Author Topic: Super Nintendo CD add on... bring future of Sega?  (Read 1999 times)

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Offline joeamis

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Super Nintendo CD add on... bring future of Sega?
« on: April 29, 2003, 08:37:43 PM »
Everyone says that Nintendo made a fatal mistake when they
decided not to work with sony on making a CD add on for the SNES (also the same with phillips)

Do you think a) the SNES cd add on would go the way of the Sega cd and result in people
losing respect and not buying future Nintendo systems
or b) It would've resulted in them still being #1 in the console business?

I can think of reasons for each outcome:

A) I believe if they did release the SNES add on (lets know that it wouldn't be as powerful as the PSX, it would probably be twice as good as the Sega cd because it would've come out the same time the Sega cd did or a bit later {few months to a year} , whereas the PSX was the result of a couple more years research and development)
so back to if they did release it, it could've been like Sega cd... a $200 add on (yes Sega cd was once $200) because companies would create the trashy fmv games, and maybe Nintendo would've too. (Nintendo never had a stance against fmv games until after seeing Sega make that fatal mistake)
so this and the retail flop of the virtual boy could've left as sour a taste in one's mouth towards Nintendo consoles that the Sega cd and 32x did to Sega.
I believe the flop of the phillips cdi (was supposed to be SNES cd) and the Sega cd are demonstratible as to what Nintendo's cd add on could've resulted in.

or B) Nintendo releases the cd add on and it takes the flight the PSX actually had...
they don't barrage us with fmv games and they're the first console to truly use polygons with textures opening up a new world to us (like the PSX did) (Saturn to a very lesser extent)

so what are your thoughts, please post intelligently (no bashing), thanks!

Offline KirbySStar

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RE: Super Nintendo CD add on... bring future of Sega?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2003, 03:25:17 AM »
Um see the SNES CD add on was in the works between Nintendo and Sony.  If this had actually been released PSX would have never existed to begin with.  Nintendo probably would have market dominence today.  Of course we would have never had the N64 or the Gamecube as a result.  We'd have had a N64 like system using CDs and of course with less competition it is quite possible we would have never had such good console games as we did.  Competition is good.  So while I would have liked the SNES CD and I was so pumped when I heard about it back in the day.. it never happened.  Actually Square was ultra bitter when it didn't come out because Secret of Mana was developed with the SNES cd in mind and after that was canned they had to  break the game down a lot in order to fit onto the cartrdige.  I think they managed quite well but it must have been a hassle to take it from the new platform back to the older one.  Anyhow after Nintendo decided they didn't need the addon Sony basically took what they had made together and added this and that and guess what?  Poop!  Out came good ol' PSX from all that.  So basically the SNES CD does exist.  Its just been under your nose under a different name the entire time.  Fun huh!?

RE: Super Nintendo CD add on... bring future of Sega?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2003, 09:41:52 AM »
Yeah, imagine how the gaming world would've turned out if Nintendo hadn't turned down Sony way back in the early 90s... We probably could've still been in a Golden Age... <sigh>

Wow, now you got me thinking about all the possibilities that could've been...

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Offline Dolphin64X

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Super Nintendo CD add on... bring future of Sega?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2003, 05:10:10 PM »
Have you guys read Game Over?  Recently?

The reason Nintendo pulled out of that deal is because Sony would have had most of the control over the Super CD.  Thus, had it gone through, it's very likely we would see Nintendo as a subordinate of Sony corporation today, or a partnership between the two in all things videogames.

Of course, Yamauchi was much too proud to let that happen (sheesh, it sounds like he's dead), which was why the deal didn't have a chance of getting through in the first place, once Sony revealed it's terms.
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"Heck, if Microsoft packaged that eight-minute playable level as a full game it would rank higher than just about any other Xbox game since the original Halo."