plauge, so I assume that will adopt whatever measures neccessary to keep their system alive. 
Also, Microsoft might abandon HDDs in favor external HDD support. The system lacking a disc slot could have added flash memory as well. 
@ Ian Sane
Correct me I am wrong, but hasn't Sony been offering their retail games on the PSN for a while? I remember reading that Infamous 2 was available near the launch of its retail counterpart. All Microsft would have to do is make both versions of their games available at retail luanch. 
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Offline Ceric

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Yes, Sony has.
I honestly think that now is a good time to go back Cart based.
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Offline TJ Spyke

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A disc only console would bomb (even if every game was available digitally). Yes some people would buy it, but most people who buy game systems will want a physical disc. Kytim, digital downloading will not take over for at least 10 years (and that would be the earliest it could happen IMO). I do think more games should be available for download, but I don't think it being the standard would be a good idea and it won't happen anytime soon. There are too many problems with it, one being that there are still millions of people with no broadband. Then you have the fact that for the majority of people, their broadband speed is at the point that a 8GB game would take several hours to download (I know some have faster than that, but the average person doesn't), and I don't know how many people would have that kind of patience (nevermind how long a 40GB game would take).
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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No disc drive only works if EVERY game is available for download.  Sony tried that **** with the PSP Go but it was ridiculous because the majority of PSP games were only available in disc format.

I personally wouldn't like it because you can't possibly buy used games for it.  I can see the obvious advantage to the videogame companies in that but not one for the customer.

A disc free system also could only work if everyone has broadband internet access. To be fair, in this day and age most people probably do, but its far from accurate to say everyone does.

Actually, if you think about it a portable system like the PSP GO sorta makes more sense as a download only system, because if you don't have internet access you can just take it over to a starbucks or wherever you can get free WiFi and you can do your game purchases there. It may not be ideal, but it is workable. But can you do that with a bulky home console that you have to rig up to a TV screen and external power to work? Unless you have broadband at home you are going to be screwed.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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A disc only console would bomb (even if every game was available digitally). Yes some people would buy it, but most people who buy game systems will want a physical disc.

The same argument could have been made for PC gamers quite a few years ago before Steam came along and made digital game collecting the IN thing to do.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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What happens if Steam goes up in smoke? Then all your Steam games are toast. I think I'd rather stick with owning a tangible disc based copy which I can count on to still be usable a decade later.
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Offline Kytim89

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What happens if Steam goes up in smoke? Then all your Steam games are toast. I think I'd rather stick with owning a tangible disc based copy which I can count on to still be usable a decade later.

One thing about the next generation of consoles is that online retail is going to become even more robust. I look for consumer rights to become increasingly integrted into the online retail so that if you buy something digitally it is your property all the way.   
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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What happens if Steam goes up in smoke? Then all your Steam games are toast. I think I'd rather stick with owning a tangible disc based copy which I can count on to still be usable a decade later.

One thing about the next generation of consoles is that online retail is going to become even more robust. I look for consumer rights to become increasingly integrted into the online retail so that if you buy something digitally it is your property all the way.   

You don't own the content you pay for, you are only paying for the right to use it. I don't see that changing any time soon. The only way it would happen is if the government forced it to happen, but I don't see that happening either, and the big corporations certainly aren't going to to allow it to happen voluntarily.

Digital distribution is even worse than disc based distribution, because if its digital its easier for the content provider to lock you out of it or kill the whole thing off if they so choose to do so. At least the software on a disc can't be remotely killswitched on you.
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Offline Ian Sane

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What happens if Steam goes up in smoke? Then all your Steam games are toast. I think I'd rather stick with owning a tangible disc based copy which I can count on to still be usable a decade later.

One thing about the next generation of consoles is that online retail is going to become even more robust. I look for consumer rights to become increasingly integrted into the online retail so that if you buy something digitally it is your property all the way.   

What is this a joke?  Part of the benefit for companies is that without a physical copy they have control over when you need to replace the product.  Nintendo for example probably does NOT like it that I still play Super Mario World on my SNES because that means I didn't buy the GBA version or the VC version and will not buy any new version whatsoever any time soon.  I've kept my old videogames in good condition and thus that game is one-time purchase for me.  Obviously the videogame companies would prefer that I rebuy the same game every five years or so.

Ten years from now I doubt any of your downloaded games from today will still be playable.  Let's say its 2025 and your old Wii breaks.  Now if your old NES breaks, you still can find another NES and all your games will still work.  But with the Wii all your downloaded titles are gone.  The only way to get them back is if Nintendo gives you the option and are they going to even have the Wii online store up and running then?  That's not even a "ha ha! We screwed you!" move.  I can't imagine any company maintaining something like that for that long.

With physical devices running physical media it will just work if you can find the right stuff.  It doesn't really matter that Battletoads is in ownership limbo and Capcom doesn't have the rights to DuckTales anymore.  Those games aren't gone.  You can go to the flea market and find an old copy.  Ten years from now if World of Goo is not available in stores due to some legal issues it is GONE.  If you didn't get it then and don't have it saved on some archaic piece of hardware that hopefully can still work without its online services still running, you can't get it.

I'm not sure if the younger generation who is quick to embrace this doesn't care about such things or has failed to truly grasp what is going on.  If MS made a download-only, always-online system with cloud saves that thing is a paper weight the second MS stops supporting it.  You're renting a game for a couple years, not buying it.  But people can still play old Atari cartridges that are over 30 years old.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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I don't think KyTime knows what he wants. Here he is arguing Microsoft should make the next Xbox download only, but in the PS4 thread he was arguing Sony should make it cartridge based. Those are two very wildly different ways of doing it. Most likely they will both just stick to an optical format (most likely Blu-ray) instead of either of those extremes Kytime is calling for.
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Offline Shaymin

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What happens if Steam goes up in smoke? Then all your Steam games are toast. I think I'd rather stick with owning a tangible disc based copy which I can count on to still be usable a decade later.

Valve is on record as saying that if Steam went down for the count, they'd supply an unlock key to allow the games to continue playing. The onus would be on the user to store the games somewhere, but they'd still be playable.
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Tutorial box out.

Offline Ian Sane

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What happens if Steam goes up in smoke? Then all your Steam games are toast. I think I'd rather stick with owning a tangible disc based copy which I can count on to still be usable a decade later.

Valve is on record as saying that if Steam went down for the count, they'd supply an unlock key to allow the games to continue playing. The onus would be on the user to store the games somewhere, but they'd still be playable.

Valve says that now but who knows what Valve will want to do in the future?  20 years from now none of the existing Valve staff might remain and the new owners might not feel like doing the same thing.  You're just taking someone's word, who might not have any say whatsoever at some point in the future.

Offline TJ Spyke

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Not to mention that if someone bought Valve, the new owners might not have that same opinion.
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