Author Topic: Mafia XLVII: Hollywood! Players List, Rules and Roles.  (Read 2445 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia XLVII: Hollywood! Players List, Rules and Roles.
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:00:02 AM »
Players List:
Apdude - Motion Picture Production Code
Insanolord - Townie
Jrlibrarian - Townie
Mop it up - Townie
Noname2200 - Townie
Shaymin - Townie
Stratos - The Fan Favorite
Stevey - The Producer
Toruresu - Townie
Vudu - The Pony Killer
Thatguy - Townie
Sundoulos - The Man of a Thousand Faces
Nickmitch - The Drug Dealer

Active Roles:
The Man of a Thousand Faces
The Pony Killer
The Drug Dealer
The Fan Favorite
The Producer
Motion Picture Production Code
And there are 6 townies still alive.
Current Items Available For Purchase By Points
Hire a Tabloid: 2 points - Available - unlimited.
Hire an Investigator: 4 points - Available - unlimited.
Star Power: 4 points - Available - unlimited.
Hire a Bodyguard: 6 points - Available - 2 left.
Join the Acadamy: 8 points - Available - 3 openings.
Multi-Million Dollar Deal: 13 points - Available - 1 left.
Acadamy Decisions
Player awarded a lifetime achievement award:
Player banished from Hollywood:
Player who hasn't payed their dues:
How the Roles Work

The Godfather

For this game, since it's small, I'm going to try a suggested experiment that was given me. There is no godfather. Instead, any one of the mafia members can send in the hit. This means that the mafia can work together and agree on a pick or someone can just say screw it, I'm doing it my way. The first member to send in a hit choice is the hit that will be chosen. Now let's say player 1 sends in a hit and later in the day player 2 sends in a hit. But then player 1 changes his hit to someone else. That will be considered a new hit and player 2's choice will then be the hit selection since player 1 has nullified his earlier hit choice. If anyone wants further clarification on this role, just ask, I'm happy to explain it further. Finally, if the player who sends in the hit is voted out that day, his hit will not go through but chances are the mafia will make just make sure someone else sends in the hit.
The Man of a Thousand Faces - Due to his amazing acting ability, this player is able to disguise himself and not be detected by any who might be trying to pursue him. Basically, this means that if investigated, the investigation will come back as proclaiming any role in the game the player chooses.
The Pony Killer - This role came about because Vudu wanted a pony. So, spoilers ahead. In The Godfather, a director will not bow to the Godfather's wishes and cast a person in a movie role. To make him an offer he can't refuse, the director's prized horse is killed and its head is put in the director's bed while he's sleeping. He wakes up the next day horrified and does what the mafia asks. What's that you say? It's not a spoiler, everyone knows that. Oh. Anyways, like the movie, this player can make another player "an offer he can't refuse" and change that player's vote. For story purposes, we'll say he does it by killing a person's pony and puts the head in an odd location.
The Drug Dealer - Can't handle the fame and pressure of being in the spotlight? Don't worry, your pal here has just what you need. The drug dealer can choose any player and offer them a free sample. If the player chooses to accept, he will soon find himself hooked and doing whatever the dealer asks to get his next fix. Basically, the dealer can try and recruit a player over to the mafia side. He will give me the name of a player he would like to send a gift package to. I'll pm that player with the offer. I'll let the dealer know the response. If the person accepts, he will learn the identity of the dealer at the beginning of the next game day and join the mafia side. If he refuses, the dealer is able to offer another player his "gift" the next day. If the dealer is killed, the player who was hooked will be taken out of the game for one day and put in rehab. Once out of rehab, the player has a choice he will pm me with. Will he go back to clean living and join the townies or will the experience have done nothing for him and he wishes to stay with his bad influence friends and stay mafia? Drugs. Just say no.
Townie Roles
The Fan Favorite

This player can not be killed by the mafia only by public popularity. This player can only die by getting voted out of the game since that will be a sign of the public turning on him. With no fans to see his movies he will be washed up. Alternative title for this role: Ben Affleck. Haw haw.

The Producer

This is his production and you are going to have to do things his way. His vote can never be changed or influenced by another player. If the pony killer tries his crap on him, he'll hunt the pony killer down and kill him. This is a whammy for the The Pony Killer obviously.
Motion Picture Production Code

Also known as the moral or Hayes Code. As the enforcer of this code, you have the power to change scenes and scripts in Hollywood to live up to your values. And if anyone should try to offer you drugs, they'll have committed career suicide. This is a whammy for the Drug Dealer.

The Point System

You may have noticed that I didn't list an investigator. For this game, I'm going to use a system a bit similiar to my warbucks idea from awhile back. In another suggestion I recieved, I was told I should make voting and posting everyday mandatory and try to eliminate to the non-participation strategy. I'd hoped my performance a few games ago would remind players that everyone is a threat not just the active players. That said, I've never begrudged anyone for using the non-active route and I'm not going to with this game. Sorry anonymous suggestor. That said, I've always believed in rewarding the active players and that is what I have here with this point system.
How does it work?
If you cast a vote, you get a point. That means when I lock the day thread, you have a vote in bold for another player. Self votes do not count. Voting during the day then cancelling it later does not count. It must be a vote that stands when the tally is counted.
If the player you voted for is the one voted out that day, you get another point. This might encourage bandwagons but for those who are smart, you'll try and keep the voting close to keep other players from getting that extra point.
I will give out points for roleplay and game play posts. You can get 1 more point a day for this. That said, there is a limit on these points. I will only give out 3 points for roleplay posts and 3 for gameplay posts. The roleplay points might come under a bit of criticism since it's a bit of judgement call but I think one can usually see which are the best of the day. The roleplay points are handed out at the end of the day so you have all day for that. As for the gameplay awards, they are first come first serve. I'll be handing them out during the day as I monitor the daily threads. What makes for a gameplay post? A post where a person makes a sound arguement, right or wrong. Where some sort of sensible reasoning is posted. What doesn't count? An accusation with no basis given, a current vote tally, stating how many hours are left in the day, I know you are but what am I arguments. Now you can still make those posts. I just won't give you a bonus for them.
Finally, every player is worth 11 points. When a player is voted out, that point total is divided evenly among the ones who voted him out. Whatever points are left over are carried over to the next day and added to the total for the next day's vote.
It should be worth noting that the mafia does not get the total points a player has when making a hit on them. They can only get the points the same way as everyone else. Voting and posting.
What can I get with my points?

As soon as you have enough points for an item, you can cash them in or hold on to them and keep accumulating them for something else. Some items are limited, some are unlimited.
Hire the tabloids:2 points - Want to spread a rumor but don't want it coming back to you. Give an anonymous tip to the gossip columnists. Everyday, the tabloids will be posted along with the story. Maybe the rumors are true or maybe they aren't. You have to decide if you want to trust the rumors. Availabilty - unlimited.
Hire an investigator:4 points - Want to get the dirt on the other players? Hire an investigator and learn their role. Availabilty - unlimited.
Star Power:4 points - Don't like another co-star? The director? The writer? Then try using your star power. With the star power ability, your vote will now be worth the power of 3 votes. Moreover, if successful voting a person out, your vote will count as 3 when the point total is handed out giving you around three times the points. Beware though. If the Pony Killer uses his power on you while you have star power, that will be 3 votes for his choosing. Availability: unlimited.
Hire a bodyguard:6 points - Don't feel safe? Getting some creepy fan mail? Hire a bodyguard who will always love you. If you should get voted out or have a mafia hit come your way, the bodyguard will take the bullet for you. One time use only and then you'll have to hire somebody new if there's still someone around to take the job. Availability: 2
Join the Acadamy:8 points - Want to play a role in preserving the legacy of you and your fellow actor's work? Then join the acadamy. With this prestigious role, you are able to put forth your voice on a few issues. There are three issues you will get to specially vote. Bring a player back from the dead (lifetime achievement award), take away a player's points (fined for not paying dues), and eliminate a player (banished from Hollywood). Note there are only three spots available for the acadamy. However, if a player dies, then a spot is opened up and someone else can claim it. Matters can only be vote on when there are 3 players in the acadamy. There must be a majority on the issues being voted on for them to pass. Availability: 3.
Multi-million dollar deal:13 points - Play hard to get and have the studio show you the money. With this contract, you have unlimited access to spread any tabloid rumors you want, you will be given one star power which you can use at anytime, and if a townie, you will randomly be given the names of two townies whom you can trust. If mafia, you get two free investigations. Availability: 1.
Note: Unless otherwise stated, all bonus abilities must be used the day they are purchased or they expire and you waste the points for nothing.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 12:53:29 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XLVII: Hollywood! Players List, Rules and Roles.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2010, 12:25:06 AM »
If you have any questions, post them here and that way we can try to keep all rule and role questions confined to this thread.

I will try and post the Vudu rules soon. I.E. Cliff notes version.
Mafia has no godfather. First hit sent by any member is the hit choice.
 - If the player who sends in the first hit changes his mind, that first hit is nullified.
 - If someone else has sent in a hit, then that hit is now in the front of the line.
There are 3 roles for each mafia member.
 - Man of a thousand faces - his role is not revealed if investigated.
                                     - can choose any role to have revealed as being his if investigated.
 - The Pony Killer - can change another players vote. 
                        - if he targets The Producer he will be killed.
 - The Drug Dealer - can try to recruit someone else to join the mafia.
                          - if he targets the Motion Picture Production Code, he will be killed.
Further rules on a recruited player by the drug dealer:
 - recruited player must live to the next day before he joins up.
 - if recruited player dies, may try for another but you can only have 1 recuited player at a time.
 - dealer tells host who he wants to target, I send a pm to the targeted player and they choose whether they want to join or not
 - if a player doesn't want to join, dealer can try again next day.
 - if dealer is killed, the recruited player can not play for a day. After that, they can choose whether they want to stay mafia or go back to townie so be careful.
There are 3 roles for the townies:
 - The Fan Favorite - can only be killed by getting voted out.
 - The Producer - can't have his vote changed. Will kill The Pony Killer if targetted by him,
 - Motion Picture Production Code - can not be recruited by mafia. Will kill Drug Dealer if targetted by him.
Point system
You earn points from doing the following actions
 -having a vote that counts when the final day tally is added up
 -if the person voted out for the day is the person you voted for
 -making a good roleplay post
 -making a good gameplay related post
With points, you can redeem the following abilities:
Hire a tabloid - give the host any information you want relayed, whether true or false and have it posted anonymously the next day in the gossip column section.
Hire an investigator - perform an investigation on any player of your choice
Star Power - Increase the power your vote counts from 1 to 3.
Hire a bodyguard - Protect yourself from getting voted out or whacked
Join the acadamy - Form a group of players to perform some powerful potential gamechanging powers. Read the description for more info.
Multi million dollar contract - Read the description for more.
 - If two or more players are tied, there will be extra time given.
 - If tie is still unresolved, no player dies.
 - First player to join the acadamy becomes the official game tie-breaker.
 - If the first person to join is killed, then the next person to have joined becomes the official tie-breaker and so on.
 - If no one is alive in the acadamy, we go back to the extra time rule.
That should do it.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 01:47:37 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XLVII: Hollywood! Players List, Rules and Roles.
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2010, 02:47:29 PM »
Are you able to gift points to other players?
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XLVII: Hollywood! Players List, Rules and Roles.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2010, 04:00:36 PM »
No. I thought about it but I can see an easy strategy that would probably wreck the game and make it too one sided. Maybe if some roles were different but it is what it is now.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.