Author Topic: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion  (Read 27216 times)

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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2009, 06:00:36 AM »

Also, Plugabugz, I wanted to say this earlier, but it wasn't your timezone that killed you, but your inactivity.  It was likely that mathematical error, so you thought you'd be awake at the time.  I'd like to say that all godfathers should send in a "rough draft" of who they'd like to hit as soon as possible, and if need be, change it later.  It's just better to play it safe.

I was inactive because i thought i had another 12 hours.

If it said GMT+6 i would have had the correct time.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2009, 06:29:23 AM »
Indeed, it wasn't about timezones, it was about the mistake you made in times, yes, but the time zone didn't stop you from making that mistake.  I made a similar mistake to you, as well, and thought the first day would be open an hour longer than it was.  The result was that stevey didn't live, and Maxi didn't die by the vote.  In my case, the mistake in time judgment wasn't as serious as yours, but every player makes time mistakes from time to time, and to always lay the fault on your time zone isn't the best way to do it, but rather the best way to go is to not take for granted the time you have online in front of you.

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2009, 06:59:42 AM »
So, here's the question:  stevey or vudu?

Which townie helped more, despite death?  It's a real tough one.

As far as things went with success, Maxi's lowered activity made him an apparent mafia member, which Stratos, GP, and Dasmos made clear.  During this day, Khush investigated nickmitch, a player who usually is inactive and tough to read.  The result he found was that nickmitch was the killer.  Given this, Khush shared his info with vudu, whom Khush knew, as the investigator, was a townie, because Khush himself did not have the townie message vudu received.

From there, on day 2, we had two main suspects:  The player who didn't know what time the day ended, plugabugz, or nickmitch, another player who wasn't present, and they both seemed like valid candidates.  Near the end of this day, after I had asked Khush if I could claim to be the investigator to a few people, he actually replied with a yes, then presented a list of suspects to claim were identified as Vader, which worked as easy as pie, you see...

By day 2, we had already accumulated a number of nearly-certain townies just by Maxi's PM actions... Those that received PMs from Maxi, and been upfront with others about them had names of people Maxi was trying to make looks suspicious.  From this, vudu and I were pretty much cleared in a message sent to Stratos, and GP's immediate vote against Maxi mostly cleared her, as well, once the details got out.  Our possible mafia list wasn't slim, but it had good odds, and we figured the move to clear things up more would to check with those who weren't on it, or were, but weren't necessarily townies.

So we sent out the messages, and got one back from everyone saying no, except for NuclearSpeed, and of course, Dasmos, who thought he just found the investigator.  I didn't tell him who Khush was, and left that up to Khush, himself, based on trust, and just in case Khush was pulling one over on us, since we didn't have nickmitch confirmed yet, I also informed vudu, in the event Dasmos did die, so we'd have an idea Khush was out against us.

After the success on Day 2, Day 3 had a bit of a muddier start, mostly because I decided not to develop a specific type of list, the one of relatively unconfirmed townies, and started a quest to solidify who the mafia was... This began with a message to Stratos, which blew up some, when it was really nothing, but could have ended us all up in trouble.  Still, things worked out, and we had a list of relatively inactive players who could have missed the hit as a godfather.  On the top of the list was Plugabugz, who had the time of the end of the day wrong, and the rest were people who were online or not, but didn't seem to play the game.  As it turned out, 2/5 were mafia, and we eliminated one of the two, UncleBob through investigation.  From there, I posted what we knew about these people, including myself, and it left Pale and Plugabugz as potential godfathers.  I bought Plugabugz story, and so did some others, but in the end, most did not, and he lost, that's all pretty clear in the thread.

And so, today, we were left with Khush investigating one of the last few mystery players, NuclearSpeed, who was mafia, and thus, when Khush voted for him, most of the townies knew what it meant.

And then that was the end.

Also, it's funny, because even though in most cases, I knew who to vote for, I was able to vote for Pale, yet still help out the townies.  It's just like stevey, except I worked with other people :p

Anyways, if I had to pick a VIP or two, I'd say Khush, vudu, or Dasmos would be the main people who won the game.  Why?  Khush came up with or helped developed several serious plans, and identified all the people who needed to be identified for us to take our position in the game.  It wasn't luck that he found who he did, beyond nickmitch, it was all part of what he had analyzed, and I have to agree that the players chosen were the right ones.  vudu's day one move, while many didn't choose to go with it, really set Khush up with a back-up plan, and gave him a certain townie to work with beyond identifications.  This meant, that with vudu as an aware safety net, Khush could reveal himself to at least one person a day, and if he died, it would be likely that we'd know another mafia member.  vudu's move was key to making a townie alliance quickly and successfully.  I don't really have to say much about Dasmos's work.  It speaks for itself.  A successful hit of both Maxi and UncleBob, as well as a willingness to work with a questionable team really lead to the "peaceful" resolution we had, as well as the early end.

I'd think this townie team is one to be put in the record books, where five "villains" were defeated in four days, while only two townies were lost.  I just wish that the villains in the game didn't have the technical difficulties they did, because had they not, it would have been a much more challenging game.

Also, Plugabugz, I wanted to say this earlier, but it wasn't your timezone that killed you, but your inactivity.  It was likely that mathematical error, so you thought you'd be awake at the time.  I'd like to say that all godfathers should send in a "rough draft" of who they'd like to hit as soon as possible, and if need be, change it later.  It's just better to play it safe.

Also, Mop_it_up doesn't play nice with others.  She's about on the stevey-level of "individual" at this point!
I personally feel that stevey helped in a indirect way. Him being voted out put some thoughts on possible mafia members that voted for him.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2009, 07:01:37 AM »
I lay blame at the timezone because it removes any ability for me to defend myself or make the best option knowing what happens between 10pm-3am. Generally before then few people are online, and making an early post breeds suspicion because i'm not around later on. 1 hour late is not as bad as 12; i woke up and checked my emails on Day 2 and saw a flurry of messages from everyone in my team asking why haven't i called in a hit.

The only way i got around it was by using Khush/DaaMaan64 in the Mario Kart Mafia series to act as an "anchor" in the correct zone, but this would have to be done permanently for games i'm in - hosting or playing.

I can only take for granted the time that i don't have. For example, look at the threads and view all the posts that took place before 3pm (decoy's time) - They are the only ones i will most likely see. Everything beyond that i won't.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 07:07:35 AM by Plugabugz »

Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2009, 10:39:46 AM »
Who's ready for a photo-dump of all the awesome pics I didn't get to use because some jerk killed me?


The last one was for Infernal Monkey, in case he decided to grace us with his presence.  ;)
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Offline Stogi

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2009, 12:39:33 PM »'s kind of a bummer that it ended so soon. Townie alliances formed real quick. At first we had two groups but then by the middle of the second day we were all together; investigator and vader in tow.

I kinda wish there was a second killer just so the alliance would break apart.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2009, 12:44:59 PM »
I love those stormtrooper pictures! Hilarious.
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Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2009, 02:03:19 PM »
Maxi, I ditched Jango because of some "developments" behind the scenes. I crossed out everything related to him in the day thread.
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Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2009, 02:52:25 PM »
Maxi, I ditched Jango because of some "developments" behind the scenes. I crossed out everything related to him in the day thread.
Someone want to enlighten me on these "developments"?

I guess after you posted that the 2nd killer was in I didn't really check the Day 4 topic.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2009, 04:10:16 PM »
I am pleased. The rebels have been crushed, now to bring ultimate peace I must overthrow the emperor and rule the galaxy with an iron fist. The apprentice will finally become the master of the sith!
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Offline Dasmos

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2009, 05:43:50 PM »
Maxi, I ditched Jango because of some "developments" behind the scenes. I crossed out everything related to him in the day thread.
Someone want to enlighten me on these "developments"?

This is the PM Stratos had sent to Khush on Day 4:

Quote from: Stratos
Well, truth be told I was wrestling with a lot of guilt over this. I can be a cold blooded killer, but doing it to people in the same game where we've fostered such trust? Very hard. The only logical first hit was you and I especially hated having to do that because I am kinda sick of how everyone has to kill you off early. Also, what is the fun of killing off one of the best players early on and not engaging in a little mind battle with him? So I was rather rooting for you to win the game.

I just girded myself to send in an early hit request to decoyman because I wasn't going to be here tonight but I will cancel it. I had mixed feelings about the whole matter anyway. It really does feel a bit like it is violating basic mafia principles.

Basically Stratos turned himself in after becoming the second killer.
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Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2009, 05:51:38 PM »
Maxi, I ditched Jango because of some "developments" behind the scenes. I crossed out everything related to him in the day thread.
Someone want to enlighten me on these "developments"?

This is the PM Stratos had sent to Khush on Day 4:

Quote from: Stratos
Well, truth be told I was wrestling with a lot of guilt over this. I can be a cold blooded killer, but doing it to people in the same game where we've fostered such trust? Very hard. The only logical first hit was you and I especially hated having to do that because I am kinda sick of how everyone has to kill you off early. Also, what is the fun of killing off one of the best players early on and not engaging in a little mind battle with him? So I was rather rooting for you to win the game.

I just girded myself to send in an early hit request to decoyman because I wasn't going to be here tonight but I will cancel it. I had mixed feelings about the whole matter anyway. It really does feel a bit like it is violating basic mafia principles.

Basically Stratos turned himself in after becoming the second killer.

Ah so I was right.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Stratos

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2009, 05:53:14 PM »
Well, Khush had also chosen to investigate me that day anyway on a hunch and so the cat was out of the bag before day's end. Vader would have been dispatched to assassinate me and NuclearSpeed would have been voted out that day. So at best I had one kill.
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Offline Mop it up

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2009, 06:24:58 PM »
Also, Mop_it_up doesn't play nice with others.  She's about on the stevey-level of "individual" at this point!
Sorry hon, but that's what happens when I don't know anything and nobody wants to talk to me. I don't understand why nobody contacted me on day 2 when I was investigated as a townie.

But hey, I helped on the third day by voting for Plugabugz even though some of you were switching your vote. You should have stuck with your original convictions.

I knew Khushrenada had a role, either investigator or vigilante, but I didn't know who he was in contact with. It seemed like everybody was talking with someone else so I had no idea who might be Mafia. I don't know what you expected me to do in that situation.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2009, 06:27:08 PM »
Don't worry Mop_it_up no one bothered to contact me like usual. I think they fear women.
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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2009, 06:30:53 PM »
Don't worry Mop_it_up no one bothered to contact me like usual. I think they fear women.

Hey, I talked to you. Together we drew the first blood of the game.
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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2009, 06:31:13 PM »
I think they fear women.
Well I KNOW Stratos does, and I think Thatguy does too. Seriously, in his own words he voted for me when I was a confirmed townie. That's just mean.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2009, 06:33:58 PM »
Well yes Stratos did contact me and thatguy with his goofy Vader investigation question.
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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #43 on: November 13, 2009, 06:38:02 PM »
I think they fear women.
Well I KNOW Stratos does, and I think Thatguy does too. Seriously, in his own words he voted for me when I was a confirmed townie. That's just mean.

And yet strangely women hate me.
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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2009, 06:44:40 PM »
Well, Khush had also chosen to investigate me that day anyway on a hunch and so the cat was out of the bag before day's end. Vader would have been dispatched to assassinate me and NuclearSpeed would have been voted out that day. So at best I had one kill.

Nope. He had investigated DrewMG.
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Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2009, 06:48:31 PM »
Well, Khush had also chosen to investigate me that day anyway on a hunch and so the cat was out of the bag before day's end. Vader would have been dispatched to assassinate me and NuclearSpeed would have been voted out that day. So at best I had one kill.

Nope. He had investigated DrewMG.

See we could still be playing this but I guess since Stratos assumed that Khushrenada had investagated him he ended the game early.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2009, 06:50:14 PM »
No, I agreed to do it either way. I realized that Khush could have been tricking me but I felt it best to end it.

Either way at best I'm sure I would have gotten only a kill or two in. Nuclearspeed was dead either way so there was little that could have been done at this point without causing a lot of bitterness.
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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2009, 06:51:18 PM »
Well, Khush had also chosen to investigate me that day anyway on a hunch and so the cat was out of the bag before day's end. Vader would have been dispatched to assassinate me and NuclearSpeed would have been voted out that day. So at best I had one kill.

Yup, it was a bluff. I'm assuming he sent the same PM to everyone he wasn't sure of.

I am pleased. The rebels have been crushed, now to bring ultimate peace I must overthrow the emperor and rule the galaxy with an iron fist. The apprentice will finally become the master of the sith!

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2009, 06:57:11 PM »
I didn't really send any PMs to anyone this game, at least to begin with, unless they contacted me first.

The exceptions were NuclearSpeed to ask if he was the killer, and then when I sent out those "fake" pms claiming I knew someone had been investigated as something.

And actually, once we were sure of it, I did add Mop_it_up to the group message thing.  So I guess you could count that, too.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Mafia XXXIX Star Wars Mafia: REBEL ALLIANCE - Conclusion
« Reply #49 on: November 13, 2009, 06:59:08 PM »
And actually, once we were sure of it, I did add Mop_it_up to the group message thing. So I guess you could count that, too.
I wouldn't. That happened on day 4. You should have been sure of it on day 2.